A faint voice, but with a strong firmness.

Before Ling Mu'er could react, Shangguan Shaochen was looking nervously into her eyes, and repeated: "Mu'er, the best way now is to marry me, get married soon, you...will you?"

God, has she been proposed?

Although there were no flowers, no diamond rings, and no kneeling, Shangguan Shaochen's affectionate appearance was so charming.

"I, yes!" Nodding like pounding garlic, Ling Muer's face blushed.

"Hey, let me go, I said, can you two be more reserved?" Nangong Yizhi only felt that he would be fed with dog food all day long.

However, he was very satisfied with this solution, "That's right, now as long as the medical fairy girl marries her cousin, those Youyou's mouths can be blocked." Su Ce snapped his fingers, "If mother knows about this You will be so happy that you won’t be able to sleep, cousin, leave the matter of getting married to our Ningguohou Mansion, right?"

Originally they planned to get married again next summer, but Shangguan Shaochen didn't want to wait any longer. All the resentment and all the plans were nothing after Ling Mu'er was bullied.

He wanted to give her a home and a guarantee, as long as she truly became his woman, how dare those people think of her!

"Okay." An extremely hearty voice came from the top of his head. Although the words were addressed to Nangong Yizhi, his eyes never left Ling Mu'er.

Nangong Yizhi almost choked on his own spit. When he saw the picture in front of him, he immediately raised his hands to cover his eyes, "Hey, it's not suitable for children, it's not suitable for children." Tell mother this good news right away, let her prepare immediately, I will leave first, and I will wait for your wedding banquet later."

The thing Mrs. Ning Guohou has been looking forward to the most is not that her son can start a family and start a business, but that her nephew Shangguan Shaochen.

Her mother died early, and she handed her only son to her before she died. What she wanted most was to see him get married, which was also one of her lifelong wishes.

Shangguan Shaochen held Ling Mu'er in his arms, rubbing his rough palms on her face, "Mrs. Ning Guohou treats me like a mother-in-law, and there will be absolutely no ambiguity in marriage. Mu'er, I will definitely let you be a happy bride."

Standing on tiptoe, she dropped a kiss on his chin like a dragonfly on water. Ling Muer lowered her head shyly, and hugged his waist tightly with both hands, "I don't care, big brother, as long as the groom is you, I don't care what the wedding looks like, I I know you'll protect me, right?"

"From now on, you are my life!"

After the words fell, Shangguan Shaochen lowered his head and kissed the lips that had been thinking about him day and night.

The Ling's restaurant is now very popular in the capital, and it is impossible for the family members not to have heard of those talking about Ling Muer's right and wrong.

In order not to make everyone worry, Ling Mu'er spent three hours lobbying them to let go of their worries, and at the end she did not forget to tell them the good news.

"Mother, father, grandma, uncle, my eldest brother and I have already discussed that the Marquis of Ningguo will handle the marriage affairs, choose a good day and auspicious day, prepare the wedding items, etc., and if there are no mistakes, we will get married at the end of the year."

This news is simply the best news that everyone has heard in a while.

Tang stood up excitedly, "Really? Mu'er, you didn't lie to us?"

"How could I joke with you about such a big matter." Ling Muer took out a piece of paper and handed it in front of everyone, "This is just sent by my elder brother, and it is said that Mrs. Ning Guohou asked someone to do the math to read it. Day, which day do you think is better?"

At first, she thought that the daughter purposely said that she was going to get married to comfort them, but she didn't expect that all the auspicious days would be sent here, and Yang was so excited that she even cried.

"My girl, my girl who is so miserable, is finally getting married," she wiped her tears while looking at the days, and finally chose the middle date, "Just this day, it matches your horoscope. Mu'er , You are right, instead of arguing with others, we should live our own life in a down-to-earth way. What didn’t happen just didn’t happen. Right now, you are going to marry Chen boy. This day will come when you say it, mother It’s a shame to be alive.”

The whole family was overwhelmed by Yang's tears, and they all felt as if they were about to lose Ling Muer.

She looked at everyone and hurriedly threw herself into Yang's arms, "Mother, there is a good show to tell you. My eldest brother has discussed with me. After I get married, I will still live in the Ling family. In this way, our family will never be together." Separated."

Yang Dayong, who has never been too involved in such matters, frowned, "How can it be, how can a married girl still live in her mother's house, Mu'er, it's not that we have anything to say, but what is that boy Chen?" mean?"

The so-called water splashed by a married daughter, no matter how old her natal family is, once Ling Muer marries Shangguan Shaochen, she will have to follow him, and if she returns to the Ling family, she will only be talked about, and she will be gossiped about. rested.

Ling Muer knew everyone's thoughts, she smiled softly, "I knew you would have such a big reaction, but in fact things are not what you imagined."

