Su Ce fully believed that this devil was a man of his word.

"If you dare to touch her, I will make you pay with blood." Even though he was imprisoned by the two, he still struggled frantically, trying to kill Amu De with his bare hands. But in the eyes of outsiders, he looks like a clown, and he can't find the real location of Amu De.

Amu De did it on purpose, and always avoided Su Ce when he could touch him. Ling Muer saw it, and her slender nails dug into the flesh and blood.

"Su Ce, listen to me, your eyes are not incurable, and I will not be in any danger, and we will definitely get out of here alive, you stop now, calm down!"

Hearing Ling Muer's words, the originally irritable man seemed to calm down instantly. He stood quietly on the spot, like an extremely obedient child.

"Hehe, I really listen to you." Amu De, wearing a mask, twisted his facial features, "But this game is so fun, why do you have the heart to stop it?"

As if he really didn't have enough fun, "Well, I'm suddenly not interested in those brief ideas or ideas, and I just want to quietly watch our Lord's performance."

Seeing his malicious eyes, Ling Muer realized that something was wrong, "What do you want to do?"

"Don't be so nervous, it's just to test how much he cares about you."

Amu De said it easily, as if it was really just a very simple game.

He walked up to Su Ce and just reached out to touch him, but Su Ce, who felt the danger coming, resisted immediately, but Amu De took out a wooden stick and hit Su Ce's knees with his backhand.


Being hit by a stick without hesitation, no matter how much Su Ce could bear it, he couldn't help but roar like a pig.

"Su Ce!"

Seeing Su Ce fall to the ground, Ling Muer was in great pain, "Amu De, you don't want to know what treasures I have, if you let him go, I will tell you everything!"

"Well, I believe you didn't lie to me this time, but what should I do? Once my game starts, there is no reason to stop." He shrugged and raised a smile that he thought was very generous, "This general invites you You have to cherish it when you go to the theater, you don’t charge money.”

After saying that, he grabbed Su Ce by the collar and lifted him up again. Su Ce, who had been severely hit on his knees, could barely stand up straight, but was trembling badly.

"Bastard, you'd better be glad you didn't let me go out alive, or I will tear you to pieces!" Su Ce gritted his teeth, and despite the heart-piercing pain, he still fought tenaciously. Because he knew that he couldn't fall down now, he was the only one to rescue Ling Mu'er.

"The dead duck has a hard mouth, okay, I want to see how long you can be hard!"

Amu De released him, and Su Ce staggered a few steps, but he quickly supported the wall and stood up.

"Don't worry, if you can really walk out alive, I will definitely give you a chance to fight alone with me. But now, I want you to kneel down and call Dad."

Su Ce and Ling Muer were startled when he spoke lazily.

This is nothing more than the greatest humiliation to the dignified county king, and Amu De has grasped his Achilles' heel.

"Don't listen to him!" Ling Muer kept shaking her head, "Su Ce, don't listen to his bewitching, no matter what he says, don't listen to him, he is deliberately breaking down your defense. Trust me, someone will come soon Save us, hold on, hold on!"

Amu De scratched his ear, "Woman, you are really noisy."

Hearing this, the subordinate immediately covered Ling Mu'er's mouth with a cloth strip.

Su Ce, who could only hear the whining sound, suddenly panicked, "What did you do to Mu'er!"

"Of course you blind man can't do anything. She is a beautiful woman. What do you think we can do to her?"

Amu De shouted, "Come here, take off her clothes for me."

"don't want!"


The shouts and the sound of clothes being torn were heard almost at the same time.

Su Ce's face turned pale when he heard it in his ears.

"Amud, you bastard!"

He rushed over to fight Amu De to the death, but the other party kicked Su Ce into the corner with just one kick.

"Tsk tsk tsk, already blind, and about to become lame, our county king is really pitiful. But what should I do, this woman's skin is really white and tender, it's really a waste of money to give it to my brothers like this. "Amu De shook his head in disappointment while talking.

"Still in a daze, continue to take off."

There was another cracking sound, coupled with Ling Muer's whining, Su Ce, who couldn't see everything, was especially angry, "Don't, don't do anything to hurt her, Amu De, let her go!"

"Stop." He waved his hand like a king, and the sound of the cloth breaking stopped.

Amu De walked up to Su Ce and grabbed his chin, "I'll listen to you, don't bully her, but I'll give you three counts, if you don't kneel down and call Dad, my people will rush to you immediately!" Go up, you will hear more exciting things later."

After patting his face, Amu De's lazy voice sounded, "One"

Seeing this, Ling Mu'er kept shaking her head. She wanted to tell Su Ce that all this was an illusion, but she could only make a whining sound.

"Two" Amu De fiddled with his fingers, as if he was very patient, with a smug smile all the time.

