"Let her go!"

Seeing that Ling Mu'er's life was threatened, Su Ce got up from the ground, but before she got close, two cold sharp swords were already on her neck.

Ling Muer kept giving Su Ce winks to signal him not to act rashly.

Amu De, this weak-looking man with an evil voice seems to be a devil. He has an unstable temperament, is violent and unkind, and has a strong desire to explore poisons. Such a man is the most terrifying. Maybe he would kill Su Ce directly.

"You want to know, but I just won't tell you." Ling Muer stubbornly turned her head.

He was so strong that he pinched her face and facial features deformed, but not only did the woman not make a sound, she even looked indifferent.

Amu De leaned over, aiming his red lips at her ear, "You are so aggressive, aren't you afraid that I will break your neck?"

His voice was like a ghost crawling up from hell, full of reluctance and threat, if it was an ordinary girl, she would have cried in fright.

"Does fear work? Will you let us go? Then why should I be afraid?"

Amu De let go of her chin suddenly, "Okay, you have a backbone, then I'll see how long you can last!"

He waved his hand, "Come here, search carefully for me. If you can't find it in your pocket, take off her clothes and search one by one. I want to see what else is hidden on her body."


Su Ce roared hysterically.

His beautiful facial features were all together, and his wide eyes were bloodshot, "What are you doing to me, what kind of man is bullying a woman?"

"Hey, why did I forget that there is still a county king here who wants to be a hero to save the beauty?" Waving his hand, he signaled the soldiers who were searching for the body to step back first. Amu De walked over and grabbed Su Ce by the collar, abruptly lifting Su Ce up. , "You can't protect yourself, and you still want to be a hero? The king of the county, I don't know if there is a seat in hell for you."

Without giving everyone a chance to react, Amu De threw Su Ce out again.

Su Ce's body fell on the table behind him, and the wooden table was smashed to pieces, but after regaining his freedom, he didn't care about the pain on his body, and rushed towards Amu De with a murderous look.

Unexpectedly, he would make a sudden attack, and Amu De was strangled by Su Ce.

Su Ce, who was cornered, had great strength.

Knowing that he was no match, Amu De fumbled for something from his pocket, Ling Muer roared angrily, "Be careful!"

Su Ce, who was reminded, dodged immediately, and saw the obese bloodworm jumping out of Amu De's cuff, lying on the ground eager to find a new host.

"It's a bloodthirsty bug. Su Ce, it's afraid of fire." Ling Muer hurriedly reminded.

That's right, after she and Shangguan Shaochen fell into the cave that day, while he had a fever, she slipped into the space and looked up the ancient books carefully, and suddenly discovered that bloodthirsty insects that have not found a host are afraid of fire.

Su Ce's speed was very fast, and with a hook of his long legs, he kicked the candle on the wall to the ground and landed on the bloodthirsty worm. The worm struggled a few times and was burned by the fire and instantly turned into a pool of blood.

"It seems that Shangguan Shaochen's survival is your masterpiece?" Amu De turned to look at Ling Mu'er again, and when Su Ce followed closely, he raised his hand and sprinkled some black powder.

Su Ce only felt the burning pain in his eyes, and tightly covered them with his hands, "What is this, I warn you, Amu De, don't touch Mu'er."

Su Ce, who had lost his light, had no direction. Amu De gave the soldiers a look, and the two soldiers kicked him into the corner one by one.

"Don't hurt him!" Ling Muer, who was being held up, struggled hard.

Amu De walked towards Ling Mu'er slowly. She seized the opportunity to spit out a pill from her mouth, but unfortunately, he dodged it again,

"There is still there? It seems that if I don't take off your clothes and search carefully, I really don't know what is hidden in this soft body?"

Su Ce, who could only hear the voice and couldn't see the front, fell into panic when he heard this, "I told you not to touch her, otherwise I will kill your whole family even if I die!"

"That's really going to disappoint the king of the county. I'm the only one left in my family. Why don't you find a chance to heal your eyes first."

Yes, Su Ce was blind, maybe he didn't realize it himself, but Ling Muer could see it clearly, his eyes were bleeding bright red.

"What did you do to him, give me the antidote!"

Seeing that Ling Muer was so nervous about Su Ce, Amu De was a little curious, "Isn't it because you are Shangguan Shaochen's woman, why are you so worried about this little prince? It seems that some people don't know that they have been cuckolded."

"Bah." Unceremoniously spat on his face, Ling Mu'er narrowed her eyes, "You'd better pray that we die here, otherwise, I will pay you back a hundredfold for the humiliation I suffered today."

"Papa papa" Amu De applauded her appreciatively, "It's awesome, it's great, a woman has such ambition, even I, Amu De, feel ashamed. However, you still bless you two how to get out of here alive Go ahead. I'll be waiting for you."

