"I didn't go to you to settle the score, but you took the initiative to send it to your door. Don't think that you are the king of the small county, so you dare not do anything to you!" Shangguan Shaochen's eyes were full of strong anger.

"Everything you saw last night was an illusion. This king was plotted against and almost humiliated her. And you, didn't you hurt her enough? This king will teach you a lesson today." With murderous looks in his eyes, Su Ce Zhao Zhao killed him, obviously not planning to let him go.

Both of them have extraordinary skills, and they immediately attracted the attention of countless people when they fought in the camp.

A general, a general, is fighting for life and death for a woman, and he has the intention of not giving up until he eradicates the other party, and many soldiers onlookers are talking about it.

Nangong Yizhi and Qiu Yujin rushed over when they got the news, wanting to separate them, but they couldn't find a suitable opportunity.

"What is the king still doing in a daze, isn't Miss Ling your righteous sister?" Qiu Yujin asked anxiously.

"Yes, I'll go find her."

Nangong Yizhi turned his head and ran away, only to find Ling Muer standing in the crowd in the opposite corner after running a few steps away.

He cursed "Damn it", rushed over and dragged her out of the crowd from behind.

"I said sister-in-law, no, sister-in-law, how are you singing this!"

Throwing away the hand held by him fiercely, Ling Muer glanced at him like an enemy, "What nonsense are you talking about, who is your sister-in-law?"

"If you're not, who else can be?" Nangong Yizhi laughed along, "Don't think that I didn't see what happened between you and your cousin in the camp these days, even though I don't know about those two. What's the matter with the guy, but it must be related to you. Sister-in-law, go and persuade me, this is a military camp."

"What's wrong with the barracks? The commander-in-chief and the vanguard general fought so hard, so many soldiers dare not approach. What if I, a weak woman with no strength to restrain a chicken, is accidentally injured?" Satisfied, he intends to return to his tent.

"Are you a weak woman?"

Nangong Yizhi almost bit off his tongue when he said this, regardless of whether she agreed or not, after offending, he picked her up and rushed towards the battlefield.

"In the important place of the military camp, the commander-in-chief and the general fought violently. Once it is reported to the palace, both of them will be punished by the emperor. I believe you don't want any of them to be injured because of you?"

Arriving at the destination, Nangong Yizhi put down her body, and pointed at the fiercely beating two people with his chin, "Sister Yi, the right is for Brother Yi, can you help me?"

There were more and more people watching around, once the word spread, it would really have a bad effect, Ling Muer sighed, and was about to walk over, but by coincidence, she happened to hear Shangguan Shaochen's angry words.

"Misunderstanding? Heh, she is extremely skilled and has excellent medical skills. Even if you were plotted against at the time, how could she not be able to cure the poison in your body? I think she is not good enough!"

In a word, it was like hitting Ling Mu'er hard on the head with a stick, and the courage she wanted to persuade was instantly extinguished like foam in the sea.

"Shangguan Shaochen, you are courting death!"

If Su Ce didn't give him a chance to fight back, he would strike faster and harder.

He originally disdained him to fight with Shangguan Shaochen, but because of him yesterday's incident, he had to give Ling Muer an explanation, but he did not expect this guy to be so ruthless.

Nangong Yizhi was terrified, he didn't expect his cousin to humiliate Ling Muer so cruelly.

You know, when he was back then, others just took a look at Ling Muer, but he didn't want to, so how could he be willing to let her suffer half a grievance?


Even he felt that those words were too much, so Nangong Yizhi rushed over to separate the two at the risk of being beaten.

"Your words are indeed serious. Your righteous sister is the person you care about most in the bottom of your heart. How can you say that about her?"

Looking at Xiaojun Wang again, Nangong Yizhi laughed, "Although I don't know what happened to you last night, there must be a misunderstanding, don't worry, leave it to me."

Someone persuaded him to fight, and if Su Ce wanted to do anything, he would beat the commander in chief.

He glanced at Shangguan Shaochen resentfully, and the crowd grabbed Ling Muer's arm, "Let's go."

"Okay, leave the barracks, leave the border, leave this place of right and wrong, anyway, there are other women around that man." Ling Muer let him lead her body but did not move a step, her eyes fixed on Shangguan Shaochen .

She never knew what tears were like, but at this moment, the tears were rolling in her eyes, and she held back, stubbornly not letting them fall.

Looking at Shangguan Shaochen, her eyes were full of disappointment and heartbreak.

"Go back to the capital, please trouble the king of the small county to send someone to escort me back to the capital!"

Her voice was firm, it didn't sound like a joke at all, Su Ce frowned, "Are you sure?"

"Of course." Holding back all the tears, Ling Muer curled her lips, "Before I came here, I thought I could help with my medical skills, but now it seems that I am too self-righteous. I am a little girl In the barracks, spreading the word will only sharply reduce the morale of our army, and it will bother the little county king."

She clasped her fists in both hands and bowed at ninety degrees, without looking at Shangguan Shaochen when she said this.

"Okay, I'll take you away!"

Holding her hand, he strode away from this place of right and wrong, and the surrounding soldiers consciously gave way.

"This..." Nangong Yi punched Shangguan Shaochen on the shoulder, "You are still in a daze, do you really not want to chase?"

