At a moment's notice, Ling Mu'er was waiting in the private room of Ling's restaurant. There were many new dishes on the table, and three chefs stood around them, waiting for the boss to taste them.

Originally, several experienced chefs didn't pay much attention to Ling Mu'er's harsh evaluation for the first time, but after seeing her cooking and tasting the taste, they were all overwhelmed by the brat in front of him. The girl was convinced.

Each of them humbly asks for advice like a child who is just starting school.

"Well, Chef Wu's pizza today is very good. The firmness and aroma are well controlled, but the steak has been cooked for too long, which affects the taste. It will not be as good when paired with red wine."

"Chef Zhang's hot and sour spaghetti is soft and tender, and paired with the tender and juicy top-quality beef, it can completely open up the taste buds and make progress."

"As for Sous Chef Liu, you have already mastered desserts very well, but this cream cake is too hard, the cream is too thick, and the taste is greasy. You need to work harder."

Putting down the chopsticks, Ling Mu'er acted like a strict teacher, hearing the three people blushing, even Ling Dazhi who was beside him couldn't help pleading for everyone.

"Mu'er, in fact, the three chefs have done a good job, could it be that you are too picky?"

"The purpose of our Ling's restaurant is to bring customers the most perfect taste. I don't allow any flaws. Of course, I believe that my strictness will only make the chefs better and better." Ling Mu'er from In his arms, he took out a plan written impromptu last night, "This is a new system form. From now on, the monthly silver of the chefs will be fixed at ten taels per month at the beginning, and a commission will be added. "

Commission is a new word, and no one has heard of it.

Ling Dazhi picked up the planner, and the three chefs immediately approached.

"What? In the future, we will get another five copper coins for each dish ordered by the guests?" Sous Chef Li was very shocked.

"That's right, not only you, but every chef and servant in Ling's restaurant will follow this system in the future. Each person is responsible for the corresponding cuisine. Whoever orders the most dishes will get more rewards. If the benefits are good, each person will receive more than twenty taels of silver per month."

Hearing the last five words, all three of them were stunned.

They used to earn five taels of silver a month in other restaurants and it was enough. When they came to Ling's restaurant, they not only doubled the income, but also suddenly had a new reward policy. In the future, their family will be prosperous, and their children will I can go to private school, and my wife can finally afford silk and satin.

"Thank you boss, thank you Miss Ling."

Ling Muer shook her head needlessly, "You put in 100% effort to contribute to my Ling's restaurant, and I will naturally make your efforts proportional. As long as the dishes are cooked well and the customers order more, you will earn more money. , then come on, work hard."

After the three chefs left, Ling Dazhi said worriedly: "Mu'er, isn't this idea too bold? How much money will it cost?"

They had already given more money to the cook and boy in the restaurant than other restaurants, and suddenly they had to give so much to others, which made him feel pained.

"Father, in business, you can only gain if you are willing. Besides, many of the cuisines I have researched have never been heard or seen before, and the taste will inevitably be wrong. Also, if other restaurants want to poach people, wouldn't I cultivate them for nothing? This not only Let them have the spirit of swearing allegiance to our Ling Family Restaurant, and let them have the motivation to fight hard, why not do it."

Ling Muer took out a calculated form from her arms again, Ling Dazhi looked at it a little confused, "This, these are all the accounts of the restaurant?"

"Yes, I studied it carefully last night, and now the restaurant is earning a lot of money. Not only will this proposal not lose money, but it will also increase the income. Don't worry, Dad. In addition, I also want to expand the restaurant."

Their Ling's restaurant has three floors, it is already very big, how do they want to expand it.

"I have already sent people to find a suitable location or restaurant in the capital. The dishes in our restaurant are too complicated now, making it difficult for customers to choose, which is not conducive to future development, so I want to open another special high-end western restaurant. Just now The three chefs will be transferred to the western food restaurant, Dad, you will be in charge of that from now on, and I will leave this place to uncle."

In addition to opening a store, you have to leave? Ling Dazhi was instantly reluctant.

"Mu'er, do you really want to do this? In fact, I think it's good to be here."

Ling Mu'er smiled and stuffed the plan back into his palm, "Dad, you can read this plan carefully when you are free and you will understand everything. I want to develop the Ling Family Restaurant, we can't just rely on one restaurant, we If you want to have a joint name, then a high-end western restaurant is the best choice."

"There are a lot of dignitaries in the capital. Whether it's the royal family or the wealthy merchants, as long as it's delicious, they don't care about the price. Do you still remember the hot scene when we launched hot pot? The price of hot pot is more expensive than ordinary cuisine, There are still so many people who want to taste it, and Western food is no exception." Ling Muer explained with a smile.

