"Brother Zhu, is there any news?"

Seeing that it was already dark and Ling Zixuan was still missing, Ling Muer put her last hope on Zhu Qi,

After the latter sighed, he shook his head slightly, but soon he tried to comfort him, "Sister Mu'er, don't worry, brother Ling is not an impulsive person, maybe he is just hiding in a place we can't find, calming down alone , maybe people will come back later.”

Ling Muer also wanted to comfort herself like this, but she couldn't do it.

She searched all the places in the capital where Ling Zixuan might come and go, but not only did she find no clues, but it also made her feel agitated, always feeling that something big was about to happen.

"Mu'er, have you found your elder brother? Teacher Zhu has urged him several times, but he has never been so naughty."

Seeing Ling Muer and Zhu Qi coming back, Ling Dazhi hurried over to inquire, not realizing the seriousness of the situation.

"Father, big brother probably has something important to do, and he hasn't come back yet, why don't you go back first..."

Before he finished speaking, Ling Dazhi suddenly pointed to the distance, "I'm back. But who is the woman beside him?"

I saw Ling Zixuan got off the carriage first, and then carefully supported a woman. The woman was dressed in red, even if her back was turned, people could guess her identity at a glance.

Ling Muer sighed, it's too bad, what shouldn't happen happened after all.

"You brat, where have you been running all day, Mr. Zhu is angry now after looking for you a few times, why did you only know you came back after dark?" Seeing his son approaching. Ling Dazhi started to complain, and only then did he see clearly the identity of the woman next to his son, "Little Princess Chaoyang?"

"Hi Uncle Ling, I'm Chaoyang." The woman greeted the person in front of her happily, her voice was as sweet as a bird on a tree, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

It's just that when she held her head up and rejoiced, Ling Mu'er was taken aback by the little strawberry on her fair neck that was inadvertently revealed.

She hurriedly pulled Ling Zixuan to a corner, "Brother, where have you been and why did you come back?"

"Go into the room and say, there is something I want to announce to everyone." Ling Zixuan had no expression on his face, and his words were still gentle and refined as usual.

After bypassing Ling Mu'er, he walked up to Chaoyang, and he didn't know what he said to his ear, but the latter lowered his head shyly, then hugged Ling Zixuan's arm and followed obediently behind him,

"It's already happened, it's useless even if you think about it, why don't you go in and see what they want to say." Zhu Qi saw Ling Mu'er's sigh, comforted her softly and made a gesture of please.

When Ling Mu'er thought about going in for a moment, Ling Zixuan and the little Princess Chaoyang were standing in front of Yang Shi holding hands, Yang Shi looked shocked and resolute, "No, I don't agree!"

Tang, who heard the voice, was supported by Yang Dayong and followed. Seeing the scene in front of them, the two of them opened their mouths in surprise.

But Ling Zixuan repeated the decision just now like a normal person, "I want to marry Chaoyang, father, mother, I am serious."

Chaoyang didn't seem to have expected such a result, her red face was a little displeased, "I don't know why my aunt disagrees, Zixuan and I are in love with each other, and it's sincere."

The first time Yang opened his mouth to say something, but because of something, he could only look at his son, "Come here, I have something to say to you alone."

Ling Zixuan bowed his head and said softly to Chaoyang, "Wait for me", and followed Yang to the back hall.

Chaoyang originally wanted to catch up, but after thinking about Zixuan asking her to wait, she waited obediently, but everyone looked at her strangely, which made her feel uncomfortable.

"Sister Mu'er." The little Princess Chaoyang waved to Ling Muer.

Ling Mu'er, who had been standing at the door like a spectator, twitched her lips mockingly, and jokingly said as she walked towards her, "I'm afraid the word "sister" doesn't suit me anymore, Little Princess Chaoyang, I wonder if it's convenient Tell me, where have you and my brother been all day today?"

She searched all the places in the capital where her brother might appear. She even sent someone to inquire about the county prince's mansion. She only heard that her brother had indeed made an appointment with the princess, but she didn't know where he was going.

One whole afternoon is enough to do too many things.

When asked about the point, Zhao Yang, who has always been fearless, bit her lower lip shyly, not daring to look her in the eyes, "Just... just went to the lake in the western suburbs, but, but we didn't do anything !"

In the second half of the sentence, she explained hurriedly, but it seemed to be self-defeating.

Ling Mu'er wanted to say something more, but Yang's angry roar came from the inner hall, "I don't agree, anyway I will never agree!"

Disappointment flashed across Chaoyang's face, angry and ashamed, he was the first to rush to the inner hall when no one responded, "Auntie, why don't you agree? Just because I am the princess?"

At this moment, her son's lifelong happiness is at stake. Yang Shi is no longer cowardly, and she protects Ling Zixuan behind her. When she looked at Chaoyang again, she took a deep breath, "Little princess Chaoyang, you are a famous princess in the capital, and I My son is just a scumbag, not good enough for you. I believe you don't want him to end up being a toad who wants to eat swan meat in the future, so I beg you, please let him go."

