Early this morning, at the bustling market, a lot of copper coins suddenly fell from the sky. The people who were shopping gathered together to loot them. While everyone was wondering, some people began to drop a lot of paper. The people thought it was silver bills. , hurriedly gathered together to grab it, but saw a line of words written on it.

Finally, the spring was warm and the flowers were blooming. Ling Muer didn't choose to drive in a sedan chair, but chose to walk with Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang. When she was approaching the medical center, she saw so many people gathered in front of her, she couldn't help being curious.

"Girl, I'll go and have a look for you." Jiang Xiang was so lively, she hurriedly ran over, and came back with a piece of paper after a while.

"What's the matter, your face is so ugly, but someone in the capital is doing something wrong again?"

Shang Zhi snatched the paper, and Jiang Xiang looked at Ling Muer, "Girl, we are late, it is said that someone threw money out of nowhere just now, and those common people picked up more than ten copper coins at most."

Ling Mu'er sneered in disbelief, "Money dropped from the sky? What, is it possible that the boy who distributes wealth is here?" After she finished speaking, she looked up and looked around, pretending to be disappointed, and said: "Why don't I have such good luck to meet the God of Wealth?" "

"It's true, someone did throw a lot of money just now, do you see the happy faces on their faces?" Jiang Xiang turned her head and pointed at the crowds of people who were discussing a lot, indeed everyone had a surprised expression on their faces, But Jiang Xiang soon disappeared again, "But the copper coins turned into paper when they were scattered."

"It's not turned into paper, but someone deliberately spread rumors in this way." Shang Zhi interrupted Jiang Xiang's nonsense, and handed the letter to Ling Mu'er, "Miss, please look, this time the king of the little county may meet someone Big trouble."

"Su Ce, the eldest son of the county prince's mansion, was not born to the eldest princess, but his biological mother was someone else. The eldest princess was the main wife, brutally murdered Su Ce's biological mother, and took her son as her own. Her biological mother is still alive. "

A few words that were neither too long nor too short, seemed to be revealing a cruel fact, which made Ling Muer startled.

"The sky in the capital is about to change again. Shangzhi, Jiangxiang, hurry up, pick up everything you can, and don't let more people see it."

Ling Mu'er hurriedly led two people to pick up the scattered letter paper one by one, but the person who just threw the letter paper came back and threw down a lot of it again.

Looking up, I saw a man in black flying dexterously on top of each roof, and the letter paper fell like flower petals.

"Girl, if this goes on, we won't be able to pick it up for a day." Shang Zhi frowned.

Seeing this, Ling Mu'er immediately calmed down, and aimed her eyes at the man in black with excellent lightness skills above him like a prey, and quickly took out the silver needle and shot it when he was caught off guard.

The silver needle was poisoned by her to prevent the incident that Princess Lian'er rushed out to frame her in the palace that day from happening again. She just studied it recently, and it just happened to come in handy today.

The man in black paused, then disappeared, throwing down all the letter paper in his hand before leaving.

There were more and more people in the market, although they couldn't stop those chatters, Ling Muer still tried her best.

She beckoned, beckoning Shang Zhi to come over, and whispered something softly to her ear with her red lips.

After a while, Shang Zhi and Jiang Xiang took out all the copper coins on their bodies, went to the crowd and began to collect letter paper. Those who agree to not tell about today's affairs will be given a copper coin. This good thing happened twice in one day, and no effort is required. Everyone is naturally willing, and they scrambled to hand over the letter paper to Ling Muer. Some even helped pick them up together.

In less than half an hour, all the letter papers were collected, hundreds of copies.

"Girl, can those people really stop their mouths? If you promise us not to say anything today and spread the word tomorrow, haven't we done a futile effort?" Jiang Xiang was reluctant to part with the money, three pockets, dozens of taels of silver, that's all Gone.

"Mouths are on their faces. It depends on their honesty whether they say it or not. Besides, since that person has figured out such a way to deal with Su Ce, the more dangerous ones are yet to come. Let's go back to the medical clinic first."

Jiang Xiang was dumbfounded, "We have been busy working for the little prince for a long time, shouldn't the girl go to the prince's mansion first?"

Shang Zhi slapped Jiangxiang on the head with a chestnut, "Fool, the girl only helped the little county king as a friend, not to impress the little county king, have you forgotten what the girl told us a few days ago?"

Jiang Xiang rubbed her painful head and realized later, "That's right, there are so many streets in the capital, even if you want to ask for credit, you have to pick them all up. Then we don't have to do anything today. Collecting garbage is tiring enough." It's gone."

It was only after the words fell that the girl and Shang Zhi realized that the girl and Shang Zhi had already left, Jiang Xiang hurriedly followed, "Hey, wait for me."

County Palace.

