"Is the army back? How's the situation?" Ling Mu'er came out of the tent after hearing the movement.

"Yes, the army returned in triumph, but I heard that the commander in chief was seriously injured... Hey girl." The soldier in charge of protecting her didn't finish speaking, when a gust of wind blew in front of her, and the girl in the tent had already run far away.

Ling Mu'er ran to the commander's tent in one breath, looked at the three floors outside, and looked inside with her neck raised.

"Come on, send a military doctor, hurry up."

Nangong Yizhi's voice was heard from a distance, Ling Muer looked back, and only then saw Shangguan Shaochen being carried back on a stretcher.

She was about to rush over to check the situation, but two highly respected imperial doctors from the Imperial Hospital rushed over first, and Ling Caiwei also lied beside him when she heard the movement.

"How are you, Shao Chen? How did you get hurt so badly? Does it hurt?"

Ling Caiwei wiped away the tears on her face like a hostess, and yelled at Qiu Yujin and Nangong Yizhi who were equally nervous, "How did you protect him? Didn't the reinforcements come? How could he suffer such a serious injury again? "

Qiu Yujin didn't dare to offend the woman next to the commander, opened his mouth to say something, but finally swallowed it back, but Nangong Yizhi was different.

"I remember my cousin told you when he agreed with you to come to the camp, you are not allowed to interfere in the war, come and take her down."

"I won't go, let me go in and stay with him, Nangong Yizhi, you are presumptuous!" Ling Caiwei, who was being held by her arms, turned her head twice, "When Shao Chen gets up, he won't let you go, he needs me now, you bastard .”

At last the noisy voices stopped, at this time Shangguan Shaochen was also carried into the tent.

From time to time, wounded soldiers came over behind her, Ling Muer turned around to look for something, when a familiar voice came from behind her.

"Where are you looking for me?"

Ling Mu'er immediately looked back, only to see that Su Ce was looking at her with a handsome smile, with the corners of his lips curled up.

After talking for only three seconds, he leaned forward, and Ling Muer hurriedly supported his body, "You are indeed injured."

Hurrying to help him to the nearest camp, Ling Muer gave him the first priority, "The enemy army is so powerful, you and Shangguan Shaochen are no match for you?"

Ling Muer took off his armor while asking, but Su Ce held her hand tightly, "Don't move, don't open it, someone else will come here."

His face was terrifyingly pale, and scarlet blood was oozing out through the armor.

"You're about to die and you still want to pretend to be handsome." Ling Muer scolded him, and forcibly opened his armor. She was really shocked by the scene in front of her.

On his dark blue brocade robe, there was a large patch of red on his chest, and he was wearing a bloody garment on his body.

Even though she had seen many wounded patients, Ling Muer was still frightened by this scene, "If you don't want to die, just lie down and don't move."

With tears rolling in his eyes, Su Ce thought it was worth it, "It's worth the pain to make you feel sorry for me."

"Shut up!" Ling Mu'er yelled angrily, and carefully opened the clothes on his chest, but because the wound was too deep and bleeding profusely, the cloth on his chest was already stuck to the wound. If it is forcibly torn apart, I don't know if it will tear the skin, but if it is not cleaned, the wound will worsen.

"How did you get hurt so badly?" Her voice trembled, a little distressed.

"I love you so much, so why not follow the king of this county back to my tent at night, I reluctantly accepted you." Mingming was in pain, almost dying, but he still acted as if nothing had happened, as if he was enjoying himself.

Ling Muer raised her fist and wanted to hit it, but she still couldn't bear it, "Hold on, I'll try to be careful, but the process will be very painful."

Su Ce didn't speak, but just gave her a look of "I believe in you".

It is not acceptable to tear it directly, Ling Muer chose to cut it carefully with a dagger, but it would touch his wound to some extent.

After hearing a muffled groan, she immediately raised her eyes, only to see Su Ce looking at her with a smile, "Don't worry, I can bear it, you continue."

"I know that swords have no eyes on the battlefield, but aren't you a general? There weren't so many wounded soldiers sent just now, how could you be injured like this?" After successfully removing all the cloth on the wound, Ling Muer let go He took a deep breath and began to clean and apply medicine to him.

"Soldiers are human too, whoever is injured is different?" Su Ce didn't care, "However, our army won a big victory. Don't look at both Shangguan Shaochen and I were seriously injured, and Amud was even worse. Don’t dare to invade again.”

Ling Mu'er only heard a few key words 'Shangguan Shaochen is also seriously hurt'.

Her hand that applied the medicine paused, and she couldn't help looking at the opposite camp from the corner of her eye, only to see people constantly coming in and out, and some soldiers were holding blood in their hands.

The smile that just rose on his face disappeared in an instant, and Su Ce curled his lower lip mockingly, "Since you're so worried, go and have a look, I'll just find a doctor here."

Ling Mu'er didn't know what she did, but Su Ce screamed, "Ah! You murdered a woman!"

"You can't stop your mouth like this, so I have to change the way. Does the little prince want to say anything else?" She held a scalpel in her hand, her eyes were threatening.

"Sure enough, the most poisonous woman's heart."

