"What Ling's mansion, I went to you, but it's just a village doctor from the countryside, and I'm still looking at the flying branches, and I don't weigh how much I weigh, I'm sorry!"

The matchmaker who was kicked out cried and cursed, "Where has my wife been wronged like this in my life? If you don't pay me, you'll just let me go out? You guys, just wait and see!"

The matchmaker flicked her sleeves angrily, and when she turned to leave, a powerful palm on her shoulder held her down.

"Yo, regret it? Tell you, it's too late!" Thinking that it was someone from Ling's mansion chasing after him to apologize, Xi Po raised her eyes angrily, only then did she see that it was a well-mannered young man, but his eyes were piercingly cold , she couldn't help shivering, "You, who are you?"

"Ling Zixuan."

"Who am I? It turned out to be Ling Mu'er's eldest brother. Why, now I regret it. Want to intercede for your sister?"

Ling Zixuan ignored her head-shaking complacency, and just stepped forward step by step, using his powerful pressure to force her to retreat a few steps until she was cornered by a wall.

"You, what are you going to do? Let me tell you, I am a well-known Xi wife in the capital, you must not be rude to me!" The matchmaker was terrified. Although her hands were clenched into fists, her body was shaking slightly.

She has secured media for so many people, what kind of tempered person has she never seen? But the person in front of me is not very old, but a gust of cold air can freeze her to death, very few of them.

"I warn you, don't think about my sister again, otherwise, I will take revenge on you at all costs!" Ling Zixuan gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes.

The matchmaker was frightened and wanted to open her mouth to call for help, but when she saw the menacing eyes he shot over again, she was so frightened that she was about to cry.

Ouch, at her age, she was actually bullied by a brat? What is the law of heaven!

"You, it's fine for you Ling's family to bully others, but you still want to threaten me, right? I, I have made it clear today. Don't think that Ling Mu'er won't marry if he doesn't want to marry, that Yuanwai is determined. Yes, you just wait to be a kid for others."

Xi Po threw down her words viciously and seemed to have to leave. Ling Zixuan wanted to catch up and teach him a lesson, but was stopped by Zhu Chi who came suddenly.

"Brother Ling, you're just a happy wife, why get so angry, it's not worth it."

"Why is it not worth it? The person they bullied is my sister, our Ling family!" Ling Zixuan's state was on the verge of collapse, and his eyes rolled straight, as if he had made up his mind.

"You know, I didn't mean that. They bullied Sister Mu'er, and I naturally felt uncomfortable. Half a year, it only takes half a year. As long as you take the imperial examination in summer, those people will not dare to bully the Ling family anymore. Brother Ling, you And wait a little longer."

Hearing this, Ling Zixuan's eyes lit up, but soon he sneered again, "That's right, as long as our Ling family is powerful, those people won't come to bully us, but half a year is too long. Surprise and happiness Dangerous, you never know which comes first."

Zhu Qi frowned slightly, "Brother Ling, you like this are not the you I know at all, if you treat me as a brother, then just listen to me and calm down."

Not to mention that Zhu Qi felt that he was strange, Ling Zixuan even felt that he was strange.

From the time when the restaurant in the county town was set on fire, from when the medical clinic was framed and used to kill people, to when the restaurant was sealed up, his heart seemed to be pierced.

As the eldest brother, he couldn't protect his younger sister, and as the son of Ling's family, but had such a group of people worry about his future, he deserved death.

"I just want to protect the Ling family and Mu'er." Letting go of Zhu Chi's hand, Ling Zixuan strode away without looking back.

Zhu Chi rushed into Ling's mansion immediately, and was about to tell everyone about Ling Zixuan's erratic mood, but he saw that everyone's complexions were not very good.

Yang was covering his face and weeping bitterly, while Tang was only lamenting his grandson's life. After thinking for a while, he quietly pulled Ling Mu'er into a corner, and expressed his guess.

Ling Mu'er was shocked when she heard the words, "Brother Zhu, you and I will search separately, we must find Big Brother as soon as possible."

"Okay." There was a bit of tension in Zhu Qi's gentle voice.

In the county palace, the little princess Chaoyang almost took out all her belongings, and the bed in the room was full of brocade clothes and skirts.

"Mu'er said that Zixuan likes to wear white clothes, but it doesn't mean he likes the women he likes to wear white clothes. This one is not for me." Chaoyang waved his hand, and the maidservants hurriedly removed all the white skirts.

"What about this one? How about I wear this light pink one?" Chaoyang gestured at her with a skirt that she had never worn before, but she felt awkward no matter how she looked at it, "Hey, this standard ladylike color is really not It fits my Chaoyang temperament, forget it, it should be red."

Pointing to the red dress with the highest appearance rate in the distance, she took the initiative to sit in front of the vanity mirror, "Hurry up, dress me up immediately, there is only a quarter of an hour before the appointment with Zixuan, this is the first time he has asked me out, absolutely not be late!"

Just now, someone came to report that Ling Zixuan asked her to meet by the lake in the western suburbs, and said that he would only wait for her for an hour.

