"I heard that the enemy army asked for me in exchange, why don't you agree?"

Ling Mu'er approached Shangguan Shaochen aggressively, put her hands on the table, and looked down at him.

Just now, someone told her that the enemy army agreed to surrender, but there was only one condition, which was to use Ling Muer in exchange, and to promise that the two countries would have friendly exchanges and non-aggression from now on.

But she heard that Shangguan Shaochen refused.

"You don't take good care of the prince of the county. What are you doing here? Maybe you will be able to serve him well. It is not out of the question that he will reward you as a concubine in the future."

Shangguan Shaochen just glanced at her briefly, "War in the army is not something you, a little girl, can get involved in. Don't think that you just happened to come up with a good idea and let our army win a big victory. I can trust you. I'd better go back and serve you." Your new master."

Shangguan Shaochen yelled at the door, "Come here, send her out!"

"I won't go!" Ling Muer was firm.

Holding his face and forcing him to look into his eyes, "I said, I will never leave without revenge, and this happens to be a great opportunity for revenge, why don't you agree?"

"I can understand your desire to avenge your new master, but this is a barracks, not a place where children will love each other. What do you think you could do in the past? Can medical skills kill Amu De?” The more Shangguan Shaochen said, the more angry he became, “I am the commander-in-chief, and if I say no, I don’t agree. If you say something more, I will lock you up and let Su Ce Fend for yourself!"

"You..." Ling Muer looked at him in disappointment and said, "I thought you lost only the memories of the past few years, but now it seems that what you lost is your brain!"

She didn't care about Shangguan Shaochen's angrily glaring eyes, and continued: "Amu De has hurt you many times, with him here, we don't know how long our border war will last, now we have a chance to end this as soon as possible A battle, so that the nearby people can be relieved as soon as possible, why not? If you don't let me try, how will you know it won't work?"

As soon as the words were finished, Qiu Yujin and Nangong Yizhi walked in together, "Yes, Commander, Miss Ling is right."

"When the two armies are fighting, the people suffer the most. The commander-in-chief may not know it. Even Lingjia Village, where you lived for two years before you lost your memory, is now in dire straits. Although it will be a matter of time before our army defeats the enemy , but if it can be overcome with little effort, it will be considered a good way in the end.”

Qiu Yujin looked at Ling Mu'er, "Miss Ling is willing to sacrifice her ego to achieve her own self. Such kindness makes men like me feel ashamed. Qiu Yujin dares to thank you for your kindness on behalf of the people of the whole world."

"Shut up!" Shangguan Shaochen scolded angrily, "I haven't agreed yet, why are you thanking me here? As I said, even if we win, we will use our own methods on the battlefield to use a woman to achieve peace between the two countries. What kind of heroes are you? hero!"

"What's wrong with women? You still look down on women?"

Ling Mu'er snorted coldly, "How many princesses have achieved good relations between the two countries through marriage, isn't it important for women? Although I don't know why you disagree, as long as you send me out, everyone can resolve the battle as soon as possible Go home as soon as possible. Ask your soldiers, whose husband, whose father, and whose child are they? Don’t they miss home, don’t they miss their wives and children? Surrender, why don't we give each other a relief?"

Seeing Shangguan Shaochen lost in thought, Ling Muer knelt down on one knee, "I, Ling Muer, took the initiative to ask Ying to take myself as a hostage in exchange for the enemy's letter of surrender. I hope the commander will think twice."

He glanced at Ling Mu'er in admiration, although he knew that she had her own goals, but her spirit of sacrificing the small self to achieve the big self made him, a big man, feel ashamed.

Nangong Yizhi pulled Shangguan Shaochen aside, "Cousin, I know you don't want to hear what I said next, but I still want to say, have you really forgotten your ideals and revenge? Have you really forgotten to do it for your aunt? Revenge?"

"Even if anyone forgets, I will never forget."

Lifting up suddenly, Shangguan Shaochen's deep eyes were filled with pain, "But Ling Muer has nothing to do with this matter, hatred is my own business."

"It's been five years. It's been five years since your aunt's accident. You've lived in incognito and even disguised yourself in order to one day take advantage of this victory to make contributions. Now the opportunity has come." Nangong Yizhi was obviously more excited than he was, "Cousin, do you still remember how your aunt died?"

"You remember, how can I forget?" Sighing, his thoughts drifted away.

Five years ago, the then noble concubine was framed for having an affair with someone in the palace because of jealousy in the harem, and was framed for having a son who was not the emperor's son. The suspicious emperor didn't investigate the matter immediately, so he ordered the imperial concubine to be thrown into prison. I don't know who bribed several important ministers to jointly impeach the imperial concubine and empress for her misconduct, hoping that the emperor will be sentenced to death.

