"Little Junwang, what do you mean?" Lan Qianying's heart fell to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

Looking at Su Ce again, he still looks like a handsome young man, besides, the woman in his arms is none other than the legitimate daughter of Minister of Rites and her good sister.

"It's nothing interesting, I just think it's time for you to see clearly that even without Ling Muer, there will be other women around me." Su Ce said as he hooked the woman's jaw with his other hand, provoking her. The red lips are ready to be kissed.

Lan Qianying was furious, "Brother Ce!"

She roared angrily. Fortunately, Su Ce didn't really kiss her, but even though the latter stopped moving, he was even angrier than her, "What are you yelling at?"

When Su Ce said this, he didn't look at Lan Qianying's face at all, but carefully looked at the woman in his arms, and the woman felt shy when he saw it. He still seemed like he couldn't get enough of it, "Who are you to me? Who do you want to spoil the king tonight?"

After Su Ce finished speaking, he seemed to be careless, but deliberately tore off the first button on the front of the woman's skirt, revealing the woman's slender neck.

But Lan Qianying clearly saw a dark red hickey on the side of the woman's neck.

"You, you actually..." The soft heart seemed to be torn into tens of thousands of pieces, Lan Qianying stepped back a few steps, looking at the two in front of her in disbelief.

At this moment, her heart was pierced like an arrow, it hurt, it really hurt.

"In the capital, I can do whatever I want, especially this woman, even if I can't get the one I want, she will send a lot of it to my arms, but the kind of gossip and scheming, this woman The king won't want it." Su Ce stared closely at her eyes, watched her color turn from white to blue, and proudly hugged the woman in his arms and swaggered away.

The hand holding the veil wanted to pinch into flesh and blood, Lan Qianying looked at their retreating backs, trembling all over with anger.

"Ying'er?" A majestic and helpless voice came from behind, Lan Qianying looked back, only to see her father sighed sadly, "Everyone is gone, why are you still staring?"

The grievance suddenly surged from the bottom of my heart, and the emotions that I had controlled so well just now burst out in an instant.

Lan Qianying immediately knelt down in front of her father, "Father, you have to make decisions for Ying'er."

Tears were pouring down like a waterfall breaking a bank, Lan Qianying held her chest with one hand, her heart ached, she would rather die than die.

"What are you doing?" The prime minister was very distressed, and hurriedly helped his daughter up, and then he shook his head when he saw Su Ce go far away, "Why are you doing this? The little county king is fickle by nature, I told you a long time ago, But you insist on doing so, hey."

"I don't care, I'm Brother Huanxice!" Lan Qianying stood on the spot and hopped her feet, "He's just being confused by that bitch Ling Muer, he found out about the restaurant because of me, so he came to warn me Take revenge on me, but Dad, you promised me, you said you would let me marry Brother Ce."

How can a father resist his daughter's acting like a baby? She is still the precious girl who has been held in the palm of her hand since she was a child.

"Ying'er, why are you so stubborn? Then Su Ce's public refusal to marry you, do you know how much face Rangwei's father has lost? He not only bullied you, but also bullied our entire prime minister's residence!"

Lan Qianying didn't speak, but stared at him with teary eyes.

The prime minister supported his forehead and sighed. He wanted to blame his daughter but was reluctant to punish her.

"That's all, since this is your evil fate, as a father, I can't just watch you fall. The little county king can't move now, but we can move Ling Mu'er."

Seeing that Ling Dazhi returned safely with no injuries, and hearing Ling Zixuan's complete explanation, Mrs. Yang felt very grateful to Su Ce. When it was getting dark, she insisted that Ling Zixuan invite him to dinner at home. .

"Thank you Xiaojun Wang for saving your life."

Su Ce hurriedly helped her up, "Auntie, you're being polite. Miss Ling has saved me three times, and it's what I should do."

He handed a token into Yang's hands, "Auntie, take this, and if you have any difficulties in the capital, you can come to the county palace to find me at any time."

Looking at the heavy token in their palms, will they have a backer and guarantee in the future?

Yang Shi and Tang Shi looked at each other, excitedly grateful, "Thank you Xiaojun Wang, if it weren't for you today, our Ling family really doesn't know what to do, thank you."

Ling Zixuan watched everything in front of him silently, and quietly left the room without saying a word.

Su Ce was shocked by the enthusiasm of these people, and said a few polite words to leave, but Yang refused to let them go no matter what stopped them.

"You are the savior of our whole family, you have to have a light meal before leaving, besides, considering the time, Mu'er should come back."

When he heard that Ling Mu'er was coming back, Su Ce became interested, "Then respect is worse than obedience."

Yang and Tang went to cook, Ling Dazhi and Yang Dayong chatted with Xiaojun Wang, and it was already dark in the blink of an eye.

