It wasn't until midnight the next day, just when Ling Muer was about to give up, that she finally developed a medicine that could lure the bloodthirsty worms out.

Seeing the bright red bug crawling out lazily, she immediately put it in a container.

The bloodthirsty worms were nourished by Shangguan Shaochen's blood until they were put into the container, they couldn't breathe, and the worms began to struggle crazily.

She hurriedly informed Nangong Yizhi to come in, "Here, I've got a gift for you, but I've accepted it."

Nangong Yizhi didn't see clearly what it was, he instinctively reached out to pick it up, when he opened his eyes wide and was about to take a closer look, he saw a bug biting it with its mouth wide open, even though it was separated by the container, he was still startled , threw it out abruptly.


Ling Mu'er didn't expect this guy to be so timid, and the thrown vessel smashed to pieces on the ground, and the bloodthirsty worm regained its freedom, wriggling crazily.

This worm doesn't look fat, but its speed is super fast. It must find a new host in a short time, because it is fed by blood, and once it loses blood, it will die immediately.

Seeing that it was about to crawl to Nangong Yizhi's feet, Ling Muer hurriedly sprinkled the corpse powder, and the fat bug was turned into a puddle of blood at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Nangong Yizhi saw the whole thing from beginning to end, and finally couldn't help hiding aside and retching.

"This, such a disgusting guy, how did Amu De carry it with him and take the opportunity to give it to his cousin?"

Finally calmed down, Nangong Yizhi walked to the bedside, tested Shangguan Shaochen's body temperature, and said excitedly, "The fever has subsided?"

"The bloodthirsty worm was forced out, and his fever subsided naturally. It's just that he lost a lot of blood after being tortured by this poisonous pet for a few days, and he still needs to rest."

Ling Muer made a list and handed it to him, "Although there are many herbs on the mountain, what he needs is supplements, and we are not so lucky. So it should not be difficult for you to find a pharmacy in the city from here, if possible It's better to buy some more chickens, he needs a big supplement now."

Nangong Yizhi received the prescription and looked at it carefully, then carefully put it into his cuff, "Sister Yi is really rejuvenated, if it weren't for you this time, my cousin might die, I will report the truth to mother later, mother I'm sure you'll be very happy to know."

Ling Muer rolled her eyes, "Now do you know that I am your righteous sister?"

"Hehe" rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment, Nangong Yizhi laughed all over his face, "It's not that the righteous brother won't help you, that woman is my cousin's savior after all, even if I don't like it, it's not my turn to deal with it, no. but……"

She looked at Shangguan Shaochen, then at Ling Muer, and smiled viciously.

"But what?"

"The two of you spent the night alone in the cave, and then spent a few days in this camp. What will happen next is unknown."

Seeing his slack, Ling Muer stomped on his instep when she packed up the medicine box and turned around, "I know you can't spit ivory out of your dog's mouth."

Nangong Yizhi was in pain, but he didn't forget to block her way, "Where are you going?"

"His high fever has subsided, and the bloodthirsty worms have been drawn out, and he just needs to rest. I was trapped in this room for three days and three nights, and I was not allowed to go back to rest. I really think I am iron ?”

If Ling Muer leaves, what will my cousin do?

Nangong Yizhi immediately blocked the exit of the tent, "You can't leave."

Seeing that she was about to get angry, he hurriedly opened his mouth to explain: "I know you are very tired and need to rest, but my cousin hasn't woken up yet after all. So, you stay here temporarily tonight." He pointed to Shangguan Shaochen's side , "Anyway, the bed is big enough for the two of you to sleep on, and that's how the two of you have been here for the past few days, and this night is not bad, what do you think, righteous sister?"

"I'm talking shit."

Ling Mu'er pointed to the simple study over there, "I've been researching the antidote over there these days, not to mention the bed, I haven't even slept on the floor, get out of the way."

"Aren't you really worried about your cousin's safety? Are you not afraid that he will have a high fever again when no one is taking care of you?" Nangong Yizhi retreated step by step, "So, don't worry, my step-sister is troubled, I will never Let no one come in and bother you."

He was like a rabbit having fun, running fast.

"Nangong Yizhi!"

Ling Mu'er gritted her teeth with hatred, but no matter how hard she tried, the tent was tightly locked.

Back at Shangguan Shaochen's bedside, Ling Mu'er was not in the mood to fall asleep at all, she carefully looked at him, recalling everything that happened in the past few days.

"Chen, did you really forget me?"

She always thought it was just a dream, but he experienced life and death several times in just a few days, and she had to admit it was a fact.

"Su Ce's crow's mouth, why did he want to say something about what she suffered after coming here? Did that guy's mouth be opened?" She muttered dissatisfied.

I don't know how long I talked with Shangguan Shaochen, but I only fell asleep when I felt that it was almost dawn.

Feeling that You Dao's fiery eyes were looking at her all the time, Ling Mu'er suddenly opened her eyes, and a handsome face infinitely magnified was close in front of her eyes.

