Su Ce had no intention of standing in anyone's camp, so naturally he would not be too familiar with anyone. At the moment, the Seventh Prince was in a great mood to tease him. He was thinking of Ling Muer in his heart, and he was in no mood to deal with him.

"Sorry, I still have something urgent to do. I will visit the Seventh Prince another day."

Just as Su Ce walked three meters away, the subordinates he sent hurriedly reported, "Master, there is still no trace of Miss Ling."

The seventh prince and Zhou Qiyan, who were about to leave, were stunned at the same time when they heard the word 'Miss Ling', the latter hurried forward, and the seventh prince gave him a look of 'go ahead' without waiting for him to speak.

"Little Duke, but what happened to Mu'er?"

Zhou Qiyan had been by Ling Muer's side for more than a year. If the Seventh Prince's intentional strike up just now was to win over, but Zhou Qiyan was genuinely concerned about it, and Su Ce didn't hide it.

"Ling Mu'er may be in danger. All the hidden guards I sent out did not find her whereabouts. They are searching closely. I wonder if Mr. Zhou has any news?"

Hearing that Ling Mu'er was really in danger, Zhou Qiyan tensed up and nodded hurriedly, "I saw Mu'er in the morning, and she was going out to see a doctor with her medicine box, did she not come back?"

Finally found any news about the girl, Su Ce said eagerly, "Tell me, where did she go?"

"I remember it's the suburbs, yes, the suburban courtyard."

Su Ce frowned immediately, "Impossible, there was a plague in the outskirts of the city last year, and all the residents there migrated, and it was already a wasteland, don't you know?"

After all, after leaving the capital for more than two years, Zhou Qiyan was not very clear about the changes in many places. Hearing what Su Ce said, his heart hung in his throat.

No wonder I always felt something was wrong when I first heard this address in the morning.

If he knew, he would never agree to Ling Muer going.

"Why are you still standing there? Since Miss Ling is in danger, she regards you as a brother and a friend, so why don't you help the little prince!"

The Seventh Prince stood one meter away from the two of them, playing with the wrench in his hand, and spoke lightly.

"Thank you, Seventh Prince!"

Su Ce took Zhou Qiyan and the two of them to the west at full speed. Because of last year's plague in the suburbs, the emperor ordered fire to ward off the disaster. Not only did the people migrate, but many houses were also burned down. Everywhere they went was dilapidated.

Because the road was destroyed, the two had no choice but to dismount and walk, Zhou Qiyan became more and more worried, "This place is deserted, will Mu'er turn back after walking halfway?"

Su Ce shook his head firmly, "Impossible, according to her temperament, the more shabby she is, the more she will go to the patient's home to see him."

He thought he didn't know Ling Mu'er very well, but her nickname of Ling Bodhisattva was not empty.

"Since that person chose the place here, he must have planned it carefully. No matter what happens later, remember that it is important to take Ling Mu'er away."

Zhou Qiyan and Su Ce looked at each other and accepted his proposal. The two took out their swords, one looked to the left and the other to the right. They worked together and were very cautious.

In a certain courtyard.

Ling Mu'er woke up with a splitting headache, her blurred vision gradually became clear, and she realized that she was in a wedding room, because there were red curtains all around, she wanted to go down to find out, but found that her limbs were moving no.

She tried to adjust her breath, but she gasped weakly and heavily.

Unfortunately, she was given Ruanjin powder, and in order to prevent her from breaking free, her limbs were tied tightly in the middle of the bed.

"Come on, come on!"

Just calling for help seemed to use up all her strength. Ling Muer stared out of the curtain angrily, and vaguely heard the sound of the door opening, and the sound of footsteps getting closer.

"Who is it? What are you going to do? Let me go immediately if you are sensible!"

Ling Mu'er tried to break free, but the other party tied her with an iron chain, and she had no strength, so she couldn't break free. Naturally, she couldn't detoxify herself, and she was bound by five flowers, and she couldn't enter the space of the God Ring.

Do you want to wait for death obediently like this?

"It's you?"

The figure of the man appeared outside the translucent curtain, with his hands behind his back. Even though he was wearing a mask, Ling Muer could still recognize his identity at a glance.

"Not only does she have an exquisite figure, but she also has an exquisite mind."

The man simply took off his mask, opened the curtains, and sat down beside Ling Muer's bed.

He stretched out his index finger and slid across her side face with great interest. Ling Muer just felt disgusted. "The dignified prince has done such nasty things, aren't you afraid of being exposed?"

That's right, the man who appeared in front of his eyes at this moment, with strong possessive eyes, was the crown prince he couldn't ask for.

The fingers that slid across her side face triumphantly picked her chin, the prince put his arms around his chest, curled his lips and sneered, "Oh, you have fallen to such a point, and you still want to threaten me? Tsk tsk tsk, Ling Muer, Ling Muer , the most annoying thing about you is that you don't know how to be funny, but it doesn't matter, as long as you have a face and a figure, that's enough."

