The prince looked at the man in armor standing in front of him in disbelief.

"You, haven't you already left the capital? You went back to the capital privately without being summoned by your father, but you know that this is a capital crime of beheading!"

Shangguan Shaochen used his right hand slightly, and the dagger was so sharp that it cut his neck. From the corner of his eye, he looked at Ling Muer who was being bullied. His eyes were scarlet and vicious, and the dagger in his hand wanted to cut off his head.


One second before Su Ce and Zhou Qiyan rushed over, Shangguan Shaochen took off his cloak and completely wrapped Ling Muer's body.

The prince was shocked and looked at the two people who rushed in again, tremblingly said: "You guys, how did you find this place?"

Feeling the pain on his neck and the dripping stickiness, although he was afraid, he still put on the airs of a prince, "Okay Shangguan Shaochen, you actually assassinated this prince, do you believe it or not, I will give you a copy to the emperor, kill me!" Killed your Nine Clans!"

"That also depends on whether you have the life to return to the palace."

Without giving the prince a chance to react, the dagger in Shangguan Shaochen's hand struck his neck again, and Su Ce rushed over to hold the dagger with his bare hands.

Because the former was too strong, Su Ce cut his palm while holding the dagger, and the blood dripped down the sword instantly.

"How dare you stop me? Do you know what he did to Mu'er?"

When he just came in, Su Ce saw Shangguan Shaochen's cloak falling down to cover his exquisite figure, although it was just a glance, but he saw it clearly, the anger in his heart was naturally no less than his,

"Even so, you can't kill people here! Besides, he is the current prince."

"So what about the prince! He dared to touch my Mu'er in the slightest, and I will demand his life!"

Shangguan Shaochen's eyes turned red, and he ruthlessly pulled out the dagger held by Su Ce. Su Ce endured the pain, but resisted, and hurriedly gave Zhou Qiyan a look. Zhou Qiyan, who was shocked behind him, came back to his senses and hugged him from behind. Live in Shangguan Shaochen's body.

"Lord Shangguan, calm down. If you really kill the prince, you will have to pay for your life. Do you want Mu'er to lose Ailang when she wakes up?"

A series of actions were too fast, in the blink of an eye, the prince nodded frequently.

"That's right, you can't kill me. I'm the crown prince, even if I make a huge mistake, only the emperor can touch me. You, any of you can't touch me."

The words fell. He received a heavy punch on the forehead.

Su Ce's bloody fist unceremoniously made another punch, "The punch just now was for Mu'er, and now this punch is to vent my anger. Prince, do you really want to die?"

After two punches in succession, the Prince shook his head, his eyes gradually changed from blurred to clear.

He wanted to do something, but the three people in front of him were all very skilled. He got up and squatted down obediently, "You guys, do you really dare to kill me? Okay, do it if you have the ability!"

"Shangguan Shaochen, don't be impulsive!"

Seeing that he was about to rush over again, Zhou Qiyan hurriedly stopped him, "We will hand him over to the emperor, don't worry, the matter of robbing civilian women is of great importance, the emperor will never sit idly by, but you, if you really kill him here Prince, you will bear the consequences of killing people and returning to Beijing without permission, do you think you will never see Mu'er in this lifetime?"

No matter how impulsive he is, he still knows that Zhou Qiyan is thinking of himself.

Shangguan Shaochen suppressed the murderous aura in his heart, and calmed down after a while, "Leave this to you, I will take Mu'er back first."

Throwing away the dagger in his hand, Shangguan Shaochen hugged Ling Muer horizontally. Although the wide cloak covered her whole body, the white shoulders that were accidentally exposed during her actions successfully ignited a small flame in Su Ce's heart.

"Wait." Despite being angry, Su Ce did not lose his mind, and gave Shangguan Shaochen a look, signaling him to go out and talk.

"After taking the crown prince to the saint, he will definitely read you a copy. Go to my other courtyard. There is an excerpt that I bought accidentally. No one knows and no one lives in it. It is good for you and Mu'er." Then read out A string of addresses.

Shangguan Shaochen said "thank you" and left with lightness kung fu.

In the room, only the prince Su Ce and Zhou Qiyan were left.

Seeing the angriest one leave, the prince wanted to stand up, but just as he got up, he kicked heavily on his chest.

"Pfft..." A mouthful of blood spewed out. The force felt so strong that the prince held his chest in disbelief, "Su Ce, you... how dare you hurt the prince?"

Su Ce picked up the dagger thrown by Shangguan Shaochen on the ground, and casually played with it in his palm. When he looked at the crown prince again, his expression was cold, like a Shura climbing up from hell.

"Tell me, what did you do to Ling Muer."

The voice was cold and ruthless, so cold that the prince couldn't help shivering,

These people are all here for Ling Muer, ha, he just wants to make them suffer in this life!

"I've done everything, let me tell you, even if you come, it's too late, didn't you see Shangguan Shaochen and won't even let you see, because Ling Muer's body is full of my marks."


Almost as soon as the prince finished speaking, his body was kicked and flew out, hitting the table behind him heavily.

