"You are a woman, what do you know about war strategy?" A general snorted disdainfully.

"That's right, Miss Yixian, it's not that we look down on women. You are really good at saving people and treating patients, but what do you know about warfare, so don't make trouble." Qiu Yujin shook his head. For the sake of being handsome, he wouldn't be so polite to her.

On the contrary, Su Ce curled his lips sideways. "Anyway, we don't have a better way at the moment, even if it's just for fun, why don't you talk about it?"

"My plan is very simple. It's not that Amud is unwilling to come out, so we'll lure him out." Ling Muer put down the grinding tool in her hand, walked to the desk, and just took a look, she quickly found the enemy's Location, "The enemy army should be here, this is the only place on the map that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but look here..."

She pointed to a nearby mountain, "There is a canyon here, I don't know if you have discovered it, if you lure Amu'd's people into this canyon, and we attack back and forth, they will have no way out. , still worried about not being able to catch someone?"

Everyone followed her finger to look, only to notice that this was the only place they ignored.

"How do you know there is a canyon here?" Qiu Yujin asked.

"Because I have lived in the neighboring village for more than ten years." She pointed to Lingjia Village, "Actually, the commander also knew about it, but he just forgot because of amnesia."

Looking at her appreciatively, Shangguan Shaochen gave Nangong Yizhi a look, and the latter immediately took out a more detailed map.

"Miss Ling is talking about this canyon, it is indeed a good place, just right in the middle of the border and the enemy camp, but Amu De has a cunning mind, how can he easily fall for it?"

Ling Muer laughed, looking at everyone like idiots, "Of course a fish without bait will not come out of the water, as long as we find a suitable bait, how can he not come out?"

"Girl, it's easy for you to say, where can we find this bait?" The first soldier who spoke contemptuously sighed at her again, "We don't know what that guy likes and what he hates, maybe he sent a bunch of women past?"

A joke instantly caused everyone to burst into laughter.

After staying in the barracks for a long time, everyone is young and strong, so it is inevitable that they speak rough, Ling Muer doesn't care about him.

"Although I am not familiar with Amu De, since he can use bloodthirsty insects to murder the Marshal, it shows that the Marshal is very important to him." Ling Muer smiled and looked at Shangguan Shaochen, "Amu De and the Marshal have a great fight Several times, the two sides have always been hard to distinguish, and he doesn't know that the bloodthirsty worm in the commander's body has been cured. If we let the news out, the commander is dying and must be secretly transferred as soon as possible. Do you think Amu De will take the bait?"

When everyone heard this, they immediately fell silent, and their eyes immediately fixed on Shangguan Shaochen.

"No!" Nangong Yizhi was the first to object, "How can we take the risk of the commander-in-chief."

"That's right Miss Ling, although your idea is good, but the commander-in-chief is still not fully recovered, I'm afraid..." Qiu Yujin, who has always been straightforward, also fell into melancholy.

Only Su Ce instantly understood the true meaning of Ling Muer, "It was said to be a bait, but he didn't say that Shangguan Shaochen would actually fight him. We let out the rumor that the commander is seriously ill and needs to be treated as soon as possible, so naturally he has to carry it." , then Amu De couldn’t see his true face even if he wanted to, as long as he found a soldier with a similar body shape, it would not be difficult.”

Giving Su Ce an appreciative look, Ling Muer snapped her fingers, "That's right, a seriously ill person can't ride around on horseback, right? We just need to prepare the carriage in advance and find the commander's cronies to escort us. As long as you can successfully deceive Amu De and lure him into the canyon, and you attack from left to right, he will be unable to fly."

"That's right, why didn't we think of it? There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the army, so it's so difficult to find a substitute!" A certain soldier looked at Ling Mu as if he saw a fairy when he was a child, "The girl is not only skilled in medicine, but also so intelligent, I don't know Is there a marriage?"

Why are you talking about getting married so well?

Shangguan Shaochen and Su Ce stretched out their hands at the same time, each grabbed her by one arm, and shouted angrily at the same time, "Get out!"

Seeing this, the soldiers who had just had an idea took a few steps back.

Nangong Yizhi's ambiguous eyes wandered over the three of them. He narrowed his eyes and finally fixed on Ling Muer, "The righteous sister is not only rejuvenated, but also extremely smart. It is really a blessing for the border guards. If it weren't for cousin Volunteer to ask Ying to support the border, I am afraid that the Ling girl in front of you is already the handsome wife."

Hearing this, the soldiers who had thought about Ling Mu'er just now widened their eyes, and hurriedly found an excuse to go to the latrine.

Su Ce looked at Ling Muer, licked the corner of his lower lip in self-deprecating manner, and let go of her hand without a trace.

"It's a good way to catch the turtle in the urn. Now that you have an idea and everyone agrees, the commander-in-chief will make a decision?"

Shangguan Shaochen took the time to look at Ling Muer, and then looked at the crowd, "General Qiu is responsible for finding a substitute, and it must be someone who is strong. The two generals Zhou and Liu followed the carriage to escort, and the little county king Su Ce arranged for people to lurk around... just In this way, after three hours, let's go!"

