Yang's Liushen Wuzhu wept silently, his vision was so blurred that he was about to bump into his eyes without anyone noticing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Feeling that her body was bumped, Yang Shi couldn't care less about seeing the person in front of her, and just bowed her head to apologize, but a pleasant voice came from above her head.

"Auntie? What's wrong with you?"

Yang raised her eyes, only to see that the person standing in front of her was Su Ce.

That's right, how could she forget about the little princess.

"Little Junwang, please help us." Without saying a word, Yang immediately knelt down in front of him, holding only the corners of his clothes with both hands.

Su Ce was stunned and quickly helped her up, "Auntie, get up and talk, talk slowly if you have anything to say."

I heard that once the powerless common people enter the sky prison, they will only suffer. How could Yang dare to delay, and hurriedly told him what happened today. Su Ce frowned when he heard this, "Zhixi?"

He sneered, "It's just that both parents have died, and the emperor canonized the princess only because of his old love. How dare he be so savage!"

Hearing this name made him angry, this little Princess Zhixi was famous for being unreasonable in the capital, even more difficult than Chaoyang.

It is rumored that as long as there is excitement, there is her, and it is not a big deal to watch the excitement. There are even rumors that as long as she wants something, she will do everything possible to get it, and even if she can't get it, she will destroy it.

How could such a hot girl get involved with Ling's restaurant?

"Auntie, don't worry, leave this matter to me, and then I will go to Jingzhao Mansion Yin to rescue Uncle Ling, but you have to tell me first, who else was there besides Zhixi?"

How could it be possible for Mrs. Yang to call out the names of the aristocratic daughters of the capital one by one. She looks pretty, but it is impossible to tell who is who.

"Eight, no, it seems to be seven people, it seems that they are all sisters, and they are all girls from ordinary families. I don't know them either."

Su Ce didn't intend to force her. In fact, he was just curious about whether there was Lan Qianying, because after all, Zhixi and Ling Mu'er had no grievances, and it was impossible to frame her for no reason, but it would be different if they wanted to stand out for their sisters.

"Mother, did you find Mu'er, and did you find Shangguan Shaochen?" Ling Zixuan ran over panting, because his back was turned, he didn't see Su Ce.

Yang shook her head in disappointment, "Mu'er is not in the capital right now when she goes out to see a doctor, and boy Chen heard that he is going out to work for the emperor again, but don't worry Xuan'er, the king of Xiaojun said that he will definitely help us."

It was only now that Ling Zixuan saw that Su Ce was standing opposite him, and he bowed his hands at ninety degrees, "Ling Zixuan thanked the little prince."

"You're welcome, it's just a trivial matter, don't take it to heart, it's just in time for you to come, so come pick up your father with me."

Asking Yang to go back first, Su Ce took Ling Zixuan to the yamen.

The king of the small county came out, and the governor of the Jingzhao government would not dare to offend him. Naturally, he released him after a few pleasantries, but after all, it is a matter of life and death, and the restaurant cannot be unsealed for the time being.

Su Russia frowned slightly, "You mean, no matter what, you won't sell me this thin noodle anymore?"

Seeing Su Ce's displeasure, Jingzhao Mansion Yin hurriedly explained: "No, no, no, what did the little county king say? I will let you let everyone go. It's just that there are so many people watching in this restaurant today. If this matter is not resolved, it will be difficult for the official to explain to the people."

The Governor of Jingzhao is an upright and honest man, he can let people go, but the problem with the food in the restaurant must be strictly investigated. If only one commoner fainted today, if ten or hundreds of them tomorrow, wouldn’t it cause panic among the common people? ?

Su Ce understood what he meant and didn't intend to embarrass him. He said lightly, "Oh? If that's the case, I'll help you find out where the maid who fainted is. Take me to see."

At this moment the maid was lying in the guest room of the yamen, Fu Yin also called the doctor to check, and the answer he got was that she had indeed been poisoned.

"Impossible. All the food in our restaurant has been strictly inspected. It can't be poisonous. Could it have been picked up elsewhere?" Ling Zixuan was very emotional. Even more excited to the point of trembling.

"I can only conclude that I was poisoned, but when I was poisoned, it's too difficult for me." The doctor shrugged, he was just a doctor and not a forensic doctor.

Ling Zixuan wanted to say something, but was stopped by Su Ce, who gestured for everyone to come out.

The governor of Jingzhao didn't know what the little county king was going to do, so he could only obediently follow behind.

About half a stick of incense, Su Ce returned to the guest room, but this time he was the only one still wearing a mask.

He first took out a small black bottle from his bosom, put it under the fainted maid's nose and sniffed it, and the maid woke up after a while.

She looked around suspiciously, and then saw a man standing in front of the bed, with his arms crossed and his face full of vigilance, "You, who are you, and what is this place? Why am I here?"

Su Ce curled his lips, "Of course I'm Princess Zhixi's, she asked me to tell you, haven't you forgotten what I told you before?"

