I don't know what kind of tricks the Chaoyang princess used to make the furious princess agree to the marriage.

But after all, Ling Zixuan's identity is just a poor man. Due to his family background and in order to prevent the little princess Chaoyang from being gossiped in the future, the county king asked Ning Guohou to adopt Ling Zixuan as his adopted son.

Ling Zixuan changed suddenly and became the son of Ning Guo Houbiao, and his status leaped by a thousand feet.

The king of the county has always loved the little princess Chaoyang very much and responded to every request. Now that his only daughter is getting married, it is naturally a great gesture. Not only did he reward them with the mansion he just built last year, Chaoyangju, but there are also countless rare treasures.

Although the time was short, the king of the county said that he would never let his beloved baby girl be wronged. The Ling family restaurant has been closed for the past seven days, and Ling Muer only went to the medical clinic when she had time, and the rest of the time was arranged in the Chaoyang residence. .

Since the husband and wife could not meet before getting married, although the mansion was gifted by the county prince's mansion, all the decoration planning was handed over to the Ling family, and Ling Mu'er naturally became the chief designer.

How can her brother's wedding be vague? How can it be vulgar?

Although Chaoyang is domineering, but she sacrifices herself for her brother, she will naturally make her the most beautiful bride.

"Mother, grandma, I ask you to make the wedding clothes that you rushed to make overnight. Tomorrow is the big day. I have to send someone to Chaoyang later, and there is no delay."

Ling Muer confirmed again and again, and she was not relieved until Yang Shi took out the fiery red wedding dress.

That's right, the first gift she gave to her future sister-in-law was a wedding dress. Due to the conservative thinking of the ancients, white was unlucky, so she designed the wedding dress in fiery red, and asked her mother and grandmother to make it herself, highlighting her respect for the princess. value. According to Shangguan Shaochen, the county king was very happy to learn about this.

"Mu'er, it's hard for you. It was supposed to be your wedding, but your brother..." Yang sighed sadly.

In this matter, she has always felt that she has treated her daughter very badly. Her daughter led their family to live a life that they could not even dream of before, but now she is being wronged. When she thinks of this matter, she sheds tears silently.

Which girl was optimistic about the date but suddenly canceled it? That's unlucky.

"Mother, what are you talking about? Shouldn't you be happy about my brother getting married? That's my own brother. I only have this brother besides my brother-in-law. Now that he has married the person he wants to marry, you should be happy. Besides Chen and I were not in a hurry."

What she said was a little guilty, which caused Ling Muer not to look into Yang's eyes.

She didn't tell Yang Shi that when she told Shangguan Shaochen that his marriage might be postponed, he was furious.

Shangguan Shaochen was very angry because the things that had been clearly agreed to suddenly disappeared. After all, they were optimistic about the future. If Ling Muer hadn't threatened to break up, he might have already gone to the county prince's mansion.

"Boy Chen is really not angry? If he has any thoughts in his heart, you must explain to him well, don't affect you two just because of your brother and princess."

The more Yang thought about it, the more she felt that she was indebted to her daughter. Not only did she give up the wedding date, but she also arranged all of this herself. As a mother, she felt ashamed.

"Don't worry, mother, Chen is not the kind of person who doesn't know right from wrong, but you, it will not be so easy to see big brother in the future."

After all, Ling Zixuan will be the county matriarch in the future, and this Chaoyang residence is still some distance away from Ling's mansion, how can a mother not be sad?

Yang wanted to cry, but held back, "Tch, you still say that your brother is going to move, don't you feel sad? It's all about Chaoyang, so I'm in such a hurry for some reason."

Ling Mu'er dared not tell her mother the truth of the matter, so she could only comfort her with earnest words, "Mother, don't remember to hate Chaoyang, although she is fierce and brutal, she is kind and straightforward. After all, she was born with a golden spoon in her mouth. After all, she is a married woman." , you should treat her better in the future, she will treat you better."

"I don't ask her to be nice to me, as long as she is nice to Zixuan."

Yang's heart has always been soft, but she is not a person who does not distinguish between right and wrong. She didn't like Chaoyang before because she was a woman who surrounded men all day long, which hurt her dignity. Now the two are getting married, and she doesn't care about them Her family status, and she has arranged everything so well, what else can she complain about?

"Don't worry, as long as she enters our Ling's door, she will be my daughter. It's fine if she doesn't bully me."

After deciding on the wedding dress, Ling Muer went to the backyard, which was originally a garden, but she temporarily turned it into an outdoor wedding venue, and the maids and servants were setting up tables and chairs. That's right, the second gift she gave her brother was the wedding scene. First a Chinese-style worship ceremony, followed by a Western-style ceremony. It is guaranteed that their marriage will become a great story in the capital.

"My own marriage has been ruined, and you still have the mood to try your best to arrange other people's marriages. You are really the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva."

Su Ce didn't know when he was standing beside her, still wearing the same white brocade robe and light blue cloak, holding a stove in his hand at all times.

He stared shrewdly at the front, as if he was curious about everything, and he didn't see the sadness of that day at all.

