"Okay, you run first, I can handle it myself, it's okay now, both of them have been arrested." Ling Mu'er broke free a few times, and found that the rope was tied firmly, she frowned, " The little county king is really disobedient."

Su Ce, who was tied back to back, chuckled, "Leave you alone and wait to be caught, do you think I can do it?"

"That's better than both of them being arrested. At least you can go out and find reinforcements."

Ling Mu'er looked around with piercing eyes, thinking of ways to escape, and secretly took out a dagger from the space in her right hand.

"Do you think according to Shangguan Shaochen's attitude towards you, when will his reinforcements come, and this is the base camp of the enemy army."

They had just left the barracks not far away when suddenly a group of masked men rushed over with lethal weapons. There were only four or five of them, but there were one or two hundred of them. Su Ce was injured by his opponent.

Ling Mu'er told him to run away, but the man was very stubborn and wanted to stay with him no matter what, he was taken to this dark, dark place.

"How's your shoulder injury?"

Amu De is insidious and cunning, and is extremely good at using poison. She is worried about what he has done this time.

"It's just a little skin trauma." Although the wound was painful, compared with Ling Muer's danger, Su Ce didn't take it seriously at all. Realizing what she seemed to be doing, Su Ce lowered his head and saw a shiny dagger out of the corner of his eye, "Where did it come from?"

When they were tied up just now, someone searched their whole body, not to mention the dagger, they didn't leave a single copper coin.

"There are many places to hide things on women." Finally cut the rope, Ling Muer quickly rescued Su Ce, only to find that his wound was not only on the shoulder, "Your leg..."

"In order to prevent us from escaping, they naturally had to break my legs. Don't you still have me? I'm fine." Mingming paled in pain, and said she was fine, guilt flashed in Ling Mu'er's eyes, and she hurriedly began to check her surroundings.

"This is a ball cage specially made for us!" Ling Muer stomped hard on the ground.

I'm so angry, the surroundings of this place are all made of iron sheets, let alone an exit, there is not a single gap. She could get away completely and just hide in the space, but what about Su Ce? She is still not sure whether the space of the God Ring can accommodate people other than him, and even if it can be hidden, how can she explain it to him?

"When I wait for someone to bring us food later, I will try my best to cause a riot. You run away while there is chaos, understand?"

Su Ce also realized that there was no exit from this place, and this was the only way right now.

"If I wanted to run away, I ran away before I was caught here. Now that you are so seriously injured, how could I leave you alone?" Ling Muer looked at him with idiot eyes.

"You don't know what kind of heart Amu De is. Once he finds out your true identity, do you think he won't use you to threaten Shangguan Shaochen?" Su Ce explained, "I am the king of the county after all, and he can only threaten you." The three armies are just their captives, but you are different, understand!"

"Then I can't go anymore. I can still heal your wounds here, and use my identity as Shangguan Shaochen to restrain him. Once I leave, you will have two choices whether you live or die. You also say That guy has an unpredictable temperament, who knows if he is a beast that can eat people."

"Ling Muer!" Su Ce gritted his teeth.

"Don't say anything, I won't leave, I won't leave anyone alone!"


Before I finished speaking, the iron door was suddenly kicked open from the outside, and a man walked in from the door while applauding, "What a loving couple, but what do you think of me, Amu De, as a place for you? Your courage makes you feel that you can go out?"

A well-spoken man appeared in front of him wearing a half tiger-head mask. He had the handsome appearance of a gentle scholar, but his eyes were cold and evil.

Su Ce hurriedly protected Ling Mu'er behind him, "Women are never involved on the battlefield. Amu De, you are enough to catch me alone, let her go!"

"Ha." With a sneer, Amu De sat on the chair brought by his subordinates, tapped Erlang's legs and looked them around from top to bottom, pointed at Su Ce, and then his eyes fell on Ling Mu'er.

"Ling Mu'er, Shangguan Shaochen's fiancée. Tell me, Xiaojun Wang, which of the two of you is more important to me?"

It's the first time I heard a man's voice, and I can hear it like this. It really doesn't match his tiger-head mask.

She walked around Su Ce and stood side by side with him, "Then you can catch me, he has been hurt like this by you, let him go!"

"Is this a vegetable market here? Let you bargain with me!"

Picking up the teacup handed over by his subordinates, he smashed it against the opposite wall without politeness. Su Ce hurriedly protected Ling Mu'er in his arms, so as not to let the hot tea splash on her.

But soon, the angry Amu De returned to the evil charm when he first entered the door, "One is the little county king whom the emperor cares about very much, and the other is the woman who the enemy commander cares about the most. Of course I want both."

After saying that, he laughed out loud, and opened his bloody mouth as if it could swallow them both alive.