She explained carefully, "Brother's parents died early. Although he had his own mansion in the capital, it would be empty to live alone, so he lived in Ningguohou's mansion all the year round. But it would be shameful if we still lived in other people's house after we got married, so we After discussing, we simply bought the house next to Ling's mansion, and then opened it up, so that our family will be together forever."

Hearing this, the gloom on everyone's faces dissipated, and even Mrs. Tang directly called this idea a good one.

"I knew Boy Chen wouldn't hurt you, Mu'er, you have to treat him well in the future, and don't bully him."

Before we got married, this mother was already protecting my son-in-law. Ling Muer pouted jealously, "Mother, when did Muer bully him?" Yesterday at the medical center, if Nangong Yizhi hadn't come back suddenly, Big Brother might not know how to bully her.

"Ma'am, miss, there is a happy woman coming outside the door, she said she is here to match the miss." The servant hurried to report, everyone's faces were shocked.

"Isn't it the Xi Po that Boy Chen found?" Tang asked tentatively, and then his face was overjoyed, "Although he looks cold and hard, but that kid has a soft heart, and he hasn't forgotten the rules. Come on, please Xi Po comes in."

A woman dressed gaudy, walking twisted and twisted, and holding a red handkerchief walked in joyfully, her bean-like eyeballs rolled around, and finally fell on Yang Shi.

"Hey, big sister, I'm here to congratulate you first. Congratulations to the Ling family for their happy marriage."

Xi Po had thick makeup on her face, and when she smiled, she wished she could get all the makeup off, but I believe that no one would refuse such congratulations, and would not be disgusted with her.

Although Mrs. Yang disliked her touch, she still took out a few taels of silver from her bosom and handed it to her, "Thank you, Mrs. Xi, with your good words, I wish my daughter a happy life."

"Marrying Zhang Yuanwai is of course a happy and happy family. He is the richest family in the capital. Although he is not a high-ranking official, his family has a lot of money. Marrying Zhang Yuanwai is rich in fine clothes, exquisite silk and satin, and he can enjoy endless good times. "

Xi Po's words stiffened the smiles on everyone's faces, and Mrs. Yang snatched back the money she had just paid, "What Zhang Yuanwai, you were not sent by Boy Chen, I said big sister, you went to the wrong house Bar."

The money was robbed, and Xi Po was very unhappy, but thinking that she would return it to her later, she simply smiled, "It's not wrong, it's not wrong, isn't this Ling's mansion? The Ling's restaurant is Does your family run it? Is that Miss Yixian your daughter? Zhang Yuanwai just took a fancy to Miss Yixian, so why don’t you send me to be a matchmaker? Although Zhang Yuanwai already has two wives in his family, he is also a bit older , but he loves his daughter-in-law, after the girl is married, she will definitely be spoiled to heaven, hey, where are you taking me!"

Xi Po hadn't finished speaking when two servants came over and took her arms and walked out.

Yang's face was already dark, "Shut up! What Zhang Yuanwai Wang Yuanyuan, my daughter is going to marry the commander of the Imperial Guard, if you talk nonsense, believe it or not, I will have you thrown out!"

"Hey, I said your family is really ridiculous. Don't you know what happened to your daughter? She was tied up by the bandits, and the most precious innocence of the girl's family is gone. It would be nice to marry Zhang Yuanwai, and you can marry Zhang Yuanwai." If you want to pick and choose, let’s have a good dream.”

Xi Po tried her best to break free from the bondage of the two, and looked at Ling Mu'er who was angry, she sneered, "I said girl, I sympathize with you as a woman, but after all, you have lost your innocence, and you are still delusional To be a princess in the palace, even if others want to marry, do you dare to marry?"

Ling Mu'er was so angry that she wanted to slap her.

Zhang Yuanwai? Isn't it the guy who was thrown out by Nangong Yizhi during the day.

"I'll let you talk nonsense, I'll let you talk nonsense, see if I don't kill you today." Seeing that she wasn't leaving and was still talking nonsense, Mrs. Yang angrily took out a broom and whipped it over, "How could my daughter be someone else? Your concubine, your daughter lost her innocence, and your whole family lost her innocence!"

Xi Po didn't expect that Yang Shi, who looked weak and incompetent and good-tempered just now, would be so pungent, and she just hopped on the spot in pain, "You, your family is simply lunatic. Can't the media work?"

"In that case, why don't you hurry up and get out!" Yang's face was full of anger, and she had the urge to kill her if she didn't leave.

"Silver, give me money. There is no reason for Xi Po to come home empty-handed. Besides, the Ling family did not agree first. If you don't give me money, it will be unlucky. In the future, your daughter will not be able to marry!"

They were all driven away with brooms, and they wanted money in vain, Yang was so angry that he almost fainted.

Ling Muer originally wanted to teach her a lesson. Smiling at the man's IQ, she gave the guards a look and signaled them to take him away, but she didn't even notice that she was hiding in the corner, her hands clenched into fists, and she rushed out Ling Zixuan.

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