"No, Su Ce no!" Ling Muer shouted in her heart, hoping that he could have a telepathic connection with her, how she wished that she could help him. That's right, she can't see and make any sound. Su Ce can only rely on hearing when he can't see. If she keeps whining, Su Ce will think that she is being bullied.

Su Ce couldn't hear anything about Ling Muer, he started to panic, "Muer, how are you doing, Muer?"

"Don't worry, she's fine. If you don't do it, she will be happier later."

Amu De didn't turn his head, and looked straight at the stubborn Su Ce, "Now, there is only one number left, three..."

"I do!"

Almost gritted his teeth and made up his mind, Su Ce clenched his hands into fists and barely supported his body, only to see her plop and kneel on the ground.

"Su Ce!" Ling Mu'er tightly closed her eyes, with tears rolling in her eyes, and she felt extremely painful in her heart.

This is Su Ce, the number one son of the capital, a man who is always gentle to her.

Although Yi is a smiling tiger, he is always sincere and uncalculating in front of her. He is always the warm man standing in the snow wearing white clothes and a blue cape holding a stove in his hands.

But at this moment, he was so embarrassed that he was worse than a beggar.

I'm afraid he never thought in his life that one day he would kneel down to the enemy, and all this was because of her, a woman who would never have any interaction with him!

"What a good boy, come on, call Dad." Amu De was not satisfied, and was still tempting him to do more humiliating things.

If he could see himself, he would definitely find that his facial features were hideous and terrifying, and his seriousness seemed to explode. Su Ce opened his lips with difficulty, "...Dad."

"Hahaha, hey, good boy!"

Finally satisfied, Amu De looked up to the sky and smiled with satisfaction.

"Brothers, have you seen that the county king of the enemy army is now my good son, are you still afraid that they won't surrender?" She stretched out her arms and bared her teeth and claws excitedly.

Su Ce kicked at the right moment, exhausting all his internal strength.

Hearing a groan, the defenseless Amu De was kicked a few meters away.


Amu De's eyes were red with anger, and he pulled out the sword from the soldier's waist and was about to stab Su Ce.

Ling Muer, who no longer cared about others, kept praying in her heart: move, move instantly.

Originally, it was just a trial, but she did not expect her God Ring space to exert a huge amount of energy. She, who was originally bound, moved in front of Su Ce in an instant, and she spit out three silver needles and shot them at his arm.

Amud, who had never expected this scene to happen, was attacked. While his eyes were wide open in disbelief, the three silver needles on his arm were poisoned.

The long sword fell to the ground with a 'dang'. "This, this is impossible, how could this be?"

He looked back in surprise, and then looked around intently. This is not an illusion, and all this is not an illusion.

"You... how could you..."

Amu De pointed at Ling Mu'er's face for a while, dared not believe his eyes, then he looked at the same shocked expressions of the soldiers around him, he was convinced that all this was true.

Soon, he smiled.

"Ha, hahaha, it really is a treasure, you little bitch is really a treasure."

Su Ce, who didn't know anything about it, didn't know what happened. Hearing Amu De's laughter, he thought he had done something to Ling Muer again. Come at me if you can!"

When Su Ce's hand was about to touch Ling Mu'er, she dodged in time, and this tiny detail was captured by Amu De.

He soon understood that Su Ce didn't know about Ling Muer's teleportation skill.

In other words, the things she transformed just now are really treasures.

This woman is a huge secret, so don't piss her off.

"My dear son, you are my dear son now, how can I be willing to do anything to you again." Arm, knowing that Ling Mu'er would not give him the antidote, so he needs to go back to antidote immediately.

"For the sake of making me very satisfied today, this general will let you go for now, and enjoy yourself in this dark room. I will come back to pamper you tomorrow."

After the words fell, Amu De waved his hand and disappeared with everyone.

But when he walked to Ling Mu'er, Amu De said in a voice that only two people could hear, "Woman, you are really a treasure, you have successfully aroused my interest."

Only the sound of footsteps was heard, but the room soon returned to silence. Su Ce finally couldn't hold on anymore, and fell to the ground. He unconsciously hugged his knees with his hands, but he was still thinking about Ling Mu'er nervously. "Muer, how are you, Muer... Muer!"

"I'm here!" Ling Muer hurriedly gestured to reassure him.

Seeing Su Ce's originally vigorous and handsome face, but now that he is in such a mess, Ling Muer's heart aches.

She walked over carefully, and gently raised her body, "Su Ce, why do you do this for me? How can I, Ling Muer, He De..."

Feeling the little woman's soft body and familiar smell, Su Ce safely took the pill she handed to her mouth, but he quickly pushed her away and said with a serious expression: "I warn you woman, what happened today You are not allowed to reveal half a word about everything, otherwise, the king of this county will poison you!"

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