Hearing this, Ling Caiwei turned pale with fright, and hurriedly shook her head and waved her hands, "I didn't, I didn't do it, I'm just a weak woman, how could I have that kind of thing on me!"

Looking at Shangguan Shaochen's changed face, Ling Caiwei burst into tears of grievance, "Shaochen, you have to believe me, she must have framed her!"

Just glanced down at her, Shangguan Shaochen raised his eyes to Ling Muer, "Why do you say she did it?"

"Yeah, what makes you say it's me? Do you have any evidence?" Ling Caiwei asked, "Ling Muer, I think you've done more than fail! It's fine if you want to leave, and you can bring the little prince with you. I don’t know how much damage will be caused by our army’s sudden dispatch of troops to call for battle because you were arrested? Also, how much risk is Shao Chen insisting on rescuing you and returning? Fortunately, he is fine, otherwise he will have trouble, you take care of it up?"

It's a good move to bite back, why didn't she know that her little aunt was so eloquent before.

"First, I didn't ask him to save me. Second, on the night of the celebration banquet, you sneaked into my camp and turned over my luggage. There are so many soldiers in the camp, I don't believe no one saw it."

Ling Muer's eyes were murderous, "At first I didn't want to argue with you, and I made up my mind to leave here, but I was attacked halfway, I dare to ask, how could the whereabouts of me and the little county king be so secret, how could it be reported to the enemy general?" in the ear?"

Ling Caiwei was terrified, "You, what do you mean by that? Are you framing me as the spy of the enemy army?"

"I didn't say that, you admitted it yourself." Ling Muer finished speaking, and turned around to check Su Ce's wound.

Her legs have been treated and now she needs to see her eyes.

Taking off the handkerchief that was temporarily bandaged at that time, she was planning to find a chance to secretly take out some spiritual spring water, but what she saw not only stunned her, but also shocked everyone.

I saw that Su Ce's originally beautiful eyes were almost festered due to the attack of Amud's poison.

Su Ce seemed to have noticed something strange too, he wanted to reach out to touch it, but Ling Muer hurriedly stopped him, "Don't touch it!"

"Why, but it's much more serious?" Su Ce heard something wrong in Ling Muer's tone, and asked tentatively, feeling a little uneasy.

"No, because it was handled properly yesterday, and it is much better than expected. I will give you an injection for a few days, and it will recover soon. If you don't believe me, ask Doctor Zhou."

Received the signal from Ling Mu'er's eyes, Imperial Physician Zhou nodded and stammered: "No, that's right, the little county king's eyes are indeed much better than expected, and coupled with Miss Ling's unique technique, I believe it will get better soon .”

Hearing this, Su Ce heaved a sigh of relief, he completely trusted Ling Muer.

Ling Caiwei was a little jealous, and opened her mouth to expose her lies, but was stopped by Shangguan Shaochen.

"Since the king of Xiaojun has woken up, and there are Imperial Doctor Zhou and Miss Ling here, I will take my leave first."

"Stop!" Ling Mu'er would not let them go easily, "The commander-in-chief hasn't answered my question just now."

Afraid that she would expose the matter of her stealing the medicine again, Ling Caiwei scolded, "Ling Muer, you have all returned safely, and the soldiers have died, injured or injured because of the two of you leaving, don't you want to push your limits !"

"I didn't say anything, why are you nervous?"

Bypassing Ling Caiwei, Ling Muer stood in front of Shangguan Shaochen, "She said that we have come back safely, so we can't care about it. Excuse me, if it wasn't because she drugged the county king, which caused this series to happen, what would Su Ce and I do?" I will leave the barracks, and if I didn’t leave, how could I be ambushed by Amud! Although I don’t know how our whereabouts were leaked, the instigator of all this is the person who drugged us!”

She said angrily, "Dare to ask the commander, if we don't care if we are dead, then now that we are alive, and the little county king is seriously injured, shouldn't he give us a perfect explanation!"

Ling Mu'er's voice was louder and louder, and every word was pearly.

Ling Caiwei was so frightened that her body trembled slightly, and even her breathing became tense.

"Why did Amu De know your travel route and travel time? I have already sent someone to investigate. As for your claim that she was poisoned..." Shangguan Shaochen glanced at Ling Caiwei, "You said it just now, but you are just suspicious."

Ling Caiwei breathed a sigh of relief

Ling Mu'er was furious, "Oh, because she is the future Marshal's wife, so Marshal is blatantly covering her up!"

"I never said that she is my handsome wife!" Almost as soon as she finished speaking, Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly explained,

Ling Caiwei, who was still excited just now, changed her face. "Shaochen! That day we..."

"Nothing happened to us that day, and nothing happened before. I don't know if you read something wrong, but I can tell you responsibly that I will not promise any woman before I recover my memory. What, including her and you!"

Although these words did not favor anyone, Shangguan Shaochen's intentional explanation instantly dissipated the anger that had accumulated in Ling Muer's heart for a long time.

Ling Mu'er's face finally became less ugly, and she no longer opened her mouth aggressively, "Okay, since the commander-in-chief will not shield anyone, please order the commander-in-chief to go down and investigate this matter strictly!"

