After saying that, Ling Muer deliberately looked him up and down, and shook her head, "It seems that the little county king is also a person who cherishes his life."

If someone dared to tease him like that, no matter how noble Biefang's status was, he would definitely pull out her tongue.

But seeing Ling Mu'er's good mood, Zhou frowned, just rolled his eyes and sat opposite her.

"Isn't it to draw a line with me, and you don't plan to see me in the future? Why do you take the initiative to send it to your door?"

There was a lot of helplessness and coldness in the faint voice. Su Ce picked up the wine glass on the stone table and found that it was empty. He threw it aside irritably, with his legs crossed and his right cheek fixed with the tip of his tongue.

It seems that the glimpse that day was really the little prince, Ling Muer shrugged, "I thought it would be good for you and me, if the little prince thinks it is humiliating, Muer is willing to apologize to you."

Su Ce wanted to say that you never need to say sorry to me, but she was afraid of scaring her away.

Giving Zitong a look to signal that she can go out, Su Ce laughed at himself, "Everyone is waiting to see how embarrassed I am. Now that you see it, why don't you feel revenged?"

"The lofty peacock always shows contempt for trampling others under their feet. If it were someone else, I might really feel relieved. But I don't think so," Ling Muer's eyes were not feigning concern, "Su Ce, How are you?"

She rarely called him by his first name, his voice was beautiful, like a bird on a tree, soft like walking on cotton.

The brightness in Su Ce's eyes disappeared and became dim. Instead of answering his question directly, he changed the subject, "How do you know I'm here?"

Zitong just came back and reported that his father sent people to search for him throughout the capital, so he sat quietly in the yard and waited to see when his father would find him here.

When he bought this house, no one knew about it, but if the father wanted to do a random investigation, he would be able to guess. It's a pity that the father he has called for twenty years is not as good as Ling Muer who he has known for two years.

"You said that no one knows here, so I came to try my luck, but before the king of the little county gave me this key, didn't he agree to let me come to relax when I was in a bad mood, why did you come here first?"

Su Ce laughed, "Oh, this is my house after all."

Soon, he seemed to be reminded of something, and he was discouraged again, "Because I didn't expect that the identity of the little county king who had followed me for twenty years would not be mine one day."

Ling Muer couldn't help but feel sad seeing the bright man's face with sadness that shouldn't belong to him.

Yes, after living in a family for a long time, suddenly discovering that this family is not his final destination, how does it feel in his heart?

"The king of the county has looked for me, and I promised to persuade you to go back after I find you. Of course, I know you don't want to listen to anyone's persuasion at this moment." Ling Muer looked at him, the more pitiful he looked.

"Who did it?"

Her voice was cold, and she was determined to avenge him after telling her his name.

Su Ce raised his eyes, and the gloom on his face suddenly dissipated after hearing these words. He put down his legs and leaned forward to approach Ling Muer, "Why, you care about me so much?"

To be honest, Ling Muer's sudden appearance surprised him very much. Just now she refused to see him because she had said that she would keep a distance from him. In order not to cause trouble for her, Zi Tong refused, and Zi Tong yelled at her. When he was injured, he rushed out without thinking. But in the end, who knew that it was deliberately teasing him.

Hearing her concern made him even more happy.

Ling Mu'er did not hide her inner feelings, nodded and said: "Yes, I regard you as a friend. I am really sad when you are in danger. Although I don't know who did it, since he hurt you, as long as you If you need it, I will help you."

"How can I help? Tell others that those letter papers are fake?" Su Ce shook his head, "Do you know why I am hiding here? Because I heard my mother and concubine tell my father that I am that man's bastard."

"you are not!"

Ling Muer was even more excited than Su Ce. After hearing that, she stood up even more excitedly.

Putting her hands on his shoulders, Ling Muer stared at him with her beautiful eyes, "Su Ce, you are you, don't listen to anyone's words until it is proven. Maybe that person is just playing tricks like this to sow discord. Indiscriminate means. You are a little princess who is high above others and as lonely as a peacock. You should always maintain an attitude of superiority and contempt for everything. This kind of sadness is not suitable for you."

It was the first time that he looked at Ling Muer so closely. Su Ce, who was sitting on the chair, looked at her hands on her shoulders from the corner of the eye, and when he looked back, he saw her red lips opening and closing. Feel her breath coming towards you.

Suddenly, Su Ce stretched out his hands and hugged Ling Muer tightly in his arms. The latter was stunned, and immediately struggled hard, only to hear Su Ce's voice was low and hoarse, "Just for a while, let me hug for a while."

As if a child abandoned by the whole world had grasped the last straw, Su Ce hugged her tightly, buried his forehead in the socket of her neck, and greedily sucked his sense of security,

Ling Mu'er wanted to struggle, but couldn't bear it, so she had to keep bending over ninety degrees in embarrassment.

