That's right, at this moment Ling Muer was hiding in the God Ring space, looking at the glaring eyes of the bandit leader, she couldn't help but laugh.

The subordinates outside rushed in when they heard the voice, "Brother, what's the matter?"

The bandit leader smacked his subordinate's head with a fist, "You still ask me what's wrong, open your dog eyes to see clearly, what about that girl!"

The other two guards rushed over when they heard the voice. Several of them looked inside the house and around, blinking their eyes, "Yeah, where are you?"

"Brother, we have been guarding here, she can't get out at all." One of the thin and tall men wanted to shirk responsibility.

"It won't be haunted, brother?" The other short and fat man shivered tremblingly, and stepped back unconsciously.

"Damn you!" The fist hit his head again, and the bandit leader was so angry that smoke came out of his head, "Why are her mother standing still, chasing him!"

He purposely locked Ling Mu'er here because the house was surrounded by guards, and it was impossible to escape. Could it be that he was discovered and rescued?

Thinking that there were still three thousand taels not in hand, the bandit leader was so angry that he copied the guy and brought his brothers to chase immediately.

After everyone left, Ling Muer came out of the space. At present, she can only hide in the God Ring, but she can't control it to move freely, so she has to find another way down the mountain.

This should be the junction of Fengcheng and the capital. Ling Muer had never been to this mountain before, and it was late at night, making it difficult for her to walk.

I don't know what my parents are worried about at home.

Thinking of this, Ling Muer couldn't help speeding up her pace, but there was a faint candlelight not far ahead, "Brother, our people have all gone down the mountain and we haven't found anyone. The terrain here is complicated, so the girl shouldn't be able to run far."

The bandit leader turned around in a rage, "There is no way down the mountain, so I will find another way." I don't know if there is a sense, he pointed his long arm in the direction of Ling Muer, "Over there, Give me a careful search."

Ling Muer was startled in her heart, she didn't expect that the bandit leader had some skills, and was about to use his mind to return to the space again, when a big palm suddenly appeared on his shoulder.

Ling Mu'er's whole body tensed up, and she was about to resist, but the visitor quickly turned her body around, and when she was about to shout out in panic, the visitor quickly covered her mouth, "Shh, yeah I."

Ling Muer hooked her lips in surprise after being shocked, and whispered when he let go, "Why are you?"

"Get out of here first."

Su Ce wrapped his long arms around her slender waist, and before the bandits approached, he took her away quickly with light work.

"It's far away from the bandits' stronghold, so they probably won't be able to catch up. Are you alright?"

After confirming that she was safe at the moment, Su Ce immediately looked around at her, and was relieved to find that there was no wound on her body.

Ling Mu'er looked at him appreciatively, "I can't tell, you're quite amazing, you found the exit so quickly in this jungle, have you been here before?"

When she escaped just now, she searched for two circles but couldn't find a way out.

Su Ce pursed his lips proudly, and his unruly smile seemed to win the girl's soul away, "I am not an embroidered pillow. When I was practicing in the military camp, you didn't know which mountain corner you were hiding in and crying."

I see.

Ling Muer felt that it was time for her to get to know Su Ce again.

This little county king with extraordinary skill and wisdom is not as simple as it looks.

"How do you know I'm here?"

Although she could escape safely without him coming, she was still very grateful for Su Ce's timely appearance, and she was not so scared in the dark night.

"That's a long story..." Su Ce told her everything that happened in the restaurant during the day, but consciously ignored the matter about Lan Qianying. It wasn't that he wanted to protect Lan Qianying, he just didn't want Ling Mu The son was injured because of revenge, "Your parents were worried about you, but they couldn't find anyone, so they had to send me here."

After saying that, he took out a signal flare from his pocket, and with a whoosh sound, the golden flare exploded like fireworks.

"What are you doing?"

"Before I came out, I made an agreement with my aunt. As long as I see this signal flare, I will find you, and you are safe. If they don't hear from you at such a late hour, they will have trouble sleeping all night. This time, I can rest assured that I can sleep well." .”

Seeing his raised side face, handsome features, handsome yet gentle, Ling Muer's heart throbbed for a moment, Su Xiaojun Wang had a heart.

She remembered this favor.

"If I saved your life this time, tell me, how can you thank me?" Su Ce's jumping voice sounded like a melodious note, and he stopped suddenly, his eyes smiling.

Before Ling Mu'er could reply, Su Ce turned around and said happily, "If you really have no other good ideas, I can offer you one. It would be nice to promise you one."

After saying that, his cheeks were still red. It turns out that the brazen little county king also has shy moments.

"You are so beautiful."

Ling Muer scolded him, ignored Su Ce's instantly disappointed face, and walked forward.

Looking at the moonlight, "It's midnight now, the city gate must be closed, even if we go back, we won't be able to enter the city." Ling Mu'er sighed helplessly, she didn't want to spend the night in the woods yet.