Not only did Su Ce obediently shut his mouth, he also closed his eyes, only opening them to peek from time to time when Ling Muer continued to lower his head to diagnose and treat him.

He likes to see Ling Mu'er when she is serious, she is very charming, much more charming than those boudoir girls in the capital, as if she has a beam of light on her body, which can always catch his attention inadvertently.

"Miss Ling, why are you here? We've been looking for you for a long time." Doctor Zhou's voice suddenly came from next to my ear.

When Ling Muer raised her eyes, she saw his anxious expression, "Did something happen, Doctor Zhou?"

"The situation is serious at the commander's side. We old men really have no choice but to ask Miss Ling to take a look." Dr. Zhou just wanted to say to go with him, but when he lowered his head, he realized that she was seeing the doctor of Xiaojun Wang. Changed his mouth, "I don't know about Xiaojun Wang..."

"Doctor Zhou also saw that the little county king is also seriously injured, I'm afraid I won't be able to get away." She was still angry with Shangguan Shaochen in her heart, although she knew he was injured, she just didn't want to go there.

"Miss Ling, do you think this is good? Let me treat the little county king myself, and you go to see the general?" Doctor Zhou thought for a long time, and finally thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.

"Physician Zhou, you are also a doctor. You know better. The patients you treat are the ones who understand his illnesses best. I took over the Xiaojun Wang. I know his physical condition very well. I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to exchange it rashly." She looked up. Looking at the tent on the opposite side, "Besides, several highly respected imperial doctors are here, so I'm afraid I'm not needed."

"Miss Ling..." Doctor Zhou still wanted to say something, but seeing her determination, he had to give up.

A man's ridicule came from her ear, Ling Mu'er held up the silver needle and pierced it unceremoniously.

"Oh!" There was another muffled snort, but Su Ce was not angry, "Actually, I was worried about dying, but I just refused to go over. I didn't expect you to be quite heartless."

"I'm short of a man by my side, but not everyone wants it. Since he doesn't love me deeply, why should I pretend to be affectionate." Ling Muer pouted, "Besides, so many imperial doctors surround him, it's impossible to die. No."

"Duplicity." Although Su Ce said this, he was very happy.

In the commander's tent, Shangguan Shaochen was furious for no reason when he heard the report from the imperial doctor Zhou.

"What, she doesn't want to see the handsome doctor?"

His heart suddenly congealed, and he couldn't get out or swallow it back. Shangguan Shaochen looked at Nangong Yizhi in disbelief, "Didn't all of you tell me that she was my fiancée, should you explain to me now, What does she mean?"

"If it were me, I wouldn't have come." Although he might be beaten after saying this, Nangong Yizhi still went forward, "There is another woman by my side, and I said such hurtful things to her, idiot Just come here."

"You..." Shangguan Shaochen was anxious, his eyes looked outside, and he couldn't see anything in his line of sight. But just thinking about his fiancée treating another man, I don't know why there is a fire in my heart.

Could it be that what he said that day was really too much?

"Come here, order Ling Muer to come here immediately!"

For some reason, the more the woman didn't come, the more he wanted her to come. He wants to see how hideous she can be with him.

Nangong Yizhi on the side was covering his mouth and snickering, Shangguan Shaochen shot him coldly, "What are you laughing at?"

"I'm laughing that my cousin also has a sense of crisis." Nangong Yizhi shook his head and said.

"Sure enough, even if the person in my heart is forgotten, it will never be broken. If my cousin really doesn't have her in his heart, why would he care so much about her thoughts?"

Shangguan Shaochen didn't speak, he was just curious, he is a commander in chief, everyone should obey his orders, but that woman dared to disobey, why should she?

A few minutes later, the soldiers walked in obediently, "Big, handsome..."

Shangguan Shaochen looked behind him and narrowed his eyes, "She won't come?"

"Miss Ling said that the commander-in-chief has let her down, and he doesn't...doesn't deserve to be treated by her." The soldiers closed their eyes, and their hearts were ashamed.

Some people in this world actually say that he is unworthy.

Shangguan Shaochen was out of breath, and wanted to get up from the bed suddenly, but accidentally touched the wound, everyone was shocked, "Marshal!"

"The wound that was so hard to suture is open again, cousin, should I feel sorry for you, or do you deserve it?" Nangong Yizhi sighed, and when Shangguan Shaochen's angry fist was about to fall, he ran away.

In the opposite camp, Ling Muer was carefully bandaging Su Ce, "Although the wound looks deep, but fortunately there is no poison, and it will heal in a few days with careful care."

"Aren't you going to take a look?" Su Ce asked, "He was injured more seriously than me. Besides, he was seriously injured by Amu De in order to protect three soldiers. Maybe you don't know Amu De well. He is despicable and shameless. He is best at calculating, if you don't go now, don't regret it."

"Yes, sister-in-law, my cousin knows he was wrong, so just give him a chance." Nangong Yizhi looked at her pitifully when he rushed in.

"Who is your sister-in-law?"

"If it weren't for the imperial doctor in the palace, there would be nothing you can do. Why would you ask the girl to see a doctor several times? The commander is much more serious than you imagined." Nangong Yiyi changed his normal, and You Qi said seriously: "He is poisoned, and the position is right here. Chest."

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