"It's fine if your parents object, but you also object to me and Zixuan?"

The little princess Chaoyang looked at Ling Mu'er in surprise, as if she had said something she shouldn't have said, her eyes widened in anger and she had the urge to do something at any time.

"Ling Mu'er, I will be your sister-in-law in the future, you should congratulate me now, it won't do you any good if you make an enemy of me like this."

"Oh? Then I don't know how the little Princess Chaoyang wants to deal with me?" Ling Muer folded her arms and looked at her calmly.

The little overlord, who was still fierce just now, faltered in an instant, and hurriedly hugged her arm coquettishly, "My dear Mu'er, you know that what I said was all out of anger, I just find it incredible, why everyone disapproves of this marriage, I am a dignified princess."

No matter how much Chaoyang thinks about it, he can't understand it. Shouldn't it be a good thing for a grass farmer to marry her dignified princess? Why is everyone avoiding her like a plague god?

Especially the future mother-in-law, who resolutely opposed it in front of so many people today, what shame is there for her.

"Why doesn't my mother agree, don't you really know?" Ling Muer asked back.

"I know, I used to be a bit aggressive. In order to catch up with Ling Zixuan, I used many extraordinary means, so that no matchmaker in your family dared to enter, but if I didn't do that, Ling Zixuan would be snatched away. "I feel scared when I think about it.

The little princess Chaoyang carefully stared into Ling Muer's eyes, "Besides, I have already made a promise. I promise that those stinky problems from the past will be corrected. What do you have to worry about?"

"I'm a majestic princess, you can't bully people too much." The more she said, the more she felt aggrieved, Chaoyang lowered her head and squeezed her hands on her chest. If these people disagreed, she really had no choice but to bring someone here Robbery.

"My brother likes you. I can see that it is a good thing for lovers to get married. No one likes to be a villain who beats mandarin ducks. But he is about to take the imperial examination. At this time, it is only bad for him to get married. Whether he would be judged by others in high school, and he got his position through a woman, I believe you don't want him to be humiliated like that, do you?"

Ling Mu'er's tone was not rushed, and after she finished speaking, she stared carefully at Chaoyang's eyes, and she really saw a look of embarrassment there.

"It's only half a year, can't you just wait for half a year?" Afraid that Chaoyang thought he was going to break them up, Ling Muer hurriedly told the date.

Chaoyang really misunderstood, "Well, you Ling Mu'er, you didn't want to get married after your brother, so you deliberately let us postpone it? I know you and Shangguan Shaochen are choosing a date recently, but after all, it's you Brother."

Since ancient times, brothers and sisters have been able to play matchmaker one after another after the eldest brother got married. Even if the younger sister has already seen the day and made all preparations, as long as the elder brother wants to get married, he must give up time, and he cannot marry one after the other within a year. This is the rule. .

Of course Ling Mu'er didn't think that way, "I'll have someone tell Shangguan Shaochen later that this marriage is over and another date is chosen, are you satisfied with that?"

"No, not satisfied."

Chaoyang was like a stubborn child, he turned his head and didn't dare to look Ling Mu'er in the eyes, "I told you, don't try to persuade me, let alone half a year, even half a day, the princess doesn't want to wait."

Why are you in such a hurry?

"Chaoyang! Why are you pushing me so hard? Since my brother has recognized you, he will not regret it. Are you worried that he will not want you in half a year?"

Chaoyang bit her lower lip tightly, as if she had something to hide.

Looking back at Ling Muer's pleading eyes, she couldn't hold it back anymore, "Because, because Ling Zixuan and I are already husband and wife, he must marry me immediately. Of course I can wait for half a year, but what if Stomach... can't wait, what should I do?"

Her voice was extremely weak in the second half of the sentence, and if you didn't listen carefully, you wouldn't even be able to hear what she was saying, but Ling Muer was still stunned.

"Impossible, my brother is not that kind of person!"

She thought that the two of them just couldn't control it, so they accidentally left the mark.

"Would I still be self-defeating in this kind of thing? It's not him, too. In short, he must marry me immediately. I'm the princess. I've been chasing him for so long, let alone half a year. I can wait, but I can't wait for my belly to grow, and I'm preparing for these things, so I won't be ashamed."

For a long while, Ling Mu'er couldn't speak a word. All the words I wanted to justify and pray for were stuck in my throat.

Only then did she understand what Ling Zixuan meant by 'late'.

He did it on purpose.

Ling Zixuan knew that she would never agree to his self-destructive future, and would do everything possible to obstruct it, so he did this on purpose, cutting off all back roads.

Not to mention that she is a majestic princess, even if it is a girl from an ordinary family, they can't be like this.

However, he has to bear others' pointing and pointing for the rest of his life. Even if he is admired because of his talent in the future, he will always wear the title of a county horse master. He will never be able to convince others to be truly impressed by his literary talents.

Dude, your stakes are too high.

