Zhou Qiyan lowered his head shyly when asked by the Seventh Prince.

It was the first time that Zhou Qiyan, who never showed happiness or anger on his face, was blushing all day long for revenge.

The Seventh Prince nodded knowingly, "Since you still regard me as your master, then I will help you with this." Saying this, he was about to walk towards Ling Muer.

Zhou Qiyan hurriedly stopped him, "No, the seventh prince."

"Why?" It's so obvious that he likes it, but he still doesn't express his heart. This is not the spirit that a man should have.

"You know, she has a fiancé."

"So what?" The Seventh Prince sneered, "Don't say you are not married yet, even if you are married, if you really like it, you can still move her. What can a big man do if he is timid when facing his own feelings? event?"

"Zhou Qiyan, this shouldn't be your style." The seventh prince deliberately stimulated him, hoping to stimulate the potential in his body.

Zhou Qiyan knew that he was a coward in this matter, but he dared not say anything.

He turned his eyes to look at Ling Muer, she was chatting and laughing with everyone at the moment, her delicate face was full of smiles, she looked so happy.

"Because I promised that I would never become an enemy with Shangguan Shaochen, and the last thing I want is for her to be unhappy."

As long as he sees Ling Mu'er, all the haze will disappear, this is his white moonlight, where his heart desires.

But he knew that once the window paper was pierced, he wouldn't even be able to be friends. Maybe Mu'er wouldn't be so stingy, but he couldn't make trouble for her after being rejected.

"Besides, how could she not know what I mean?" Zhou Qiyan snorted self-deprecatingly.

If it wasn't for family feud, he really wanted to stay by her side and be her assistant for the rest of his life.

They cooperated so tacitly, and they acted so well. If he worked harder, maybe he could really embrace the beauty, but if he missed that opportunity, he would miss it for the rest of his life.

Why doesn't Mu'er know his intentions? Otherwise, the question would not have been asked in the first place.

"Like a person is not possession, but fulfillment, as long as she is good enough."

After thinking about it for a moment, Zhou Qiyan took a deep breath, and said the truest thoughts in his heart. He felt much more relaxed, "Thank you, Seventh Prince, for your kindness. Zhou Qiyan will never forget your kindness in this life. I will try my best to do my best.”

The Seventh Prince didn't speak, just looked at him quietly, Zhou Qiyan felt hairy all over, and then asked a question out of the blue.

"You are not against Shangguan Shaochen, but if he is against me, what is your position?"

How could Shangguan Shaochen become an enemy of the Seventh Prince?

Zhou Qiyan originally thought that he also fell in love with Mu'er, after all she is so outstanding, but after thinking about it carefully, he suddenly felt something was wrong. He analyzed carefully and thought of what the Seventh Prince cared about the most. He suddenly realized.

"Seventh Prince..."

"Ha, I'm just kidding you, it makes you nervous." With a big palm on his shoulder, the Seventh Prince suddenly put away his stern and serious face, and returned to the gentle and evil charm of the past, "Don't worry, even if you have two legs You are all lame, since you are willing to serve me, I will not give up on you, as long as you remember what you just said."

Looking at the back of him swaggering away, Zhou Qiyan fell into deep thought.

He was sure that the Seventh Prince's sharp eyes just now were definitely not a joke.

After thinking for a long time, he decided to drag Ling Mu'er to a corner after the meal.

"What's the matter, Brother Zhou, you're mysterious, but what's wrong with you?"

Ling Muer's face was terribly pale because of her menstruation, Zhou Qiyan touched her forehead, "I'm fine, but you, why is your face so ugly? Do you want me to find a doctor?"

She laughed 'puchi', "Are there any doctors in the capital who are more powerful than me?"

Zhou Qiyan suddenly smiled, and rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, "Yes, your medical skills are so good, even the imperial doctor in the palace is not as good as you, but Mu'er, you must take good care of your health."

Feeling uncomfortable being looked at by Zhou Qiyan's infatuated eyes, Ling Mu'er shrugged, "Brother Zhou, do you have something difficult to say? Of course, if you really find it inconvenient, then don't say it for now. I'm really not feeling well first. Go back and rest."

He probably thought he was going to say that. Zhou Qiyan stared intently, but smiled wryly in his heart. He wanted to say it, but he would rather keep it in his heart for the rest of his life than break the peace between the two of them at the moment.

"It's the Seventh Prince. He suddenly asked me a very strange question just now, which is related to Shangguan Shaochen."

Hearing the name that was on her mind, Ling Mu'er immediately cheered up, pricked up her ears and was full of defense, "What did the Seventh Prince say to you?"

Zhou Qiyan explained the truth without leaving a single word. Ling Muer frowned after hearing the words, and her thoughts became tense involuntarily.

"Do you suspect that the Seventh Prince will be unfavorable to Eldest Brother?"

"Although I don't know why the Seventh Prince suddenly targeted Shangguan Shaochen, I also know something about the court affairs. As long as Lord Shangguan returns triumphantly after destroying Fanbang this time, he will definitely be used by the emperor. Lord Shangguan currently has 200,000 troops In his hands, if he gets another meritorious service, he will be in control of the entire military power, and this is probably what the Seventh Prince cares about." Zhou Qiyan analyzed it seriously.

