"Qin Wanqian!"

Madam Su yelled angrily, and hurriedly protected Ling Mu'er behind her. Looking at her daughter-in-law's aloof posture, she put on the majesty of an old lady, "Girl Mu is my honored guest, what are you doing!"

She used to live in the eldest princess's mansion, and she didn't have much involvement with her mother-in-law, but after Ce'er came back, she planned to move in to restore the relationship between mother and son. Seeing her mother-in-law yelling at her like this in front of outsiders, the eldest princess became furious, pointed at Ling Muer's face and said, "What is she doing here?"

"Minnv has met the Eldest Princess." Ling Muer bowed to her, "Minnv came here today to change the medicine for the little princess' eye injury."

"Hmph, just you?" The eldest princess sneered, "Don't think that I don't know what happened on the front line. My Ce'er's eyes are blind because of you. If you can cure him, he will be cured sooner. till now?"

The eldest princess took a deep breath, and pointed her long arm straight at the door, "Come here, send Miss Ling out!"

The guards in the mansion rushed out immediately, Madam Su shouted: "Stop."

Looking at the eldest princess again, she was furious, "I told you just now that girl Mu is my distinguished guest, and you heard it too, she is changing Ce'er's dressing, what are you doing, I sincerely don't want to Do you want Ce'er's eyes to heal?"

"Mother!" The eldest princess was very angry, "I am Ce'er's mother, how can a mother harm her own child, I want to drive her away just for the good of Ce'er!"

Looking at Ling Mu'er as if she were an enemy, the eldest princess did not forget the arrogant look of this girl who didn't even look at her a few hours ago.

Besides, she had inquired about a lot of things during this time, Ce'er circled around this girl all day long, and the high and mighty little county king was by her side like a servant.

Also, she dared to beg Ce'er to take her into the barracks. Fortunately, Brother Huang didn't care, otherwise Ce'er would be punished.

How can a girl from a good family do such a thing, she is clearly a vixen.

"I have already sent someone to invite the imperial doctor in the palace. Even if the imperial doctor can't cure him well, I will try to find a way to invite the descendant of Yaowanggu. In short, this princess cannot trust this doctor of the medical center who does not know who he is from."

The eldest princess held her head high, as if she would step on her body if she wanted to go over.

"You!" Mrs. Su was also very angry, "You bastard! If the imperial doctor in the palace had a way, Ce'er's eyes would have been cured in the barracks, so you are willing to come to me, the successor of Medicine King Valley?" Just look for it. In short, I only trust Mu girl, get out of the way!"

"I won't let it!" The eldest princess said stubbornly, "Mother, Ce'er's eyes were harmed by her. What kind of ecstasy soup did this low-level folk doctor give you to make you trust her so much? She doesn't deserve to give it to me." Ceer treatment."

Forcibly dragging Ling Muer, who had been silent all this time, from behind her mother-in-law, the eldest princess looked into her eyes arrogantly, "Ling Muer, don't you think I don't know what's going on in your mind, you warn you better leave Ce'er stay away!"

"Qin Wanqian!" Mrs. Su was so angry that she almost lost her breath.

She said the same thing at the beginning, causing her grandson to turn against her. Now that the eldest princess said that again, she was really worried that Ling Muer would turn around and leave.

"Girl Mu, don't be as knowledgeable as her. She's crazy and I don't know." Mrs. Su pointed to the position of her finger and looked at Ling Mu'er tenderly and lovingly, "Come on, we haven't seen her before right now. He's waiting for us inside."

Seeing her mother-in-law disregarding herself so much, the eldest princess jumped up angrily, "Even if you try your best, it is impossible to achieve your goal! Besides, I will re-negotiate the marriage between the two of you with the prime minister. If you are sensible, I advise you to leave immediately!"

Hearing the eldest princess' roar from behind, Ling Muer, who had been wearing a gentle smile, stopped in her tracks.

Old Madam Su was terrified, thinking she was really angry, and was about to speak, but Ling Muer gave her a reassuring look.

Youyou turned around and looked at the eldest princess with a smile. Her agile voice overflowed from her thin lips, "No wonder Su Ce would rather live in another courtyard than here after the mystery of his life experience was revealed."

"What did you say?" The eldest princess didn't quite hear her words.

Ling Mu'er didn't rush, "Dare to ask the eldest princess, you arranged a marriage for the little county king without his permission, but did you get his consent? He is your child, and you thought it was for his own good, but did you really ask?" His opinion? Do you know that everything you arranged is really what he needs?"

Her words were high-pitched, "Since there is none, it seems that the eldest princess does not really want her child to be happy!"

"You're talking nonsense!"

The eldest princess scolded, "I am his mother, and I am the person in this world who most wishes him happiness. What do you know?"

"I only know that if a mother wants a child well, she will ask for his consent and get his approval no matter what. You only want to give him what you think should be given to him, but you didn't give him what he expected you to give !"

After finishing speaking, without looking at the eldest princess again, Ling Mu'er pushed open the door to block out all the hustle and bustle.

When the eldest princess was about to rush over angrily, Mrs. Su immediately winked at the nurse beside her.