The maid was unprepared, and when she heard that it was the master, she nodded hurriedly, "I dare not be arrogant, the master confessed that no matter what others asked after waking up, he would say that he was poisoned after eating boiled mutton in Ling's restaurant. However, I used to Why haven't I seen you by the master's side, why are you wearing a mask?"

"How come people around Zhixi haven't seen me, why don't you take a closer look?" After getting the answer he wanted, Su Ce stopped pretending and slowly took off his mask.

After seeing the man's true face, the maid was startled, and quickly covered her mouth in shock, "Little, little prince, how could it be you?"

After all, I have been with the princess for many years, and realized that I was cheated, the slaves immediately looked out the door. Unfortunately, under Su Ce's high-five signal, Jingzhao Fu Yin, the doctor and Ling Zixuan walked in one after another.

"Well, you slave, how dare you pretend to be ill to frame Ling's restaurant, saying, did princess Zhixi order you to do this, and what's the matter with your poison?"

The servant girl was terrified, but the loyal one refused to admit it, "I, I don't know what's going on, and I can't understand what you are saying! I was poisoned in the Ling's restaurant, yes, it was the boiled mutton! "

Ling Zixuan was impatient, "You didn't say that just now, obviously your master ordered you to do this, right?"

"No!" The servant yelled, and when she looked at Su Ce again, she said pitifully, "Young County King Mingcha, how can the master be such a vicious person, I beg the Little County King to believe in the master and the servant."

Su Ce used this trick because he didn't believe it.

I saw him throwing away her hand holding the hem of the clothes in disgust, and the words he opened seemed to be casual, but extremely vicious, "It doesn't matter if you don't tell me, but I will have someone lock you up in the dungeon, I heard that the place is dark and damp And you will be bullied by bold jailers. How about you guess now, if you are really imprisoned, will your master come forward to save you?"

If Zhixi shows up, it means that all this belongs to her, and I'm afraid she won't be able to hide at this moment.

"No, don't treat me like this, I said, can't I just say anything?"

The servant girl was terrified, she still had her elderly parents to take care of outside, if something really happened, what would the family do?

"It was the little princess who deliberately framed the Ling family restaurant in order to avenge Miss Lan. If she said such a thing, Ling Mu'er would be embarrassed. But all the ladies present were noble girls, and I was the only servant, so the master took out the poison and let me eat it in advance. , Said that someone would come to pick me up later, Xiaojun Wang, I dare not hide everything, all of this is the master's idea."

Su Ce frowned, "Miss Lan? Lan Qianying?"

"Yes, Miss Lan's complexion has been very ugly recently. It is said that it is because of the Xiaojun Wang's refusal to marry. The master thought it was exciting and wanted to suppress Ling Mu'er, so..."

"That's why you framed things like this, do you know how much trouble it has brought to our Ling family!"

Ling Zixuan was in a hurry, if it wasn't for the fact that she was a girl, he would have rushed up and cut her neck.

"Okay, now the truth is out, do you know what to do?" Su Ce turned around, his eyes swept away from Jingzhao Fu Yin, who was busy bending over at ninety degrees, "Such a vicious thing happened in the capital , no matter who the other party is, I will definitely investigate and refuse to wear it, please rest assured, Xiaojun Wang."

Su Ce, who had already reached the door, turned around again, "That's it?"

Jingzhao Mansion Yin was taken aback, but quickly realized, "I will immediately send someone to unseal the Ling Family Restaurant, and I will publicly prove the truth to the people. I don't know what orders the Xiaojun King has."

"You are a rare honest and honest official. The next time this king sees the emperor, he will definitely speak well of you."

After leaving the words, Su Ce took Ling Zixuan to pick up Ling Dazhi himself.

Because he was arrested because there was no trial, the jailer did not torture him, and Ling Dazhi was in a good state of mind. Su Ce asked the two of them to go back first, and go to a more important matter by himself.

"Miss, the little princess is here to see you." The servant girl ran in from outside happily.

Lan Qianying, who was sitting on a chair doing embroidery, was stunned, the needle tip pierced her hand, but she couldn't stop the joy in her heart, "Really?"

"Quick, quickly dress me up. Also, take out the goose yellow dress that I made the day before yesterday. Brother Ce said I look good in goose yellow." After the maid repeatedly confirmed that it was Su Ce who came to the house, Lan Qianying felt in her heart Not to mention how happy she was, she even put the newly bought hairpin on her head.

"Miss is indeed the number one beauty in the capital. She is so beautiful. I'm sure the little princess will not even be able to move."

"You're the one with the sweetest mouth." Hearing the maid's praise, and seeing her own appearance, Lan Qianying couldn't help but smile from ear to ear, "Where is the little prince, take me there quickly."

"They said they were waiting in the gazebo in front."

It's rare for Su Ce to come to her. No matter what the reason is, she has to leave him behind today. Lan Qianying walks extremely fast because she doesn't care about the dignity of the lady.

From a distance, she saw that Mr. Pianpian standing in the gazebo in the center of the lake, Lan Qianying was about to reach out her hand to signal but saw a woman in his arms.

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