In the end, Ling Mu'er told the form of the herbal medicine, and Shangguan Shaochen was responsible for going up the mountain to search for it, while she stayed to guard the wolf meat.

After about a stick of incense, he slowly came out of the jungle, holding a lot of unknown things in his hand, "It's too late at night, check if it's right, if it's not there, I'll go back and look for it again."

Ling Mu'er examined it carefully, and found that this man was indeed talented, she just gave a general description, and the herbs looked a lot alike, and he found the right two of the three herbs.

"Forget it, the remaining one can be replaced by other medicines. It's getting late. In order to prevent your blood from being sucked dry by bloodthirsty insects, let's go back quickly."

Satisfied, Ling Mu'er put the herbs into the basket, and pointed to the wolf meat on the ground. "Although the portion is not much, it's good for everyone to drink some broth. You are a man, and you deserve your physical strength, right?"

With a man around, it is natural that a woman cannot resist such a heavy body. Shangguan Shaochen has no objection to this, but he pointed to something that looked like a herbal medicine in his left hand, "Then what is this? I smell a medicinal fragrance , is it useful to you?"

Ling Mu'er gave him a blank look, "Back to Commander, that's a weed."

Walking straight ahead, with a bright smile on the corners of her eyes and brows, recalling the instant change in his face just now, she was in a good mood.

There are no stars or moon in the night sky today, but with the man behind him, it seems to brighten up all of a sudden.

"Strange, I just went up the mountain from here, why did the way back change?"

Ling Mu'er looked around, she couldn't remember which fork in the road she went wrong, why did she just get lost.

"It's foggy in the mountains and forests. It's normal to take the wrong intersection. Follow me."

Shangguan Shaochen bypassed her and walked in front. Years of experience told him that this jungle is very dangerous. He turned his head to remind him from time to time: "There are man-made traces here, and there should be many hunting nets set by hunters around. You try to step on them." My footprints go."

Ling Mu'er had no objection to this, but when she walked to a slope, she almost fell down by accident, and instinctively grabbed his arm.

Shangguan Shaochen, who had always disliked women approaching, wanted to shake off immediately, but he didn't move for a long time.

The little woman's palm is soft and soft, not to mention, it's quite comfortable.

"It's okay, do you need me to carry you?"

Ling Mu'er shook her head, "It's just a sprained ankle, don't delay your walk, I'm not wild boar, so I don't want you to carry it." Although she said this, it was actually because of her heartache.

Because his face was getting paler and paler, he might not be able to last for three days.

"You can already see the light over there. We are probably not far away from the way out. You try to follow closely." You gently reminded him, he carefully led the way ahead,

This scene seems to have returned to the scene of him walking in front carrying wild bear meat. Ling Muer gave a very gentle hum with her heart warming.

"You said, I came to this mountain with you before, and even caught a black bear?" Shangguan Shaochen's voice came from the front, as if he was very curious about this matter.

"It's all the past, and you won't remember it if you tell it." She didn't want to break the tranquility, and she didn't want to be thought by him that she was using the past to trap him.

Shangguan Shaochen was stunned for a moment, and looked at her carefully from the corner of the eye, "I wanted to tell you that this feeling seemed familiar to me, but you didn't say it, so don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

"I never need anyone to give me opportunities. No one can take away what belongs to me, and I can't force what doesn't belong to me."

Feeling angry, Ling Muer let go of the hand that was holding his wrist, and walked to the side, but just as she escaped from the man's protection, danger came.

Hearing a scream, when Shangguan Shaochen instinctively looked back, Ling Muer's body was falling rapidly, and he grabbed her hand as fast as he could, "Hold me tight, don't let go!"

The bottom is probably a cave made by hunters, it's bottomless, and the surroundings are extremely smooth, Ling Mu'er has no place to stay, so she can only rely on Shangguan Shaochen to drag her.

There was blood on the wrist, and she realized that the wound on his shoulder was also open. She panted heavily, "Your arm is injured and you can't use your strength. Let me go, and then find a rope to save me."

Where he is, how can his people be allowed to be in danger?

"This injury is nothing, I..." Before he finished speaking, Shangguan Shaochen's body suddenly felt severe pain, as if half of his body lost strength in an instant, and the two of them fell into the cave by accident.

"Ling Mu'er, are you alright?" In the dark cave, only a man's shout could be heard. The cave entrance was too deep and too dark, and he didn't have a firefoil on him, and he didn't find any trace of the little woman, so he panicked.

"Ling Muer..."

"Not dead yet." An extremely weak voice came.

Shangguan Shaochen identified her position according to the voice, and immediately found her position. He groped forward with both hands, and felt something soft. He was pleasantly surprised: "How are you, are you okay?"

"You, where are your hands touching?"

Ling Mu'er was so angry that she stammered, "Shangguan Shaochen, you rascal."

It was only then that he realized that he had touched a place that shouldn't be touched, so he instinctively let go of his hand and turned around, "I'm sorry, I..."