The prince of the county threw a stack of papers on the eldest princess's face aggressively, his handsome face was cold, and his black eyes glowed coldly, "It's all a good thing you did!"

The eldest princess who was putting on makeup was startled, and was about to get angry when her eyes were attracted by the words on the letter paper. She picked it up tremblingly and looked at it carefully, and her good mood all day was instantly destroyed.

"Who did this? What's going on here?"

The normally gentle and dignified eldest princess is like a crazy woman, and her good-looking facial features have also become ferocious, "Su Zhengxiu, whatever you call it is a good thing I did. Look at what it says. Back then, I suspected that you were secretly playing tricks. The means, I didn’t expect it to be so.”

"Is now the time to condemn this?" The county king shouted angrily.

"Twenty years have passed since this incident. How could it be revealed out of thin air and announced to the world in such a way? Come on."

The servant outside the door rushed in immediately, "Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

"Go and find out for me immediately. I want to know who is harming me. If you don't give me the result within three days, you can come and see me!"

After finishing speaking, the king of the county wanted to leave with the slave, but the eldest princess stopped him, "Why are you running? You can't help but think about others after being brought up in your heart?"

These years, they were glamorous and affectionate on the outside, but behind their backs they kept arguing, especially about the painting. Once Su Zhengxiu hid in the study, she would definitely quarrel, because of what? Because this man said on the surface that he would be good to her for the rest of his life, but secretly he was thinking about another woman all the time.

"Qianqian, stop making trouble. You know how serious this matter will be to the county palace. I'm just going to deal with it before it gets serious." Su Zhengxiu originally wanted to get angry, but when he saw the eldest princess swearing, Without giving up, he softened immediately.

Women are all made of water, and they can be coaxed away by saying a few nice words. He has been doing this all these years.

But the only thing about the calligraphy and painting woman, she can't get through.

"Don't fool me!" The eldest princess pushed the county king away violently, "I believed your words at the beginning and didn't throw her to the mass grave to feed the wolves, but what happened? I heard that both his and her bodies disappeared. "

The eldest princess sneered, "I naively believed what you said, thinking that she was really taken away by wild wolves, but what happened? It was you, you were the one who secretly searched for someone to rescue her."

As soon as this matter was mentioned, the eldest princess was so out of breath, she clutched her aching chest and looked at the man she loved the most in disbelief.

How important is Su Zhengxiu to her? That was an existence more important than her life. Even after her father ordered a marriage and learned that he had a woman he would never forget, she was still willing to marry her. At that time, Su Xiuxiu was just a small Zheng Sanpin.

But he didn't restrain himself, he told her that he had severed ties with that woman, but secretly gave birth to a child!

She's the eldest princess, doesn't she want to lose face?

How can she behave after this matter is spread?

On the day she found out the truth, she was so angry that she was about to go crazy, and she was going to kill the woman with a sword. It was Su Zhengxiu who knelt down and begged for mercy, and coaxed her for three days in a row, promising that there would be no further contact. She was worried and insisted on having the woman He also agreed.

But what happened?

"Don't talk about it!" When the past was mentioned, grief crossed the county king's hazy face, and his breathing became even more rapid.

"What? Feel ashamed? You also know how much you went too far back then?" The dignified and arrogant eldest princess is like a shrew at the moment.

"I was not the one who went too far back then!"

Finally irritated, the king of the county turned around aggressively, and the growling tone scared the eldest princess back a few steps and almost fell down.

Seeing this, the county king stepped forward to stabilize her body, but was pushed away by the eldest princess, "Don't touch me!"

The heartache was so painful that she could hardly breathe. The eldest princess looked at the man she had loved for decades in disbelief, "You just attacked me? Just because of that woman? Su Zhengxiu, you are too much!"

"I've already begged you for mercy, what else do you want? Qianqian, it's been so many years, and that incident has passed. Haven't we lived a good life these years? Trust me, I will settle this matter properly, you Let me out first."

"I won't let it!"

Not only did the eldest princess not let anyone go, but she rushed to the door and locked the door behind her, "Don't think I don't know what you are going to do. You know that woman is still alive, so you are going to find her, right? Su Zhengxiu, you Where do you put me, what do you think of me, Qin Wanqian?"

"I don't." The county king sighed weakly, "Okay, you have to explain that matter clearly today, okay, let's talk about it honestly and unfairly, if you didn't kill them all back then, I wouldn't Secretly making people manipulate, you know that I did all this for you."

"Hahaha, it's really funny, Su Zhengxiu, can you be a little more shameless?"

Obviously he was reluctant to part with it, but he blamed it on her.

The eldest princess laughed and cried, "Why, you want to say that you rescued her so that my hands would not be stained with blood? But have you ever thought that if she had followed my wish back then, she would be the same today? How could it be brought up again and even endanger our county palace, have you ever thought about what Ce'er will do after knowing all this!"

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