When the baby was mentioned, the king of the county paused and sat down on the chair. He clenched his hands into fists, suppressing the anger in his heart, and seemed to want to say something, but he finally held back.

"Su Zhengxiu, you want to have a good talk with me, don't you? Okay, then let's clarify the things that have been suppressed in our hearts all these years once and for all."

The eldest princess sat across from him, seeing him so devastated, her heart felt like a knife, but she still wanted to gain the upper hand.

"It was indeed I who fell in love with you back then. I asked the emperor to give me a marriage order, but at that time you didn't tell me that you had a sweetheart, and you didn't reject me after learning about my heart, so you said Tell me, is this all my fault?"

When mentioned about his shameless style back then, Su Zhengxiu suddenly raised his head, seeing the eldest princess's aloof look, he sneered, nodded and said nothing.

"And then? Then you begged me to say that you had me in your heart. When I was young, I thought that you would not marry me. I told you to separate from that woman, and you agreed, right? But you betrayed me, Secretly communicated with that woman for a song, and made her belly bigger!"

This humiliating past has continuously humiliated the county king, and even the eldest princess is disgusted every time she mentions it.

She took a deep breath, even though she was holding back, there were still crystal tears in her eyes.

Seeing her aggrieved appearance, the king of the county felt deeply guilty, and he slowly approached her, "I am the one who is sorry for you."

"Of course you are sorry for me. If it weren't for me, how could you have reached the position of the county king? If it wasn't for me, you would have been beheaded by the emperor long ago!"

Deceiving the princess and betraying the princess is a capital crime requiring beheading. At that time, as long as she is ruthless and reports to the emperor, both Su Zhengxiu and the woman will be beheaded for public display, and the child will be strangled in the cradle.

But she couldn't bear it, she loved Su Zhengxiu, the man in front of her who was full of perfection and loved her so much. She swore not to marry unless he was the only one, Su Xiu begged her to give her another chance, and she gave it.

They agreed to keep the child and kill the mother, and Su Zhengxiu agreed, and she called for the killer the next day. The weak woman, who had no strength to restrain the chicken, was quickly beaten and bruised, leaving only one breath.

She ordered the person to be thrown into a mass grave, because life or death is destiny, but when she thought of asking someone to investigate in the evening, the woman's body was gone.

She immediately became very angry, and it was Su Zhengxiu who explained that maybe it was taken away by hungry wolves.

At that time, he avoided looking at her and didn't dare to look at her, so she felt that he was lying, but in order to be able to stay with him forever and preserve the reputation of her eldest princess, she chose to bear it and didn't ask a word.

Thinking of this, the eldest princess sneered.

"I'm so stupid, just because I have you in my heart, I listen to you in everything, even if I suspect that you let someone go, I still don't care about you, and even hug the child you brought back!"

The eldest princess took a deep breath, the sneer in the corner of her mouth was so sad.

At that time Su Zhengxiu came back and said that Mo Niang was dead, but after the child was born, she went crazy.

But she is a princess, how could she allow a bitch to give birth to her husband's eldest son?

"Su Zhengxiu, in order to prevent your seed from living among the people, in order to prevent him from having no maternal love since he was a child, I even lied to the emperor, followed you out of the capital, and pretended to be pregnant in October, so that Ce'er became my child justifiably. , but what about you, how have you treated me all these years?"

His fist hit the table so hard that his arms were numb from the shock.

Two lines of tears finally couldn't help falling down, the eldest princess' vision was blurred by the tears, but she could still see Su Zhengxiu's facial features clearly, it was the most handsome face in her life, even He is a man who can draw clearly even if he is blind.

"Whenever you are in a bad mood every day, you hide in the study and look at her portrait secretly. Whenever you encounter something sad, you go back to look at the calligraphy and painting. Every day on her birthday and festival, you hide in the study. I don't care." I care about you, after all, she is dead, there is no reason for me to care about a dead person, but have you ever thought about me? Even if it is only once, do you feel guilty when you hide in the study? Do you feel sorry for me? ?"

The eldest princess patted her chest and screamed, how loud her roar was, and how painful it was at this moment.

Su Zhengxiu had never seen her in such grief, even when he found out that he had a sweetheart outside, she just made a fuss in anger and then passed.

Even though he has been pretending to be in love all these years, he still has her in his heart.

Standing up, no matter what she pushed, he insisted on holding her in his arms. The old county king was in his prime, and he had a charm that young men could not match. You, Qianqian, I admit that I was wrong."

"What's the use of admitting it now!"

Unable to push it away, the eldest princess simply let him hold her, but cried even more fiercely.

A high-ranking princess, who only knows how to travel around the mountains and play in the water all day long, and she who maintains her beauty, is crying like a child at this moment.

Because her heart hurts too much.

