"How are you, Nangong Yizhi?"

Realizing that something was wrong here, Ling Muer hurried over.

Lying on the ground, Nangong Yizhi kept twitching as if there was a huge bug hidden in his body. He kept rolling and screaming, and his hands couldn't help trying to scratch his face.

"Here, here's a bug, it's crawling, it's biting my flesh, I can't take it anymore, ah!"

Ling Mu'er was busy grabbing his arm, "Don't grab it, absolutely don't grab it. Once you scratch the bug, you can catch it to death, but it will stay on your face forever. Don't worry, I have a solution."

"Help me..." The uncomfortable Nangong Yizhi couldn't say anything else, before he finished speaking, he spit out another mouthful of foam.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Ling Mu'er would never have believed that there is such a disgusting method of killing people in this world.

It was too late to transfer Nangong Yizhi, the soldiers around her surrounded the place, and immediately took out the silver needle to treat him, because she found that if she didn't deal with it in time, the bug would immediately deteriorate, and by then Nangong Yizhi's monstrous face I really can't keep it.

"She really has a way? It's impossible, it's impossible!"

Keeping his eyes on this side, he saw that Ling Muer was carefully treating Nangong Yizhi, and Amu De, who was fighting with Shangguan Shaochen, roared and roared, the more he was like this, the stronger his strength, the faster he was, and he was excited Like a jackal that has found its prey.

"Mu'er, it doesn't matter if you can't keep it. Leave me alone and help cousin!" Nangong Yizhi actually gave up his handsome face at this critical juncture, just to let his most admired cousin fulfill his dream.

Ling Muer looked at him with admiration, "You don't care if you want to, you have to ask me if I agree."

First wash him with spiritual spring water, and then she took out a lot of herbs from the space and applied it on his body. Almost in the blink of an eye, she got rid of the gnats and claws in it.

Nangong Yizhi yelled heart-piercingly in pain. Ling Muer, who took out the worm, immediately sprinkled a layer of medicinal powder on his face, and washed him with Lingquan water again. There is no toxin left outside the wound.

"Come on, send the son back first!"

After handling it properly, Ling Muer ordered the soldiers to carry him away. Nangong Yizhi was given a tranquilizing pill by her and fell into a coma.

Amu De, who had been fighting with Shangguan Shaochen, saw the worms still wriggling on the ground, and his eyes widened in disbelief, "You can really cure it? How is this possible!"

That's right, he deliberately released the only poisonous insect that he had studied for many years, just to test his own answer.

The reason why he did not hesitate to surrender was because of his own face. He was originally a handsome man, but because of one of his mistakes, he made himself into such a ghostly appearance. When Ling Mu'er told him yesterday that this face could be healed, he was so happy in his heart.

Therefore, if he is willing to surrender, he must also get Ling Mu'er. If he succeeds, he can return to his former self. Even if he didn't succeed, even if he robbed, he would rob him, no matter what means he tried!

Of course, if he really wanted to sacrifice all the soldiers in exchange for her, he would be willing.

Because, he was trained since he was a child, and he has no hobbies other than developing poisons. He doesn't like to be a general, and he doesn't need all the glory and wealth. He just wants to quietly develop what he likes. If Ling Muer can follow him all the time, he won't have to worry about other things when he develops poison in the future.

This woman has passed his test, and he is determined to win.

Then, whoever stands in his way—die!

"Woman, I will definitely get you!" Amu De commanded the three armies, "Kill, except for that woman, nothing will be left behind, kill!"

The battle lasted for three days and three nights. The hundreds of thousands of troops of the enemy and our armies have been exhausted from the initial enthusiasm, and the soldiers of the two armies have suffered serious casualties.

The battlefield is full of corpses of soldiers, as long as you breathe, you can smell the disgusting smell of blood.

Shangguan Shaochen and Amu De are still hard to distinguish, but killing each other is their only belief.

Especially Amu De, it seems to have given him a reason to kill. After he unleashed his instinct, he was almost no match for Shangguan Shaochen.

I saw the saber in Amu De's hand aiming at Shangguan Shaochen's chest, and pierced it straight in.

"Shangguan Shaochen!"

Not caring about other things, Ling Muer rushed over, although she knew that as long as she got close to Amu'er, she would be very dangerous, but she had to check his injuries.


Qiu Yujin rushed over when he heard the roar. Seeing that Amu De was about to strike again, he stopped him in time and began to fight with the opponent.

"How are you? Shangguan Shaochen, answer me!" Finally, Ling Muer moved closer to her side, nervously wanting to check his injuries, but saw him coughing a few times, and suddenly opened his eyes.

"You forgot, with the gold wire armor you gave me, even if his sword cuts the iron like mud, it can't hurt me at all!" Shangguan Shaochen joined the team again after giving Ling Muer a reassuring look.

Amu De was stunned, "How could you..."

Seeing Shangguan Shaochen's golden silk soft armor exposed after taking off his armor, he was so jealous that he wished he could capture that woman immediately.

"Is this also her masterpiece? I knew she was indeed a treasure," Amu De stared at Ling Mu'er.