She is obviously the mistress of this family, but she was stopped outside like an outsider, and the facial features of the eldest princess were distorted, "Mother!"

"Don't call me mother. I only know that girl Mu is the only one who can cure Ce'er in this world, and Ce'er only hopes to be healed by her alone!" Mrs. Su said angrily, "Young girl Mu is right, you mother You should give Ce'er what he needs, not what you think he needs. Qin Wanqian, Qin Wanqian, you have lived for nothing all these years!"

"You..." The eldest princess became mad, pointing at Mrs. Su's face and couldn't utter a complete sentence for a while, "Okay, you guys are bullying me together, right? Okay, then I will tell you clearly, this Ling Mu If you want to enter the gate of my county palace, it will never be possible!"

Mrs. Su turned around and sighed, "Do you think this girl is really rare?"

I'm afraid that the whole harem was given to her, and this girl wouldn't even care about it.

She spent most of her life unable to see through anyone, but this Ling Mu'er was the only one she couldn't figure out.

A little girl with huge potential hidden in her body, opened a restaurant and opened a medical clinic, and in just one year, it was very popular in the capital. I heard that she has been called into the palace twice by the emperor in the past two days, and even the scheming Long Live Lord in the palace appreciates her so much, which shows that she is not something ordinary people can live with.

Entering the inner room, Su Ce was not in the room. Ling Muer searched around, and when she was about to give up, she vaguely heard a voice from the backyard.

She looked through the open window, and saw a tall and straight figure dancing with a sword in the backyard garden.

Still wearing the royal blue brocade robe, his eyes were covered with white cloth, but it seemed that his sight was not blocked, as dexterous as him, where the sword in his hand fell, pieces of winter plums on the treetops were cut off one by one, like Butterflies are dancing.

Ling Mu'er watched quietly, and found that his sword energy was getting more and more arrogant. She took out three silver needles from her cuff, and shot them out with a swish.

Sensing the danger, Su Ce turned around beautifully, and when he landed, his index finger accurately caught the three silver needles.

Just as he was about to frown and ask who the other party was, when he smelled the faint herbal fragrance from the silver needle, the corners of his lips curled up in an instant.

"Why are you?"

Ling Mu'er picked up the cloak at the side, jumped out along the window, and put the cloak around him, "Yes, even if your eyes can't be healed, it won't affect your continued life. I didn't expect the little county king to be so skilled. "

If someone else said this, the sword in Su Ce's hand would definitely fall on her neck and cut off his head. But from Ling Mu'er's mouth, he knew that this was just a joke.

"Why so early?" Su Ce noticed that the time was wrong, and frowned, "Grandma invited you?"

"The old lady is really worried about you." Ling Mu'er acted as his crutch, and let him guide her back into the room with his arm.

Hearing this, Su Ce's frowning brows gradually eased, "If it wasn't for my grandmother's begging, I would never come back here."

Feeling Ling Muer's soft little hands removing the bandage on his head, Su Ce's voice was like jumping notes, "It's so hard for Miss Ling so early."

"It's not hard to work for the king of the little county, as long as you give me some rewards later." She still took out the spiritual spring water from the space to clean him first, and then applied the medicine.

On the way back just now, she thought about it carefully, and the Bailingxian turned out to be a magical flower. Its fruit can be eaten, and maybe the petals also have miraculous effects.

She was going to grind the petals into a powder and apply it to his eyes.

Do it as soon as you think about it, Ling Muer didn't hesitate for a moment, until the series of procedures were completed, she looked at the light pink powder on Su Ce's eyes with satisfaction, and asked carefully, "Little Duke, are you comfortable?"

This delicate tone seemed to be that of the top girl in Xianglou, what he said made his heart itch, and his body temperature also rose unconsciously.

Feeling her hand was about to touch again, Su Ce dodged unconsciously, "You, what medicine did you bring this time, why does it feel so cool?"

"Poison." Ling Mu'er deliberately joked, "I recently thought of a miraculous treatment method, which is to fight poison with poison. Anyway, the little county king's eyes are only blind after being poisoned. It's better to be poisoned more thoroughly."

After Ling Muer finished speaking, her eyes were stunned by everything in front of her eyes.

I saw Bai Lingxian's powder was completely absorbed by the surface of his skin at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it had been completely absorbed, and the wound scratched by the sword was also miraculously healed.

She had a bold guess that Su Ce's eyes would not take long at all, maybe tomorrow, or maybe the day after tomorrow, they would heal soon.

"What good is poisoning me to you? Not to mention that no one will reward you, even if I turn into a ghost, I will haunt you. Is this what you want?" Su Ce closed his eyes and let her toss, She is completely at ease with her.

In fact, he heard everything that my grandmother said yesterday after she called the imperial doctor for an examination.

The imperial doctor said that there was no hope of opening these eyes again, but he didn't believe it, because this girl had never let him down.

"Hmph, why are you so bad, you, you pester me even when everyone is dead?" Ling Mu'er scolded him, "That's right, if you are not ruthless, how could you send Concubine Yi into the palace in full view. "

Su Ce raised his eyebrows, "You know everything?"

"Would you mind telling me, Xiaojun Wang, how did you do it under the heavy surveillance of the empress?"

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