Xu realized that she was tired, so Su Ce slowly let go of his hand. When he looked at Ling Muer again, he really returned to the cold and evil overlord, "I'm much better. You should go back when the clinic is so busy. If someone finds you and I alone in such a remote house, you will definitely gossip, and it will be bad for your girl's family's reputation."

Su Ce snapped his fingers, and Zitong who was hidden in the case came out quietly, "Send Miss Ling back for me."

After saying that, he continued to lean lazily on the stone bench, but Ling Muer still caught the sadness emanating from his body,

"Does it hurt? Do you think it's unfair for this kind of thing to happen to you?"

Ling Muer's voice was flat, completely ignoring Zitong who was walking towards her, and even made a gesture to her not to disturb me.

"I used to have the same thought as you, why should I be the one who gets hurt every time, why should such unfair things happen to me? But Su Ce, you let me down so much, I thought you were as smart as you You, you can find a way to adjust yourself casually, I didn't expect you to be a coward, coward!"

"When something happened, I didn't want to find a way to solve it. Instead, I hid here and felt sad. You let me down so much. Su Ce like this is not worthy of being my friend."

Turning around and leaving, Ling Mu'er strode forward without any hesitation.

Look, it was hard for a person to comfort him on the pole, and he was so angry that he ran away.

He sighed in disappointment, but in the blink of an eye, he set up Qinggong and stood up in front of her.

Su Ce looked at her nervously, "Where are you going?"

"The medical clinic is very busy, and I need to go back to take charge of the overall situation, please step aside!"

Not only did he not leave, but he also acted like a slanderer, "Don't let me go."

"In the past, I couldn't even invite you, but today I took the initiative to deliver it to my door. Do you think I can easily let you go?" Su Ce approached her while talking.

While dodging, Ling Mu'er retreated, and was forced to retreat to a corner after a few steps.

Seeing the situation, Zitong wisely left.

One hand propped on the wall, the other hooked her chin, and surrounded Ling Muer between the wall and her arms, "You care about me so much, it shows that you have me in your heart. Is it so difficult for you to say that you care?"

"As I said just now, the reason why I was able to come out to find you, Xiaojun Wang, is because your father, Mr. Junwang, came to the medical center in person, and he cares about you very much."

The atmosphere that was finally established was destroyed by her mouth.

Su Ce sighed, and loosened his body around her, "Did anyone tell you that you are really good at destroying anger?"

If he doesn't destroy it, he might be able to do something shocking,

Ling Mu'er hurriedly ran out from the spot three meters away, "I promised that the county king will persuade you to go back when he finds you. Su Ce, since you don't want to be a coward, you'd better go back and find out."

"You do not understand."

He went back to the stone bench and crossed his legs, turning into the old man with a sad face just now.

"I don't understand, but I know that this matter will definitely affect the reputation of the county prince's mansion. The status of the first son of the dignified capital is actually false. If the capital is not resolved, the sky will change? Don't you want to know who it is? hurting you?"

Su Ce was startled, and countless figures flashed in his mind. Indeed, he didn't expect anyone who might attack him.

He thinks that he is very smooth in the court. Although he can offend many people by remaining neutral, it is not enough for the other party to go to great lengths to investigate the past more than 20 years ago.


Impossible, he has abolished it, even if he wants to restore it to its original position, the first thing to do is to cure the mad woman in the deserted hospital.

Seventh Prince? Could it be that the Seventh Prince deliberately used this trick to bring him into his camp? But confronting him now would be counterproductive.

The sixth prince? In order to get the crown prince, the sixth prince must recruit more contacts. It would be great if he could get the support of the county prince's mansion, but after this matter was exposed. The county prince's mansion lost all face and would become a laughing stock among the people. It would not be such a bet due to emotion or reason.

So who exactly?

Su Ce got up suddenly, walked in front of Ling Mu'er in three steps at a time, and forcibly grabbed her hand and walked out.

Ling Muer was stunned by his sudden action, tried to break free a few times but failed to shake off, "Where is the little prince taking me?"

"Didn't you say you want to find out the truth of the matter? Don't you want to know if the rumors are true?"

Su Ce, who was walking briskly, stopped suddenly, causing Ling Muer, who was unprepared, to bump into his chest in an instant.

A strong and powerful chest, a fast and extremely fast heartbeat, and warm breathing from the top of his head. The masculinity that belongs to men rushes into the tip of the nose.

Ling Muer was so frightened that she hurriedly took a few steps back, and accidentally tripped over a stone under her feet. Just as she was about to fall, Su Ce quickly grabbed her waist.

Seeing her moving face up close, Su Ce's eyes were blurred, but he looked at her with a smile.

Ling Mu'er was extremely nervous, and hurriedly hid from his arms, "Does the little county king know your biological mother who is said in the letter?"

"Not only do I know it, but you do too."

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