No longer caring about the burning pain on her side face, Ling Caiwei looked at the back of her hand that had been pierced by her. This damned bitch, she was really proficient in her techniques. She avoided certain places very cleverly. Although not a single drop of blood flowed, but Heartbreaking pain.

"Bitch... Ling Muer, let me ask you, how did you know that I was pregnant, and that I was stillborn?" She panted heavily, thinking that after Shangguan Shaochen came back, she must Make a good complaint, "Don't say anything you can tell just by looking at it, I'm not a fool, so I don't believe your nonsense."

"If you want people to know, you have to do nothing." Ling Mu'er sneered, "I forgot if you didn't mention it, when you planned to threaten Zhuang Dalin with the child in your belly and force him to divorce Ling Die, Am I right? But it turned out that the child in your belly stopped developing for some reason and died long ago, and you didn’t get rid of him immediately because of your own plan, but what happened? Why did you appear in Shaochen around?"

Ling Mu'er's eyes became colder and colder, and she spoke faster and faster, "I have inquired, you live alone now, which means you have left Zhuang Dalin? But what about grandma? You have always been her favorite Daughter, it is impossible for her to abandon you if something happened to you. Explain clearly what is going on!"

Ling Caiwei absolutely believed that if she didn't tell the truth today, she wouldn't be able to walk out of the tent intact.

She regretted it, she really shouldn't have come here alone, Shangguan Shaochen should have seen this woman's viciousness with his own eyes.

"Zhuang Dalin, he is a heartless man, he is a bastard!" When talking about that man, pain flashed in Ling Caiwei's eyes.

The hands on the table were clenched into fists, and the whole person became angry, "I thought I was pregnant with his child, so I could trap him, but in the end, in order to preserve his reputation, he declared that it was not his species, and not only married Ling Die, together with that bitch, framed me everywhere and suppressed me!"

Thinking of the past that she hated, Ling Caiwei was heartbroken, "It was him. I found out later that he personally killed the child in my stomach. Just because of his reputation and imperial examinations, Zhuang Dalin is a bastard who kills people." guilty!"

Ling Caiwei became more and more excited as she spoke, her hands tightly covering her stomach, after all, there was a heartbeat there.

"I don't know what kind of seductive tricks Ling Die used to make Zhuang Dalin obsessed. We are flat wives, but Zhuang Dalin stayed in her room every day, and I became the laughing stock of the whole village. They also jointly killed killed my child!"

Her tearful eyes were full of hatred, as if Ling Muer standing in front of her was also her enemy.

"Indeed, I didn't take out the child right away. I just wanted to use her to make Zhuang Dalin change his mind, but Ling Die actually had one too, and she was found to be a son by the witch in the village. Zhuang Dalin loved her even more and wished he could Give her all the good things. How could I let Ling Die ride on my head? No matter how she dealt with me, of course I will return it. Unfortunately, I am not as smart as her. I deliberately found someone to try Get rid of her child, but Zhuang Dalin found out, and he divorced me on the grounds that I wanted to murder his son."

"Ling Mu'er, do you understand that feeling? No, you don't understand. I only have him in my heart. I am always for him, and even when he needs me, I am desperate to give myself to him. But in the end, He didn't care about the love for marriage, killed my child for that bitch and divorced me." The excited Ling Caiwei wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with hatred.

Seeing her in pain, although Ling Muer didn't say anything, she was shocked in her heart.

Although she always knew that Zhuang Dalin was not a human being, Ling Caiwei did it on her own.

"Where's grandma? She knows you've been wronged so much, it's impossible to sit idly by." Thinking of that vicious old woman, after two years, Ling Mu'er still had hatred in her eyes.

Grandmother likes Ling Caiwei the most, because she is beautiful and is the only daughter. She spent half her life giving her all the love and affection. Although she is a girl from the village, she is cultivated like a young lady in the city.

She spent so much effort just to let Ling Caiwei marry a good family.

Zhuang Dalin is the only scholar in the village, and he will even take the imperial examination to become a high official in the future. His grandmother finally found such a good husband for Ling Caiwei, how could she be allowed to be divorced?

"Mother? Ha, ha ha ha." Ling Caiwei sneered, "They are all the same kind, and none of them are good people!"

She roared, her sharp voice cut through the sky, "When they learned that my wife was divorced, they did come to ask for justice, but guess what? They didn't make decisions for me, but asked Zhuang Dalin for money! And said What a good girl was ruined by them, just to get damages."

If she hadn't seen all this with her own eyes, she would never have believed that the mother who loved her the most would be such a person.

"But Zhuang Dalin's family is not a vegetarian. If the child in your belly is still there, they might give you some money to let you spend the rest of your life. But your child is gone and almost killed Ling Die's child. They How could you let you go so easily?" Ling Muer saw clearly as an outsider.

"That's right, the old woman in Zhuang Dalin's joint family bit me back, saying that the child was a bastard with someone else, and even asked the village chief to come over to uphold justice. I was kicked out of the house by them for nothing. And mother, for the sake of face, she I feel ashamed that I don't care about my life and kick me out!"