Su Ce looked at the time, "Auntie, do you know where Miss Ling went to see a doctor, why didn't she come back so late?"

If Su Ce didn't remind her, Yang would forget about it. Could it be that my daughter was delayed by something at this moment?

"That's right, Mu'er used to come back from the doctor's office before you hour, so she didn't encounter anything on the way, did she?" Ling Dazhi stood up nervously.

When Su Ce heard this, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Although Zhixi took the lead in doing today's matter, it was to make Lan Qianying stand out, and the purpose was to make Ling Mu'er look bad, but if Lan Qianying wanted to take revenge, how could she let go of this excellent opportunity.

"I'll send someone to the hospital to have a look."

Su Ce explained a few words to his subordinates, and everyone didn't have any extra mood to cook and wait in the hall.

Some people paced back and forth, some frowned, and some were worried. About half an hour later, the subordinates came down to report that there was no one else in the medical hall except Shangzhi and Jiangxiang.

Yang was terrified, "Something really happened, right? Mu'er is a girl's family after all, it's dark outside and the road is slippery..."

Yang's worry moved everyone in the Ling family, and Tang hurriedly put on his coat and went out to look for it.

"Mother, we are the ones to look for. You are still waiting at home at your age." Yang Dayong hurriedly pushed his mother on the seat.

"Everyone stay here. You don't have martial arts and your speed is not as fast as mine. My aunt just said Fengcheng, right? I'll go find it."

Why trouble the little county king twice. Ling Dazhi hurriedly refused, "No way, the little county king has helped enough today, our own daughter can go find it herself."

"Miss Ling is not only my friend, but also my savior. If something happens to her, I feel uneasy." Seeing that Yang was about to cry again, Su Ce smiled at her, "Miss Ling is blessed." Maybe it's just because of the delay in seeing a doctor, you don't have to worry too much, I'll go and bring her back safely."

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, Su Ce went up and down a few times and left Ling's mansion with lightness kung fu.

The surrounding was dark and damp, and there were three people drinking and playing cards in the distance. Ling Mu'er tried to move, but she was tied to a wooden stake and couldn't move.

Cursing her lips, she smiled coldly, trying to trap her with just such a trick?

In fact, she had already woken up before a stick of incense. At that time, there were several people in the room watching her. Maybe they found that she was lethargic or too confident about their drugs, so they locked the door and went out to play cards.

She is a doctor, and the most low-level drugs of course do not have a long-term effect on her. She tried to twist it, and found that the knot on the wrist was easy to untie.

Three times, five times and two times, she successfully escaped from the bondage, and hurriedly took out a detoxification pill from the space, and drank a few mouthfuls of spiritual spring water. Sure enough, after a while, her body fully recovered, and she was even more energetic than before.

Tiptoing to the door, she tried to look out through the gap. Five meters away, there were three men around a square table, drinking wine and playing cards. She immediately moved to the window next to her. Not far away, there seemed to be a group of people discussing something. There were about twenty or thirty people, all of them vicious and all of them were Lianjiazi.

The door and window were not working, so she immediately moved to the back door. It was not good to see it, but she was really surprised just by looking at it.

A strangely dressed man right in front of her is the one who tied him here just now. Although the man in front of her is wearing night clothes, the shoes on his feet are of high quality. It seems that the person who proposed to kidnap her is a powerful people.

Ling Muer immediately put her ear on the wooden door, held her breath and listened carefully to their conversation,

"Master, we have agreed to pay the remaining 10,000 taels of reward after arresting the person. Hehe, shouldn't the money be paid now?" His hands were still shaking, and he looked like a foolish ruffian.

"When I asked you to do business, when did I treat you badly?" The man in black said, throwing a bank note in disdain, then he looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping, and hissed and warned: "Master, this time, tell me Yes, this time the matter is done well, there is still a reward of three thousand taels."

The bandit leader was overwhelmed when he heard that, "Really? The master still cares about us, don't worry, the girl in the room has been drugged by me and won't wake up for a while. When she wakes up, she will already be my oppressor." Mrs. Zhai! Hahaha"

"That girl is so beautiful, she really lied to you if she fell into your hands, that's all, let's hurry up." The man in black dropped his words and left in the opposite direction. Ling Muer, who was eavesdropping, showed a murderous look , with a thick cold light in his eyes.

There were people watching from all sides of the room, and it was impossible to escape. Ling Mu'er was planning whether she would be able to fight against them alone if she fought against them. She was thinking about the sound of footsteps approaching, so she immediately put herself on full alert.

Want to mess with her? I don't even look to see if I have the ability,

Ling Muer thought about it for a second, and she disappeared from the room. The next second, the closed wooden door was opened, and the bandit leader grabbed his trousers with both hands, with a sinister smile on his face: "Hey, my beauty , Lao Tzu... what about people, where did they go!"

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