"Yes, handsome!"

Everyone took the order to leave, each with the determination to win before leaving.

Although this strategy was extremely well thought out, if Amu De was prepared in advance, they might be in danger. Ling Muer quietly grabbed Su Ce's sleeve.

"Be careful."

After her words of concern, her obviously gloomy face became warm and charming, and Su Ce had a gentle smile on his eyes and brows, "Don't worry, I'm still waiting to save my life and come back to compete with him."

Everyone walked away, and Ling Muer was still staring at Su Ce's back, which immediately aroused great dissatisfaction from the tent owner.

"So much reluctance, it seems that a lot of things have happened in the capital during the time when the commander-in-chief left."

Ling Mu'er looked displeased at Shangguan Shaochen's face when she turned her head, she rolled her eyes, "Marshal's place is different and very lively, it's just each other."

Knowing that this woman has a stubborn temper, it is precisely this uncomfortable tenacity that can always attract his attention unintentionally.

He pointed to his chest, "Change my medicine."

"Didn't it just be changed half an hour ago?"

Ling Muer was puzzled, but looking at his serious eyes, she instantly understood the meaning, "You don't mean to go to the battlefield with the big army, do you?"

"Even if a substitute is found, Amu De is a scheming man, and my soldiers are also born to their mothers, so I don't feel at ease if they don't follow me."

"No!" Ling Mu'er resolutely refused, "Although your bloodthirsty worm is gone, your body is still very weak. If there is another problem, you won't be able to get out of bed for three months. Don't you think so?"

"But you let me watch my soldiers go to the tiger's mouth, I can't do it." Shangguan Shaochen's attitude was firm.

"Death is inherent in a person, and it is more important than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. The ultimate destination of a soldier is on the battlefield. If he can use his sacrifice in exchange for the well-being of the people in the world, why is it not worth it?" Ling Mu'er said: "Besides, Amu De hates you to the bone. The person he wants to kill the most is you, and you have already got rid of you. If you go, if he sees the clues, all actions will come to naught, and you may be hurt. All the soldiers who went out, is this what you want to see again?"

Shangguan Shaochen fell into deep thought. He didn't think Ling Muer's words were unreasonable, on the contrary, it was because her words were so reasonable that he found it strange.

"It doesn't matter if a village girl not only knows medical skills, but also has extraordinary skills. Could it be that I also trained you in military affairs?"

Ling Mu'er was at a loss for words, not daring to look him in the eyes.

"Anyway, I won't allow you to take risks." She shook the medicine pot in her hand resolutely, "It's easy for me to put some medicine on you and make you sleepy for three days and three nights. Don't be impulsive, it will save me trouble."

She is obviously a weak woman, and she needs other people's protection when she is wronged, but she is different from other women, not only is she confident and arrogant, but also has extraordinary courage and knowledge.

She must have many secrets hidden in her body.

"Report... Commander, the battle ahead in the canyon has been won, and our army has won a complete victory!"

In the evening, the soldiers rushed to report the good news from the front line. Shangguan Shaochen, who was guarded by Ling Muer in the tent, was overjoyed.

"Report the number of casualties, are all the soldiers injured?"

"Our army dispatched a total of more than 15,000 people, 1,532 people were injured, and 580 people died. General Qiu was injured in his left shoulder, and the other generals are all well." The soldiers reported, "It's just..."

This sentence just made Shangguan Shaochen's excited smile froze on his face.

"It's just that the enemy coach, Amud, ran away."

Hearing this, Ling Mu'er was even more angry than Shangguan Shaochen. She patted the table with her hands and couldn't help but get angry, "How could this be? The canyon is fully deployed, even if he grows wings, he won't be able to fly out. Where is the flaw?"

Apparently this is also a matter of concern to the commander-in-chief. The officer received a signal from Shangguan Shaochen's eyes. He walked to the map and pointed to a neglected creek next to the canyon, "This is here. After Amu De escaped our pursuit, He jumped into the stream and left, but the coach can rest assured that he has been seriously injured, and even if he escapes, he may die soon."

Whether the brook would drown him or not was his destiny.

But Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer's faces were very ugly.

"Damn it, a hundred secrets will eventually be separated. Why didn't I find out that there is a stream here before." Ling Mu'er blamed herself a little, she felt that if she had discovered this place earlier, Amu De would have died without a doubt.

"My handsome man hasn't said anything yet, but you are more anxious than me?"

"If Amu De is eliminated, the enemy army will have no leader. If we continue to pursue the victory, this border battle will end as soon as possible, and I will be able to take you back to the capital for further diagnosis and treatment. How can I not be in a hurry?" Ling Muer's chest rose and fell, Frustrated fists slammed on the table, she was visibly pissed off.

Shangguan Shaochen walked behind her, seeing her angry look, suddenly felt distressed.

"Is that memory so important to you?"

"Of course!" Ling Muer replied almost without thinking, and finally noticed that she was too excited, but she didn't want to explain too much.

"Then have you ever thought about what will happen to you if I still can't think of you when I go back to the capital?"

"Then ask yourself, is something that you've been planning for years a must for you?"

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