"Why do you need to bring a medicine box?" Ling Muer looked at Su Ce in confusion.

"You'll know when you get there," Su Ce lifted the car curtain for her, signaling her to go and come back quickly.

Ling Mu'er racked her brains and didn't realize who the so-called acquaintance was, so she had to do as she was told.

About an hour and a half later, the speeding carriage stopped suddenly. Unprepared Ling Muer and Su Ce leaned forward, and the latter hurriedly supported the former's body, "Are you all right?"

Seeing Ling Muer shaking his head, Su Ce immediately opened the car curtain and angrily said, "What's going on?"

Zitong, who was in charge of driving the carriage, pointed to the front in embarrassment, "Master, a woman suddenly rushed over and fell down in the middle of the road. The slave should get out of the car and check."

Su Ce didn't take it seriously, and was about to get back into the carriage. When he turned around, he inadvertently saw the woman's face. He was startled, and immediately got out of the carriage.

Seeing his sudden move, Ling Muer also followed, "Mo, Aunt Mo?"

Looking around, she realized that the two of them were already in Fengcheng. Looking at Su Ce's nervous eyes, she suddenly realized, "Is she the acquaintance you think?"

Su Ce nodded and quickly helped Aunt Mo up, "Don't be dazed, show her what's going on."

Su Ce, who has always been obsessed with cleanliness, doesn't care about the dirty Aunt Mo now, letting her lie comfortably in his arms.

Aunt Mo was still wearing the same patched clothes as in the past, but she was unkempt and a little embarrassed. She was carrying a bamboo basket on her back, and there were some vegetables in the basket, obviously she went to pick vegetables in the surrounding fields.

Ling Mu'er hurriedly took her pulse, and after a while, her worried heart fell to the ground.

"It doesn't matter, it's just that she faints when she's too tired. Let's help her get into the carriage to rest first, and give her some water to drink."

Almost as soon as she finished speaking, Su Ce picked up Aunt Mo and nervously sent her to the carriage.

Ling Muer hurriedly pointed out a place for Zitong, "Here, the room over there."

After feeding the water, Aunt Mo's condition improved a lot. Su Ce let her lean on his lap, and the carriage continued to move forward. After a while, it stopped in front of Aunt Mo's house.

"Put her on the bed to rest first, and I'll make medicine for her. Don't worry, she'll be fine."

Seeing Su Ce's nervousness, Ling Muer didn't have the heart to tease him, so she hurriedly told Zitong to let him light the fire.

After about half a stick of incense, seeing Su Ce come out of the room, Ling Muer asked, "What's wrong, but Aunt Mo is awake?"

Su Ce didn't speak, but nodded lightly, took a deep breath, turned and walked three meters away.

His handsome and handsome back is low and deep at the moment, people can't help but feel sad together with him.

The medicine was almost ready, Ling Mu'er poured it out to cool off, and when she walked behind Su Ce, she carefully tugged on his sleeve, "You didn't make a fuss about coming, since you're awake, why don't you go in and ask for clarification?"

Su Ce didn't turn his head back, and a sad voice escaped from his thin lips, "Although I am a county king, I am not a saint, and I am sometimes afraid."

Ling Mu'er was amused by these words, but she was not mocking, "All right, then I will ask for you, but you should be mentally prepared for anything."

"Thank you."

When Ling Mu'er brought the medicine into the room, Aunt Mo was leaning on the bed drinking water.

Seeing that it was her, the sorrow on Aunt Mo's face disappeared, and she hurriedly took her hand, "Miss Ling, it's really you. The extremely beautiful man just said that a girl saved me, so I thought it was her." Not a girl."

She said she was about to get up, but Ling Muer hurriedly held it down, "What is Aunt Mo doing?"

"Old lady, thank you for saving my life." Aunt Mo said, her eyes were full of gratitude, "Today I was going to pick vegetables in the field, but I didn't expect my body to be so weak that I passed out halfway. The man just told me I'm dead, if the girl didn't rescue me and send me back, I might have frozen to death on the road tonight. I was rescued by the girl several times before and after, and the girl is really my reborn benefactor."

I'm afraid it was Su Ce's confession, so Ling Mu'er simply acted as a good person, "Why did my aunt get out with me? Even if I didn't meet my aunt on the road, I came to see you today. I don't know if my aunt received my send An annual gift from someone?"

Speaking of this Aunt Mo was so grateful that she burst into tears, "I received it, I received it, the girl is a good person, the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva, and she still thinks about me, an old lady who is not related to me during the Chinese New Year. Why do you think you should spend money on it?"

"I have a destiny with my aunt. If she is willing, she can go to the capital with me to live in my house. You have no children, and your life is so tight. It is what I, a junior, should do to bring you food."

Ling Muer asked tentatively, Aunt Mo shook her head hurriedly.

"I can't go, I can't go, my wife is old and can't go to such a noble place."

Although she was refusing, Ling Muer could see the fear in her eyes, as if she was afraid of someone in the capital.

