"What? The little county king is missing?"

Ling Mu'er stood up from the chair in surprise, and looked at the anxious Prince. It was the first time she met Su Ce's father, and the two really looked alike.

"My lord heard people say that Ce'er always likes to hang around Miss Ling, so I came to the clinic to see the girl's state. I don't know where he has gone?"

The county king sighed in disappointment, and turned to leave.

"The king of Xiaojun has helped me many times, and I rely on him to support me in the capital. Mu'er is willing to help."

She came out of the consultation desk and walked to the opposite side of the king, "The king of the county has looked for several places that the king of the small county usually goes to in the capital?"

Su Xiuxiu nodded, "Don't say that I have been there before, my king has sent people to search carefully for those who have never been there, but Ke Ce'er seemed to have evaporated and disappeared suddenly. I wanted to come to you to try my luck. It seems... ... please trouble girl."

The king of the county obviously did not report much hope.

It's really unimaginable that an old fox like Su Ce would play the childish trick of running away from home, which shows how exciting this turmoil is to him.

"If Mu'er has any news, he will notify the county king as soon as possible."

Ling Muer smiled slightly, and after speaking, she packed up and looked at the clinic table, intending to leave.

The county king suddenly stopped her, "I heard that Ce'er and you often walk around?"

Thinking that he had the same thoughts as Mrs. Su, Ling Mu'er smiled and shook her head, "If the Duke also wants to remind Mu'er to stay away from the Little Duke, then the Duke is too worried. The Prince and I are just ordinary friends. And I have a fiancé."

"It's the girl who misunderstood." The prince who was still nervous just now shook his head when he heard this, "I don't mean to prevent you from dating, on the contrary, if you really treat Ce'er as a friend, I hope you can have a good relationship with him." Get along with each other. Ce'er usually likes to hide all his thoughts, let alone a woman, and even a man seldom gives in. Since he can recognize you as a friend, it shows that you are special to him."

Ling Mu'er didn't understand what the county king meant.

This shouldn't be, shouldn't the dignified county king be more opposed to their making friends than Mrs. Su? This county king is different from others,

"Thank you, Prince, for your understanding. Don't worry, I will try my best to find King Xiao, and persuade him to go back."

The king of the county nodded in relief, "I heard about your fame before returning to the capital, but I didn't expect it to be as rumored, gentle, kind, and understanding. It is indeed his blessing that Ce'er knows you."

Yo, it's rare that someone praises her instead of belittling her.

Ling Mu'er felt embarrassed for a moment, "The county king praised it a lot. It is the blessing of the people's daughters to be able to get acquainted with the little county king."

"Whose blessing is not important, the important thing is that you can make him recognize you. As her father, I thank you girl." The king of the county said, feeling even more emotional in his heart.

All these years, except that Ce'er was still close to him when he was a child, when he grew up, Ce'er learned that he missed a woman named Mo Niang every day, so he suddenly alienated him, no matter how he explained, how to play, Ce'er just refused Let him explain. Over time, the father and son became strangers than ordinary friends. Sometimes when they met in the mansion, apart from saying hello, he would even turn his head and leave.

If it weren't for the family rules during the holidays, this Ce'er would have looked at him with disdain,

So when it heard that he had gotten close to a woman recently, he was very happy, not to mention that the woman was a famous doctor in the capital, he was very happy even if it was an ordinary girl.

Yes, he also looked away. Since Ce'er doesn't like Lan Qianying, why force him to marry a girl he doesn't like, and regret it in his later years like him in the end?

"Ms. Ling must have heard about what happened in the early morning. To be honest, Ce'er escaped from the county king because of this incident. The king once again thanked the girl for her help. If you really find him, please tell the girl for me. Father is sorry for him, as long as he is willing to come back, I will give him a satisfactory explanation."

What could make an old father, a majestic county king, be so humble.

Is the content on the letter paper true?

Thinking of this, Ling Muer couldn't help being startled, and soon she returned to normal.

"Mu'er will definitely live up to the expectations of the county king. If he is found, he will be persuaded to go home in time."

Under the attention of the county king, Ling Mu'er left the clinic. When she heard that Su Ce ran away from home and couldn't find her anywhere, a place appeared in her mind.

She didn't know if the county king sent someone to follow her to protect her or if she didn't trust her, but she remembered that Su Ce once said that he bought the house by accident, and no one knows so far.

Since Su Ce doesn't want others to know that he still has a secret base, she has to find a way to get rid of the people behind him.

Ling Muer deliberately went around in circles, pretending to search carefully, but she was always looking for a suitable opportunity.

After finding a few places, she took advantage of the chaos and got into an empty alley, and dodged to hide in the space. Sure enough, the people ordered by the king of the county followed in and gave up without finding anyone. After she was completely safe, she came out of the space and hid in another alley, successfully throwing off the people behind her.