The emperor did not give the imperial concubine any chance to explain, and ordered her to die, and the dragon son she gave birth to was also assassinated by the emperor, but God was merciful, the prince should not be killed, and found someone to reverse the case for the mother evidence.

That prince is him - Shangguan Shaochen.

Although the emperor regretted it very much afterwards, and was even willing to use everything to make up for his mistakes, he would never forgive him.

He watched his mother and concubine die in front of him, and personally experienced the experience of his father killing him. The pain was so painful that he couldn't bear it.

He vowed to seek justice for his mother and concubine, and even more vowed to make his father pay for everything he had done.

After he left the palace, he came to Lingjia Village incognito, with the purpose of joining the border war one day. He used to be just a little prince without any achievements, but as long as he made great achievements, he could make great achievements, so he waited for this plan for three years. Finally, the emperor expressed his guilt and brought him back, and gave him the post of commander of the imperial guards, and let him go to the border

Of course he must seize this opportunity, and he must return victoriously over the enemy.

Although Amud is a very strong opponent, he believes that he will be able to defeat him one day and make the enemy surrender.

As long as he returns triumphantly, he will be able to restore his identity. At that time, all those who hurt his mother and concubine, as well as that aloof father, will be brought back in a legitimate way!

"But even so, let me exchange a woman's life for everything I want, do you think I am that kind of person?"

With murderous eyes retracted, Shangguan Shaochen gave Nangong Yizhi a no-nonsense look,

Nangong Yizhi was not reconciled, "Cousin, you also said that now is not the time for children to love each other. You know best what a strong opponent Amud is. He has agreed to surrender now. Why don't we seize this opportunity."

Although he felt sorry for Ling Mu'er for what he said next, he still sighed after thinking about it, "I know you are special to her, even though you lost all her memories, you care about her very much, otherwise you wouldn't She will sneak into the enemy's camp regardless of opposition. But cousin, there is no grass anywhere in the world, anyway, you have forgotten her, and you have never known this person."

"Shut up!"

Shangguan Shaochen became furious, "How can you say such a thing, she is innocent after all."

"But right now, she is the only way to stop the loss of life without any effort!"

Shangguan Shaochen gave him a wink, stopped listening to his nonsense, returned to the chair and sat down.

"I am the commander-in-chief. I have never thought that it is such an honor to use a woman to make the enemy surrender. Therefore, I will not agree, and no one needs to say more. Anyone who says more will be dealt with by military law! Shangguan Shaochen pointed to the door, "All go out!"

Qiu Yujin finally begged unwillingly: "Marshal..."

"Don't say any more! I've made up my mind." Shangguan Shaochen's face was cold, and his unquestionable tone was as if nine bulls couldn't be pulled back.

"Could it be that you're worried about me?" Ling Muer blinked her big bright eyes and asked tentatively.

Sure enough, a certain man suddenly raised his head, and quickly lowered it awkwardly, "Nonsense, I will send you back to Beijing tomorrow."

"Okay, I happened to go to Amu De immediately after I left the barracks. Isn't it me who he wants? As long as you get the letter of surrender and you go back to the capital, I will find a chance to kill him and kill two birds with one stone."

Ling Muer shrugged proudly, the more she talked, the more she felt that this idea was feasible.

"Aren't you all worried that this is just Amu De's scheme?" Shangguan Shaochen swept his eyes across the crowd, and finally landed on Ling Muer, "Also, why does he only want you by name! He is an imposing general, and he commands twenty If an army of tens of thousands competes with our army, its strength will be comparable, and it will definitely be a long and fierce battle, but he would rather surrender than you..."

Shangguan Shaochen thought for a long time, but did not expect the answer.

"What kind of reason makes him prefer to surrender and only wants a woman." Shangguan Shaochen waved his hand, signaling Nangong Yizhi and Qiu Yujin to leave first.

There were only two of them left in the camp.

He looked her carefully from top to bottom, shook his head, and even couldn't help chuckling, "I'm afraid you don't believe that Amu De is doing it for your beauty, right? Of course, it's okay to take a step back. General, what kind of woman can't get it, and will use the excuse of submitting it just for you?"

"Why can't it be me?" Ling Mu'er raised her head arrogantly, "Since you are so curious, we have to infiltrate and find out more clearly. The so-called tiger cubs will not be caught if you don't enter the tiger's den, everything is voluntary by me. , what do you disagree with?"

"Because everything you do is to avenge another man, how do you think I will agree!"

Almost as soon as she finished speaking, Shangguan Shaochen's hasty explanation followed, and soon, he cornered her, raised her chin and forced her to look at him, "Tell me, you and Su Ce are in Amu What happened day and night in De's hands, why doesn't he want anyone but you?"

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