"After all, the king of the small county is the king of the county, and the emperor personally gave him reinforcements. The king of the county is plotted against by others. Naturally, this commander will not sit idly by."

After getting a satisfactory answer, Ling Muer nodded in satisfaction, "Okay, I hope that when the truth is found out, the commander-in-chief will be as fair and impartial as he is now, and deal with the poisoner according to law!"

Ignoring the two people behind her, Ling Muer began to concentrate on treating Su Ce's eyes. Her gentle appearance was not as aggressive as before.

Shangguan Shaochen saw it in his eyes, clenched his hands into fists, and was deeply jealous in his heart.

Ling Caiwei was so flustered that she didn't even know when to leave the tent.

"Okay, apply this medicine for three consecutive days, and then I will prepare a new medicine for you according to the situation. As expected, in about half a month, your eyes will be able to see the light again."

Fortunately, with Zhu Qi's example first, Ling Mu'er was very handy in treating him.

After hearing Zhou Yu'er's repeated compliments, Su Ce grabbed her hand, "Thank you, Mu'er."

Yes, he did it on purpose, don't look at his eyes being blindfolded, but he could feel a man's fierce gaze, he deliberately grabbed Ling Mu'er's hand, and deliberately apologized softly, "It's all my fault, it's like this now I can't even send you back to Beijing, but don't worry, I will send an elite squad to escort you back."

Ling Muer shook her head, "Don't bother, because I'm not leaving."

"Not leaving?" Su Ce and Shangguan Shaochen shouted in shock.

"That's right, Amu De made the Little County King like this. If it wasn't for me, the Little County King might be helpless. I want to take revenge!" Ling Muer was too determined. Whenever she thought of Amu De, her eyes flashed thickly. murderous look.

"No! You have become Amu'd's prey, and it is more dangerous to stay here. Besides, we destroyed everything in that house before we came out, and he will definitely seek revenge on you. If you are captured by him again, I don't guarantee that you will Once again successfully rescued you!"

Shangguan Shaochen was the first to disagree, "Amu De is the leader of the enemy army, I will return his head to the emperor, so you must leave."

Su Ce also very much agreed with Shangguan Shaochen's statement, "That's right, if you stay here, Amu De will do everything possible to capture you. I will personally get back the grievances between us. Mu'er, you go back first." .”

It was fine if Shangguan Shaochen asked her to leave, but Su Ce also agreed, Ling Muer was very upset.

"Have you forgotten how he humiliated you! If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have had that experience at all. Besides, Shangguan Shaochen didn't understand what happened last night, I don't believe you didn't guess it!" Ling Mu'er said angrily, "Besides, I poisoned him, and no one can cure that poison. If I negotiate with him on the grounds of detoxification and then take the opportunity to kill him, I think this is a good opportunity."

What do you mean he didn't know what happened last night?

What happened to them last night?

Shangguan Shaochen didn't like the feeling of being kept in the dark about everything.

"I am the commander-in-chief. If you disobey the military order, you will be punished by the military law. Therefore, you have to go back or not!"

"You're unreasonable!" Ling Mu'er yelled at his leaving back, but unfortunately he didn't turn his head and walked away quickly.

Only Ling Muer and Su Ce were left in the tent.

People who can't see with eyes tend to have more sensitive ears than before. From her sigh, Su Ce can feel how unhappy she is at the moment,

"If I'm not wrong, although you are not happy, but because he went to save you, you must be so happy that you can fly, right?"

Ling Muer pouted, "If you dare to tease me again, be careful that I write a book about last night's story overnight, the little prince wants to try it?"

"Little heartless." Su Ce curled his lips.

He tried to get off the ground, Ling Muer hurriedly held him down, "Don't move, you don't want to get off the ground in the next month."

"Let Master just lie down like this every day?" Su Ce asked.

Ling Muer nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and then realized that he couldn't see, so she hurriedly added "um".

Su Ce suddenly grabbed her arm and used her strength to prop up his upper body. If Ling Muer hadn't dodged so quickly, the two of them would have almost kissed at that close distance just now.

"Although I am the king of the small county, there is not even a maidservant in this army camp. You serve me while lying down like this every day?" He had an evil voice, and deliberately breathed out hot air, which made Ling Mu'er itch.

Pushing him back abruptly, I was about to say something heartless, but thinking of the sacrifice he made for himself last night, I felt a little guilty after all.

"Well, it's not impossible for this girl to be reluctant to serve you for a few days,"

Although the words were agreed, Su Ce's reluctant attitude made Su Ce feel very sour, "You are a lonely man, you really don't care about your own reputation, why don't you sacrifice yourself to the king of the county and accept you?"

"Okay!" Ling Mu'er answered straightforwardly, not even noticing a figure leaving in a panic outside the tent. She approached Su Ce, "However, you may have to wait."

"Wait until when?"

"In the next life."

Shangguan Shaochen had just returned to the main tent, and the soldiers rushed to report.

"Report, Commander-in-Chief, the enemy army sent someone to send a letter, saying that they are willing to surrender."

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