Carefully pushing away Ling Muer's hand covering her eyes, Su Ce sneered, "How many people can't see it if they want to, are you sure you don't want to see it?"

Knowing that Su Ce is not in the mood to joke with himself at the moment, it means that he deliberately let himself see something.

Ling Mu'er slowly opened her eyes, and she saw an oval birthmark, and she was shocked in her heart.


"That's right, that woman, that dirty, disheveled and frail Aunt Mo, is my biological mother."

"Su Ce..."

"No need to comfort." Knowing what she was going to say, Su Ce raised his hand to signal her to shut up.

Leaning against the car, Su Ce took a deep breath, and when he opened his eyes again, his eyes were full of bitterness, "You are right, I should mediate some things myself. Don't worry, the king of this county... Heh, this shouldn't be used now Call me, I'm not timid to the point of a coward, and I won't be overwhelmed by this kind of thing."

Turning around lightly, Su Ce was already sitting in the sedan chair and reached out to her, "It's getting late, I'll take you back."

Ling Muer was still thinking about how to comfort him, but in Su Ce's eyes, she thought she wanted to draw a line with him, so she refused his hand.

He sneered, and withdrew his hand in disappointment, "Don't think about how to avoid me, I will never be able to do anything for you in the future, and I have no identity to hang around you."

As if falling from heaven to hell, the loss on Su Ce's face is so distressing.

Ling Muer took the initiative to grab his wrist, borrowed his strength, stepped into the carriage, and after ordering Zitong to drive, she dragged Su Ce into the carriage.

"The person I know is Su Ce. It doesn't matter to me whether he is the little prince or not. I only know that he is very lonely, so I have no right to interfere with how you want to solve this matter. But I think you should know this person." .”

After handing him the purse, Su Ce was stunned when he saw it.

"Where did it come from?"

He took it over and looked at it carefully, and when Ling Muer explained what happened to the purse, his brows were tightly frowned, "You said that someone came to look for Mo... Aunt Mo a few days ago."

After knowing that she was his own mother, he couldn't open his mouth to call her by this title again.

Embarrassment flashed across Su Ce's face.

In Ling Muer's perception, this cunning fox should always be black-bellied and domineering, but suddenly becoming so shy made her feel uncomfortable.

"That's right, the man pretended to be lost and came to Mrs. Mo's house to ask for water, and asked a lot about the past. Before he left, he left this purse in order to repay him. Although I am a poor man, I can tell that this purse is not a folk thing. I don't know if you know him?"

Su Ce carefully looked at the suits, and then tore the purse apart forcefully. Ling Muer almost exclaimed, don't waste it, but there was a word 'Gong' inside the purse.

She was stunned, "Is this an item from the palace?"

"I have been guessing who is the enemy of our county palace. I have worked tirelessly to investigate the past twenty years ago. It turns out that I have always been curious and made a mistake. The person she wants to be hostile to is not the county palace at all, not the father and mother. Concubine, it's actually me."

Ling Muer tentatively asked, "Is it the queen?"

"That's right."

Hearing this name again, Ling Mu'er beat her chest angrily, "It's all my fault, the queen must have targeted you because of me, when she made things difficult for me these few times, you were the one who protected me, I'm sorry, I hurt you. "

Su Ce didn't take it seriously, "It's none of your business. I didn't think about it when I didn't see this purse today, but now it reminds me. The Tai Tuo and the Empress had a close relationship in the early years, and I ordered someone to beat him up and make the Tai Tuo confess to the crime." , Maybe it was because of delaying the queen's plan that she let her attack me."

Ling Mu'er didn't expect that Zhou Qiyan's matter would involve so much behind his back, but anyway, it was because of her that the queen became his enemy.

"Although I don't know what the queen is going to do, but since you are being targeted, what should you do in the future? You..."

"If you try your best to comfort me because you feel sorry for me, you don't have to. Even if there is no such thing as Zhou Qiyan and the Taifu, she will not keep hiding such a big secret. From now on, I will no longer be the little prince. I can't protect you, so be careful in the future."

After speaking, Su Ce didn't say another word. No matter what Ling Muer said, he closed his eyes and took a nap, as if he had fallen asleep.

The two long hours seemed like a century, Zitong stopped the carriage at Ling's mansion, and Ling Muer got out of the carriage worriedly.

"Master, are you going back home?" Zitong said cautiously.

"...Go to Fengcheng." After a long while, Su Ce dropped a few words.

The carriage returned back the same way, and it was getting dark at this moment.

After walking almost halfway, when Su Ce opened his eyes, he saw Ling Muer's medicine box actually left on the car. He originally wanted to take it back to her, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

Recalling Ling Mu'er's words that he wanted to distance himself from him that day, he sighed in self-deprecation.

When it was completely dark, the carriage arrived near Aunt Mo's residence, and Su Ce stopped the carriage from a distance. Originally, he was just standing on the top of the mountain and watching from a distance, but he vaguely noticed that something was wrong with the dilapidated house.

"Zitong, take the guy and follow me."

The two quickly ran towards the wooden house, and as they approached, they heard a familiar scream, and then several figures ran out of the house.