She was so frightened that she immediately sat up from the bed, "Why am I here?"

At this moment, she was lying on the bed, but Shangguan Shaochen was sitting in the seat where she was sitting before and watching her carefully.

She admits that she is a little tired these days, but she won't be moved by someone without knowing it. When did the eldest brother wake up?

"Although you are my fiancee, I probably don't know that you sleep like a dead pig, right?"

"You..." Ling Mu'er was impatient, and immediately swung her fist,

Shangguan Shaochen gently exerted force, wrapping the soft little hand with his generous palm, playing with it like a baby, "Thank you, Ling Muer, I will remember this kindness."

Facing his gentleness, Ling Muer was moved for a moment, and quickly jumped off the bed, "Although I don't know how you got me onto the bed last night, your body can no longer catch cold, and you still have wounds. Lie down and let me see."

Shangguan Shaochen lay down obediently, and let her examine his body in detail. Although he didn't say a word, it could be seen from her satisfied eyes from time to time that his body was fine.

"Your physique is much stronger than that of ordinary people. A simple skin injury has almost healed in just three days, and the most serious one is the chest." She circled her fingers on it, originally just wanting to explain this place to him in detail But in Shangguan Shaochen's view, this woman is clearly lighting a fire.

"What are you doing!" Ling Mu'er exclaimed, before she could resist, Shangguan Shaochen controlled her whole body and pressed her to her chest.

As long as she lowered her head, she could touch those soft lips. Ling Muer held her breath and looked around, not daring to look at him.

"It seems that yesterday's punishment was not enough to make you so short of memory."

As he said that, he pressed her head down and was about to kiss her, when a person suddenly rushed in from outside the tent.

"Cousin, I can't take it anymore, this woman..."

Before he finished speaking, Nangong Yizhi looked at the scene in front of him with wide eyes in disbelief, and turned around quickly, "I didn't see it, I didn't see anything."

Ling Caiwei, who also saw everything in front of her, wished she could eat Ling Muer alive, "You two..."

"What are they? They are just healing their wounds. Miss Ling should not disturb the commander in chief. After all, the commander in chief has orders first, and those who disobey will be dealt with by military law." Without giving Ling Caiwei a chance to finish speaking, Nangong Yizhi forced her Tow away.

Ling Muer hurriedly jumped up from him, her little fist wanted to land on him, but she couldn't bear to see so many wounds, so she sat opposite him angrily, "Shangguan Shaochen, I have something to ask you .”

A man looked at her with interest.

Looking at her cute appearance when she is angry, instead of her usual domineering and calm, well, this is the attitude a girl should have.

"you say."

His voice was soft, full of intoxicating pampering, as if he would agree no matter what she said.

"Do you remember me at all?"

"No." The answer was crisp, because he doesn't like to lie, "but..."

Shangguan Shaochen intentionally played tricks, "After going up the mountain with you last night, some fragments did flash in my mind. As you said, I may have really entered that forest with a woman. I can't tell you the specifics. Why don't you tell me the details?" Let me see?"

Although this answer still disappointed her, it was undoubtedly the best good news these days.

"I saw it for you when you fainted last night. I can't tell because I don't have accurate tools, but your brain was hit violently and the blood clots in it oppressed the nerves. You don't understand if you talk too much. In short, your choice Sexual amnesia may be on your own."

According to current and ancient medicine, there is no medicine that can cure amnesia, unless he has a craniotomy.

But this is a battlefield, and he is the leader of the three armies. If she tells others to pry open their commander's head and take some things away, those people outside will not treat her as a witch and soak her in a pig cage. What's more, craniotomy takes a long time to cultivate, and now is not the time at all.

A look of disappointment flashed in Shangguan Shaochen's eyes, but soon he returned to normal, "It's okay, since I can remember some fragments, I will definitely remember more. Didn't you say that no one can take away what belongs to you?" ?”

He approached her ear, "If I belong to you, sooner or later it will be yours."

Warm breath came oncoming, Ling Mu'er shivered, and then she shrank her neck when she heard these blushing words.

Although the marshal's injuries were not healed, but in order to pursue the victory and catch the enemy by surprise, Shangguan Shaochen simply regarded the camp as an important military location, discussing military strategy from morning till night.

According to the rules of the military camp, Ling Muer was not allowed to participate, but she is the chief doctor in charge of the general, and his chest wound needs to be changed every two hours. She simply stayed in the tent temporarily, and naturally heard it A lot of recent status on strategy.

"The enemy's battlefield is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If they hide inside for a long time and cannot come out, don't we want to spend with them?" Qiu Yujin slammed his melancholy fist on the table.

The generals around look at me and I look at you, but none of them can come up with a good solution.

Ling Mu'er was eyeing herbal medicines, she looked at the crowd, and turned to Shangguan Shaochen, "Well, I have an idea, do you want to hear it?"

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