Sheng'er didn't even give herself time to think, "It's useless."

"As long as you trust me, it's only a matter of time." Ling Muer insisted repeatedly.

She understood what Sheng'er was hurting at the moment. She was not sad about how the seventh prince concubine would have the seventh prince's child, but because she herself could not conceive the child of the person she loves.

"I have come into contact with many patients like you, and almost never failed. As long as you believe in me, I will let you achieve your wish in one year, no, half a year."

"Really?" As if hearing the Arabian Nights, Sheng'er's eyes suddenly lit up, but the next second she shook her head in disappointment. "Oh. I'm a firework girl, thinking about that kind of thing. Mu'er, don't bother me. I know my own body very well. I drank so much Guanzi soup back then. What status, what qualifications?"

No name, no distinction, not even a housekeeper, even if she has one, it's probably time for her to die, right?

Ling Muer wanted to say something more, but she didn't know how to say it.

As long as the one in the palace doesn't recognize Sheng'er's identity, she will be an invisible existence for a day. The Seventh Prince and Concubine is thankful for not embarrassing her. If she really uses tricks to give herself a chance to compete for favor, I am afraid that even the children will Disappear from this world together.

"What the hell is going on, the Seventh Prince shouldn't be that kind of person."

There was some anger in Ling Mu'er's words, and she looked at the Seventh Prince opposite with her cold eyes while speaking.

Although the other party was equally fierce and arrogant, she was not afraid, her eyes seemed to say: I will never forgive you.

"Don't treat him like this, Mu'er, he didn't apologize to me, don't do unworthy things for me, he is right."

Sheng'er guessed what Ling Muer wanted to do, but she disagreed ten thousand times.

"The seventh concubine is not as simple as we think. Besides, the master was just drunk that day and didn't know anything."

At this time, Sheng'er was still talking for him.

What is drunk?

I'm afraid that the Seventh Prince didn't resist the temptation of the Seventh Prince's concubine's sugar-coated cannonball and deliberately gave it a chance, but he didn't expect that a bet would result in a child.

"Do you want to leave the capital?"

As soon as Ling Muer's voice fell, a servant suddenly walked up to her, "Miss Ling, my master has an invitation."

The servant is tall and thin, but with a ruthless face and light steps, even she didn't know when she came behind him, it was Lian Jiazi at first glance.

"You go. On an occasion like today, even if he wants to, you can't do it. Just tell me that I will obediently wait for him in Yushengju. I will be obedient. Please rest assured."

With a soft and weak voice, tears fell from the corners of his eyes, and even a woman like Ling Mu'er felt distressed when she saw it.

"I don't know why the Seventh Prince is looking for me. I still have friends to accompany me. I'm afraid I don't have that much time."

When Ling Muer took a seat opposite the Seventh Prince, the servant who had just followed behind reported what he had heard, and sure enough, the next second saw the Seventh Prince's face change suddenly.

"Do you think you and Shangguan Shaochen can take away my people with your ability? Ling Muer, I treat you as a friend, and I just rescued your brother. Didn't Shangguan Shaochen tell you that next summer? Is the imperial prince in charge of proctoring the imperial examination?"

As soon as these words came out, Ling Muer was taken aback, but her resentment towards the Seventh Prince grew stronger.

"Since you can't give her a future, why don't you let her go? Seeing the pain of your beloved, don't you feel happy?"

The seventh concubine went to some unknown place, she was sitting next to her just now, Ling Mu'er didn't dare to turn her head, she was worried that her mistake would cost Sheng'er's life, so she endured it, clenched her hands into fists.

"Ling Mu'er, you are just my doctor, you meddle too much!"

The Seventh Prince was furious, and Zhou Qiyan, who was always by his side, hurriedly interceded for Ling Muer, "The Seventh Prince made an atonement, and Muer only treated Miss Sheng'er as a friend, so he did his best to help."

Sighing deeply, realizing that he was indeed out of proportion again, the Seventh Prince returned to normal after drinking a glass of wine.

"This matter exceeded my expectations. I'm sorry for Sheng'er. However, you should know that taking her away is causing her greater pain. I will solve it as soon as possible."

No matter how affectionate the Seventh Prince was, in Ling Muer's heart, there was no new appointment at all.

"A person who can't even control his own body wants to bring hope to others. How does the Seventh Prince want to solve it? Accept the concubine? Or ask a doctor to treat her?"

"She still has hope, right? You can do it?" If Ling Muer didn't say it, the Seventh Prince would never have thought about it. Right now, he leaned over in surprise as if seeing hope, "How much money will I have?" All are willing, the sooner the better.”

Ling Mu'er sneered, "Please the Seventh Prince to make amends, Minnv can't take on this task, because I'm worried that if I'm murdered by someone on the way to the doctor one day, I won't know."

"You..." The Seventh Prince wanted to accuse her, but only after he finished speaking did he understand the voice of her words.

That day when he was drunk, he accidentally mistook the seventh concubine for Sheng'er, and accidentally made her pregnant. Just after being reminded by Ling Mu'er, he desperately wanted Sheng'er to have his child as well, as compensation and consolation, so that Sheng'er would not be lonely or angry with him.