Although Aunt Mo looks old, it is actually caused by so many years of living and sleeping in the open. If she carefully arranges her, she will be about the same age as her mother. But now it feels like a sixty-year-old grandma, and Ling Muer not only sighs that it is a trick of good fortune.

"Why can't I go, what is the aunt hiding?"

Ling Muer asked cautiously, her eyes were very calm.

When someone mentioned that sad past, sadness flashed in Mo Niang's eyes, and there seemed to be crystal tears in the corners of her eyes, "Miss Ling, you don't know, I promised someone back then that I would never go to the capital again in this life. If I can't uncover the pot, I won't take the vegetables to sell in the city, and I won't meet girls. This capital city, I definitely won't go again."

Her voice trembled, and the hand holding Ling Mu'er trembled, as if that episode of the past was an extremely heavy blow to her.

During this period of getting along, Ling Mu'er knew her very well. Aunt Mo was not a person who was greedy for vanity. She boldly guessed that it might not be because of financial difficulties at all, but because she missed someone in the capital and planned to visit.

"Who is so cruel to prevent you from going home? Aunt Mo, to be honest, I know your body very well. You once had a child, right? Is he still alive?"

Knowing that these things cannot be hidden from a doctor after all, Aunt Mo looked at Ling Muer, although her vision was blurred, she liked this beautiful and kind girl.

People treat her like a relative, and she doesn't intend to hide it anymore, "Yes, I do have a son, but he...he is no longer here!"

Obviously the first half of the sentence was still moving, but the second half of the sentence became cold again.

Aunt Mo turned around and didn't dare to look at Ling Muer, but that subtle lie did not escape Ling Muer's eyes.

"It's so pitiful. Aunt Mo must miss your son very much. Although I don't know how he left you, I think he must be very beautiful and cute."

Which mother is not happy when her child is praised?

Aunt Mo, who was still sad just now, instantly curled the corners of her lips, "Yes, it's cute. I still remember that his eyes were very big, but they were Danfeng eyes. When he smiled, there was a dimple on the left corner of his mouth. At that time, I wondered why there was only one Dimples, but cute and endearing nonetheless."

As she spoke, her eyes were misty, as if she had returned to the time when she held the child in her arms.

She made a gesture of embracing the child with both hands, "He is a little boy, he only weighs seven or eight catties, but his whole body is very fleshy. I still remember that there is a birthmark on the left side of his chest."

Speaking of this, Mo Niang suddenly realized something, and hurriedly grabbed Ling Muer's hand again, "Miss Ling, you are a good person, a kind person, can you promise me not to say anything about this matter?"

Is it because she is afraid of her going to investigate her identity?

Ling Mu'er nodded heavily, "Ma'am trusts Mu'er, so she can talk to Mu'er intimately, and Mu'er is not a talkative person, Muer knows what to say and what not to say."

Seeing the figure reflected on the ground from the corner of the eye, Ling Muer realized that Su Ce was eavesdropping outside the door, so she asked intentionally, "The light in Auntie's eyes when she talked about the child is exactly the same as my mother's, Aunt Mo must love me very much." My child, I miss him too."

Aunt Mo just wanted to talk about it, how could a mother not think about it. But soon she shook her head again, her tone was very firm, "It's useless to think about it, it's useless to think about it, he has been away from my side for many years, he is dead!"

Busily taking his hand out of Ling Mu'er's, Aunt Mo clutched the corner of the quilt tightly, her forbearance made people feel distressed.

"Don't get excited, Aunt Mo, your body must not get angry, come and drink the medicine first."

After saying thank you, Aunt Mo took the medicine bowl and drank it down, and then took out a purse, "It takes two hours to drive from the capital to here, and Miss Ling never travels thousands of miles to return the medicine. I don’t accept any money, my wife, I’m really sorry. I hope the girl won’t refuse this time.”

As she spoke, she took out a piece of broken silver from her purse, Ling Muer saw at a glance that the purse was unusual,

It was a very well-made purse that did not belong to an old woman in the countryside. She sized it up curiously, "Ms. Mo's needlework is really good. The flowers on this purse are vividly embroidered. I wonder if Madam Mo can give it to Mu." Let's see?"

"This is not mine. Someone came to ask for water and gave it to me as a thank you gift a few days ago. I insisted on refusing to accept it, but the man left it and left. Are you surprised?"

Aunt Mo handed the purse to Ling Muer unceremoniously, "If the girl likes it, then take the purse. How can my wife use such a rare item."

Ling Mu'er looked at it for a long time but didn't see where it came from, so she found an excuse to accept it first, talked to Aunt Mo and left the room.

Su Ce outside the door had disappeared. She was busy looking around, but just when she thought he had left first, someone suddenly pulled her arm hard, and she was dragged behind the sedan chair.

She thought it was an assassin, but when she saw Su Ce, Ling Muer breathed a sigh of relief, "I was shocked, but did you hear what I just said?"

Su Ce didn't speak, but raised his arms and yanked off the shirt on his chest, revealing his strong chest.

Ling Muer was taken aback, raised her hand to cover her eyes tightly, and shouted angrily, "You are despicable and shameless, you are playing a hooligan!"

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