The man has gold under his knees. Ling Zixuan is such a proud person. He would rather rely on his own efforts than get involved with her, the princess. If it wasn't for protecting his sister, he wouldn't be in such a hurry to marry her, would he?

But with the strange clothes, the beautiful venue, and the unbelievable series just now, she seemed to be in a dream, no, this must not be real.

"Whether you believe it or not, what I said just now comes from my heart." Holding her charming little face, Ling Zixuan's eyes were sincere.

The play says whether a person has you in his heart, you can tell by looking at his eyes.

At this moment, Ling Zixuan's dark pupils are full of her shadow.

"Those people are right. I'm not good enough for you, but don't worry, I will try my best to get where I should be, and I will do my best to treat you well."

Ling Zixuan's voice is sincere, gentle yet firm.

Yes, it was indeed Mu'er who taught him what he did just now, not to mention Chaoyang. After Mu'er proposed this plan, he asked him if he would follow through, but he immediately agreed.

He married Chaoyang with a purpose, because he wanted to protect her family and sister with her identity. So since he took advantage of this innocent and kind girl, he would naturally give her everything he had as compensation.

Kneeling on one knee is nothing, confession is nothing, this silly girl would rather give up her glory and wealth for herself, and give up so many children from rich families who can choose, but she just likes him, a poor boy, and she will have children for him in the future. Once in a while, what excuse does he have for not doing everything he can to be nice to her.

"Cousin, what did you talk to that ignorant princess just now? Mom has been waiting for you for a long time."

After Nangong Yizhi finished handling the moon props for Chaoyang, he was called to the front hall by his mother. There were so many guests today, and as the only son of Ning Guohou, he had no reason to be absent, but no matter how much he winked at his cousin, his cousin was Did not come.

"The first seats in the front hall are waiting for you two, come with me."

Nangong Yizhi took the lead and led the way.

There are many guests today, but they are very orderly. All this is due to him, but Ling Muer dare not go.

"Brother, I...I want to find Sister Sheng'er."

The search is true, and the excuse is also true.

Shangguan Shaochen gently embraced her waist, "Why, it turns out that Mu'er, who is not afraid of anything, is also afraid sometimes?"

When Ling Mu'er was thinking about finding some excuse to escape this test, Shangguan Shaochen had already clasped his fingers tightly with her, leading her to stride forward.

"Mrs. Ning Guohou treats me like my own son, and I also treat her like my own mother. She is gentle and kind, so you don't have to worry."

As the last voice fell, the two of them were already standing in front of Mrs. Ning Guohou.

The well-maintained Mrs. Ning Guohou looks like Nangong Yizhi's sister. She is dignified and virtuous in a lavender brocade robe today. How can she be the heroine who got drunk with her that night?

"I heard that Mrs. Ning Guohou has already made the preparations for my marriage with Chen, but my side has temporarily canceled the engagement, and ask Madam to make amends." Ling Muer lowered her head guiltily,

"It's true that I can't let you go lightly. The good marriage is cancelled. Tell me, how should I punish you?"

Mrs. Ning Guohou was crushed with domineering momentum as soon as she opened her mouth, and Nangong Yizhi, who was on the side, hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Mother, it's agreed that we don't care about it."

Shangguan Shaochen also pampered Ling Mu'er and protected Ling Mu'er behind him, "I am at fault for this matter, and it has nothing to do with Mu'er. If Auntie really wants to punish, then she should punish Shao Chen."

"This is a matter between us women. What are you two big men trying to do?" Mrs. Ning Guohou didn't pay attention to the plea of ​​the two at all. Shao Chen pushed aside.

"Ling Mu'er, do you know that if Yizhi and Shao Chen didn't intercede together, I would have chosen another woman for Shao Chen long ago. There are quite a few Shao Chen girls in this capital who want to marry us."

Ling Mu'er kept her head down, but when Mrs. Ning Guohou said this, she suddenly looked up, and there was no more fear in her eyes.

"I'm afraid Ma'am is wasting her thoughts in vain. Eldest brother only has me in his heart, and he will only marry me in this life. Even if you give him all the outstanding women in this world, he will not want any of them."

Turning back to Shangguan Shaochen's eyes, "Am I right, brother?"

Before Shangguan Shaochen could reply, Ning Guohou clapped his hands together and suddenly shouted, "Well said!"

Everyone was stunned, and saw Madam Ning Guohou grasping Ling Mu'er's hand with both hands, smiling kindly, "This is the candidate for my daughter-in-law. I admired your temperament when I was drunk with you that day, you If you are submissive to me like just now, I really want to consider finding another girl for Shao Chen."

It was only then that Ling Mu'er realized that Mrs. Ning Guohou was just testing her.

"Madam is not angry?"

"There is still some anger, but there is no priority in the family. I appreciate you for giving up your lifelong happiness to make your brother happy. Besides, you are very confident in your relationship with Shao Chen, which also makes me respect you. I am very impressed. Getting married, sooner or later, it’s no big deal to wait for a good meal, come and sit with me."