About half an hour later, she came to Su Ce's other courtyard. Fortunately, as soon as she approached, she saw Zitong sneaking into the house. She looked around to make sure no one was following her, and hurriedly went to knock on the door .

"Miss Ling, why are you?"

Zitong was very shocked, but when he thought of what his master had ordered, he hurriedly smiled, "How did the girl find this place? I don't know what the girl is doing?"

When Zitong spoke, her eyes looked behind intentionally or unintentionally, and she deliberately raised the decibel, obviously waiting for the reaction of the people inside.

After a while, there was no sound from inside, and Zitong seemed to have made a judgment, "If the girl came to look for the master, then he is not here."

It's true that there is no silver three hundred taels here, Ling Mu'er couldn't help laughing, "I haven't opened my mouth yet, you are busy explaining, so it can be seen that the person is inside? You also bothered Zitong to inform, just say, I want to see him. "

Zitong shook her head in a daze, "Girl, don't be a slave, sir, he is really not here."

"I just didn't intend to embarrass you, so I'm so polite. This is a very mysterious house for him. A few days ago, he told me that no one knew about this place. If he really wasn't there, how could you be here? Besides, your family Grandpa once explained that I can come in whenever I want, so you said you chose to notify me, or wait for me to force my way in?"

Ling Muer took out the key to the house and shook it.

When Zitong heard this, she couldn't help but gasped, knowing the relationship between the girl and the master, she said, "Okay, please wait a moment, girl", and then turned to report.

This is the first time she took the initiative to find Su Ce, right?

Ling Muer was thinking in her heart that he would not refuse to meet. Although she agreed to the county king, she would try her best to persuade him to go home, but whether Su Ce will return is his business. As a friend, she cares when a friend encounters difficulties It's normal for a while.

But after Zitong came out, his attitude was even more decisive than before.

"Girl, please come back. Master said, he doesn't want to see anyone now." Afterwards, he made a gesture of invitation.

Ling Muer obviously didn't expect this result, "Anyone?"

"Yes, anyone. Miss, don't embarrass the slave." Zitong opened the door, almost pushing her out.

I was a little disappointed in my heart, Su Ce was always around her, she thought he regarded her as a friend, but now it seems that she is really self-indulgent.

Since he was gone, why would she hang on to it? Turning around and planning to leave, another idea suddenly flashed into her mind.

A man as proud as a phoenix would actually run away from home, and even shut himself in the house and refuse to see visitors. Doesn't such an abnormal behavior show that he is very uncomfortable at the moment.

It stands to reason that a perfect and outstanding person like Su Ce shouldn't have acted like this.

It should be for the reward for his care after he came to the capital.

When Zitong was about to close the door, her hand pressed it very quickly, and Zitong was startled, "Girl, why are you doing this, the master said that he would never see anyone if he didn't see anyone, why do you make things difficult for me, a slave. "

"If I really wanted to embarrass you, I would have drugged you and barged in. Do you know that your father's behavior is very abnormal?"

Zitong sighed, "This is the first time I have seen my master so listless, but girl, my master is really uncomfortable now. He is in a very bad mood and just wants to be alone. You must have heard about the things outside today. Now, everyone is talking about the identity of the master, this is a very big blow to the master, you should go back, if the master wants to see you, he will naturally meet."

Ling Mu'er is not a pug who won't leave. People don't want her to care about her, so she doesn't want to waste time.

But for some reason, she felt sorry for Su Ce. Ordinary people would be sad if they found out that they were not their own, not to mention that he is still the king of the county.

If the contents of the letter were true, he would not be the eldest princess' son, which would be more humiliating to him than losing his life.

"Okay, I won't embarrass you."

Although Ling Muer said so, when she turned around, she quickly took out something from her bosom and sprinkled it on her arm, and then she quietly took out her saber and pretended to make a cut on her arm.

When Zitong closed the door, he saw his self-mutilation behavior through the gap, and she was so frightened that she exclaimed loudly, "Ah! Girl, what are you doing, I just don't see you for a while, not for a lifetime. Why do you need to hurt yourself?" .”

Sure enough, after Zitong finished speaking, a strong wind blew in, and a figure appeared in front of him at an extremely fast speed.

Ling Muer, who pretended to be lying on the ground, was gently picked up by someone, turned around a few times, and brought her to the yard, "Ling Muer, how are you?"

A series of actions took place in the blink of an eye. Looking at the nervous Su Ce, Ling Muer shook the cinnabar in her hand, "It seems that the county king doesn't really want to see me."

Realizing that he had been cheated, Su Ce's black eyes were deep, and he wished to throw her out, but he was reluctant.

Gently put her down, turned around resolutely, "Why, even you plan to see my joke?"

Ling Muer swaggered and sat on the stone bench beside her, put away the medicine bottle and the dagger slowly, and said lightly, "Yes, if such a big thing happened, someone would be killed by a head-on collision, I'll come and see See if the little county king is still alive."

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