"Who are you?" Zitong yelled, pulled out the scabbard and rushed up. Su Ce was stunned for a moment, and immediately rushed into the room.

A man in black was standing beside Aunt Mo's bed, the saber in his hand was still bleeding, while Aunt Mo was lying on the dirty bed with blood flowing from her chest, her complexion was pale, and she was in danger.

"This king killed you!"

Anger was seeping all over his body, Su Ce stepped forward with his bare hands, and soon wrestled with the man in black. He was super fast, and his strikes were quick and accurate, and he subdued the man in black in two or three strokes.

He knelt beside the bed, looked nervously at the weak Aunt Mo, and said at a loss, "Wait, wait for me."

A heart seemed to jump out of his throat, and Su Ce felt that he had never been so nervous in his life.

Rushing out of the dilapidated house, ignoring that Zitong was struggling to deal with the men in black outside, he rushed back to the carriage to fetch the medicine box that Ling Muer had left behind.

On the way back, he kept praying in his heart: nothing will happen, absolutely nothing will happen.

"Grandpa, be careful."

Because he was too worried about Aunt Mo's safety, Su Ce didn't notice the man in black who suddenly rushed out from the corner. Seeing this, Zitong rushed to him and took a sword for him.

Su Ce's deep eyes were red and bloodthirsty, and he grabbed the man in black's sword tip with his bare hands. With just one rotation, he turned passive into active.

"How about it?"

While fighting against the man in black, he threw the medicine box to the injured Zitong.

Although he was hit by the sword, but missed the vital point, Zitong barely supported himself, "Master, my subordinate is fine."

"Go and give medicine to the people inside, hurry up!"

He couldn't let Aunt Mo die, even if he wasn't ready to recognize her and call her mother.

But all this happened too suddenly, he was red-eyed, holding Zitong's saber, meeting gods and gods, meeting Buddhas and Buddhas, one knife at a time, almost killing him with a knife.

"Say, who sent you here!"

Putting the tip of the sword on the neck of the last man in black, Su Ce's eyes were cold, and there was raging anger in his chest.


The man in black turned his head stubbornly and remained silent, trying to think of a way to escape.

Seeing this, Su Ce turned his wrist, and the tip of the sword that was originally touching his neck was inadvertently transferred to the thigh of the man in black, and he stabbed it hard.


The man in black screamed again and again, panting heavily.

Su Ce slid the bloody sword down the edge of his neck again, "If you don't say anything, I'll stab your other leg, break your tendons, and throw you into the deep mountains to feed the wolves."

Overwhelmed by this powerful evil spirit, the man in black trembled in fright and begged for mercy, "I said, I said, Xiaojun Wang, Xiaojun Wang, please spare me."

The man in black didn't pronounce the name of the queen mother's messenger, but Su Ce was startled by the phrase Xiaojunwang and the familiar voice.

He used the tip of his sword to lift the veil of the man in black, only to see an extremely familiar face in front of him.


The sword in his hand fell to the ground, and Su Ce staggered back a few steps.

That's right, the one who was lying on the ground fighting him at this moment was none other than the concubine's bodyguard.

She had already been expelled from the capital back then, but now she is going to be exterminated?

When Su Ce was in extreme pain, Zitong's desperate cry came from the room, "Master..."

Realizing that Aunt Mo might be in danger, Su Ce rushed into the inner room, just in time to see Aunt Mo spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Master, she is bleeding profusely, what should I do?"

Zitong's hands were covered in blood, and she looked at her father helplessly.

Su Ce stared carefully at the woman on the bed. Although her chest was medicated, blood gushed out like a fountain, and Aunt Mo's face became paler and paler.

"Don't, don't!"

Su Ce raised his head to the sky and screamed, rushed over and knelt heavily on the ground, tightly clutching Aunt Mo's arm, "Hold on, I'll take you to the doctor right away, you must hold on."

Aunt Mo, who had lost half her life, fell into a coma, but when she heard the familiar voice and that despicable scream, she gradually regained her sight.

Strange, how come the eyes that are half-blind can see clearly all of a sudden?

How could this handsome man standing in front of him, but crying like a child look so familiar?

Aunt Mo stretched out her hand with great difficulty, panting heavily, "Familiar, so... so familiar, the crying appearance is exactly the same as when I was a child. Is it my child? Is it?"

Every time she said a word, it seemed as if she would take away a breath of her breath. Before Aunt Mo could touch Su Ce's face after she finished speaking, her arms drooped heavily.

Su Ce was terrified when he saw this. He didn't care about the blood on his hands, so he grabbed her hand and touched his face, "It's me, I'm Ce'er, open your eyes and take a good look at me, it's Ce'er!"

"Ce'er?" Aunt Mo was taken aback, but soon remembered the name, she curled her lips with difficulty, "Yes...ah, Ah Xiu said it was Ce'er, I...I really saw you Is it right? It's a pity, the first time I saw you, but...but it was also the last time, mother, I'm sorry,"

As soon as the eyes were closed, the hand that was grasped was also powerless to hang down. The woman who was naked just now suddenly lost her vitality.

Su Ce stared blankly at the blood-covered woman on the bed, as if he had taken away all his breath, he shouted hysterically, "Mother!"

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