"Okay, I know you didn't mean to take advantage of me, don't worry, I'm not like some people who rely on you to be responsible."

Feeling the smooth wall and getting up, Ling Muer turned on the fire switch, and seeing the bright Shangguan Shaochen immediately looked back, and found that she only had a slight scratch and nothing serious, so she was relieved.

"It may be caused by bloodthirsty insects. I suddenly lost strength just now, but don't worry, I will find a way to let you go up first."

He said, and began to look around, but the hunter's cave was designed very cleverly, and the walls were smeared with lubricating oil or something, probably to prevent the prey from climbing up, but trapped two big living people.

"Don't waste your energy, this wall is very smooth, even if you are very skilled, you won't be able to climb it. If you have that kind of skill, you might as well recharge your energy. The soldiers will find us tomorrow when they find out that we are not in the camp."

Ling Mu'er felt at ease when she came, and simply sat down.

Seeing a woman not only not afraid in such an environment, but also handling her herbs leisurely, Shangguan Shaochen shook his head with a smile, "You really don't look like a girl, are you really not afraid at all?"

"There are no beasts in this cave, what am I afraid of?" She raised her eyes and glanced at him, "Besides, don't you still exist?"

Since little women are not afraid, there is nothing to be afraid of as a big man.

He simply sat across from her and looked at her as if he was admiring flowers.

Under the candlelight, although the little woman's delicate face was somewhat dirty, it still couldn't conceal her natural beauty.

This woman is bold, arrogant, confident, and calm, and is really different from every woman he has ever met before. She now knows why she was identified as a fiancée.

"Ling Caiwei and I are not what you imagined."

For no reason, he opened his mouth to explain. After he finished speaking, he didn't even want to understand why he opened his mouth.

"What am I thinking?" Ling Muer deliberately teased him, "Just now you said that you are not Liu Xiahui, who is not in trouble."

"I was in a coma at the time, and I didn't know anything about what happened. You think I would treat her..." under such circumstances, Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly defended himself, and Shangguan Shaochen didn't see the play in the little woman's eyes until halfway through the sentence Abuse, "Are you cheating on me?"

"That's my little aunt. We've lived together for more than ten years. I know who she is better than you." Ling Mu'er finished packing up the herbs and began to research and make them in the cave. "Of course, if the commander-in-chief has unique taste , I prefer those words, and I have nothing to say."

It was only then that she realized that when she grabbed his arm just now, it seemed that the wound on his shoulder had opened. She hooked her fingers and said, "Come here, I'll bandage it for you."

This kind of finger-hooking action is undoubtedly a silent seduction for men, especially in a dark cave, where there are two lonely men and widows.

Shangguan Shaochen originally wanted to say that the injury was not a hindrance, but his legs didn't work, and he sat down beside her obediently like a child.

"Take off your clothes."

Still so rude.

Having long been used to her demeanor, Shangguan Shaochen didn't hold back this time, but took off his upper body obediently.

Tempted by such a handsome man, Ling Muer swallowed, "I just let you show your shoulders, you don't have to be so narcissistic, Commander."

"Narcissism?" He was stunned, "What do you mean?"

"It is to show off one's own beauty in any place all the time, regardless of the occasion. This is how to seduce others."

Shangguan Shaochen smiled lightly, and let her bandage himself.

The shoulder was just a small arrow wound, and the wound would open due to force. Ling Muer tore off the skirt to make a bandage. When bandaging him, the bandage needed to be wrapped from the back to the chest. Her movements were more like The gesture of hugging between men and women.

There was the warm breath of the little woman and the body fragrance emanating from his ears, Shangguan Shaochen only felt his breathing tightened, and he couldn't help but tense up all over.

"What are you hiding, I'm not a tiger, can I still eat you?" Seeing him move back a little, Ling Muer grabbed his arms and pulled him towards her, "Just tie a knot if there is only one knot left." alright."

Shangguan Shaochen's eyes froze, and he lowered his eyes to look at her carefully, "I really can't see the shyness of a little woman on you. Those who don't know think that you are a woman practicing medicine just to take advantage of men."

After neatly tying a knot that she was satisfied with, Ling Muer gave a pause. Knowing that this man deliberately humiliated her, she puffed her cheeks angrily, stretched out her hand and wiped his chest on purpose, "Yes, I practice medicine to take advantage of all the men in the world. Handsome and extraordinary, if you don't cherish the opportunity, it will be a waste of your and my chance to fall into this cave, are you satisfied with this?"

Feeling the woman's small hand on his chest, as if igniting the evil fire accumulated in his body for many years, Shangguan Shaochen's expression was very ugly.

"I've reminded you just now, don't make fun of a man casually." He leaned forward and slammed Ling Mu'er against the wall, "If you burn yourself, you have to pay the price."

Without giving Ling Muer a chance to react, he blocked her lips domineeringly.

With aggressive punishment, she was quickly defeated.

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