"Master—Miss Ling—"

"Ling Muer! Shangguan Shaochen!"

Ling Muer, who was drowsy, vaguely heard the sound of shouting, and she suddenly opened her eyes in a jerk.

Seeing Shangguan Shaochen lying in his arms, his face was blushing, he carefully put him aside, and responded to the narrow opening, "I'm here, Su Ce, I'm here..."

"Quick, there's a sound from here." Su Ce on the mountain stopped in place, quickly identified Ling Muer's position, and pointed to a certain place on the mountain.

Soon, the large force carried out a blanket search.

In order to prevent the people above from discovering the hole, Ling Muer threw the fire bag and the dagger up one after another.

"Here, they are here!" Nangong Yizhi was the first to see it, and he rushed over with everyone in surprise.

"Miss Ling, is that you? Where is our commander-in-chief? Is the commander-in-chief here?"

Suddenly there were many people in the cave, Ling Muer nodded, "It's us."

"Mu'er!" Su Ce poked his head nervously, "Don't worry, I'll find a way to pull you up."

Su Ce's speed was very fast. He tied the rattan together. After Ling Mu'er received the rattan, he tied it around Shangguan Shaochen's waist first, and then tugged at the rattan, signaling the people above to start pulling.

"Take him up first, and send him back to the camp immediately. The temperature in the mountains is low, and he has a fever."

Ling Mu'er made a trumpet shape and gave instructions to the people above, she didn't elaborate on the extra words.

Hearing the news that the commander-in-chief was seriously ill, the people above hurriedly pulled up.

When Ling Mu'er was dragged up one by one, a figure rushed towards him frantically, "Bitch, it's all because of you, it's because of you that Shao Chen became like this, it's all because of you, I'll strangle you to death."

Ling Caiwei had a lot of strength, and everyone was unprepared because of the sudden incident, but the second her hands grabbed Ling Mu'er's neck, Su Ce had already pulled her away.

"Did I warn you not to get close to her, are you deaf?"

Carefully protecting Ling Muer behind him, Su Ce looked back at Ling Caiwei with a murderous look in his eyes, "If you don't want to die, get out!"

Getting up from the ground in pain, Ling Caiwei pointed unwillingly at Shangguan Shaochen who was being supported, "He is a handsome man, and he didn't faint after suffering such a serious injury, but he fainted when he was tricked into coming to this place by her." After death, who knows if this bitch is trying to murder him with ulterior motives?"

"If we hadn't discovered that the commander-in-chief was missing in time, we wouldn't have known that he was brought to this deep mountain and old forest by you. Ling Muer, did you know that you would destroy him if you couldn't get it?" Ling Caiwei immediately looked at Qiu Yujin, "General, please take this bitch down!"

Qiu Yujin looked at the commander-in-chief, then at Ling Lingmuer, caught in a dilemma, "Miss Ling, what is going on?"

Throwing the pannier on the ground, some herbs fell out of it, Ling Muer said coldly, "Now, do I need to say more?"

She is a doctor, and the doctor in charge of the Marshal, anyone with a discerning eye can tell what's going on at a glance.

Su Ce didn't care whether Shangguan Shaochen would die, he was only worried about whether Ling Muer was injured.

"Are you all right? Did you get hurt somewhere?" He pulled her aside and looked at her carefully, "If you want to go up the mountain to dig herbs, just find a few soldiers, why run out by yourself in the middle of the night."

Knowing that he was worried about herself, Ling Muer shrugged needlessly, "Where do the soldiers know, besides, I'm fine."

Pushing away the nervous Su Ce, Ling Muer gave Nangong Yizhi a look.

Nangong Yizhi is a smart person. Seeing her hesitating to speak, he knew that his cousin's situation was not optimistic. He gestured, "Hurry up, take the commander back to the tent first."

He looked at Miss Ling again, "Miss is tired because of the commander, but please work harder, this way please."

Seeing that no one paid attention to her, Ling Caiwei rushed to Shangguan Shaochen, trying to drag him into her arms.

Ling Muer didn't say anything, but just sneered, Nangong Yizhi heard it, and stopped Ling Caiwei's movements.

"Girl, our commander-in-chief is very uncomfortable now, what are you going to do?"

"I just know he's not feeling well, so I have to take care of him. I'm his fiancee, his wife, get out of the way!"

Seeing Nangong Yizhi's disdainful eyes, Ling Caiwei was very upset, "Why, are you even bullying the handsome woman now?"

"The commander-in-chief didn't disclose that you are anyone with him. Although you saved the commander-in-chief's life before, I respected him everywhere in the barracks. If the girl is a smart person, it's best not to push her further!"

He gave his subordinates a look, and immediately a soldier came over to take Ling Caiwei away.

Without hindrance, everyone speeded up to the camp. Seeing Ling Muer nervously watching Shangguan Shaochen from time to time, Su Ce, who was walking at the back, had a gloomy expression on his face, as if something precious had disappeared from his body.

"Miss Ling, you obviously didn't say anything just now. Could it be that something is wrong with your cousin?"

Back in the camp, only Shangguan Shaochen, Ling Muer and Nangong Yizhi were left.