Ling Caiwei smiled bitterly, "Ling Muer, you you know where I lived after I was kicked out of the house?"

She never dreamed of recalling that painful past.

"I actually live in the broken house you used to! Do you know how cold it is? You know that I dare not sleep when it rains, because there is a water curtain hole there. Do you know how dirty it is in summer, Snake Rats, insects and ants have everything, I was so scared that I ran home barefoot to find my mother, but no one opened the door for me!"

Hearing this, if it was an ordinary person, Ling Muer would definitely sympathize with her and want to avenge her.

But this person is Ling Caiwei who has bullied her for many years, the enemy who killed her.

"It deserves it!"

"You..." Ling Caiwei was in a hurry, her bloody mouth seemed to eat her up, "You are so cruel, Ling Muer, but you would never have thought that just when I was at the end of my rope, I met Shangguan Shao Chen!"

Speaking of this, she raised the corners of her lips in satisfaction, as if any suffering she had suffered before was nothing.

"Maybe God felt sorry for me. It was because I was hungry for three days and three nights, and I was planning to go out to ask for something to eat. I thought that the people in the same village would pity me, but none of the better playmates I used to play with gave me." I'll open the door. It's okay, I'll go fishing in the river, and guess what?"

Her eyes lit up, "There is a man lying by the river. I thought he was dead. I planned to see if there was any money on him, but I found out that he was your brother-in-law!"

Speaking of this, Ling Caiwei was overjoyed, with an evil and twisted smile on her face. "How kind was your brother-in-law to you back then? He always brought meat for your family to eat. If I revived him, would he treat me like that? So I used all my strength to bring him back. At home, I sneaked home and took my mother's money to treat him. No one knew that there was a man hiding in my house. Although I didn't guarantee whether I would save Shangguan Shaochen at that time, God really took care of him. Me, on the fifth day, he woke up. I originally wanted to sell myself badly, after all, I was his benefactor. Maybe he thought I was pitiful and didn’t care about my past, and maybe he would treat me well, but in the end he actually I don't remember anything."

Hearing this, Ling Muer stood up angrily from her chair, "So you took this opportunity to say that you are his fiancee?"

"Yes, there is such a good opportunity, why don't you take advantage of it?" Ling Caiwei admitted generously, and looked at Ling Mu'er with evil eyes, "But you don't know what kind of life we ​​lived in those ten days."

She closed her eyes, as if everything was right in front of her eyes, "We are tired of being together all day, and I will rest with him when he is tired; I will cook something delicious for him when he is hungry; Just go and hug him, but he's a man..."


Coldly interrupting what Ling Caiwei hadn't finished speaking, Ling Mu'er grabbed her neck tightly, "You think I'll believe you if you make up these things?"

There was a flash of panic in her eyes, but she quickly regained her composure, "What nonsense, I know you won't be able to listen to it, but it's true."

Ling Caiwei raised her head stubbornly, "I am already Shangguan Shaochen's person, so no matter whether he will remember you in the future, it will not change this fact. Ling Muer, anyway, you already have a prince by your side, why not Ken let me do it for us."

"What is it for you, is it for you to die?" Ling Mu'er said, the silver needle in her hand was about to shoot again, Ling Caiwei was so frightened that she dodged.

"You are not allowed to kill me. I am his savior. He said he would protect me for the rest of his life. If something happens to me, do you think he will let you go?"

of course not.

Chen is a person who values ​​love and righteousness the most, not to mention that he is not willing to owe others favors, even if it is a little favor, he will find a way to return it.

Now he doesn't remember himself at all, if she really did something to Ling Caiwei, I'm afraid she won't get any good results.

But unfortunately, she, Ling Muer, never knew how to write when she was afraid.

Ling Muer took out a pill and flicked it towards her mouth, but Ling Caiwei was already on guard, she picked up the water glass on the table and threw it at her face, while Ling Muer dodged, she had already run to tent export.

"Well, Ling Mu'er, you really dare to poison me. I won't let Shao Chen let you go when he comes back!"

Ling Caiwei was about to rush out, but suddenly remembered something, "I remembered, no wonder you knew the news that I was pregnant and stillborn. So you were the doctor who opened a medical clinic in the city that day!"

Thinking of the very handsome doctor who disguised himself as a man, she was taken aback at that time, Ling Caiwei really wanted to give herself a slap in the face.

She didn't go to so many medical clinics that day, but went to a newly opened one for cheap. She didn't expect that this would fall into her hands.

Although she trapped Shangguan Shaochen with the grace of saving his life, and although she once said that she didn't mind her getting married, she had a child after all.

The second-hand old house is not terrible, the terrible thing is that people died in that house.

All of this was caused by her, Ling Muer.

"A woman imitates a man to open a medical clinic. I think this is clearly a coquettish way for you to seduce a man. Ling Muer, wait and see, Shangguan Shaochen is mine. Since you have lost him, never try to get it back." .”

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