Although the distance between the two armies was more than a hundred meters, the excited smile on his face was so obvious.

"But I won't tell you." He shook his head excitedly, but the next second his face turned sharp, "The letter of surrender has been handed over to you, and all my soldiers have put down their weapons. What are you still dawdling about? This Women should belong to me!"

"Don't worry, I can still run away with everyone here, General Amu, I need you to answer me a question first." Ling Mu'er played with the horsewhip unhurriedly, "The little county king and I left the barracks and returned to the capital. You are taking a small path, and the time is also decided temporarily. And why did your people ambush in advance, and who actually tipped off your army?"

Ling Caiwei, who was peeking at the gate of the city, shuddered when she heard this, and immediately retracted half of her body nervously, but Amu De, who had sharp eyes, still saw her existence at a glance.

"A woman, although I don't know how many women there are in your barracks, but I really like that one." Amu De stretched out his long arm and pointed behind everyone.

Everyone immediately looked back, only Shangguan Shaochen and Ling Muer stared straight ahead.

Ling Mu'er didn't look back because she knew that Ling Caiwei would definitely appear in a corner waiting to see her get caught.

But Shangguan Shaochen didn't look back because he knew clearly that there were only two women in his barracks, one was by his side, so he didn't need to guess who the other was.

"Marshal?" Qiu Yujin looked at Shangguan Shaochen uncertainly.

"Reporting to the enemy army, causing the county king to be seriously injured, such rebel behavior-should be executed!"

After getting a definite answer, Qiu Yujin immediately gave his subordinates a look.

When Ling Caiwei was taken away, she was still hysterically disregarding the relationship, "I didn't do it, Shaochen, you have to believe me, it must be Ling Muer and the enemy who sneaked into Chencang, and they conspired to frame me."

"Are you satisfied with this?" Shangguan Shaochen looked tenderly at the little woman beside him, with an expression of begging for praise.

"It's your savior after all, but you can be cruel." Ling Mu'er pursed her lips.

"I didn't know that someone in our army sold information to the enemy, and even caused the little county king and my future wife to almost die at the hands of the enemy. Even if I don't take action, other people will take care of this kind of traitor." Shangguan Shaochen said deeply. Take a breath, "Besides, what should be given to him, I didn't miss her at all. These days, she is showing off her might in the army under my banner. I don't care about her for saving my life, but she herself court death."

"Hey, let me tell you, have you two finished talking? I don't have time to watch you flirting here." Amu De's patience has reached its limit, and he tightly grasped the rein with both hands, "I've finished it for you A big trouble, is it time for you to show your sincerity?"

Stretching out his arm, he pointed at Ling Muer's face, "Woman, do you come here obediently, or do you want this general to pick you up personally?"

Nodding to Shangguan Shaochen, Ling Muer's legs were clamped on the horse's belly, and the former reluctantly grabbed her hand, "If you regret it now, it's too late."

"Since it's something that has already been decided, I'm afraid it's too late to regret it."

Unfeelingly let go of his hand, Ling Muer rode forward.

Amu De finally saw that the prey he wanted was about to be obtained, the joy could not be hidden, and he jumped off the horse to greet him in person.

Seeing this, Ling Mu'er also jumped off her horse on the way, and the distance between the two became closer and closer, ten meters... five meters...

Shangguan Shaochen gave Qiu Yujin a wink, only to hear "Kill", the soldiers hiding in all directions suddenly jumped up and rushed out from every corner.

Ling Muer sprinkled the prepared powder on Amu De, and immediately ran away in the opposite direction.

"Damn it!" Amu De cursed, and immediately set up his lightness kung fu to chase after him, while Shangguan Shaochen had already prepared his bow and crossbow.

call out.

Although Amu De dodged his attack, he gave Ling Mu'er enough time to escape. Shangguan Shaochen rode on horseback and commanded the three armies. "kill!"

Before Ling Mu'er could react, she had already been guarded behind the armor by the army, and hundreds of thousands of troops swarmed up, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

Amu De quickly got back on his horse, and stared fiercely at the front, "Shangguan Shaochen, you didn't believe what you said, and even secretly attacked you. I will take your head today!"

"Could it be that General Amu simply surrendered?" Shangguan Shaochen pointed to a group of people who suddenly appeared in front of him, "Last night you dispatched the three armies to garrison outside the city gate overnight. You thought you were hiding, but you were actually waiting This opportunity? If I'm not wrong, after you get Ling Mu'er, you will have people ambush our army, we are just each other."

After the words fell, Shangguan Shaochen drew out the sword at his waist, said it too late and then quickly, and flew down from Ma'er Mountain like a gust of wind, and quickly became entangled with Amu De.

"Miss Ling, shall I escort you back first?" Qiu Yujin was ordered by the commander, and pulled Ling Muer to leave.

Seeing an enemy soldier appearing behind Qiu Yujin, the spear in his hand was about to fall, Ling Muer flew out with a silver needle, and killed the opponent at an extremely fast speed, "I'm afraid I can't leave, you don't have to worry about me, go help the commander-in-chief .”


