The man in the blue brocade robe and blue cloak got off his horse and gave the people behind him a wink. Someone immediately checked the situation of the killer on the ground, while the man went straight to Ling Muer, Nangong Yizhi and the others, "Here is the answer thing?"

"Seventh Prince, why is it you?" Nangong Yizhi was extremely surprised.

The seventh prince bowed his hands and raised them to Gao Tiao, "I came to welcome the army back to the imperial court at the order of my father, but my prince waited outside the imperial city for a long time but did not see the army appearing, so I came here to greet you, but what's going on here?"

At this time, the person he sent out to check shook his head at him, indicating that all of them were killed.

"As you can see," Nangong Yizhi shrugged and told him in detail what happened just now.

After hearing the words, the seventh prince frowned, "Where is the commander-in-chief Shangguan Shaochen?"

"In the tent, I was planning to perform a craniotomy on him." Ling Muer said as she started to enter the tent, but the Seventh Prince suddenly reached out to block her way.

"I disagree!"

The seventh prince was very firm, "Since ancient times, there has never been a treatment method of prying open the human head. Although this prince knows that your medical skills are superb, it is too risky to do so!"

"But if you don't do this, he will die soon!" Ling Mu'er was very emotional, and her eyes were fixed on him.

The Seventh Prince looked at Nangong Yizhi who was also nervous and Su Ce whose eyes were bandaged, and he pulled Ling Muer aside, "Even if I don't understand medical principles, I also know how dangerous it is to pry open people's heads. How sure are you, if not, I can't agree."

"The Seventh Prince also said that you don't understand medical principles, and I was the only doctor present. Now he has lost a lot of blood. If he is not treated in time, it will only increase the chance of his death. Although the success rate of the craniotomy is not high. Gao, but if he does, he will at least be able to survive, but if he doesn't, his end will be death!" The more Ling Muer spoke, the more excited she became, and she even had the urge to push him away.

"Miss Ling, I know you are worried about his safety, but do you know that Shangguan Shaochen is the hero who repelled the enemy, and you can't afford any troubles with him. Once you fail to treat him, you will have to pay a heavy price for it." price!"

The Seventh Prince shook his head at her, "He's just the commander of the three armies. For the sake of friends, I don't think you need to take any risks."

Ling Muer was taken aback when she heard the words, and took a closer look at him, her clenched fists were more determined than before.

"He is not only the commander of the three armies, he is also my fiancé!"

Before Ling Muer was about to impulsively push him away, the Seventh Prince suddenly said firmly, "Okay, since you are so sure, I will let you try, but you must know that once you fail, anyone will help you." I can't miss you. Of course, I will try my best to plead with my father for the sake of past affection."

What a great first love.

In order to cherish time, Ling Muer is not willing to entangle with him. She gave Nangong Yizhi a look, signaling him to stay outside and not allow anyone to disturb her, and she entered the tent alone.

After three full hours, the operation was finally completed, and Ling Muer leaned weakly to rest.

Although the operation was successful, Shangguan Shaochen's condition was far from satisfactory. First, he was poisoned by Amu De's poison. This poison was a poisonous insect he had developed for many years and had sucked his poisonous blood. If he, who was originally in a vegetable state, couldn't make it through the night, even the Immortal Da Luo would be helpless.

So she couldn't even blink her eyes tonight and had to stare at his performance at any time.

"Mu'er, how is it?" Nangong Yizhi's voice sounded from outside.

Dragging her exhausted body, Ling Muer opened the curtain, and when she appeared, Nangong Yizhi was taken aback, "Why are you so weak?"

I saw that her face was pale and she had no strength, as if she had just experienced a catastrophe.

"The hole in the back of the head has been healed, but because of his previous illness, he is in a very bad condition, and I'm afraid he will not be at peace tonight." Ling Mu'er explained, she only had a glimpse out of the corner of her eye, and accidentally saw it in the distance. Two figures in the jungle.

One of them was very familiar, and it was the Seventh Prince who had just arrived, while the other was dressed in a plain robe, with a sword on his belt, and because of the distance, he was wearing a face scarf.

And it was the Jianghu killer who assassinated them just now.

When Ling Mu'er wanted to get past Nangong Yizhi to find out more, that person put up light work and left, isn't he someone next to the Seventh Prince?

"What are you looking at?"

Nangong Yizhi was about to follow her line of sight, but Ling Muer hastily pulled his gaze back, because the Seventh Prince had already looked this way warily.

"It's nothing, maybe my eyes were blurred and I misread it. I'll go over there to rest for a while. You can watch him for me. He can't live without people tonight." Bypassing Nangong Yizhi, Ling Muer sat under the opposite tree trunk.

It was the first time that she felt such a setback. The descendant of a medical family had never seen any kind of illness, but this time she was helpless with Shangguan Shaochen's illness. Damn it!

But she always vaguely felt that something was missing, so what exactly was it?

While thinking and concentrating, the Seventh Prince's voice came from above his head, "So Miss Ling is here?"

