Nangong Yi was so angry that he wanted to hit someone, but was frightened away by Shangguan Shaochen's cold stare, which made Ling Muer roll forward and backward with a smile, so happy.

"Mu'er is really in a good mood." Shangguan Shaochen gently touched Ling Muer's side face, his eyes were doting but his tone was sour, "The little prince seems to be around you all the time recently, is this reminding me that I should Do something, hmm?"

Rubbed by his warm palms, Ling Muer shrunk her neck itchyly. She stretched her arms around his waist, and when she smiled, her bright eyes curved into crescent moons. Brother is jealous."

Ling Mu'er stood on tiptoe, her red lips rubbed against his earlobe intentionally or unintentionally, "But the eldest brother looks cuter than he imagined when he is jealous."

Shangguan Shaochen's body tightened, and he couldn't help tightening his arms around her. When he lowered his eyes, he looked at the corners of her charming lips from top to bottom, "Bad girl, do you know that you are lighting a fire?"

"Brother, forgive me~"

There seemed to be a fire burning in those piercing eyes, and if she was not careful, she might be wiped out, so Ling Mu'er hurriedly got out of his arms in fright.

I saw Shangguan Shaochen hooked her long arm, hugged her neck behind him, looked around and then became dark, "If I'm not wrong, this should be the one you told me a few days ago Yes, the romantic wedding scene you want? You know, this should belong to you and me."

The unwillingness in his tone was so obvious.

Shangguan Shaochen was not only angry, but also very disappointed. He had never been like this when he grew up, but the little girl begged so hard that day, otherwise he would immediately enter the county palace. As long as he took off his mask to reveal his true face, there was no need Say one more word, even if the county king loves the little princess Chaoyang, he will forcibly break up the marriage.

Who let them block his good deeds.

But his girl is too good at deceiving people's hearts, eating him to death, making him want to be angry but dare not speak out.

"What is this? There are many more romantic and beautiful scene arrangements in my mind. Since I plan to give it away, it means I have a better plan. Brother, Mu'er will always be yours, sooner rather later What's the matter? Let's not be angry, okay?"

The phrase 'Mu'er will always be yours' completely melted Shangguan Shaochen's heart, and extinguished his blazing anger in an instant.

"Okay, Mu'er can say whatever you want." In front of Ling Muer's smile, he lost any temper at all. As long as you can give her better, never give her the best.

"That's enough for Zhang Luo. Later, the Marquis of Ningguo will send someone to hand over to you. Although Ling Zixuan is only the adopted son of Marquis of Ningguo, after all, it is a marriage between the Marquis's Mansion and the County's Prince's Mansion. There will be a lot of guests tomorrow, and it will be very chaotic. You guys The Ling family is now regarded as the royal family, and it is inevitable that someone will make use of it, but you will follow me obediently, and I will protect you."

Su Ce reminded her before, and Shangguan Shaochen gave her instructions later. It can be seen that tomorrow will be a magnificent and chaotic scene. Naturally, Ling Mu'er doesn't want to be the first bird, so she nodded obediently, "Okay, Mu'er will always listen to big brother from now on."

Ling Zixuan was dressed in a fiery red wedding dress, and under him was a rare white sweat-blooded BMW, which was a wedding gift from the Marquis of Ning Guo after he adopted him as his adopted son. Eight sedan chairs were lifted behind him, gongs and drums were blaring, and they embarked on the road to meet their relatives in a mighty way.

Originally gentle and elegant, he became even more heroic after a little dressing up.

About an hour later, the wedding reception team circled around the capital and returned to Chaoyang Residence. At this moment, the house was full of guests and friends, and everyone stretched their necks to look out the door.

"The bride has arrived~"

With a loud shout, the originally quiet Chaoyangju suddenly rang with gongs, and Ling Zixuan turned handsomely from his horse, came to the front of the sedan chair, kicked the sedan door three times, and the bride was led out by Xi Po.

Seeing this, Ling Muer immediately gestured to Nangong Yizhi, and the two rows of maidservants who had already prepared raised their petals one after another. When the bride and groom walked past the red carpet, the pink petals were like fluttering butterflies. It fell on the two of them, as if they were also competing to send blessings.

"Wow, this scene is really unique. I don't know who came up with it. It's so beautiful."

"Petal Rain, the little Princess Chaoyang is so happy."

"Although the groom's official status is unworthy, the way he looks at the princess is very doting, which is really enviable."

From time to time, envious voices could be heard from the seats, which made Ling Mu'er raise her head even more proudly.

Su Ce, who was drinking alone at the side, saw this scene, and couldn't help looking to the side. Ling Muer, as the groom's younger sister, naturally sat on the chair, and was specially arranged by him by his side, "I heard that this is You came up with it on the spur of the moment, so that Chaoyang can get married in such a beautiful way, you have a heart."

"Where does this come from? The show is still to come, let's wait and see." Ling Mu'er was arrogant without concealing it.

Accompanied by the ceremony, the bride was taken away mysteriously, and all the guests were also invited to the backyard by the butlers. Ling Muer mysteriously hugged Shangguan Shaochen's arm, "Brother, what will happen later is something you have never heard of before. Haven’t seen anything before, are you looking forward to it?”

