"How are you?"

Being angry is all about being angry, Ling Muer looked at him very nervously.

Shangguan Shaochen dodged thousands of sharp arrows, causing the deaths and injuries of Du Chong trained by Amu De, and only three or two survived by luck.

Seeing this, Ling Muer immediately threw him a medicine bottle, "Sprinkle it around you, and they won't come near you,"

"Thank you." He gave her a hesitant look, but finally obeyed obediently, and sure enough, the small animals all dispersed after smelling the pungent smell.

The entire room became dilapidated, as if it had been smashed by bandits.

Shangguan Shaochen looked around at the iron cage, and said nervously, "Do you know where the mechanism is?"

"In order not to let me find out, Amu De knocked me out before leaving, so do you think I will know?"

Listening to her tone, Shangguan Shaochen thought she was angry with him, "Now is not the time to be angry, let's go back and talk about what we have to say."

"Since you don't trust me so much, why come here to save me!"

Really pissed off, Ling Muer simply turned her head away from looking at him.

Seeing the teardrops falling from the corner of her eyes before she turned around, he felt a sharp pain in his heart. Could it be that he was really wrong?

"Qiu Yujin led the troops to attack Amud. I'm worried that he's not the opponent, and there was so much commotion here just now. I believe his people will rush in soon. We're running out of time."

Ling Muer was moved, "So, I don't know how to escape from the ground."


Shangguan Shaochen was in a hurry, so he simply refused to argue with her, and began to study carefully.

The design of this iron cage is exquisite, and even a single interface cannot be seen within the range visible to the naked eye, let alone its switch. He tried to take out the sword and slash a few times, but it still had no effect.

Looking at the beads of sweat on his forehead, Ling Muer couldn't bear it after all, "You are the commander-in-chief of the three armies, if Amu De finds out that the previous battle was just to divert the tiger away from the mountain, he will definitely come back as soon as possible, forget it, give up on me, you go first Ask Su Ce to take him back, I have my own way to escape."

"Since I'm here, I won't go back alone." Without raising his head, he carefully studied a place that he felt was wrong just now. After studying for a while, he still didn't find anything. He smashed his fists on the ground, "Myself You don’t care about your life, but you worry about another man, so you care about him so much?”

Can she understand that Shao Chen is jealous?

But he's not cute at all when he's jealous.

"If you knew how much he sacrificed for me, you wouldn't say such things again!" Too lazy to talk to him, Ling Muer began to join in the search for the switch.

Maybe it was because of her luck that she noticed that one of the iron cages had a slightly different color. She gently put her hand up and down and touched it in a circle. went up.

Shangguan Shaochen was stunned, secretly admiring her intelligence.


Following behind Shangguan Shaochen, feeling the tenderness of his palm, Ling Muer felt sore in her heart.

"There is an exit over there, turn left after going out, there are two horses parked in an alley. You go back first, someone will meet you at the gate of the city." Shangguan Shaochen pointed sideways.

"Until I find Su Ce, I won't leave by myself." Ling Muer was determined, and left in the opposite direction according to her memory.

"He also said that the two of you have nothing to do with each other. Otherwise, why would you care so much about him?"

He admitted that he was jealous, that's why he said such serious words, but to Ling Mu'er's ears, it was another fatal humiliation.

"Yeah, haven't you seen it all? If you know it, why risk your life to come just the two of us?"

Flicking off her sleeves angrily, Ling Muer trotted all the way and successfully found the iron cage where they were imprisoned.

Ling Muer was about to rush over, but one hand was grabbed by Shangguan Shaochen, "There is no guard here, which means that the little county king is not inside. Didn't you just say that he was sent away by Amu De?"

"Did he not lie to me?"

Ling Muer thought about it on her own, and always felt that Amu De was not such a person who believed in his words.

"Su Ce was seriously injured. His eyes were blind and his legs were almost broken. I must find him as soon as possible!"

If Amude's people just threw him out of the general's mansion, and he was so embarrassed living alone in a foreign country, she hardly dared to think about the consequences that would follow.

Seeing that Ling Muer was wandering in the enemy's general's mansion without any danger, Shangguan Shaochen didn't call anywhere, "Ling Muer, I took the risk of coming here just to take the two of you back. Go to another one. I can find the little prince, but you must go back now!"

"Where am I going back? Where is my shelter again? Didn't you always disagree with the woman staying in the barracks? Why are you still not satisfied that I am leaving now?"

Ling Mu'er shook off his imprisoned hand, and at this time the two had successfully left the General's Mansion.

His deep eyes were glowing red, if the person in front of him hadn't been her, he would have left her alone.

But when he heard the news of her disappearance, he insisted on looking for it himself. He didn't know why he cared so much about her safety, and he didn't know why he still tried to sneak into the enemy when all the generals disagreed. He only knew that he had to see Ling Mu'er alive and bring her back.

"I said, if we have something to say, we will go back and talk about it."

"I don't think there's anything else to talk about with you."

Ling Muer found a peddler near the General's Mansion, pretended to be lost with her brother, and looked for Su Ce's whereabouts. Unexpectedly, the peddler saw it and told them that they had already left the city.