I don't know why Ling Zixuan is looking for her, but this is the first time the two of them have met alone, and it makes people blush just thinking about it.

"The princess is really a beauty, and Mr. Ling will definitely not be able to move when he sees it later." The maid joked with a smile.

"You're so brave, you dare to make fun of this princess." Having said that, Chaoyang lowered her head shyly, it turns out that she also has such a girlish side.

He hurriedly came to the lake in the western suburbs, but he didn't see half of the figure. He got off his horse in the morning sun, and looked around with a pair of bright eyes.

"Ling Zixuan?" She put her hands on both sides of her mouth to make a trumpet shape, and called out cautiously.

"Strange, I was very anxious when I asked me out, why don't you see anyone now?" Chaoyang bit his lower lip tightly, a little nervous but also a little disappointed, "Could it be that I came a little late and he has already left?"

Thinking of this, Chaoyang's complexion changed, and he hurriedly turned to look for him, and when he turned around in a panic, he suddenly fell into a warm embrace.

"it's me."

A low but gentle voice came from above his head.

"Ling..." Chaoyang raised his eyes happily, but his soft lips were blocked.

Dazed for a moment, Chaoyang pushed him away abruptly, pointed at his face with one hand, covered his lips with the other, stomped his feet anxiously, "Ling Zixuan, you, you actually kissed me?"

No matter how playful and crazy she was, she would not dare to do such a thing with a man.

Chaoyang's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, he hurriedly turned around, not daring to look him in the eyes, his chest was throbbing, surprised and ashamed.

Ling Zixuan raised his hand, wanting to grab her shoulder, but after thinking about it, he couldn't let it go.

He sneered, and when he looked up again, his eyes were a little more sad, "You don't like me treating you like this?"

Ling Zixuan's voice was a little cold, and Chaoyang heard it, as if saying: If you don't like him, just leave.

"No!" Chaoyang hurriedly turned around, but then thought about how he was so eager to explain, what if Ling Zixuan misunderstood that she was that kind of dissolute and shameless woman? "I, I didn't mean that, I like you, you know it, I just didn't expect you to suddenly..."

"I want to marry you."

The simple and neat four words directly interrupted Chaoyang's unfinished words.

Ling Zixuan looked at her with firm eyes, without any hint of a joke.

Chaoyang was stunned.

It was well known in the capital that she chased Ling Zixuan. Ling Zixuan didn't like her, and it was also a topic of conversation after dinner. They hadn't even written a word yet, yet this man actually said he wanted to marry her?

"Ling Zixuan, are you really not teasing me?" Chaoyang asked cautiously, with a heart hanging in his throat.

"I, Ling Zixuan, came from a village farmer. I was lucky to come to the capital with my sister's help. I was even more fortunate to be Teacher Zhu's apprentice. I have no ability, no power, and no power. If I'm lucky, the imperial examination in summer will change my life, but if I'm unlucky, I will always be the commoner who is not worthy of you. But I like you, Chaoyang, maybe I don’t have deep affection for you now, but I will do my best not to make you feel wronged. Will you marry me? "

As long as the little princess of Chaoyang said no, Ling Zixuan thought, he would turn around and leave without hesitation, and never provoke this little overlord of the capital again in this life.

But Chaoyang put his hands on his chest, lowered his head shyly, but raised his eyes desperately to look at Ling Zixuan, "I, of course I am willing."

Her voice was very low, but there were only the two of them by the lake, facing the breeze and the lake water, conveying her sincerity into his ears.

"However, but why did you suddenly say these things to me today? Did something happen to you?"

Ling Zixuan grabbed her shoulders with both hands, and the possessiveness in his eyes seemed to eat her up, "I'm in a hurry, and your answer is also very important to me, so you must think clearly and think carefully before answering me .Chaoyang, you know, I have no ability, you will be criticized by others after you are with me, I will try my best to protect you, but as long as you agree, I will not give you a chance to regret it. So , have you really thought about it?"

Chaoyang didn't speak, just looked at him with his head up for a long time.

Handsome, really handsome. And the kiss just now made her very nostalgic and moved.

It's worth it, no matter why Ling Zixuan is suddenly so abnormal today, if he is willing to bow his head and admit his feelings, everything is worth it.

Hugging his neck with both hands, Chaoyang stood on tiptoe, put her red lips together and quickly kissed his lips lightly, then shrunk her neck and lowered her head shyly, after a breath, she raised her head again and looked at Ling Zixuan cautiously eyes, "I answered like this, do you understand what I mean?"

Despite the domineering appearance, there is a soft girly heart.

Ling Zixuan felt guilty for a moment, he suddenly felt sorry for Chaoyang's innocence, but such a Chaoyang gave him a strong desire to protect.

"What you did to me just now, do it again!"

It was rare for someone to order her so domineeringly, Chaoyang was furious, "Okay, you, how dare you order me, how can such shy things be done by my majestic princess, shouldn't it be you?"

"It should be me, but I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

Before the little Princess Chaoyang could react, Ling Zixuan picked her up and walked towards the sedan chair that had been parked in the forest far away.

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