Amu De discovered that Shangguan Shaochen's strategy was very simple, which was to protect the most powerful elite soldiers by Ling Muer's side, so it was impossible for him to take Ling Muer away, so he had no choice but to lure her to his side Come, you will have a chance to make a move.

"I shall have you. Somebody, fetch my treasure."

A soldier brought over the transparent vessel that had been prepared for a long time, and Amud took out the worms inside and put it on the back of his hand to let him suck his own blood. This scene stunned Ling Muer and the others. When he realized it, Amu De had already thrown the bug to Shangguan Shaochen.

"Be careful!" Ling Mu'er exclaimed, ignoring the risk of being captured alive by Amu'er, she rushed over and dropped the sword in her hand, only to hear Amu'er's scream, his injured left arm was cut off by Ling Mu'er forcibly .

But even so, it still failed to prevent the solitary worm from entering Shangguan Shaochen's body.

"Ha, hahaha, it's worth it to trade one of my arms for its life!" Amud, whose arm was broken, was finally no longer excited. After laughing wildly, he couldn't hide the pain, and fell to the ground in convulsions.

Ling Muer, Qiu Yujin and Nangong Yizhi who had just joined the battle surrounded Shangguan Shaochen one after another. Seeing his face turn pale in an instant, everyone was worried.

"How are you, handsome?"

Give Nangong Yizhi a hint, and signal him to support Shangguan Shaochen, while Ling Muer turns back to look for her medicine box. At this moment, Amu De, who had fainted just now, suddenly wakes up, and sees him A flying body successfully came behind her, and the sword in his hand was immediately placed around her neck.

"Let her go!" Shangguan Shaochen who pushed away everyone staggered over.

And the red-eyed Amu De dragged Ling Muer's body back and forth, "Don't come here, if you dare to come here, I will wipe off her neck immediately, and what I can't get will destroy her. my habit!"


Seeing that Amu De really moved his hands, and seeing blood oozing from Ling Mu'er's neck, Shangguan Shaochen, who was poisoned and weak all over, put down his weapon obediently, "What do you want?"

"My goal has always been one, and that is to let him follow me obediently. Unfortunately, if you don't let me achieve what I want, then I just need to add one more."

Ignoring the broken left arm, Amu De was covered in blood and used his only arm to hold Ling Mu'er with a knife, threatening: "She broke my arm, and I want you to cut off your own arm, immediately!"

"Don't!" Ling Mu'er hurriedly stopped her, but just after she finished speaking, Amu De's fist landed hard on her head.

"Amu De, I'll kill you!" Seeing that Ling Mu'er was injured, Shangguan Shaochen tried to rush over, but just as he took a step, his figure became unsteady and half knelt on the ground.

After being beaten, Ling Muer stood up and saw that Shangguan Shaochen's sword was clamped to her arm.

"If you dare to cut his arm, I'll bite my tongue and kill myself!" Ling Muer threatened.

"Ha, they are all ruthless characters, okay, I don't need his arm." Amu De opened his bloody mouth, his evil eyes looked at Shangguan Shaochen, "Take off your golden silk soft armor and throw it to me .”

As long as Ling Mu'er is safe, he will do whatever Amu'er asks him to do at this moment.

Rejecting the persuasion of Nangong Yizhi and others, Shangguan Shaochen took off the golden silk soft armor, and was about to throw it over, when Amu De said, "Come closer, and send it here in person."

Knowing that this was his trick, but for Ling Muer's safety, Shangguan Shaochen approached him step by step regardless of opposition, and Amu De seized the opportunity, and when his body was about to arrive in front of him, he pushed Ling Muer away Son, the sword in his hand pierced his chest again.


Blood spurted out, Shangguan Shaochen held the sword in both hands, and kneeled heavily on the ground.

Nangong Yizhi and Qiu Yujin shouted, "Master!"

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, and when Ling Muer regained her composure, she saw Shangguan Shaochen lying in a pool of blood covered in blood.

It turned out that the dream back then turned out to be true.

She thought that as long as she gave him a golden silk armor, she would be able to keep him safe for the rest of her life, but she didn't expect that the dream was actually a true portrayal of him.

Before everyone could react, Ling Muer picked up the sword on the ground and stabbed behind her.

Amu De, who was complacent, was unprepared, and was pierced in the opposite position to Shangguan Shaochen.

"Female, female, I...I will definitely...get...get you."

Seeing his hideous and ugly face, he still persisted in his obsession until death, Ling Mu'er drew out the sword and slashed at his chest again, Amu De dodged with difficulty but still stabbed him in the abdomen.

Seeing Amu De fall to the ground, Ling Muer planned to make another cut, but Nangong Yizhi's desperate cry came from behind him.


Ling Mu'er hurried back to Shangguan Shaochen, only to see that his chest was continuously spurting blood, and the corners of his mouth were also continuously vomiting blood, plus he was cautious and poisonous, his heartbeat became weaker and weaker.

Hastily taking tools out of the medicine box to heal his wounds, she was trembling, but before she could pick up the silver needle, Shangguan Shaochen in her arms raised his hand and dropped it heavily.

"Shao Chen, Shangguan Shao Chen!"

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