Ling Muer didn't think so.

Now it seems that the Seventh Prince didn't explain everything to Zhou Qiyan. The Seventh Prince knew about his eldest brother, but Zhou Qiyan didn't.

If she guessed correctly, the Seventh Prince was afraid that after the Sixth Prince was eliminated, there would be another strong opponent.

"If the Seventh Prince really wants to do something, is it convenient to stay in the military camp or return to Beijing?"

Zhou Qiyan thought about it carefully, "Of course it's outside the palace."

"When an incident occurs outside the palace, as long as it is handled properly, it can be blamed on anyone without anyone noticing it. Although the capital is large, it is full of the eyes of the rich and powerful, so it is inevitable that it will not be exposed. Although Mr. Shangguan is in the barracks, If you want to take the opportunity to frame him, it is much more convenient than in the capital."

Ling Muer glanced at him gratefully, "I know what to do, thank you Brother Zhou for reminding me."

Afraid that she would do something that he would regret, Zhou Qiyan hurriedly stopped her, "Mu'er, what are you going to do? Maybe I can help you."

Seeing the tension in his eyes, Ling Muer shook her head with a smile, "Brother Zhou, what do you think I'm going to do? Ask the Seventh Prince for questioning? Or do you want to go ahead and assassinate him like you did?"

Zhou Qiyan didn't speak, but his eyes seemed to say: "Why not?"

"If the Seventh Prince doesn't do anything for a day, I won't be hostile to him for a day. Don't worry, I won't be so impulsive. Of course, if he really does anything to hurt the elder brother, then don't say it's you , no one can change my mind, I will make him pay with blood!"

I have never seen such a strong evil spirit in a woman's eyes, Zhou Qiyan gasped, and secretly lamented that he was not her enemy, and at the same time, it was accompanied by bitterness, that she had such deep affection for Shangguan Shaochen.

Mmm, that's pretty enviable.



The queen shouted angrily.

Throwing away all the things that could be thrown, looking at the kneeling woman below, she not only showed no sympathy, but was filled with anger.

"What is your grandfather working so hard to train you for? He couldn't even do such a small thing, and he came to me crying, what do you think of this place in this palace? You might as well die."

The queen was about to kick her, but Lin Lesheng hurriedly dodged, not caring about wiping the tears off her face, she cried even more fiercely.

"Your Majesty, please make amends. I beg your Majesty to calm down for the sake of the baby in my belly. Please help Le Sheng."

That's right, the woman kneeling on the ground is none other than the Seventh Prince Concubine Lin Lesheng.

After her grandfather was beheaded by the emperor for public display, her natal family was confiscated immediately. If she hadn't married the seventh prince, she would have escaped death.

She sought comfort from the Seventh Prince, but who would have thought that the Seventh Prince seemed to be a different person overnight, completely ignoring the child in her womb and ignoring her.

In desperation, she had no choice but to come to the harem to ask the queen to make decisions.

"Help you?" The queen squatted down, and when her slender fingertips slid across her pretty face, it almost disfigured her.

"I'm not dead, why are you crying here, it's bad luck."

Seeing her crying like a tearful person, the queen not only didn't show sympathy, but pushed her down.

Lin Lesheng was in pain, and hurriedly hugged her stomach and panted heavily, "Your Majesty..."

"Don't call me!" The queen scolded angrily, "Back then your grandfather and Bengong worked so hard to marry you to the Seventh Prince. What did they ask you to do? They asked you to monitor him! But you can't even do this little thing well, even him I don’t know if I got the evidence of the Taifu, but now the Taifu was beheaded and the whole Taifu’s house was ransacked, do you remember your mission now?”

The queen's facial features were hideous, "I really want to strangle you to death, useless thing!"

Lin Lesheng cried even more fiercely, "Yes, it is Le Sheng who is stupid, and it is Le Sheng who is incompetent, but the Seventh Prince never handles these matters in front of me. Le Sheng really doesn't know when he got the evidence. Ling Mu Er, yes, it is Ling Muer, she has been helping Zhou Qiyan all the time, which caused the current situation. Le Sheng heard that before his grandfather's accident, Ling Muer had met with the Seventh Prince many times. They must have planned it at that time , I beg the empress to make the decision for Le Sheng."

"Okay, say you're stupid, you really haven't let me down, how can a little girl be so capable to help Zhou Qiyan, she has someone to help behind her."

The corner of the Queen's mouth lightly raised, "I heard that if it wasn't for the confession paper, the Tai Tuo wouldn't have been beheaded. Your grandfather has always been scheming, if it wasn't for some people's torture, how could he plead guilty?" Turning around, he looked at the personal eunuch, "How are you doing with the things I told you a few days ago?"

The eunuch nodded, "The investigation is clear, the man is indeed still alive."

"Okay, let's do it quickly, he ruined my plan, and I will make him lose his identity!"

The queen clenched her slender fingers into fists.

She who was still furious just now was sitting lazily on the phoenix couch, as if nothing had happened, and even her voice was much softer, "I want to see how Su Ce, who has lost his status as the little county king, will do in the future Help his sweetheart."

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