" dare to hurt me, father will never let you go. Su Ce, don't you want your county king to take the throne?" Another mouthful of blood was spit out, and the prince's face turned from green to white.

Su Ce's kick just now almost exhausted all his strength, and the prince felt his internal organs tremble.

No, he cannot die here.

Looking at Zhou Qiyan, he tried to persuade him, "Zhou Qiyan, you are the only one here who didn't do anything to me. As long as you save me now, I can forgive everything you did tonight and give you everything you want. Let you have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life, as long as you help me kill Su Ce, I will give you whatever you want from the prince."

Zhou Qiyan was startled, and for the first time sneered on his usual warm face.

Does he look like he doesn't care about Ling Muer so much? No, the person who wants to kill the prince the most here is actually him.

"Then it depends on whether the prince has this life to give me everything I want."

Zhou Qiyan said it was too late and then quickly, and the speed of his strike was in the blink of an eye, and screams came from the room.

The prince was beaten so helplessly that he had no power to fight back. Where did he still have the prestige and prestige of the past, but now he is in such a mess that he is not even as good as a beggar.

He squatted on the ground with his hands on his head and kept begging for mercy, "I was wrong, I was wrong, please forgive me, don't beat me again, if you really kill me, you don't want to live."

This is true, even though the crown prince has done something out of conscience, he still has to be handed over to the emperor for execution. Seeing that Zhou Qiyan wanted to do something, Su Ce immediately stopped him, "Your identity does not allow you to do such a thing, don't worry, Give this person to me."

The prince was even more afraid when he heard it.

This monstrous man didn't expect his skills to be so powerful. He always thought that the little county king was just like him, who only knew how to seek flowers and ask willows all day long, and his fist and kick skills were nothing more than self-defense skills of three-legged cats, but the kick just now cost him half his life. Now, if I really fell into his hands, wouldn't life be worse than death.

"Su Ce, you, how dare you! Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about your father and your grandmother."

"So, you still want to threaten me?"

There was a sneer on the corner of Su Ce's mouth.

He was afraid, if the emperor pursued it, the entire Su family would be buried with him, so he didn't let Shangguan Shaochen do the killing, and he didn't want to implicate Zhou Qiyan, who was of high status. Then he was the only one who stood up for Ling Muer.

Although he is a small county king, but the crown prince has touched his bottom line, so what if he loses the throne of the county king!

"When you are thinking about Ling Mu'er, you should think of this result. The dignified prince robbed the civilian girl. I believe that the emperor will never blame me for doing it to you after he knows it. Besides, who will see that it was me who did it? ?”

As soon as this remark came out, the prince was instantly frightened.

"No, you can't hand me over to my father, Su Ce, what on earth do you want to do? Is this good? From now on, we will not offend each other. As long as you let me go this time, what do you want to do in the future? Listen to you, can't you listen to you?"

The embarrassed prince crawled up in front of Su Ce like a running dog and tugged at the hem of his clothes. His face was bruised and purple, and the wound on his neck was still bleeding.

It's a pity that this person hurt the person he cared about most.


After saying that, he removed the iron chain that bound Ling Muer and joined hands with Zhou Qiyan to control him.

"Anyway, the emperor intended to abolish the crown prince long ago, but he just didn't find a suitable opportunity. Today, I found this opportunity for the emperor. I believe that the emperor will not only blame him, but also thank him."

Su Ce gave Zhou Qiyan a look, and the two escorted him to the horse.

Only by entering the palace immediately can the seriousness of the matter be revealed.

The prince kept struggling, but his body couldn't break free from the iron chain. He was furious, "Who, exactly who leaked the news to you, and how did you find this place?"

Su Ce originally wanted to make things worse for him by telling him that she was his empress, but he thought that the princess's kind deeds today owed her a favor after all.

"It doesn't matter who it is, what matters is that you will take off this clothes immediately, and you will no longer be the crown prince from now on." Su Ce raised his long whip, and the steed under him let out a long cry before galloping fast.

"You personally destroyed everything about yourself for a woman. I admire your courage." Su Ce sneered.

The prince was about to cry.

"It doesn't matter if you don't tell me who it is, but this matter is really not my idea alone. It was Lian'er who encouraged me to do this. In order to get Shangguan Shaochen, she deliberately designed to give Ling Muer to me. Su Ce, even if you want revenge, you should go to Lian Er."

It's not that Su Ce didn't believe his words, but the result shocked him.

Princess Lianer, yes, he wrote it down.

Seeing that Su Ce did not respond, the prince became anxious, "Don't you believe it? The other courtyard is the courtyard of Concubine Shu's natal family. It was refurbished after the plague. You can find out as soon as you check it. Su Ce, let's make a deal. You put this The matter has been transferred to Lian'er, from now on I will obey your orders, take me to the throne and help you become the one-word side-by-side king, how about it?"

Just now I was still wondering whether the emperor would believe it if Lian'er was involved, but with this evidence, the two of them could just be knocked down.

Su Ce readily agreed, "Okay, let's see if the prince has the fate to become emperor."

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