"Sixth prince?" Ling Mu'er couldn't believe at first that this token belonged to a prince, but when she heard that the seventh prince was so calm, the corners of her eyes twitched.

"Sixth brother has indeed been secretly fighting with Shangguan Shaochen in the past. Moreover, this time the emperor sent only a guard commander to lead hundreds of thousands of troops to attack the border. It is hard not to raise suspicion. Sixth brother may have found something, but there are also Maybe someone deliberately framed it." The Seventh Prince said, "But this matter is a battle within the palace, you, a doctor in a small medical clinic, had better not get involved in it, otherwise..."

Before the Seventh Prince finished speaking, Nangong Yizhi suddenly exclaimed in the distance, "It's not good, Ling Muer, where are you!"

There is only one reason that can make Nangong Yizhi so violent, and that is Shangguan Shaochen's situation.

Ling Muer and the Seventh Prince looked at each other and ran towards the camp together. Sure enough, Shangguan Shaochen, who was in a coma, suddenly twitched all over his body, as if he had received an electric shock, Nangong Yizhi and Su Ce couldn't hold it down.

"It happened suddenly, we don't know what happened, and his body is very hot." Nangong Yizhi turned his head and said.

Ling Muer hurriedly rushed over to feel Shangguan Shaochen's pulse. At this time, Shangguan Shaochen suddenly stopped convulsing, as if a child who had been soothed gradually calmed down. Everyone secretly heaved a sigh of relief when they saw this, thinking that he just suddenly stopped convulsing. The hair situation has improved now, but only Ling Mu'er felt a 'thump' in her heart.

"What's the matter? But you mean the operation failed?" Nangong Yizhi realized that her face was wrong, and asked with a heart that couldn't get up or down.

"...Yes!" After a while, Ling Mu'er gritted her teeth and admitted.

While taking out the silver needles to carefully administer Shangguan Shaochen, she observed his condition at any time, but as the situation got worse and worse, he directly forced Ling Muer to cry, "His pulse condition is getting weaker and weaker. Internal organs are failing, I'm afraid..."

"Impossible!" Nangong Yizhi roared angrily, "Cousin Jiren has his own aura, he has survived all the injuries he has suffered over the years, he won't."

The Seventh Prince bypassed the crowd and walked to Shangguan Shaochen, stretched out his hand to feel his pulse, and frowned even more, "What are you waiting for, I said I must send him back to Beijing immediately. Someone!" He roared , intending to arrange for a small force to set off.

"Wait, wait for me, I will definitely think of a way, I must have a way to cure him, just give me some time, I can do it!" Ling Muer firmly pressed Shangguan Shaochen's body, Watching his pulse carefully, he closed his eyes desperately trying to find the little hope hidden deep in his heart.

She always felt that she had forgotten something, and that Shangguan Shaochen would not die easily, but the more anxious she became, the more chaotic her mind became.

"Yes, nothing will happen to my cousin, he is very determined!" Nangong Yizhi said anxiously, "Mu'er, think about it carefully, is there such a thing as a magic elixir in this world?"

Miracle medicine?

Ling Muer's eyeballs rolled a few times.

Su Ce, who had been standing quietly by the side and could only distinguish all this by hearing, suddenly said, "I heard that there is a kind of flower in this world that grows on cliffs and cliffs. It is difficult to meet and pick. The flower is called... "

"It's called Bai Lingxian!" Ling Muer hurriedly replied.

"That's right, I've heard of it before, I don't know if it's true or not, and I don't know if there is such a magical flower in this world." Su Ce recalled, "I heard that the flower can bear colorful fruits. It sprouts for a hundred years, grows for a hundred years, blooms for a hundred years, bears fruit for a hundred years, and finally matures for a hundred years. But its effect is very great."

Hearing this, even Nangong Yizhi laughed, "Impossible, how can there be such a magical flower in this world, and even if there is, how lucky is it to meet it in this life?"

"I've met you before!" Ling Muer's voice was faint, but with a strong penetrating power.

She turned her head and looked at Su Ce gratefully, "Thank you, little princess."

Ling Mu'er pretended to go back to the medicine box, but actually took Bai Lingxian from the space.

Yes, she remembered. Wasn't the flower that Shangguan Shaochen risked his life to pick for her on the edge of the cliff in Lingjia Village back then the Bailing Fairy?

"Thanks for the little county king's reminder, otherwise I would really have forgotten about it." In the blink of an eye, a colorful flower suddenly appeared in Ling Muer's palm. , Shao Chen picked it up, and because it has not been confirmed, I have been hiding it in the mezzanine of this medicine box."

Ling Mu'er said happily, "The Prince Xiaojun is really our lucky star."

"My God, this... this rumor is actually true?" Nangong Yizhi was stunned. He had never seen such a beautiful flower, and it was also a legendary flower!

"Are you sure this can really heal your cousin?"

Ling Mu'er nodded, and said firmly: "It is rumored that there is only one Bailingxian plant in this world, and it has only four fruits in total, but three have been picked by people, and all three have different effects. One can increase One Jiazi's internal strength, one can turn an ugly woman into an all-powerful appearance, and one can improve physical fitness and increase life expectancy. Although the fourth one does not know what it does, I believe it will be able to cure him."