The crown prince got up slowly, staring at her with a pair of eyes, and slowly unfastened his belt with both hands. He was wearing a red wedding robe today. After untiing the belt, he threw the transparent half gauze coat aside. Looking at Ling Muer's frightened face again, he was so satisfied that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

"Why? Are you afraid sometimes?"

He opened his arms and proudly showed off the surrounding decorations, "How about it, the new house that the prince specially arranged for you is very beautiful, right? Didn't you ask why happy characters are posted everywhere in this yard?"

Said, the prince leaned down, his evil face was getting closer and closer to her, and his red lips were close to her ear, "Because today is your and my big day, don't worry, as long as tonight is over, I will give you A title, I will never treat you badly."

As soon as the words were finished, a scream pierced the sky, the crown prince covered his right ear in pain and got up, he raised his hand and slapped Ling Mu'er hard on the side of the face.

"Bitch, how dare you bite me?"

That's right, just now he was imagining the wonderful moment with her in the bridal chamber, this woman actually opened her mouth and bit his ear.

The crown prince covered his ears and looked at Ling Muer ferociously. He felt sticky slipping from his palm. He widened his eyes and gritted his teeth. "If you don't eat the toast, you will be fined. Ling Muer, you asked for it."

Without giving her time to react, the prince rushed forward.

The heavy weight made her even more breathless, Ling Muer swayed from side to side, trying not to let him succeed.

"Your majestic prince actually robbed a civilian girl, are you not afraid that this matter will be exposed and spread to the emperor's ears? By then, do you think you can still hold your prince's seat?"

While struggling, Ling Muer opened her mouth to confuse his mind in order to buy herself time.

"Your Majesty? Don't worry, Father will never know about this matter for the rest of his life, because this is the outskirts of the city. Since you can come here, you probably don't know what happened here. This is a place where all the people can't hide. You came here unexpectedly. Why, do you still think that someone will come to rescue you?"

The prince lay on her body, clasped her wrists with both hands, carefully admiring this peerless face,

Well, it really looks good no matter how you look at it.

There is also a faint herbal fragrance on her body, which is much better than the rouge smell on those vulgar fans.

"How do you know that no one will come to save me?" Ling Muer panted, the small universe in her heart was about to explode at any moment.

If the prince touches her hair today, she will make him pay in blood in the future.

"Who? Shangguan Shaochen? Or Su Ce?"

The prince sneered, "Speaking of which, you have a lot of peach blossoms. There was a commander of the imperial guards in the front, and a small county king in the back. I heard that the seventh prince also often helps you. You, a little goblin who can charm people's souls, are really uneasy. How long have you only been in the capital, and you have attracted so many people to flock to you, why don't we guess, which one of them can find you here?"

Ling Muer was stopped by the question, yes, according to the fact that it was already dark outside at this moment, she arrived at the other courtyard at noon, if they found her missing, they should have found her long ago.

"No matter who you are, once you find out what you have done today, your position as the crown prince will definitely be lost. For a woman, for the best of the world, bet your own future, prince, please ask your heart, it is really worth it ?"

Ling Mu'er's eyes were bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty. Although she was carefully watching the prince's eyes to guard against his every move, she was watching the opening of the God Ring space in her heart.

That's right, if this man really wanted to do that nasty thing to her, she wouldn't mind exposing this artifact, but if he really did, he wouldn't even be ordered to reveal the secret.

"You're right. It's not worth giving up the crown prince to get you, but no one will find you here."

The prince's smug laughter spread throughout the room, and suddenly, he tore off Ling Muer's collar, revealing a large snow-white shoulder. The prince deliberately nodded and sniffed, and when he raised his head greedily, the satisfaction was disgusting.

"Xiang, it is indeed fragrant. No wonder Su Ce and Shangguan Shaochen always like to come to your side. Ling Muer, it's getting late, we should cherish the time. If you are sensible, cooperate with me obediently, otherwise you will only suffer It's you."

When the words fell, the prince lowered his head and was about to kiss his neck forcibly, Ling Mu'er mustered all her strength, and hit his head hard.

"Qin Yuheng, believe it or not, I will kill you!"

The prince was suffering from pain, and tightly clutched his bumped forehead, "You woman, you are fierce and savage, do you think you can get rid of tonight by doing this? You still want to kill me? Then I have to wait until I eat you."

Taking advantage of Ling Muer's inattention, the prince inserted the silver needle hidden in his cuff into Ling Muer's acupuncture point.

Ling Mu'er was about to open the God Ring Space to hide herself, when her vision went dark and she completely fell into a faint.

"I didn't expect that I would use this trick. I knew you wouldn't cooperate with me obediently. It doesn't matter. After you become my man completely, I don't believe you won't obediently surrender."

With a wave of the crown prince's hand, Ling Mu'er's clothes were completely undone. He was about to get up and go up again, when the closed door was suddenly opened.

"Whoever is not afraid of death, get out!"

The crown prince yelled angrily, it was just a single sentence, he felt a strong wind blowing in front of him, and when he opened his eyes, there was a sharp and cold dagger on his neck.

"It's you?"

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