"Ling Muer, Ling Muer!"

Hearing someone calling her name and shaking her body violently, Ling Muer woke up from a daze.

Touching the back of her aching head, her beautiful facial features were twisted together, and she looked left and right, "What about the man in black?"

"He's a master, but luckily he's not my opponent. Are you okay?" Helping her up, the Seventh Prince looked at her carefully, as if there was some secret.

Ling Mu'er suddenly sensed that something was wrong, she had obviously been searched, and seeing the Seventh Prince's probing eyes, her heart sank heavily.

"Thank you, Seventh Prince, for your rescue, but it's strange, how could this man in black appear so coincidentally, and only assassinate me?" She asked intentionally.

"Xu knew that you are now Shangguan Shaochen's only hope, so he wanted to get rid of you. It seems that he was with the man in black just now. Don't worry, he was seriously injured even though he didn't kill him. , I won’t come back for a while.” The Seventh Prince explained without changing his face, as if he really cared about her.

No wonder both Su Ce and Shangguan Shaochen told her to stay away from the Seventh Prince. No wonder everyone said that the Seventh Prince was the biggest competitor. , I'm afraid he won't show his fox tail so soon.

"Time is running out. I have to treat Shangguan Shaochen immediately. Fortunately, the Seventh Prince beat him away just now. Otherwise, this thing will fall into the hands of thieves. We can only watch him die."

She pretended to take out the fruit of Bailingxian from her cuff, and looked at the Seventh Prince with a smile, "Fortunately, I have a secret pocket in my cuff, so it didn't fall out during the fight."

After saying that, she walked ahead, and the Seventh Prince didn't keep up for a while.

Looking at the thin little woman's back, the Seventh Prince's cold face was solemn and heavy.

camera bag? No way!

He didn't let go of every corner of her body, so how did Bai Lingxian come out?

Could it be that there is some unknown secret about this woman?

"Why did it take you so long to come back? Did the Seventh Prince make things difficult for you?" When he reached the entrance of the tent, Nangong Yizhi was about to go out to find her.

Ling Mu'er glanced at the man behind him out of the corner of her eye, but finally said nothing, and stuffed the fruit directly into Shangguan Shaochen's mouth.

When the Seventh Prince followed, he happened to see the scene in front of him, and clenched his hands in his cuffs into fists angrily.

Su Ce is a martial arts practitioner, and his eyes were injured. His sense of smell and senses became more sensitive than ordinary people. He soon realized that there was a strong murderous aura in the camp. He slowly walked to Ling Mu. After the son died, "Shangguan Shaochen is really lucky. I was able to meet you in this life and get Bailingxian. Okay, since you are sure that he is fine, let the king of this county have a look. I will only give you one night, and you must give it before dawn." I'm cured!"

Ling Mu'er knew that Su Ce wanted to protect her, and deliberately spoke to the Seventh Prince in order to protect her.

If the Seventh Prince wanted to do something to Shangguan Shaochen and take the fruit of Bailingxian from his mouth, he would definitely murder Ling Muer. Su Ce said that he would not leave tonight, just to dispel his idea of ​​doing it.

"Sorry, because he neglected you, don't worry, even if I am blind, I will cure you."

Helping Su Ce to sit on the side, she began to treat and bandage him seriously. The Seventh Prince, who was about to do something, looked at it for a while, then turned around and left.

"Hey, why did this person leave?" Nangong Yizhi said with a smile, "Could it be that the two of you didn't agree on something outside just now?"

"It's nothing, the Seventh Prince is just worried that this Bailingxian is not as magical as the rumors say, and he is afraid that Shao Chen will be killed instead of being cured." Ling Mu'er explained briefly.

"As long as there is only one hope, I will not miss it. Of course, righteous sister, don't worry, if this thing is just a rumor, I will bear any consequences with you!" Nangong Yizhi moved a small bench to guard Shangguan Shaochen's side , Feeling his pulse from time to time.

Suddenly, he exclaimed in surprise: "It's stable. It's actually stable. Heh, this thing is really strange. Not only is the pulse condition stable, but my cousin's face is also much rosier. Mu'er, we succeeded!"

Nangong Yizhi's pleasant voice pierced through the tent, and Ling Muer hurried over to inspect Shangguan Shaochen carefully after hearing the words, with a beautiful smile on her lips, "It seems that the function of this fourth fruit is to bring the dead back to life! "

Just now Shangguan Shaochen only needed a stick of incense to meet Lord Yan, but now his pulse is not only steady, but is beating violently. Although he has not woken up yet, his complexion is rosy and his complexion is very good. At this moment, he is not at all like a living dead person who does not know when he will wake up, but like a child who is snoozing.

The Seventh Prince, who had been hiding outside the camp hearing this, creaked his fists angrily.

Hearing footsteps getting farther and farther away, knowing that the enemy had left, Ling Muer put down her guard, and handed the token given to her by the Seventh Prince to Nangong Yizhi, "Do you know this?"

"Isn't this the Sixth Prince's waist card?" Nangong Yizhi played with it and looked at it carefully, "Why is this thing in your hand?"

"It is said that it was found from the man in black who assassinated us." Ling Muer said.

"That's what the Seventh Prince gave you?" Nangong Yizhi sneered, "When his men came, they took away all the men in black who assassinated us, and searched, but unexpectedly found this."

"From your tone, it doesn't seem strange." Ling Muer was a little puzzled.