In one sentence, he said everything softly and hard, and Chaoyang's eyes were foggy, and he felt extremely wronged.

"Auntie, I know I did something wrong before, but I assure you, after marrying Zixuan, I will definitely get rid of all my bad habits, I will no longer be aggressive, powerless, or willful, and I will definitely be a good daughter-in-law Good wife, is it not enough?"

This was the first time in her life that she had to compromise like this. If the woman in front of her disagreed, she would have to be tough.

Looking at the pitiful appearance of the little Princess Chaoyang, Ling Zixuan felt distressed. He walked from behind his mother to the front, and followed his mother's example just now, protecting Chaoyang behind him, with a firm attitude, "Mom, Chaoyang and I are Sincerely, if you really love me, you should bless us."

"What am I blessing? Don't you know who you are and her? What kind of family is right, what kind of family is different, you told me these days ago, Zixuan, is it because you recently..."

"Mother, I've made up my mind, besides, I really like Chaoyang."

Hastily interrupting what Niang hadn't finished speaking, when Ling Zixuan's ex-wife Chaoyang's hand met her eyes, her black pupils were full of her shadow.

The little Princess Chaoyang, who had a gloomy face just now, heard the sweet words and immediately the rain cleared. She shrank her neck shyly, her fair and tender face was blushing, and two blush roses climbed up, like a shy rose blooming quietly. a feeling of.

Yang Shi trembled with anger, pointed at Ling Zixuan and didn't say a word for a long time.

It's not that she never thought about what kind of woman her son would marry as his wife in the future, but she never thought it would be like this. This little princess has a hot temper, is domineering, and is said to be unruly and self-willed. Besides, he is far different from his son's identity. If these two people really get together, will there be good results in the future?

And a few months ago, when the little princess was chasing after her son's ass all day long, she also asked her son, and he personally said that he would never be with such a woman, and he reassured her. But this heart just sank and floated up again, how can I live in the future.

"Brother, let's talk."

Ling Muer did not know when she came behind the three of them, she folded her arms and leaned against the door, when Ling Zixuan turned her head, she nodded to him and went straight to the backyard.

"If you also want to persuade me, then there's no need, I've made up my mind." Ling Zixuan followed after a while.

"Brother can find his own happiness, Mu'er is really happy for you, you and Chaoyang have developed to this point, I have no right to say anything, but I want you to answer me seriously, are you doing this for me?"

Ling Mu'er raised her head and stared seriously into his eyes, as if she would never give up until he made it clear today.

Ling Zixuan didn't speak, but frowned after her words fell.

That's it?

"Brother, you really don't have to do this. I have Chen by my side, and he won't let me be wronged. Besides, I have the ability to protect myself." Ling Mu'er was in a hurry, feeling guilty from the bottom of her heart.

"If you can really protect yourself, will so many things happen one after another recently? Mu'er, I just want my family to live better than anyone else."

When Ling Zixuan said this, he clenched his hands into fists, as if this determination was so difficult. But when he thought of the woman who always followed her, waving her teeth and claws and waving the whip, he couldn't help but licked the corners of his lips.

"Besides, Chaoyang is quite cute."

Ling Mu'er was not surprised by his first love affair, her brother had already settled down with the princess of Chaoyang, and she had seen it at the last banquet, but it is not wise to disclose their relationship at this time.

"You can admit your heart, I am really happy for my brother, but you should know that it is the worst decision for you to admit your relationship with Chaoyang at this time, and you can really afford to be pointed at by others Consequences?"

Ling Muer didn't want her brother to sacrifice for her, let alone bet on her own future.

"Half a year, can't you wait another half a year? As long as the imperial examination is over, you and Chaoyang can be together as you like, but if you are with her now, even if you are in high school in the future, people will talk behind your back and say that you borrowed the county. The power of the palace. Brother, you understand the pros and cons of this."

Ling Muer looked at him nervously, her tone was more determined than his, "And I don't need such a sacrifice like you."

And Ling Zixuan didn't seem to have heard her earnest words, but instead stretched out his hand to gently stroke her long hair, his eyes were extremely doting, "If I say I don't care, will my Mu'er go crazy and eat me? Silly Girl, it's too late, it's too late to regret now, and I haven't regretted it."

When Ling Zixuan returned to the inner hall, the little Princess Chaoyang had already been pulled onto a chair by her father, offering her as if she was serving the Lafayette.

He shook his head with a smile, and solemnly announced to everyone, "Father, mother, Chaoyang and I have already discussed, and we will get married in seven days. As for the marriage between my sister and Shangguan Shaochen , since you are a girl, then follow me. Please send someone to tell Shangguan Shaochen that after we get married, I will come to him personally to apologize. The etiquette of getting married is different."

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