Ling Muer sat down next to Mrs. Ning Guohou, and her status rose all of a sudden, and the disdainful eyes from around her turned into respect involuntarily.

Next to him were Nangong Yizhi and Shangguan Shaochen, and even Ning Guohou was ranked fourth, which shows how much Ling Muer is valued.

"I've heard about what happened in the past few days. No one will dare to bully you now, Mu'er, I like your temperament very much. If you have time to come to the house to sit more in the future, it is right to accompany me."

Just now when she deliberately asked her to sit beside her, she guessed Madam's intentions, Ling Muer looked at her gratefully, "Yes, if Madam doesn't think I'm noisy, I will definitely come to bother you often."

"What kind of madam is it? Shao Chen called my aunt, and you can figure it out."

No matter how courageous Ling Mu'er is, she would not dare to distance herself if she was not married. She looked at Ling Zixuan who came from a distance, and she had an idea, "It would be strange to call you my aunt. My brother is your adopted son, and Mu'er is your adopted son." My elder brother's own younger sister, of course, must be called madam—mother."

"Hey, my daughter is really sensible."

Getting such a well-behaved and sensible girl for no reason, Mrs. Ning Guohou couldn't help but grinned from ear to ear, "I came here in a hurry and didn't bring any gift of recognition, hey, this is my dowry bracelet, and it can be regarded as a family heirloom." It's a family treasure, don't refuse."

Wearing an emerald green bracelet on her wrist seemed to absorb all the cold air in her body, making Ling Muer very comfortable, "How could Muer refuse the gift from mother, such a warm bracelet, thank you mother."

In the end, the sweet voice reached Madam Ning Guohou's heart, and she held her hand distressedly, "This face is not only beautiful, but also has such a sweet mouth, why didn't you say that she was my daughter earlier, so I am The first twenty years won't be so boring."

Nangong Yi, who was drinking, spit out a sip of wine, feeling extremely aggrieved and disappointed, "Mother, here, the lively and lovely one here is your own son, it's fine if you didn't give me a gift, didn't it mean that the child accompanied me for the past twenty years? Are you unhappy?"

"Go, go, you're not ashamed to be jealous of your younger sister at how old you are. People say that a girl is a caring little padded jacket. What are you? You're a troublemaker who only gets angry. Can you compare with our Mu'er?"

Too lazy to look at Nangong Yizhi, Mrs. Ning Guohou kept holding Ling Muer's hand during the meal, wishing to whisper all the whispers of her life.

Nangong Yizhi looked at the two people who were as close as mother and son in front of him speechlessly. He seriously doubted his own life experience, so he elbowed the man next to him, "Father, it's time to tell the truth, why don't you tell me the truth?" , which tree root did you two dig out from?"

Ning Guohou, who has always loved his wife, only sees his wife no matter where he is. While peeling shrimp for his wife, he stares at his wife dotingly, "I really can't remember which tree, anyway, we have a daughter now. It doesn't matter if you want your son or not, just go if you can't see it."

"Can you go a little further?"

Nangong Yizhi went crazy, this meal was almost unbearable, what kind of wedding wine did he have to drink, it was a deadly wine.

"Mom, I have a friend who is still waiting for me, I will come as soon as I go."

In the corner, Sheng'er was drinking one cup after another, trying to get herself drunk, and there were already a few rich kids around who kept accosting her.

After receiving the promise from Mrs. Ning Guohou, Ling Muer made a gesture to Shangguan Shaochen, and then quietly walked behind a group of men.

"Sister Sheng'er, your cough just got better a few days ago, how can you drink here?" Ling Muer's voice was not loud. As soon as they heard it, they scattered to the left and right.

Cough? That's contagious.

"Thank you." Sheng'er raised her eyes and smiled bitterly at Ling Muer.

I still remember when I first met Sheng'er, the unyielding tenacity and enchanting magic power on her body made people want to approach her involuntarily, but it's a pity that they are all gone now.

At this moment, she was so sad that her body was bruised, but she didn't dare to cry. She was drinking alone, and everyone would be drunk if the wine wasn't intoxicating.

"What's going on, how can I help you?"

Ling Mu'er looked distressed, she and Sheng'er hit it off, since they call each other sisters, they are sisters for life, as long as she speaks, she will never ambiguous.

"You've seen it all, I...lost."

With a sneer, another glass of strong wine was poisoned. The bitter liquid was like poison piercing the intestines. Sheng'er grinned in pain, but couldn't help but take another sip.

"Don't drink it, you will only be the one who suffers from this drinking method."

Ling Mu'er wanted to grab her wine glass, but Sheng'er refused.

"It's just that I can't get out of bed for a few days, and I just have a splitting headache. How can it be so painful here." Sheng'er raised her finger and pointed at the chest, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

The original top card, the clever girl, is now a sad woman trapped by love.

People, no matter men or women, they can't escape the word love after all.

"As long as you need, I can help you."

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