"Since that's the case, Ling Muer is here to congratulate the future sister-in-law, and I hope you will remember what you promised and be a good wife and daughter-in-law."

Ling Mu'er was like an eggplant beaten by frost, it lost all its brilliance in an instant, and didn't want to say a single unnecessary word.

In Chaoyang's eyes, she felt as if she was forced to bless her.

"Stop!" Beng Da Da ran to her, as if returning to the image of the savage and savage princess, Chaoyang raised his head and looked at her aggressively, "I want you to make it clear, why do you stop me besides this?" Married to Zixuan?"

Ling Muer didn't want to be that cruel person.

Since Chaoyang wholeheartedly thinks that Ling Zixuan is with her because of deep love, then let her keep dreaming.

Shaking his head, he walked around her body and planned to leave, but in the opposite corner, a figure suddenly ran out, pointed at Chaoyang's face and shouted loudly: "Because my brother doesn't really want to marry you at all, he just wants to borrow As your princess, he just wants to protect our family from being bullied, he wants to protect us."

Ling Mu'er was stunned, she quickly turned around and covered Ling Ziyu's mouth who rushed out suddenly, and looked at Chaoyang, who really looked like the sky was falling.

She hastily explained: "No, the child is talking nonsense, the princess should not take it seriously."

"I'm not talking nonsense!"

Pushing away his sister's hand vigorously, Ling Zixuan looked fiercely at Chaoyang, "You are the princess, I know that if what I said just now made you angry, there will be unexpected consequences, but I still have to say, brother, he is not sincere at all. He wants to marry you because our Ling family has been bullied one after another during this period, and we can only protect the Ling family by becoming stronger."

Chaoyang stood there dumbfounded, and didn't come back to his senses for a while.

She looked at Ling Ziyu carefully, listening to what he said just now, she almost lost her breath, and felt that her sincerity was pierced by thousands of arrows.

It hurts.

"You, you all team up to bully me!"

Chaoyang covered his mouth, turned and ran away, very fast.

Ling Mu'er glanced at Ling Ziyu angrily, wanted to blame but couldn't bear it, and hurriedly chased after him.

After all, Chaoyang is the little princess, the jewel in the palm of the county prince's mansion, she can kill a whole family with one word, they can't afford to offend her.

Knowing the truth, according to the domineering temperament of the princess, she might do something unpredictable.

A figure galloped by in front of him, Ling Muer hurriedly chased after him without thinking about other things, the truth is whether this relationship can be a small relationship and not offend this ancestor.

Chaoyang's speed was very fast, regardless of the lively crowd at the moment, he waved his whip and galloped his horse, as if he had returned to the image of a pampered princess.

"Get out of the way, let the princess get out of the way." While roaring, Chaoyang waved his long whip. Seeing this, the people dodged one after another, fearing that they would be killed by the whip.

In the distance, it seems that a carriage is coming, and the speed is equally fast. Chaoyang seems to be invisible, or maybe he thinks that the other party will avoid her because of her identity, but both of them have the same idea, whose speed There is no meaning of sharp reduction.

Behind her, Ling Mu'er saw her heart in her eyes, and her heart rose to her throat in an instant. This little Princess Chaoyang rushed out from their Ling residence. If something went wrong, the Ling residence would be to blame, and besides, the other party's carriage was galloping with two horses. , Once it hits it, it will either die or be disabled.

"Chaoyang, be careful!"

Not caring about other things, Ling Muer quickly caught up with him, and when Chaoyang and the other party were about to collide, she leaped forward, took Chaoyang off the horse and threw herself on her body.

The three horses collided, neighing hysterically, and the surroundings were in chaos.

"Are you okay, is there any injury?" Ling Mu'er hurriedly helped Chaoyang up, ignoring the pain from the friction on her body.

The little girl was still crying, her face was covered with tears, she stubbornly pushed Ling Mu'er away, "My princess doesn't want you to meddle in me! Who told you to meddle in my own business."

Knowing that this was only a manifestation of heartbreak, Ling Mu'er was not angry, but followed her wishes, "Okay, since the princess won't let me interfere, I won't mind my own business, but Minnv still advises you. You can keep your eyes wide open when you walk, after all, there are not many people in this capital who dare to save you. At that time, something will happen to delay the wedding, so I will leave."

She is so sad, this Ling Mu'er is still attacking her?

Chaoyang was full of grievances, wiped the tears off his face indiscriminately, turned around and scolded her, "Stop! Ling Muer, did you mean it? You said I was your future sister-in-law just now, and that's what you said to your sister-in-law manner?"

Ling Mu'er was startled, and looked back in disbelief, only to see the little girl stubbornly holding her face up, "You, are you not angry?"

"Ling Zixuan, how dare he plot against me? Let's see how I deal with him after we get married. But let me tell you Ling Muer, Zixuan is sincere to me. I don't allow any of you to slander me, even if you are my own sister." .Also, this princess is your future sister-in-law, and the county prince's mansion will be your backer in the future, and this princess will cover you for everything!"

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