"That's right, so you are destined to spend the night with me here in the deep mountains and old forests tonight!" Su Ce walked up to her, bowed his body, and looked at her with a handsome face, "Lonely men and widows , just you and me."

"Oh? It seems that the little princess is very excited." Ling Muer not only did not avoid his approaching body, but raised her pretty face. The sudden movement made Su Ce unprepared. When she was very happy, she saw her With a strong foot, a howl piercing the sky immediately came from the jungle.


Su Ce hugged one foot and jumped on the spot, "Ling Muer, at least I saved your life tonight."

The girl swaggered ahead, and when she looked back, she smiled sweetly, "If you don't want to stay here to feed the wolves, hurry up and follow."

Ling Muer didn't go to the capital, but returned to Fengcheng in the opposite direction. She thought, instead of spending the night in the forest, it would be better to find a place to stay.

"I don't know if my aunt has fallen asleep." Ling Mu'er muttered to herself, but she still knocked on the door. Sure enough, there was no movement for a long time.

Just when the two were about to give up, there were vague footsteps and a weak question, "Who is it?"

"Ms. Mo, it's me. I encountered trouble on the way and can't go back to the capital for the time being. I want to stay with you for one night. Is it convenient?"

The old man inside was taken aback for a moment, but soon recognized the voice, she hurriedly opened the door, it was pitch black outside, she was half-blind, fumbling with her hands, "But Miss Ling?"

"Auntie is me." Ling Muer hurriedly grabbed her hand, "After returning from your place, I saw other patients, but it delayed the time to go back, so I had to come here to bother, I hope Auntie doesn't dislike it."

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it, you don't charge me a cent for my medical treatment, let alone staying overnight, even an old woman who lives here would love it." Realizing that there was still a breath, the old man looked at Su Ce's place, "Could it be your lover?" Come along too? You two come in quickly, it's cold outside."

Knowing that Su Ce must speak without restraint, Ling Muer hastily explained, "It's a friend who came out to look for me for my family when I learned that I didn't go back so late, so don't bother me, ma'am."

Seeing that she was going to light the lamp, Ling Muer hurriedly stopped her behavior.

Mo's natal family is poor, and the oil lamp has long been used up, and her eyes are close to blind, so she can't use them at all. The two of them came here just to stay for one night, so there is no need to waste it.

"My old lady's place is simple, so don't dislike it." Aunt Mo was a little embarrassed, "I don't know if the two of you have dinner so late, I'll go and order some noodles for you."

Even if she didn't eat, she couldn't bear to let Aunt Mo work hard for them in the middle of the night. Ling Muer couldn't bear it, "We've already eaten. If it's convenient for you, Madam, please help us find two quilts. We can take care of the rest by ourselves."

Aunt Mo's house was simple, with only one bed, so Ling Muer and Su Ce had to make the floor in the outhouse. Looking at the temporary new quilt brought by the aunt, she was very shocked, "Auntie, I'm afraid this is something you have been reluctant to use, so don't bother."

"Miss Ling, you saved my life. You are kind-hearted. You are the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva. It's just a quilt. Don't worry about it with my old lady."

Ling Mu'er knew that if she insisted on refusing, Aunt Mo would only feel uneasy, so she simply put the quilt away, and thanked her sweetly, "Thank you Aunt Mo, you should also go to bed earlier."

The outer room is not big, Ling Muer sleeps on the left, Su Ce sleeps on the far right, each next to the wall.

For a long time, only the sound of Aunt Mo's even breathing was heard. Su Ce turned his head and found Ling Mu'er's position accurately in the dark, "Hiss~ hiss~, our Ling Bodhisattva, don't force yourself if you can't sleep, the king can accompany you Chatting, you just need to go back to the capital and have a drink with me."

Speaking of drinking, she still owes a drink, and he will have to take a small notebook to write it down later.

"I was just wondering who was so cruel and kidnapped me halfway." Ling Mu'er's voice was neither high nor low, but very soft, making people feel like they were stepping on cotton.

Su Ce didn't ask her why she was kidnapped all night. I'm afraid he wanted to solve those people in his own way.

Hearing this, sure enough, he sneered and raised the corners of his lips, "Dare to do such a thing on the territory of the capital, under the eyes of this king, it's a pity that they offended me——Su Ce."

Ling Mu'er turned her head, and by the moonlight she could clearly see the confidence on his face, she couldn't help being a little crazy.

"Today, I came to Fengcheng to see Aunt Mo. On the way back, I met a man pretending to be sick. As a result, he knocked me out from behind while I was away. When I woke up, I was on that mountain." Ling Mu The son simply described, "However, that person was meeting with a man in black at the time. The man was dressed in a very dignified way. I didn't offend many people in the capital, and there were very few prominent ones. Therefore, the little county king probably knew that this was the case. What's the matter?"

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