Amu De bent down and picked up a dagger from the ground. Looking at the totem and material on it, he saw at a glance that it was not an item from another country.

"It seems that this is yours too?" He played with it carefully, "My people said that they have searched your whole body and taken everything away, but you not only have pills, daggers, and silver needles, you Could it be that there is some kind of treasure house in this woman?"

Seeing how curious he was about her, Ling Muer felt that she could take advantage of it.

"Yes, I have a secret treasure, as long as you let Su Ce go, I'll tell you, how about it?"

Su Ce knew that Ling Muer said this on purpose, he kept shaking his head, "No, I won't leave, if we want to leave, let's go together!"

"How can you take her away when you are blind?"

Amu De shot the dagger casually, but it was Lian Jiazi after all. Su Ce realized that the danger was coming, carefully identified the direction, and quickly dodged.

Amu De didn't expect a dagger to kill Su Ce at first, "Hmph, do you two think I'm a dead person, and are you still planning how the two of you can escape? Let me tell you, don't even think about it!"

Looking at Ling Muer again, Amu De's eyes became much gentler, "I'm afraid even if I let him go, you won't be honest, but it doesn't matter, as long as you are in my hands, I will get you one day."

He absolutely believed in the fact that Ling Muer had a secret treasure house in her hands, otherwise, how could inexplicable things appear one after another on a weak woman who was searched?

Thinking of this, he became even more curious about Ling Muer, "How do you know that my bloodthirsty insects are afraid of fire?"

To be honest, even he himself didn't know the secret.

The bloodthirsty worm was eager to find a host just now, and when the woman hurriedly opened her mouth to remind him, he didn't stop him immediately, just to see if her words were true, but in the end, the baby he cultivated so carefully died like this. This woman is very unusual.

"You promise to let him go, I can tell you anything, otherwise, you don't want to get any news out of me." Ling Muer turned her head stubbornly and didn't look at him again.

Amu De was not angry either, he always cherished talented people very much.

Today he received a secret report that the enemy general would take a woman away. He was just curious and sent people to ambush him. He didn't expect to catch two such important ones.

After careful investigation, he found that Shangguan Shaochen's death was also caused by her. He became more curious, so he came over to see what kind of woman it was, but he found that this woman was even more curious than he thought.

"Once my bloodthirsty worm is recognized as the owner, it will definitely die of bloodthirsty within three days, but you saved Shangguan Shaochen."

Amu De praised: "I consider myself to be a master of playing drugs, but I didn't expect to meet an expert today. Originally, I planned to use you to threaten Shangguan Shaochen to surrender, but now it seems that he is enough." He pointed Su Ce was imprisoned.

"Wishful thinking, do you think that even if you keep me, you can get everything you want?" Ling Mu'er was afraid of what he would do to Su Ce. The most important thing now is to keep Su Ce's personal safety. As long as he is safe, she will be completely safe. Can get away and do it unnoticed.

"I believe it can't, but it's okay, I have plenty of time to spend slowly, such as turning you into my woman."

Su Ce didn't know what happened. Hearing Amu De's sinister words, he wished he could rush over and break his neck.

"Amu De, I'm fighting with you." Su Ce rushed out of the prison and rushed towards A Mu De. He had to admit that he was blind and had an excellent sense of direction. He found the enemy's position at once, but compared with the uninjured enemy , he was quickly defeated.

"You want to die so much?" Amu De wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth indignantly, "Don't worry, it's your turn now."

With a glance, the two soldiers brought pens, inks, papers and inkstones.

"Tell me, what is your military strategy, what is your next plan, and how many reinforcements you have brought besides Shangguan Shaochen and Qiu Yujin... Write down everything I want to know, or I will kill you hand!"

After all, Su Ce is the king of the little county. Although because of Ling Muer's embarrassment, he doesn't know if his eyes will recover in the future, but how can it be possible for him to betray his family and country?

He stretched out his hands neatly, "Then you can chop it up now."

Amu De picked up Ling Muer's dagger and stuck it in Su Ce's hand, "You think I dare not?"

"Either kill me, or you don't want to know any news you want." Su Ce's face was calm, and he tried his best to identify Amu De's position by hearing, and he was also thinking about how to get out, "But I advise you, don't Wang Xiang used me to threaten Shangguan Shaochen, since he knows our identities, he should know that I am at odds with him, and our army will not surrender just because of me."

The corner of Amu De's mouth twitched violently, even though he had thought that he would say this, hearing it with his own ears was another kind of anger.

Even though he knew he couldn't see it, he still pointed at Ling Muer's face, "What about her? If I threatened her, would you say it?"

Amu De walked up to Ling Mu'er, looked carefully at his delicate face, "tsk tsk tsk, she is indeed beautiful, but the little county king is talking about it, if I wash her up and throw her out to the group In the hands of the soldiers who have been starving for months, what do you think will happen?"

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