"No, but, Amu De is insidious and cunning. Since he is also on guard, he may still have poison on him, so you help him quickly with Nangong Yizhi!"

As Ling Muer said, she slapped down again, Qiu Yujin watched helplessly as a weak woman knocked down dozens of people one after another, clasping her fists together, "Then there is Miss Lao here, please take care of me too."

That's right, yesterday, she and Shangguan Shaochen had been arguing until the evening, and the coach refused to agree to the initiative to invite Ying. No matter how much she persuaded, that guy just refused to let her take the risk.

But Qiu Yujin brought back news that Amu De dispatched tens of thousands of troops to garrison outside the city gate overnight, obviously setting up an ambush. The two soldiers fought without beheading the prisoners. Since they voluntarily surrendered, it is reasonable to say that they should not ambush in advance, but since the other party is ruthless, don't blame them for being ungrateful!

The huge battlefield was filled with the smell of blood, and my ears were filled with the interlacing sound of weapons and the shouting and killing of soldiers.

Almost instantly, there were corpses all over the field, including our army's soldiers and the enemy's elite soldiers. It seems that life is so vulnerable to them, like a mustard.

"Catch me alive, I want to live!"

Amu De saw that someone was dealing with Ling Mu'er, and he didn't hesitate to give orders when he was fighting with Shangguan Shaochen.

The enemy soldiers who originally wanted to take Ling Mu'er did not dare to use all their strength, which just gave Ling Muer a chance to fight them.

Come one to kill one, come two to kill one pair, Ling Muer drank the spirit spring water, even though she was a weak woman, she was extremely powerful, and some enemy soldiers who wanted to catch her back were subdued by her one after another.

Never thought that she could join such a fight, Ling Muer's blood boiled with enthusiasm, as if she had inexhaustible strength all over her body.

Seeing that she didn't leave, Shangguan Shaochen frowned and ordered Nangong Yizhi beside him, "Why is she still there, take her away, hurry up!"

"I won't leave, my mission is to protect the commander in chief!" Nangong Yizhi disagreed, and cut off an arm of the enemy soldier, blood splashed all over his face.

"I order you as the commander-in-chief, immediately!"

While fighting with Amu De, Shangguan Shaochen mingled with Nangong Yizhi at the same time. The only person he trusted was him, so he was relieved to hand over his beloved girl to him.

After understanding his intention, Nangong Yizhi said "be careful", and then rushed to Ling Muer's side.

"Why are you here? I can handle it here, you go and help him!"

"You asked me to help him, but he asked me to take you away. I'd better take you back first, lest you distract him here." Nangong Yizhi said while helping her to clear away the people who tried to get close to her .

If Amu De's men succeeded in capturing Ling Mu'er, the battle would be in vain, but since it has reached this point, it must not give up halfway.

"We have used all our forces to defeat Amud in one fell swoop. Today is an excellent opportunity. Even if he came to persuade me in person, he would not leave." Ling Muer said firmly, "Besides, I am only here Only then can you support him at any time, Amu De definitely has poison on his body, you don’t want to affect the best treatment time, do you?”

"But..." Nangong Yizhi hesitated.

"Don't hesitate anymore, go back and help him quickly, if I really can't handle it, I will definitely go back on my own initiative, and I think I am the safest only on the battlefield, in case Amu De sneaks into Chen Cang, I have a backup Camps are not safe."

"Okay, but you must be careful!" Finally persuaded, Nangong Yizhi returned to Shangguan Shaochen's side, but before leaving, he sent his own dark guards to protect her at all times.

Sure enough, when he just returned to the commander-in-chief, he saw Amu De take out something from his arms and sprinkle it on Shangguan Shaochen from behind.

He didn't have time to remind him, he stood in front of his cousin alone, and in an instant, several poisons lay on him.

"Nangong Yizhi!" Seeing this, Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly took out the poison from his body, but the exposed neck was still bitten by the poison.

"Bring the antidote!" A sword stabbed Amu De.

At this time, Shangguan Shaochen's eyes were already bloodshot, and Amu De, who also had bloodshot eyes, simply took off his mask, revealing his terrifying true face.

"Ha, he will soon turn into a disgusting ugly monster like me. This poison was developed after ten years of research. There is no antidote!" His long sword stabbed involuntarily.

"Shangguan Shaochen, originally I only wanted Ling Muer, and I dispatched soldiers only to prevent you from playing tricks. In fact, as long as you hand over Ling Muer to me obediently, I will follow my promise and immediately withdraw from the army, but all of this is You asked for it." Amu De pointed at Nangong Yizhi, "He became ugly and all because of you!"

"You believe your nonsense because of me?" While paying attention to Nangong Yizhi who was having trouble breathing, he killed Amu De angrily. At this moment, Shangguan Shaochen was full of rage, and no grass grew anywhere he went.

"If you really only want my woman, how can you carry poison on your body at all times? Amu De, you and I have been entangled many times and it is still difficult to distinguish. Today, either you die or I die!"

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