But how could the one in the palace not think of problems that Ling Mu'er could think of.

If she hadn't come forward to obstruct her back then, Sheng'er would have already been his most favored concubine.

That's right, even a humble status is not allowed to her, so how can she be allowed to have an heir?

At that time, not only would it not help Sheng'er, but it would even cause her to die.

"Miss Ling, I heard that you have temporarily closed the medical clinic for Ling Zixuan and Chaoyang's marriage. I wonder if the girl can close the business for another half a month?" The seventh prince stretched out his finger and gestured a number behind the folding fan, "I wonder if these can be used for the girl for half a month?" time?"

Fifty thousand taels?

The Seventh Prince is really generous.

"No need, I take Miss Sheng'er as my sister, and I will accompany her during this period of time, otherwise, even if she is not tortured to death by me, she will die in depression. If the Seventh Prince has no other orders, I will I bid farewell."

"Wait" I owe this girl another favor.

The Seventh Prince shook his head, and suddenly stopped her when she got up and was about to leave, "I heard that you are suspending your engagement with Shangguan Shaochen because of your brother's affairs, do you know that this is your worst decision."

The Seventh Prince is a smart person, and he would never bring up this matter for no reason.

Ling Mu'er returned to her seat silently and sat down, "I don't know what the seventh prince means by that?"

"Shangguan Shaochen is deeply trusted by his father. Recently, Fanbang has provoked our court one after another, and he has missed the border several times. His extraordinary skill is naturally the best candidate to lead the army. It may be half a year, but it may not be the time. You didn't cherish the best time to get married, and you can't join the army if you don't have a name or a role, how long do you think you can wait for him? Or, can he marry you after he returns in triumph?"


Of course I will marry.

Ling Muer answered firmly in her heart, but she was completely shocked by the news.

Seeing the mysterious appearance of the Seventh Prince, I am afraid that even Shangguan Shaochen himself does not know about this matter, and thinking about what Mrs. Ning Guohou said just now, I am afraid that they do not know about this matter either.

How could this happen all of a sudden?

Isn't it the job of generals to lead troops to fight?

"The emperor has raised so many people, so why hasn't he cultivated a general capable of writing and martial arts? Shangguan Shaochen is just the commander of the imperial guards. Isn't he only sent by the emperor?"

Marching and fighting, if something goes wrong, there is a danger of death on the battlefield.

The Seventh Prince smiled and shook his head, "It seems that there are some things that Shangguan Shaochen didn't explain to you, anyway, since he didn't say anything, I don't bother to be such a villain, but I can remind you a few words, if you win this time, Shangguan Shao Chen is no longer Shangguan Shao Chen."

After leaving the words, the Seventh Prince didn't say another word, and even made a gesture of please.

"What do you mean by that?" Ling Muer panicked, trying to get more useful information from his eyes.

Can she boldly guess that once the eldest brother returns from the border, he will be able to restore his true identity?

So according to Su Ce's previous words, the emperor has absolutely no reason to send his eldest brother out?

Could it be that the emperor deliberately wanted to give him a chance, so that Shangguan Shaochen could make meritorious deeds and get the biggest reward?

"Mu'er, what are you looking for?"

Shangguan Shaochen did not know when he appeared behind him.

Ling Mu'er searched every corner but didn't see Sheng'er, guessing that she probably couldn't bear the blow and returned home first, she turned her head and looked at Shangguan Shaochen with a smile, and dragged him to the rockery in the backyard without saying anything unnecessary.

"The seventh prince just said that the emperor will send you to the border to attack Fanbang, is it true?"

The sudden words made Shangguan Shaochen question, but he didn't choose to hide it.


"Why didn't you tell me about such an important matter earlier?" Ling Muer was a little agitated.

"I planned to tell you after the banquet, but I didn't expect the Seventh Prince to be faster."

"Can I not go?"

Almost as soon as the words were finished, Ling Muer made a request.

She never interfered in his life, even when he suddenly left her for two years, she never asked, but this time she was inexplicably nervous,

"Mu'er, what's wrong with you? Did the Seventh Prince say something to you?"

"It doesn't matter what the seventh prince said, brother, I won't ask you what you don't want to tell me, but can you tell me why the emperor sent you there?"

Ling Mu'er stared at him intently with her big dark pupils, "I have General Zhen Guo and General Marshal of Bing Ma in my court, so I shouldn't be you in terms of status or status, or is it that the emperor really hopes to take advantage of this battle to let the emperor take advantage of this battle?" What will you become?"

Shangguan Shaochen was a little nervous, he looked seriously into Ling Muer's eyes and couldn't say a word for a while, he didn't know how to explain.

In fact, this battle was his own request.

Because only by winning the battle can he return to his original identity, but Muer doesn't seem to like it very much.

"You don't like the palace?"

"Yes, I don't like it, I don't like it very much. Once I enter the palace gate, it's as deep as the sea, and I don't like the people around me in that place. It's fine if you're just the commander of the imperial guards, but if..." Ling Muer said later Not to mention, the crystal clear eyes were already shrouded in mist.

"I'll be waiting for you at the restaurant tomorrow, if you agree to my proposal, come to me."

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