"Could it be that you will believe the words of the person outside?" Looking around carefully, Nangong Yizhi only heard the voice of three people, and then patted Su Ce's shoulder, "Why don't you ask the little county king to popularize it for you. "

Taking the waist card from Nangong Yizhi, Su Ce fumbled and confirmed that it belonged to the sixth prince, but the more certain the answer was, the more evil the smile on his mouth became.

"There are concubines in the harem who are fighting each other, and of course there are princes in the previous dynasty. They both live in the prince's mansion, so it is much more convenient to want people to take something away without anyone noticing. Every prince has this kind of thing. Ten or eight yuan, it’s not surprising to lose one or two of them.”

Hearing this, Ling Mu'er stared, "What you mean is that the sixth prince didn't do it."

"Although the sixth prince is ambitious, he is suspicious. If he doubts why his cousin was ordered by the emperor to guard the border, it is reasonable to investigate secretly, but in contrast, he and the seventh prince have never fought openly or secretly. Stopped." Nangong Yizhi said softly, "Of course, why did the assassins show up and the Seventh Prince came? How did they know that we would take the path, and how could they pick on the little county king's eyes?"

Looking at Nangong Yizhi's expression of understanding everything, Ling Muer realized that this elder son who was cynical and cynical all day long was not a coward.

"Sure enough, those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. After being together with Shangguan Shaochen for a long time, Shizi's righteous brother has also learned to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger." Ling Muer gave him a thumbs up.

"I really don't understand what righteous sister said, but now that my cousin is fine, you and I can rest assured. When we return to the capital, the concubine mother will definitely thank you very much."

Her complexion changed, as if she had returned to her previous dishonest appearance, Ling Muer smiled and shook her head, "I'm afraid this time returning to Beijing is the real start of the war."

After Shangguan Shaochen took the Bailingxian fruit, his physical condition returned to his best condition in just one night. After careful examination, Ling Muer found that he was just too tired and fell asleep and didn't want to wake up.

The small army set off towards the capital immediately at dawn, and successfully arrived outside the imperial city at a quarter of noon.

The emperor specially sent eunuchs with his own soldiers to stand guard outside the gate of the imperial city. Seeing Shangguan Shaochen being carried out, Eunuch Xi hurriedly greeted, "Quickly, bring the commander in!" Looking at the crowd again, he said in a standard male duck voice , "The emperor has a decree that our army has won a great victory. All soldiers will be rewarded one by one. Five days later, a celebration banquet will be held in the palace to entertain the army. But today, no one is allowed to enter the palace without a summons."

After arriving in the capital, Shangguan Shaochen was safe, and everyone planned to turn around and go back to their respective homes, but Eunuch Xi suddenly appeared in front of Ling Muer, "Miss Ling stay, the emperor ordered the girls to enter the palace together."

"Me?" Ling Muer pointed to her face, looking at the majestic imperial city in front of her, she frowned. Every time she came to this place, there was no good result, and she really didn't want to go in.

Su Ce heard that Nangong Yizhi supported Ling Muer behind him, "Ling Muer's unauthorized entry and exit of the barracks is my idea alone. If the emperor wants to blame, I, Su Ce, will bear the responsibility alone. Please tell the emperor the truth." .”

I was blind and took care of everything. Ling Muer was about to say something, but Su Ce kept shaking his head at her.

Eunuch Xi laughed, "Xiaojun Wang was joking, the enemy's letter of surrender had already been sent, and the emperor, Long Yan Dayue, didn't care about it long ago. The emperor called Miss Ling into the palace just because he was worried about the general's health. Xiaojun Don't be nervous, king."


"Ce'er!" In the distance, the eldest princess hurried over with a group of people, and seeing Su Ce's eyes covered with white cloth, tears fell down immediately, "Why did you make it like this? Didn't the letter say that your eyes are all good?" Is it? What the hell is going on here?"

The eldest princess looked at Ling Mu'er who was at the side, "It seems that you are the doctor who pestered him to sneak into the barracks? Since you have excellent medical skills, why can't you cure my son's eyes?"

Although the eldest princess is beautiful, she has a bad temper.

Rather than getting entangled with the eldest princess who has never met before but who has a strong hostility, it is better to follow into the palace. Ling Muer looked at Su Ce, "Since it is summoned by the emperor, I don't think it will be difficult. You go back to the mansion first, and I will give it to you tomorrow." You change your medicine."

"Ling Muer!" Su Ce grabbed her wrist nervously.

"I'm fine." She patted the back of his hand, signaling him to rest assured, she didn't even look at the eldest princess the whole time, and after saying goodbye to Nangong Yizhi, Ling Muer followed Eunuch Xi into the palace.

"H-what's her attitude!" The eldest princess was anxious, and wanted to catch up and teach her a lesson, but Su Ce had already walked away, and she hurried to catch up without thinking about other things.

Watching Shangguan Shaochen being carried into Qianqing Palace, Ling Muer remained silent for a long while.

The emperor summoned the marshal, why is it not the imperial study, but the place where he rests?

It seems that what the Seventh Prince said is correct, this time when he returns to the capital, the capital may change again.

"Miss Ling, don't be nervous. The emperor always pays attention to rewards and punishments. This time you are credited for saving the commander in chief. The emperor will not blame you. But if you keep the emperor waiting for a long time, it will be bad." Eunuch Xi made a gesture of invitation.

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