Ling Muer was about to speak, but was interrupted by the seventh prince, "I have heard about Shangguan Shaochen's situation, and I think he must be sent back to Beijing immediately! The conditions in the palace are a hundred times stronger than this, of course I don't distrust Ling As for the girl's medical skills, I just feel that there are many imperial physicians in the palace. If an accident happens, at least the girl will have a helper. Besides, this wilderness forest is freezing in early winter, so I'm afraid it's not the best place for treatment."

"The Seventh Prince is right, but the current situation is that Shangguan Shaochen's body cannot travel long distances and suffer bumps. It will take at least three hours to walk from here to the capital, which will only accelerate the deterioration of his condition, and will not Good for healing." Ling Mu'er said, looking at the Seventh Prince's eyes that were different from those of the past, she always felt that there was some malicious intention hidden there.

"Miss Ling has always been a person with ideas." The Seventh Prince praised, "I hope that after returning to the capital this time, Miss Ling can also maintain this original intention."

"What do you mean by that?"

"The weather in the capital city has changed a few times, and it is no longer the capital city it used to be."

The Seventh Prince put his hands behind his back and looked forward from a distance, as if he could see the unpredictable cage recently.

Ling Muer suddenly had a bad feeling, "Then my family..."

"Don't worry, Ling Zixuan is doing well. At any rate, he is the county magistrate, with the county prince's mansion and the Ningguo marquis' mansion taking care of him. Even though the sixth brother wants to harm him, he still has to look at the backing behind him." The seventh prince smiled, Although he didn't turn his head back, the corners of his raised lips were full of evil charm.

"You said elder brother was murdered by the sixth prince?" Ling Mu'er quickly caught the point of his voice.

I couldn't help but imagine how her family would be threatened by those powerful people during the time she was away?

The sixth prince and the seventh prince have always been hostile, but Ling Zixuan, who was assigned to him, betrayed him and became his enemy's most powerful assistant. How could he show mercy?

The Seventh Prince then turned his head and gave her another appreciative glance, "It's true, but your brother Fu Daming escaped a catastrophe. Not only was his life not in danger, but he was also conferred the title of Young Minister of Dali Temple by the emperor. It’s a blessing in disguise.”

Hearing this, Ling Muer heaved a sigh of relief, but seeing the Seventh Prince's unsatisfactory eyes, she thought for a moment and immediately saluted him with both hands, "My brother was lucky enough to escape, and the Seventh Prince must have put a lot of thought into it, Mu Thank you Seventh Prince for taking care of me."

"It's easy to say." He said with a smile: "After all, he gave up on Sixth Brother and followed me. I promised you back then that as long as I was safe and secure, he would take care of him. But the person who should be worried right now is not him, but you."

"Me?" Ling Mu'er frowned, "It's not the sixth prince I offended, maybe he can't deal with you, but he can't deal with me."

"Even if Sixth Brother wants to plot against you, he is still afraid of the poison in your hand. Although no one else knows about Lian'er, there are some rumors in the harem." The Seventh Prince played with the wrench on his thumb, "I mean It's the prince."

The crown prince has long been demoted. Although he is confined in the palace, he is called the third prince and the seventh prince is cautious. Since he can be called that, it is not a slip of the tongue.

"As expected, he returned to the palace again." Ling Mu'er sneered, "It seems that his plan succeeded?"

"So you also know about this?" The Seventh Prince half-closed his eyes, and a dangerous light flashed past the end of his eyes.

"How can the prince be reconciled to being demoted? Besides, the backer he wants to use happens to be my patient. Even if he doesn't say anything, he can guess." Ling Muer's explanation completely excused herself, making people want to catch her There is no conclusive evidence that she conspired with the prince.

The seventh prince wanted to get angry, but after listening for a long time, he could only smile and shook his head, "The third brother has resumed his position as prince, but after all, it was because of you that he was demoted. Do you think you will have a good life after returning to Beijing?"

In the middle of the night, there was another breeze, and the seventh prince was obviously cold. He rubbed the back of his hands, "But if you need it, this prince can help you at any time. I think the third brother will not do anything because of my thin face." It's too much."

Ling Mu'er bowed her hands again, "Thank you for the kindness of the Seventh Prince. The position of the crown prince has been lost and regained. I think the crown prince will not act rashly again. Besides, I am the doctor in charge of that person after all. I believe the prince will not care about the past grievances like me."

The Seventh Prince was a little annoyed at rejecting his kindness so bluntly. Seeing this, Ling Muer immediately changed the subject and said, "I don't know how Sister Sheng'er is doing these days."

Sure enough, the haze on the Seventh Prince's face disappeared when he was mentioned to the person deep in his heart, "She... is not bad, but she said, she will keep a close eye on her recent situation, and wait for you to come back to Beijing." Know everything."

The Seventh Prince pretended to be mysterious, and when he said anything, he would say half and leave the other half. This kind of scheming person must not be able to ask too many questions.

But the man in black just now, Ling Muer, would never be wrong. She rolled her eyes and asked tentatively, "I wonder if the Seventh Prince can investigate the origin of the man in black who assassinated us just now?"

He stared at her for a few moments, then took out a token from his pocket, "I found it from one of the people's secret pockets, although I don't want to believe it was done by him, but no matter who it is, I will Report the truth to your father."

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