"If the bride isn't you, I don't have any interest." With a cold face that didn't give any face, although the voice was quite gentle.

"Cut." Ling Muer didn't care.

At this moment, in the backyard of Chaoyang Residence, it is rare to see a large flower garden in the snowy winter. In the middle of the yard, a step about three meters high is specially built. Above the steps is a huge stage, but it is not like an ordinary stage. Surrounded by all kinds of flowers, when the strangely dressed Ling Zixuan strolled onto the stage, he immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

"Oh my god, what kind of exotic clothes is this Ling Zixuan wearing? It's really sad and elegant."

"Why do I think it's pretty good, but it makes him even more handsome."

There were envy and comments from various voices. When everyone was at a stalemate, a burst of soothing music suddenly sounded, and everyone immediately looked up, only to see a huge bright moon coming with the wind, a woman sitting on the moon The center is like a fairy descending to earth, beautiful and magnificent.

The woman tapped her toes and landed slowly, as if being watched by so many people for the first time, she couldn't help covering her veil with her hands, her expression nervous and shy.

When she turned around to look for the groom, Ling Zixuan suddenly knelt down in front of him on one knee, and took out a red rose from his bosom as if by magic. The voice was not loud, but it was enough for everyone present to hear clearly.

"Chaoyang, are you willing to marry me? Regardless of life, old age, sickness and death, you and I will never leave, and we will be together forever. Are you willing?"

Chaoyang didn't know what was going on in front of her, she was stunned, looked at the crowd, she bit her lower lip tightly, "What are you doing, Zixuan, the man has gold under his knees, get up."

"I, Ling Zixuan, have no skills and no status, but I am willing to use my best ability to protect you and give you a lifetime of love. Yes, a man has gold under his knees. How can parents kneel down on their knees so easily? Women, but you are not an ordinary woman , from now on you will be the wife of my Ling Zixuan and the mother of my future children, I am willing to give you my whole world, and my whole world is you."

As soon as this remark came out, the little Princess Chaoyang who was still ashamed and angry just now burst into tears.

She was simply too surprised.

Yesterday when her brother came back, he only told her that Ling Muer had prepared a surprise for her, but now, she was simply too surprised, too excited, and too shocked.

No matter what, she never thought that Ling Zixuan would kneel down to her and say these words.

Did she really not marry her because of true love?

She doesn't believe it.

"I am willing, Zixuan, I am willing!"

As soon as the words were finished, Nangong Yizhi made a gesture, and the band that had already prepared immediately played the wedding march, and suddenly a few girls in gauze descended from the sky on the originally quiet stage.

The unusual dance came alive under the graceful postures of each one. At the end when everyone was stunned, several women took out flowers and handed them to the bride and groom, shouting, "Congratulations to the princess, the princess, best wishes to the princess!" Jun Maye is happily married, and we will be together forever."


The deafening sound of salutes came one after another, and the guests were about to laugh, how could anyone set off fireworks in the open sky? When I looked up, it was the rain of petals I saw outside just now, falling from the sky.

Under Chaoyang's shocked eyes, Ling Zixuan hooked her slender waist, and kissed her forehead heavily.

Such an exaggerated and distinctive marriage ceremony simply surprised everyone, and everyone below was stunned.

Especially the women in the boudoir, all of them were full of enthusiasm, and they were so envious that they went crazy.

"Oh my God, the little princess Chaoyang is so happy. Not only is the county matriarch handsome, but even her marriage is so beautiful. She is the happiest woman in the world."

"I really like the dress she is wearing today. I have never seen it before. It is really beautiful. The county matriarch also dotes on her too much."

"Who planned this wedding scene? It will be exactly the same when I get married in three months."

Some people showed envious eyes one after another, and even the men who sat down changed from being shameless to admiring.

Ling Muer sat under the stage and looked proudly at the little county king beside her, "How about it, now you don't think sister She is married, do you?"

As if Su Ce hadn't recovered from the shock, he looked carefully at the happy couple on the stage, and clapped his hands sincerely, "Absolutely, really."

Standing up and clasping his fists, Su Ce sincerely thanked him from the bottom of his heart, "Thank you, Miss Ling, for making everything for Chaoyang, and the king of this county is grateful."

Ling Muer was not too polite, shrugged her shoulders, and said proudly: "Ten thousand taels for the design is not too much. If the county king really appreciates it, it will be good to send it to Ling's mansion someday."

This Bodhisattva Ling, who has monopolized the medical center and restaurant in the capital, is so short of money?

What about a congratulatory gift for your future sister-in-law?

The corner of Su Ce's mouth twitched violently.

In the crowd, Princess Lian'er saw everything from the beginning to the end, with envy and resentment in her heart, and seeing Ling Mu'er surrounded by two men, the little flame in her heart was burning hotter and hotter.

"Hmph, isn't it just a grass farmer who just has a good skin, and only Chaoyang can look at it. Some people, even if they fly to the branches, they will never become a phoenix."

Lian'er's voice was not loud, but she deliberately chose to speak slowly when the dance music stopped.

When the people who had long forgotten the truth by the beautiful scene in front of them heard this, they all started pointing at Ling Zixuan.

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