"There are many restaurants in the Ling family now. Although the restaurant is big, it is too complicated. I plan to open a new restaurant that only serves Western food. The environment should also be unique and elegant. The price is naturally a little more expensive. If my prediction is correct, Western food will last for a day. The turnover will be three times that of the restaurant."

"Really?" Restaurants are already making enough money now, how can western food make so much money? Ling Dazhi was stunned.

"Actually, I also think that our restaurant has too many appearances. There are many times when the guests don't know what to eat after they come, but they are very hesitant. It is naturally the best to isolate them alone."

"Since Dad and I think the same, then we, we will act as soon as possible. If there is no accident, the spring western restaurant will officially open after the next year,"

"Okay, then during this period of time, I will urge them to make the best Western food, and I will also teach your uncle how to look after the shop independently." With motivation, Ling Dazhi didn't feel that paying the workers too much money per month.

When he left the private room, Ling Dazhi patted the back of his head shyly, "My dear, Mu'er, thank you for bringing our Ling family to where we are today."

Father is rarely so sentimental, why is he still so alien to his daughter, Ling Muer was about to speak, but was interrupted by Ling Dazhi, "Then you can rest assured and wait for Chen boy, I will go to work first."

Seeing her father leaving in a hurry, Ling Mu'er knew that she was shy, she smiled, and it was at this time that she noticed that Chen Shi had also passed halfway before she knew it.

The relaxed mood just now became tense in an instant.

I made an appointment with my eldest brother last night, and we will meet at the restaurant today. If he agrees to his proposal not to enter the palace, or if he refuses to accept the emperor's arrangement, he will come to see her.

However, it was a quarter of an hour, and the elder brother hadn't appeared yet.

Shangguan Shaochen has always been a punctual person.

Ling Muer crossed her hands, rubbed her palms with her five fingers, and stood at the window, looking out nervously, wishing she could see that handsome figure coming on horseback when she raised her eyes inadvertently.

But she waited for an entire hour, there were busy crowds in the street below, there were hawkers, there were street performers juggling, but there was no sign of her beloved.

"Chen, you disappoint me so much."

Sighing sadly, Ling Muer closed the window and turned to leave.

When going downstairs, a figure was walking up the stairs, two people passed each other, their shoulders collided, and the two people who were also in a bad mood suddenly sparked infinite sparks.

"Blocking the way of the king of this county..." It was the man opposite who spoke first, but when the man raised his eyes and saw the face of the woman in front of him, all the haze disappeared.

"Why is Miss Ling here at this hour? I heard that the clinic has been very busy recently."

That's right, the person who bumped into her was Xiaojun Wang Su Ce.

Ling Mu'er was in a bad mood and wasn't interested in chattering with him, so she whispered 'sorry' and planned to bypass him and leave, but Su Ce grabbed her wrist tightly.

"It wouldn't be so sad if your sweetheart leaves."

What does it mean when your sweetheart leaves?

Ling Muer clasped his wrist nervously, "What do you mean by that?"

I have never seen her react so fiercely before, Su Ce was stunned for a moment, and then understood instantly, "No wonder I met you in a restaurant at this time, I said when did Ling Bodhisattva become so cruel, and the life and death of my sweetheart who led the army to the expedition were uncertain." If you don’t give it away, it turns out that you don’t know anything.”

Shangguan Shaochen left?

I didn't even say hello to her, no wonder I didn't make the appointment on time.

So his behavior indirectly shows that he does not accept his proposal?

Ling Muer's mood collapsed in an instant, and a gloomy air radiated from her surroundings.

Su Ce realized that something was wrong, he smiled and said cautiously, "Are you alright?"

"The king of the small county is slow to use."

Forced to give him a smile, this is the most basic courtesy Ling Muer treats customers as a boss, after she finished speaking, she hurried out.

This was the first time Su Ce had seen her lose his temper since he had known her for so long.

The hand she had just grasped was in the air, tightly clenched into a fist.

Ling Mu'er ran wildly all the way, from the restaurant to the gate of the city in one breath, and sure enough, a group of people in the distance were moving farther and farther away.

She saw the man in the red armor riding on the bloody horse at a glance, even though his back was facing, even though his figure was getting smaller and smaller.

Ling Mu'er held the sleeves tightly with her hands in her cuffs, only feeling a little stagnation in her chest, she was about to fall in a blink of an eye, a figure appeared behind her in time to help her steady.

"Miss Ling, are you okay?"

How can it be good?

The fiancé didn't even say hello to her when he set off, he just left so suddenly and heartlessly. Not only did he not accept her proposal, but he didn't even bother to say goodbye?

This kind of Shangguan Shaochen is very strange.

"It's you?" When she looked back, seeing this familiar figure, Ling Muer's gratitude just now turned into boredom, yes, she was angry with Shangguan Shaochen, and she didn't even want to see the people around him.

"Xiao Qi met the girl, girl, you misunderstood brother."

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