"In the early hours of this morning, the frontier pass was 800 miles away and the border was lost. The emperor sent the elder brother to leave immediately. Originally, the elder brother was going to bid farewell to you, but the emperor suddenly decided to boost the morale of the three armies and see you off in person. The elder brother is really sad. If you can't leave, please don't blame the eldest brother."

As he said, Xiao Qi took out a letter from his pocket, "Miss, please read."

"Wait for me, I will give you an explanation when I come back. Chen."

With a few short words, Ling Muer saw half of the original anger in her eyes disappear abruptly.

But she was still angry, the first time she begged, but he didn't respond in time, and the emperor, why did he value elder brother so much? Could it be that his identity is really...

If so, can they still be together?

Ling Mu'er took a deep breath, and when she raised her eyes again, her eyes were filled with complicated loss.

"Tell your elder brother for me, let him take care."

Throwing the letter into Xiao Qi's arms, Ling Mu'er strode away, her aloof attitude was more domineering than his father's.

This future sister-in-law is also too tempered, is she going to forgive her?

Xiao Qi hurriedly followed. "Sister-in-law, hey, sister-in-law, don't be angry, brother really didn't want to break the appointment on purpose, brother said, and he will explain to you when he comes back, don't you know him for so long?"

It was because he knew too well, and he spoiled her too much on weekdays, and she was very upset that he didn't agree to today's request.

Besides, he has always had a hidden identity that he didn't tell her, but still let her ponder and guess a little bit, this feeling is terrible.

She doesn't like the royal family, she didn't like it very much in her previous life, she doesn't like being bound in one place, if Shangguan Shaochen is really that identity, she feels that this is simply God giving her a second chance to be reborn - will put To live mad.

"During the two years when the eldest brother of Lingjia Village left, you and a few brothers were the ones who secretly protected me and my family, and you were the one who stopped me in time for the fire. Ling Muer would like to thank you for saving me, but I You can't mediate things with big brother."

Xiao Qi didn't chase after her, just looked at her back and sighed.

The task assigned by the eldest brother failed, and it is inevitable that it will be another family law when we arrive at the barracks, hey.

There are quite a lot of patients seeing the doctor today, Ling Muer is very busy, Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang are almost leaving their teachers, and they helped a lot, otherwise she would have to pass out.

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, why are there so many patients, and many of them are new faces." Shang Zhi asked curiously while tidying up the consultation table.

"When I went out to shop this morning, I heard that a lot of people came from the border area. There was a fight over there, and the people were in dire straits. Many people were displaced. It was very miserable." Jiang Xiang shook her head. I couldn't help shivering.

Ling Muer instantly became nervous, "Fan Bang is so good?"

Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang didn't know that it was Shangguan Shaochen who led the troops this time.

"Well, I heard that Fanbang sent an invincible and ever-victorious general this time, who is proficient in everything. Once the border is lost, the people will suffer. Those who came to the capital to flee first probably got the news early and ran away first. Those who came out, have pity on those poor people who are still in the village." Jiangxiang believed in Buddhism, and when she said this, she kept begging God to hope that this battle would end soon and relieve the people.

Ling Muer's hand paused, doesn't that mean that the elder brother is in great danger over there, and her bulletproof vest hasn't been given away yet.

But on second thought, she wished she could slap herself twice, her elder brother bullied her so much, kept everything a secret, and didn't say hello when he left, she was still thinking about it, what an idiot.

My heart was full of mixed emotions, I couldn't lift my spirits up, and my face was not very good-looking.

"Girl, your complexion is not very good, is there something uncomfortable?" Shang Zhi was a little worried.

"We are all apprentices brought out by the girl. If the girl is not feeling well, can you cure it?" Jiang Xiang joked, and had already prepared a cup of hot tea and handed it over. Let's have some tea, it will be nice to warm up your body."

Ling Mu'er looked at the two girls gratefully, she was a little tired, and didn't want to talk too much, so she asked them to clean up, while she went back to the Ling's Restaurant alone in a daze.

"Why are you still here?" Looking at Su Ce who was drinking in surprise, his face was flushed. There were about seven or eight wine jars on the wine table in front of him. This was the rhythm of a day of drinking.

Also surprised to see Ling Mu'er twice in one day today, Su Ce's depressed mood suddenly brightened, "It's hard to wait until the girl's lover leaves the capital, the king of this county has to seize the opportunity."

Holding the jug in one hand, he patted the seat next to him, "I'm not expecting you here, sit here."

"Even if you buy me a drink, the price of the drink is still not less than a penny." Ling Muer was not polite to him, but she didn't sit beside him, but the seat opposite.

"Little money fan." Su Ce looked at her dotingly, "Why, Shangguan Shaochen didn't tell you how rich his family is when he proposed marriage to you."

It was the last thing she wanted to hear now.