Su Ce frowned, and used his internal strength to make a voice that only Ling Mu'er could hear, "He is good at using bloodthirsty worms, don't waste your time trying to reason with him, you will find a chance to run away while you are in trouble, listen to me!"

"Hey, the inner power is spreading the word, the little princess's skill is really good, but unfortunately, where did you let her go?" Amu De leaned forward, shaking his head evilly, "This is my Amu De's territory, surrounded by my people , Hundreds of thousands of troops, you want her, a little girl, to take the initiative to throw herself into the arms of our soldiers?"

After speaking, there was another burst of laughter, and even the guards who came in also laughed evilly.

Su Ce's face was gloomy, and his clenched fists were clenched, "I'm warning you, something is coming at me."

"Okay, I'll help you." Almost as soon as the words fell, everyone didn't see Amu De's speed clearly. He rushed over quickly and put his foot on Su Ce's chest.


Su Ce fell heavily to the ground, coughing violently, and sprayed out a mouthful of blood.

"Su Ce!" Ling Muer hurriedly helped him into her arms, she couldn't care about anything else, took out a pill from a corner where no one else could see, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Amu De saw that the situation was wrong, and he angrily reprimanded his subordinates behind him, "What is that? Didn't you say that you searched all over your body? What is that!"

The subordinate didn't expect that there was something in Ling Muer's hand, so he gave the two subordinates behind him another look, and the two soldiers held Ling Muer up one by one and searched carefully.

"Don't touch her!" After taking the pill, Su Ce seemed to gain strength in an instant, and the wound didn't feel pain anymore. He knew that now was not the time to pursue the pill. Seeing Ling Muer being taken away, his bloodthirsty eyes were fishy. Hong, "If you are capable, you and I will fight alone, don't touch her!"

"You say we won't allow it?"

Amu De got up slowly, intending to walk towards Ling Mu'er. When Su Ce was unprepared for him, he suddenly turned around extremely fast. His speed was so fast that it was almost invisible to the naked eye, and he kicked Su Ce again and injured him. on the knee. Su Ce was in pain, and knelt on the ground with one knee, supporting his body with one hand, while Amu De stepped on his five fingers hard. "Why do I listen to you!"

The pain, the pain of ten fingers connected to the heart, his complexion became more and more ugly, but Su Ce resisted it and insisted not to make a sound.

"If you are capable, you kill me and threaten a woman, what kind of man are you!"

Amu De not only did not let go of his foot, but even crushed it, he raised his jaw, "Oh, you didn't say that I really didn't remember, my soldiers really haven't seen a woman for a long time."

His tone was strange, he let go of Su Ce's foot, and walked towards Ling Mu'er.

Seeing this, Su Ce got up from the ground, and quickly grabbed Amu De from behind.

It's a pity that he, who was seriously injured, was no match for Amud at all. After a few moves, Su Ce lay on the ground again.

As the first son of the capital, he was extremely embarrassed.

"Su Ce, how are you?" Ling Muer looked at him nervously, took out three silver needles from the space again, and shot them in the direction of Amu De.

Feeling that there was danger approaching, when the silver needle was about to be shot into the neck, Amu De turned his head slightly to avoid it, and firmly caught it with his index finger.

"Poisoned?" Seeing the poison as if seeing a treasure, Amu De opened his bloodthirsty mouth, "Hahaha, it seems that our hobbies are the same, and you like poison very much."

At this time, he had already walked in front of Ling Muer.

Ling Mu'er was still unable to combine his evil face with his pleasant voice. Unprepared, Amu De suddenly yelled at the two people beside her, "What are you doing in a daze when you are asked to search you! If you don't want to do a good job, you will Go out and cut off your own flesh to make soup for other soldiers."

Already frightened by this threat, one of the soldiers explained tremblingly: "Return to the general, she...she has been searched completely, and there is nothing left."

"No?" He raised the silver needle in his hand, "Then what is it? Do you think I'm blind?"

When it was too late, Amud inserted the silver needle in his hand into the neck of the soldier. Almost a moment later, the soldier foamed at the mouth, fell to the ground and twitched continuously, and died in the blink of an eye.


Amud's eyes widened exaggeratedly, he spread his hands and looked around, and when he got the definitive answer from the soldiers, he was not only not angry, but also very excited.

"Oh, I didn't expect this little thing to be so powerful, and it would die after a single injection?" As if all this was an illusion, Amu De looked left and right and put it under his nose to explore carefully, "Woman, Tell me what poison did you put on it?"

Amu De's voice was very calm, as if what he really cared about was the simple poison, and his voice was not so evil. However, just when Ling Muer lost guard against him, he grabbed her chin with his generous palm, "If I hadn't escaped just now, the one lying here dead now would be this general? How are you?" How dare you murder me! Tell me, what did you put on it, and where did the silver needle come from?"

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