As she spoke, she opened the colorful flowers in her palm, and sure enough, a rainbow-like pill appeared in her palm, she took it out and stuffed it into Shangguan Shaochen's mouth.

"Stop!" The Seventh Prince roared angrily, and suddenly pulled Ling Mu'er in front of him with all his strength, "You have also said the rumors about the Bailing Fairy, you just heard it, it is not known whether this thing is true or not, antidote or poison, how can it be Give it to him easily?"

Ling Mu'er was stunned by his excitement, and at this moment she had already been dragged several meters away from the tent by him.

"The matter is getting more and more serious, and it's out of your control. You probably don't know the true identity of the person lying inside." The Seventh Prince's expression was solemn, "He's not just the commander of the imperial guards."

Unexpectedly, Ling Muer didn't care at all, "So what?"

"Oh, how?" The Seventh Prince sneered, "I reminded you kindly because we met once and you helped me many times back then. Shangguan Shaochen's identity is not simple, he can't let you mess around outside The risky thing that just asked you to open his head was just because you were sure, and sold you a favor. But that flower is just a rumored flower. If he is killed, you, me, and everyone present Can't afford to be held accountable!"

"What does the Seventh Prince mean?" Ling Muer threw the Bailingxian fruit in her palm and was caught in a dilemma.

Hearing this, the Seventh Prince's eyes lit up, but soon he became heavy again, "In my opinion, it's better to send him back to the palace as soon as possible. Any decision will be made by the emperor."

"It's too late!" Ling Mu'er refused: "He suddenly had a high fever and his pulse was very weak. Not to mention tossing, even slow movement would kill him at any time. He must be treated immediately now!"

Ling Mu'er looked at him carefully, wondering why he was so excited suddenly after Bai Lingxian appeared.

The rumor that even Su Ce has heard, the Seventh Prince must know about it, could it be...

"Besides, according to what the Seventh Prince said, if any accident happened to Shangguan Shaochen on the way back to Beijing, I'm afraid the Emperor will not let us go!"

The Seventh Prince was deep in thought, obviously he didn't expect Ling Muer to be so eloquent.

His shrewd eyes stared at the treasure in Ling Muer's palm, and he rolled his eyes a few times, "Is it possible to separate the fruit and find someone to do an experiment? If it's really all right, it's okay to give it to him again." Late."

It turns out that the Seventh Prince's wishful thinking is here.

I'm afraid that after she agrees, he will be the first to jump out and say that he will try it.

After all, this fruit is very attractive and appetizing, and it has so many effects. No matter what the effect of the fourth fruit is, it must be thousands of times better than ordinary tonics. The Seventh Prince wants to get it It is also reasonable.

But since this thing is in her hands, she will never give it to anyone.

"Regardless of Shangguan Shaochen's reaction after eating it, I will bear it!"

Rejecting the Seventh Prince's proposal, Ling Muer walked around him to the camp, not paying attention to the murderous eyes of the Seventh Prince after she turned around.

"call out!"

A sharp sword shot out suddenly, knocking off the broken hair by Ling Muer's ear, before she was unprepared, a man in black landed beside her and attacked her.

"Who are you?" Ling Muer hurriedly dodged.

Unprepared, she was almost injured.

"The person who wants to kill you!"

The person who came had a thick and murderous voice, and the sword in his hand pierced her vitals, forcing Ling Mu'er to retreat step by step, getting farther and farther away from the camp.

"Be careful!" The Seventh Prince came over with his bare hands and protected Ling Mu'er behind him, "I'll hold him back, you go back to the camp first!"

But the martial arts of the man in black is extremely high, as if he has undergone special training, even the Seventh Prince is no match for him, and he presses Ling Muer every step of the way.

"Since I can't kill him, I'll kill you first!" The man in black gritted his teeth, and suddenly stabbed Ling Mu'er's chest with the sharp sword in his hand. Shi's palm suddenly slashed on the back of her head, and her eyes went dark without any precautions, and she fell into a faint.

"Master—" Before he finished speaking, the Seventh Prince made a silent gesture, and he winked at the man in black, signaling him to leave first.

Looking at Ling Muer who was lying on the ground, he immediately opened her palm, but it was strange that there was nothing there.

"Where's Bai Lingxian?" The Seventh Prince closed his eyes and opened them again, but the inside was still empty, let alone a fruit, not even a single leaf was left.

"Strange, it was clearly in her palm just now." The Seventh Prince frowned, and immediately searched her.

That's right, he had heard the rumor of Bai Lingxian several times on the stage and from friends in the rivers and lakes. It is rumored that the thing is very mysterious, and it can be said that it is a treasure that everyone in the world wants to have. He originally thought it was just a rumor, but he didn't expect to find it on Ling Muer's body. This is the fourth and last one. How could he be willing to take advantage of Shangguan Shaochen?

But the strange thing is that he searched Ling Muer's entire body, but he couldn't find it!

How can it be? He had been staring at her just now, and didn't see when she hid her things.

"Where did she hide that treasure?"

The Seventh Prince became more and more nervous, and his hands became flustered, but fortunately, it was far away from the camp here, so the people inside would not find it, but no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find it.

Why did the things that were clearly on her body disappear?

When the Seventh Prince looked at Ling Muer, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

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