Ling Mu'er was overjoyed and hurried to catch up, seeing her smiling happily as if she had found a treasure, and completely ignoring him, the anger in Shangguan Shaochen's heart soared.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance to explain what happened that night clearly, as long as you tell me, I will believe it!"

When Su Ce was drugged and rushed to her, what she looked forward to most was that Shangguan Shaochen could trust her without her saying a word.

But not only did he not, he also had sex with other women...

Ling Mu'er's sharp eyes half-closed, "It's late, didn't the commander see everything, why bother me to say it again to stimulate you, what happened to you and your savior, I happened to Su Ce What!"

Shangguan Shaochen's fists were clenched and creaked, but Ling Muer never looked at him and strode away in the direction of leaving the city.

She quickened her pace along the way, but she still didn't see Su Ce after all. She was always worried that Su Ce would be in danger.

Fortunately, but when they were about to reach the barracks, they saw a person thrown aside by the reeds on the way. Seeing the familiar fabric, she immediately concluded that it was Su Ce.

Regardless of whether there were other ambushes around, she hurriedly jumped off the horse and rushed over. At this time, Su Ce had already fallen into a coma.

Seeing Shangguan Shaochen, who was tall and burly, riding on a horse, Ling Muer glared at him angrily, "What are you waiting for, come and help!"

General's Mansion.

When Amu De came back holding his injured left arm, he saw only a dozen elite soldiers lying on the ground, and the door of Ling Mu'er's room was wide open.

Realizing that the situation was wrong, he rushed over madly, stepped into the door, and saw a messy room.

The poison he had carefully cultivated for many years was either dead or wounded, there were countless sharp swords on the ground, and the iron cage in the center of the room had returned to its original position, so that he would not feel that the woman was playing hide and seek with him.

"This room has been my painstaking effort for many years, and you destroyed it!" All the anger gathered in his mind, and when Amu De closed his eyes and opened them again, there was a ball of fire in his eyes!

"Woman, I will definitely let you come back to me, definitely!"

"Doctor Zhou, can you please stay and help me?" Ling Muer asked modestly and politely.

"It's a great honor." He hurriedly nodded and agreed, since they are both doctors, so it was natural to see what she was going to do at a glance. Doctor Zhou pressed Su Ce's legs, "This is the first time I have seen a little county king in such a situation, I'm afraid Only a girl has the ability to restore his shattered bones."

"I'm not sure either, but how will I know if I don't try." Ling Mu'er said, and began to heal his injuries seriously.

The broken bones needed to be reattached. This was not an easy job. He was worried that Su Ce would be in unbearable pain later, so he asked Imperial Doctor Zhou to help hold it. Sure enough, with a scream that pierced the sky, the drowsy Su Ce woke up. His first reaction was to struggle. Fortunately, the doctor Zhou pressed the right position, otherwise Ling Muer's injection just now would have pierced him. Crooked.

"Su Ce, don't get excited. Doctor Zhou and I are healing your wounds. Calm down."

Seeing Su Ce's vigilance, Ling Muer hurriedly spoke to comfort him.

The irritable man returned to calm again obediently.

Because his eyes were covered, he shook his head, "Is this a military camp?"

"Yes, we are back."

"Why did Amu De let you back? Are you injured again?" Hearing the news of his return, Su Ce's voice couldn't hide his excitement, but soon he became nervous again.

"Shangguan Shaochen asked Qiu Yujin and Nangong Yizhi to lead the army to fight, and he sneaked into Amu De's general's mansion to rescue me. Don't worry, I'm fine." Her answer was crisp and neat, taking advantage of Su Ce's inattention At that time, another needle went down.

"Hmm!" Su Ce groaned. After waking up, he was in unbearable pain, but he tried not to shout out.

"If the king of the small county is in severe pain, you can call it out. This will be of great benefit to your injury." Doctor Zhou suggested friendlyly.

Su Ce looked disappointed, and he snorted, "At the most critical moment, he is indeed reliable."

Ling Mu'er gave her hands a pause, and said disdainfully, "It's just luck, besides, I can still come out without him."

Almost as soon as the words were finished, she heard a cold snort from behind, Ling Mu'er looked back, and saw Shangguan Shaochen standing at the entrance of the tent, and Ling Caiwei was beside him.

"Mu'er, what you said hurt the commander-in-chief too much. He risked his life to save you. Not only are you ungrateful, but you also have such a disdainful attitude! That's right, now you only have the little prince in your heart, naturally I won't pay attention to other men." Ling Caiwei hugged Shangguan Shaochen's arm, "Like me, only Shaochen is in my eyes."

Looking back, Ling Muer saw the scene of Shangguan Shaochen letting her hold her. Doesn't he have a cleanliness obsession and doesn't like women approaching?

"I'm different from my sister-in-law. I won't be mean enough to give that kind of medicine to a man."

She got up, and looked straight at Shangguan Shaochen with cold eyes. "This is the middle of the military camp. Someone murdered the current county king. Dare to ask the commander how to deal with it!"

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