"The king of the small county is indeed the king of the small county. He can heal himself faster than others." Ling Muer was not in the mood to talk to him. Seeing that the flower ball in the wreath in front of him was about to fall, she hurriedly patted Su Ce on the shoulder, "Hurry up, If you have nothing to do, go and help, and it will be unlucky for the flower ball to fall."

Ling Muer patted his shoulder anxiously like a child, her eyes stared straight ahead, as if she would be very disappointed if the flower ball fell off.

Su Ce smiled dumbly, and without waiting for her second urging, he tossed the heater casually, and threw it into her arms with precision, then jumped up, his handsome figure rising and falling several times, and in the blink of an eye, the falling flowers The ball is caught firmly.

It was only then that Ling Mu'er realized that his hands, which had been practicing martial arts all the year round, were actually very beautiful, with well-defined bones, slender and fair, and against the background of the flower balls, it surpassed even a woman like her.

"Xiaojun Wang is very skilled, thank you." Holding the stove and returning it to its original owner, Ling Muer smiled softly.

"Girls are afraid of the cold, so you can keep it by yourself. It's so cold that it's hard for you to take care of it. But I don't understand what you are going to do."

Su Ce put his hands behind his back, stood straight on the spot, stretched his neck and looked left and right, but he couldn't figure out why.

"This is a dream wedding. I specially made it for my elder brother and Chaoyang. The Ling family has to show sincerity when the princess is married, otherwise the little princess will come to trouble us one day under the banner of upholding justice for his sister. Not so good."

Because of the winter, Ling Mu'er's fair face was a little blushing at this moment, but it filled her dignified and steady image with a bit of playfulness and cuteness.

Su Ce smiled slightly, leaned his body sideways, and put his head close to her neck. The distance was close but he didn't show intimacy, "You have a heart, but such a labor-intensive arrangement is only used once, isn't it a waste?"

When Ling Muer looked back, she happened to see Su Ce smiling at her. The smile was like a bright spring.

But it made her wish she could swing a left uppercut.

"Put away your dirty thoughts, and get the hell out if you're okay."

She found that she has been a little bit angry recently, and she has a bit of a temper, and she wants to fight and swear at every turn.

Sure enough, a beautiful man can't get close, especially a peerless beauty like Xiaojun Wang.

"Your elder brother married my younger sister, and we will be regarded as relatives by marriage in the future. Besides, you have broken the engagement with Shangguan Shaochen, why don't you kiss me more?"

These words are really unflattering, but this charming and enchanting man still smiles like a spring breeze, making Ling Muer want to beat him but he is too embarrassed to do so.

"First, Shangguan Shaochen and I just postponed the wedding date. If there is no accident, we can get married after the new year; second, the county prince's mansion is so violent to marry a poor man. If we marry a second poor man, I worry about the county king Yingnian Crazy early."

After Ling Mu'er finished speaking, she waved from a distance. She had a high-cold demeanor that you should stay away from me just now, but in an instant she turned into a happy child who got candy.

Su Ce knew who was coming without looking back.

Before Ling Mu'er started to run away, he quickly grabbed her wrists and elbows, his voice was much cooler, "Princess Lian'er will also attend the wedding banquet tomorrow, so be careful no matter how busy you are."

The words fell, let go, and strode away.

It seemed that the joke just now had never been played, and he had never been here at all.

Ling Muer was dumbfounded for a moment, and then happily ran towards Shangguan Shaochen with her bright lips curled up.

"Chen, when did you come?" Holding his arm tightly, she didn't care about Nangong Yizhi's disgusted expression, now she had to appease this jealous jar.

"I just arrived. I heard that you are short of manpower. You have brought a few cronies over here. You can do whatever you want." The moment Ling Muer ran over, he had already put his arms around her slender waist, and his soft voice would always be Will be alone with her.

Ling Mu'er followed her gaze, and there were about ten seven-foot men standing in place not far away waving at her, and some of them were somewhat familiar.

"Brother is so kind to me."

Ignoring the gazes of outsiders, Ling Muer tiptoed and pecked at the corner of his lips. Seeing this, Shangguan Shaochen lowered his head and wanted to return the gift, but was interrupted by Nangong Yizhi behind him.

"Hey, hey, here hey, there is a big living person here, how decent are the two of you in broad daylight."

During this period of time, he was almost soaked in vinegar.

Nangong Yizhi held his head high, looking like an old man, "It's not that I'm talking about you, it's too shameful, after all, you haven't married yet, this man and woman can't get married, why, what are you doing!"

As soon as the words fell, the two of them shot together, and two daggers that cut iron like mud fell on Nangong Yizhi's neck with a bright clang.

"Why is it not important to us? It is important that someone's head will fall off and be kicked as a ball later. I wonder if Prince Nangong wants to participate?"

Ling Mu'er shook her head and looked at him, her tone was clear and calm, but her eyes could eat people without spit out bones.

Nangong Yizhi shuddered, and quickly stepped back a few steps to carefully avoid the sharp blades of the two, while retreating back indignantly, "I have no conscience, anyway, I am also your fiancé's cousin, your brother's cousin, do you think you Is it right for me?"

"Oh? It turns out that Nangong Shizi is from my family. The relationship is good. There are still many places in our front hall that have not been decorated. Why don't we leave it to Nangong Shizi. I heard that there will be many distinguished guests coming tomorrow, so don't be vague."

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