"She already has someone else by her side, and I'm definitely not her lover." Leaving to the opposite place, Shangguan Shaochen also didn't look back.

At the end of the crowd, Ling Caiwei raised the corners of her lips proudly.

"Are you really going?" Seeing Ling Muer packing her bags, Su Ce frowned, thinking she was being angry.

"Maybe it was a mistake for me to come here." She didn't have much luggage, and she had packed it in less than half a stick of incense. Looking at Su Ce's complicated eyes, she stuffed a small bundle into his arms, "These are all made by me personally." Developed, it is a hundred times more effective than the medicine brought out from the palace, you put it on your body for self-defense."

Before she left, she was still thinking about herself, which made Su Ce very happy, but he was very sad that she left in this way.


"I don't blame you. Although you were plotted against last night, he didn't even give me the most basic trust. Besides, I saw it..."

He and Ling Caiwei...

It was the first time Ling Mu'er knew what it meant to breathe and felt pain.

"Maybe it's God's will, why should I cling to him?" Ling Mu'er chuckled, "This girl is famous all over the capital, so why don't I need him as a man?"

Putting the bag on her shoulders, Ling Mu'er walked in front, until the man behind the tent did not catch up.

"Aren't you going to send me off?"

Only then did Su Ce come to his senses, put his hands behind his back, and walked slowly and melodiously to her side, with a charming and gentle smile on his face, "From the beginning to the end, I will send you off, even if you will be punished by the Holy Majesty, I will personally send you off." Return to Beijing."

Seeing that the smiling tiger had returned to his usual high spirits, Ling Muer finally took a look in the direction of the coach.

"Goodbye, Shangguan Shaochen."

"I heard that you and Ling Caiwei lived in the same tent last night, is it true?" Nangong Yizhi investigated the whole story and questioned Shangguan Shaochen furiously.

Shangguan Shaochen, who was upset, was already in a bad mood, and he was even more angry when he asked him such a question, "What a mess, don't talk nonsense about things that haven't been certified in the future, get out!"

"The entire barracks is rumored about what happened last night. I don't believe it's groundless."

Nangong Yizhi's complexion was not very good, "Cousin, although Ling Muer is just a adopted daughter adopted by your mother, she was very important to you before you lost your memory, and I don't want you to do anything to regret it."

Shangguan Shaochen's eyes were cold, "Then what's the matter with the two of them? Could it be that what the eyes see is false?"

"Look, you really still care about her."

Sighing, Nangong Yizhi simply sat across from him, shaking his head helplessly, "I've heard it all, because you saw Yimei and Xiaojunwang... that's why you rushed out and spoiled Ling Caiwei."

"I don't!"

"I know you were angry at the time, but cousin..."

"I said I didn't!"

An angry fist slammed on the table, Shangguan Shaochen, who was burning with anger, was now full of anger, "I admit that I was very angry when I saw the two of them entangled, but Ling Caiwei didn't stay in my camp last night, and neither did I." Pamper her!"

Last night, when he saw Ling Muer and Su Ce kissing each other, he turned away angrily. Why he was angry, of course, was because the woman didn't resist and let other men kiss her.

In caves too. It's the same in the camp, does it mean that she is a casual person.

So he went back full of anger, but Ling Caiwei suddenly stripped naked and rushed over, he was very annoyed, how could he be in the mood to do that kind of thing.

So he threw her out immediately and ordered no one to come near her.

As for who spread the news today, he didn't have to worry about that person, but he just wanted to see Ling Muer's reaction, but in the end, she didn't say a word and even let Su Ce lead her away.

What an asshole!

"Oh, that's Ling Caiwei deliberately making rumors?" Nangong Yizhi nodded clearly, "I'm talking about cousin, what do you mean by that Ling Caiwei?"

Even he hated that woman's behavior, he didn't believe that his cousin didn't feel bored.

"After all, she is my savior."

"So what?" Nangong Yizhi sneered, "You have been tolerant and conniving everywhere, what would happen if someone else changed what happened last night? Frame the little county king, break up the marriage of a handsome man, and die eight hundred times is not too much. How long are you going to keep her by your side?"

Shangguan Shaochen fell into deep thought.

It's not that he hasn't thought about this issue, but after all, that woman saved his life. At that time, she only had one request, that is, to be by her side, no matter whether she was a slave or a servant, she was willing to do so.

Although there are always rumors in the military camp that she is the handsome wife, he thinks that as long as it's not too much, he can let her mess around, after all, if she didn't have this life, she would have met Lord Hades long ago.

But Ling Muer appeared and broke all his plans.

Originally, he planned to give Ling Caiwei a settling allowance after returning to Beijing with Shengzhan, so that she could live well in the city.

But Ling Mu'er didn't seem to care much about the presence of other women around him, and even always said that it didn't matter if she remembered it or not.

And she also made it clear that she didn't like the deep palace, and he would stay in that place she thought was a prison no matter what.

Annoyance, boredom like never before.

"Everyone is gone, cousin, if you don't chase after me, you really won't be able to catch up." Nangong Yizhi pointed to the time, intending to let him think for himself, but before he got out of the camp, a soldier hurried over report.

"Report to the commander, the king of the small county and the girl Yixian were ambushed on the way, and their lives and deaths are currently unknown."

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