It's not that she hasn't thought about the past in these years, but every time she thinks about it, she forces herself to forget it and deliberately suppresses the anger in her heart. She feels that as long as she stays by Su Zhengxiu's side, he will fall in love with her sooner or later. She also tried her best to be a good mother. She tried her best to deal with it. After a long time, she really treated Su Ce as her own child.

But the intact scar was finally uncovered, and the bloody scar was in front of him.

It was a feeling that was more painful than dying.

"I have wronged you. I know that you have been greatly wronged in this matter. I promise you that you will never see that person regardless of whether she lives or dies, huh?" Su Zhengxiu hugged her face, feeling distressed. Looking at her, she was crying, so why didn't his heart ache?

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect? He admitted that he fell in love with the eldest princess because of her status as a princess, but after so many years of being together day by day, he fell in love with this woman long ago, but what he couldn't get was always a commotion, and he felt ashamed of Mo Niang.

"Do you think I'll believe your nonsense again?"

When the heart is sad, no matter how it heals, there will be gaps.

The eldest princess pushed Su Zhengxiu away abruptly, and seeing her fall to the ground, she pointed at his face condescendingly, "Remember, you owe not only me, but also Ce'er in this life!"

Thinking of Ce'er's painful appearance after learning about this incident, the eldest princess felt a twinge of pain in her heart.

"It's all you. If you had made up your mind to drive that woman to death, you wouldn't be caught and threatened now! It doesn't matter if our county prince's mansion loses face, what do you tell Ce'er to do in the future? He is so proud, but he has to be punished." Despite the ridicule of others, do you think you are worthy to be his father?"

As long as she thinks that Su Ce will be pointed at no matter where she goes in the future, the eldest princess will feel so heartbroken that she can hardly breathe.

It is true that Su Ce is not her child, but the seed of his husband's sweetheart back then, but since the day Su Zhengxiu brought him back to the Princess's Mansion, she swore that she would not be ashamed of this child. She had killed his mother cruelly, so she wanted to raise him well.

So she pretended to go away for three years before returning, so that others would not wonder how her child was older than others. She tried her best to treat Su Ce well, as long as it was what Ce Er wanted, even if it was the moon in the sky, she would do her best to give it to him.

She was sorry for Ce'er's mother, so she wanted to repay him with maternal love. Although sometimes she would feel heartbroken when she saw the child's face and thought of that woman, but she knew that the child was innocent.

Even if Chaoyang was born in the next few years, she still didn't lessen her love for Ji Er. She thought that this was the state of her life in this life, but at this time, this embarrassing past was brought up again.

Her Ce'er, how will she face him in the future?

"Don't worry, who is the instigator behind this incident, I will definitely find out. As for Ce'er, I believe..."

Before he finished speaking, an extremely cold voice came from outside the door.

"He really doesn't deserve it."

The county king and the eldest princess turned around at the same time, and saw Su Ce standing fiercely at the door, his hands clenched into fists, and his handsome face was dark and deep.

After finishing speaking, Su Ce turned around and strode away, as if determined to be permanently separated from the county palace.

"Ce'er..." The eldest princess hurriedly chased her out, and accidentally fell to the ground, and the county king hurriedly picked her up.

"Su Zhengxiu, if I lose Ce'er, I will never end with you in my life!"

A slap was slapped on the county king's face, and the eldest princess looked at Su Ce's figure as he walked further and further away, "What are you still doing in a daze, chase after him, catch him and explain clearly, I can't do without Ce, it's mine!" I can't live without him, baby!"

Yes, for so many years, she has regarded Su Ce as her own flesh and blood, and she is willing to give him all the good.

Although the child's temper and personality did not follow the two of them after he grew up, as long as he is happy, that's enough.

He is a carefree little county king, she will not interfere in whatever she wants, and Ce'er is also very promising, and she has become the number one prince in the capital through her own efforts. Good son.

Although every time she heard this kind of words, she felt as if she had stolen someone else's treasure, but she was still proud. Because this is her Qin Wanqian's child, and his name will always bear the title of the son of her eldest princess.

"Okay, okay, I'll go after it."

Before the king of the county left, he hurriedly asked the maid to take care of the eldest princess, but just as he walked out of the yard, his mother, Mrs. Su, hurried over.

"What's going on, what's going on here? Zhengxiu, tell me if the rumors outside are true or not?"

Mrs. Su was very excited, and even her body trembled.

Su Zhengxiu, one head and two older, saw his mother nervous and angry, and quickly helped her to sit on a stone bench beside him, "Mom, I will explain to you after I finish solving these things. You go back to the room to rest first, okay?" ?"

Yes, he and Qianqian didn't tell anyone about Su Ce's life experience, even his mother chose to keep it a secret.

Mrs. Su has always been thoughtful, and when she heard these words, she instantly understood the meaning. She panted heavily, as if she was about to fall down at any moment, "You... you bastards."

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