"Yes, yesterday evening I finally found out that the worms in the commander's body were not Gu worms, but bloodthirsty worms. But because we were in the mountains last night, the temperature was low, and bloodthirsty worms happen to like to move in low temperatures," she explained. . "Last night's temperature created a comfortable space for the bloodthirsty worm, causing it to move faster and eat in the commander's body, which led to his sudden high fever. In other words, his current situation is very dangerous."

Ling Muer couldn't care less about explaining anymore, she hurriedly fed Shangguan Shaochen a pill, "I need to treat him in a completely enclosed place, and if I want to force the bloodthirsty worms out, I have to make a proper treatment." Yao Yin, this time the incident suddenly shortened my treatment time, so we must hurry up."

Nangong Yizhi is a smart person, he immediately knew what to do when he heard this, "Don't worry, girl, I will send soldiers to protect the commander's tent, not to mention people, not even a fly can fly in, especially that Ling Caiwei. "

Ling Muer didn't turn her head back, "Then it's hard work for you."

"It's the girl who worked hard." Nangong Yizhi clasped his hands together, "Please, girl, do your best to save the commander in chief. I'll be on guard outside the account. If you need anything, please call me at any time."

"Don't worry, no matter what the reason is, I will not abandon him."

After thoroughly inspecting Shangguan Shaochen's body, Ling Muer returned to the chair and began to develop the medicine. When Nangong Yizhi was about to go out, she suddenly remembered something, "By the way, there is a wild wolf meat in that cave. Not much, but you can boil some broth for the soldiers to have a tooth-beating sacrifice, in this desolate frontier, the physical strength of the soldiers is the most important."

The current situation is so critical, she wished she could grow four hands when making medicine, and she still had time to think about the soldiers. When Nangong Yizhi looked at Ling Mu'er again, it was like looking at a Bodhisattva.

"The girl has a heart of a bodhisattva, God will treat her kindly, and my cousin will definitely not let her down."

The camp returned to tranquility again, but Ling Muer's work became busy.

Not only does she have to take care of Shangguan Shaochen, who has a high fever, but she also has to fight against time to study medicine. Because of the many tools and herbs she needs to get out of the space, she can't leave any assistants to help.

Almost busy from morning to night, she finally developed the first batch of medicine primers. Because she was not sure, she could only try it out, and applied the medicine primers on the wound on his chest.

At this time, Shangguan Shaochen's fever continued to heat up, and he fell into a deep coma.

After a stick of incense, the effect of the medicine seemed to have taken effect. The unconscious Shangguan Shaochen suddenly twitched all over. Ling Muer hurriedly pressed his body, and kept luring the bloodthirsty insects in his body, "Come out, come out..."

Shangguan Shaochen's chest seemed to have an object moving, and it was about to come out of the wound, but it retreated in the blink of an eye.

"how so?"

Ling Mu'er looked at everything in disbelief, the insect was like a fish attracted by the bait, suddenly found that the bait was not fragrant enough, and turned back halfway at a critical moment.

"Could it be that there is something missing in the medicine introduction?"

She muttered to herself, and got up to go back again, when a hand suddenly clasped her wrist.

Originally thought that Shangguan Shaochen had woken up, but when she turned her head to look, she found that his eyes were still tightly closed.

The bloodthirsty worm stopped wriggling, and he also stopped convulsing, but his face became paler and paler, obviously he had lost too much blood.

Carefully touched his side face with the other hand, carefully looked at his eyes, nose to mouth...

Her tender hands clenched into fists, "Shangguan Shaochen, I will never let you have trouble."

Last night, this man suddenly rushed over to kiss her crazily, with punitive aggression, which made her overwhelmed several times. But at the critical moment, he suddenly trembled violently. When Ling Mu'er noticed something strange, he was already hot all over and passed out in her arms.

Knowing that calling for help was useless, she hurriedly used the medicinal materials in the space to temporarily stabilize his pulse. Although she was not sure whether Shangguan Shaochen would remember everything from last night after waking up, she would definitely do everything she could to save his life. he.

"Miss Ling, a lot of wolf broth has been boiled, if it's convenient for me to bring it in for you?" Nangong Yizhi's voice came from outside the tent.

Ling Mu'er didn't even lift her eyelids, "Don't worry, your commander's life is not in danger for the time being, and my medicine is about to succeed, so let's share the broth with others, I really don't have time."

Hearing the satisfactory news, Nangong Yizhi's voice was much happier, "No matter how busy you are, you still have to eat, otherwise the commander-in-chief wakes up and finds that you don't sleep, eat or drink, and you won't kill us."

"I will notify you as soon as there is any situation with him. You don't have to try every means to come here, it will only distract me."

Hearing this, Nangong Yizhi hurriedly handed over the wolf meat to the soldiers beside him, and waved his hand away, "Okay, then we'll wait for the good news from the girl, and please take care of yourself, too."

Ling Muer didn't say any more, but another woman's voice came from outside the tent.

Without waiting for the people inside to order, Nangong Yi gave an order, "Come here, pass on the order of my son, and tell that woman that if she makes another sound, immediately throw her out of the barracks."

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