Ling Mu'er shot over coldly, "If you want to continue drinking, stay here, if you don't want to drink, turn left and see you later, we're closed."

This lost look was something Su Ce had never seen before.

Every time she sees Ling Muer, she can surprise herself, and her face is always full of passion, even when she is angry, she is beautiful.

But at this moment, her pretty face was full of sadness, irritability, and sadness that shouldn't have appeared.

She has such deep affection for Shangguan Shaochen?

Su Ce's face turned cloudy just now, "It's just the last battle, and it's not to die. Besides, the emperor won't let him die easily."

Su Ce's voice was calm, and after he finished speaking, he drank another glass of wine in one gulp.

When he went to pour the wine again, the wine jar beside him was actually empty, and he was about to take the jar in front of Ling Mu'er, but there was an extra white and delicate hand on his wrist.

"Since you care so much, why do you have to send him?"

It was only then that Su Ce noticed that when he was mourning alone just now, she actually downed the jar of wine in one go.

It's rare for a woman to drink away her sorrows. Ling Mu'er is so intelligent, who laughs at everything in life and still looks like this, it breaks his heart to pieces.

"If the person you met first was me, would you still care about him?" After finishing speaking, Su Ce didn't realize why he would ask such an idiotic question.

Afraid that Ling Mu'er would laugh at him, he hastily changed his words. "Shangguan Shaochen was not the only one who led the troops this time, General Zhen Guo also joined the battle. You can guess the emperor's intentions without me telling you, so don't worry, your fiancé will not Any danger, all he wants is the honor of this victorious battle,"

Ling Mu'er's eyes were dull, completely lost the luster of the past.

She is clear about what elder brother has been burdening all this time, that is to say, it is also in the plan for many years that elder brother volunteered this time?

Was she in his plans? What is her identity and position in the plan?

"Little Er, serve the wine."

One after another, she suddenly felt that she was not living happily, because she didn't even know what the man she liked did or what he would do in the future.

"Alcohol hurts your health, don't drink it."

Su Ce tried to take the wine jar from her, but Ling Muer refused.

"The king of the dignified little county is so stingy with just a few pots of wine. At worst, I will treat you to this meal. Don't stop me."

Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes became blurred. Ling Mu'er was obviously a little drunk.

Obviously he came here to get drunk, why did he change his identity? Su Ce sat aside and watched her quietly, unable to bear to break the quiet scene.

What are a few jars of wine? Even if you want everything from me, I won't give up half of it.

But will you give me this chance?


Ling Mu'er was drunk and fell on the table without moving.

It was the first time Su Ce saw her so quiet, with her fair face, long and curly eyelashes, and even breathing, every frequency was so touching.

This girl who doesn't have any defenses against men, is she not worried that he will use some tricks?

Su Ce thought that he was not Liu Xiahui, but his outstretched hand was uncontrollably withdrawn.

You have to work hard for what you like, but the person you like can't use despicable means.

That's all.

Sighing lightly, Su Ce got up and hugged her in his arms.

The little person is so light, "This girl looks good, why is she as light as a feather?" Su Ce frowned slightly,

Xu heard his thoughts, the woman in his arms arched and found a comfortable position, as docile as a cat, Su Ce didn't feel heavy, stood in the private room and hugged her, carefully Looking at it, I couldn't help but see God.

want to kiss.

Su Ce's thoughts just surfaced, and he found that his red lips were already close to her forehead. She closed her eyes, wanting to feel the kiss on the forehead. Suddenly, the closed door was opened from the outside.

"You, what are you doing!" Ling Dazhi shouted angrily.

Su Ce, who was originally immersed in a dream, paused, staggered a few steps like a guilty conscience, and almost fell down.

It was like being caught stealing a cat. Su Ce had never been so flustered. He was afraid of throwing Ling Muer. He hugged the girl in his arms tightly and looked at Ling Dazhi in embarrassment, "She, she drank Too much, since Uncle Ling is here, please take care of me."

Su Ce's movements were so fast that he had already handed Ling Mu'er in his arms into Ling Dazhi's arms while speaking, and then he seemed to run away.

A series of actions took place in the blink of an eye. If it wasn't for his daughter's physical discomfort that pulled him back to his thoughts, Ling Dazhi would not have turned around for a long time.

"This girl, why did you drink so much wine?"

It seemed that the Ling Mansion could not go back, so Ling Dazhi simply let his daughter live in the lounge of the private room.

It was night, a figure jumped over the wall, and after a few ups and downs, its light body landed precisely in the private room.

Looking at the sleeping sweet little woman, the man licked his lips...

Forget it, how could he do such a thing while taking advantage of others?

Resisting the uncontrollable impulse in his body, Su Ce took out a sachet from his bosom and carefully placed it in her hand. When Ling Muer was about to wake up, he jumped out the window and disappeared into the night like a cheetah.

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