
Su Ce clapped his hands twice in the air, and a man in purple who appeared from nowhere appeared behind him.

Ling Mu'er looked over, and saw that one arm was hung by a bandage, his face was tired and pale, obviously he had been seriously injured not long ago.

She threw a pill, "You have lost too much blood, causing poor blood circulation. Taking it can quickly replenish the energy in your body."

"Thank you, Miss Ling!" Zitong clasped her fists and bowed deeply to Ling Mu'er. After taking the pill and getting the master's consent, he told the story of what happened.

"Before the Lord left the capital, he sent his subordinates to express their position secretly. The people in the court who originally wanted to win over the Lord quickly decided on their direction. The empress sent people to assassinate Concubine Yi many times, but Yintong and I led the teams separately. The hidden guards eradicated. Although the subordinate was seriously injured, but fortunately, he escaped the queen's eyeliner and secretly sent Concubine Yi to the emperor's bedroom. Although the process was very firm, fortunately, the ending was happy."

Hearing this, Ling Mu'er couldn't help giving Su Ce a thumbs up, "The emperor ordered you to rectify the three armies leaving the border. At that time, you only had one day to prepare. I didn't expect you to plan so much in secret. The king of the little county is worthy of being the king of the little county." , it seems that women in the future will have to think twice before doing anything."

Hearing Ling Muer's deliberately joking words, Su Ce exerted force on his wrist, and the delicate figure landed on his lap.

Sensing that she was about to run, Su Ce held her tightly in his arms with both hands, "Laughing at me?"

"Ministers don't dare!" Ling Muer struggled. "Let go of me, there are still people watching."

"There are only you and me in this room, who is peeking?"

Listening to Su Ce's words, Ling Mu'er looked back, only to realize that Zitong who had just appeared in the middle of the room had disappeared without a trace, not even leaving his scent in the air, as if he had never appeared just now.

Ling Mu'er rolled her eyes, "If you're not serious again, I'll poke your eyes out."

"It's strange to say that your eyes don't hurt anymore after you came, and it's even more comfortable now. Miss Ling is indeed my king's panacea." Su Ce joked with a smile, but also let go of her hug. hands.

He never did anything to force her, and it was just a moment of uncontrollable love just now.

"I believe you ghost!"

Ling Mu'er pouted, not believing his sweet words, "Instead of making fun of me when you have time, why not think about how to deal with it in the future, you are now an enemy of that person."

"So are you worried about me?" Su Ce raised the corners of his lips as if they could reach his ears, "Since I planned to do this, I have thought of the worst consequences. If it succeeds, I will definitely make her pay a terrible price." The price; if she can't, she will never let her live in peace!"

Gritting his teeth, Su Ce spoke decisively, but when he finished speaking and looked at Ling Muer again, he returned to his former gentleness and elegance.

A county king who can't see everything in front of his eyes with his eyes closed, even so, his smile is still fascinating.

Ling Muer suddenly understood why the eldest princess gave her such a warning. This smiling tiger might have been a butterfly in its previous life, blooming everywhere.

"Namuer wishes the little county king his wish as soon as possible." After packing up the medicine box, Ling Muer was about to leave when there was a knock on the door.

"Brother Ce, are you there?" With an extremely gentle voice, you don't need to look to know that the woman who said this must be a beauty.


There was no response, and the person outside the door called again, even a girl like Ling Mu'er felt that her bones were about to crumble.

"If the little county king is inconvenient, I don't mind opening the door for you."

Ling Muer walked towards the door, even though Su Ce hurriedly said "no", the door was already opened.

When Lan Qianying saw that it was Ling Muer who came to open the door, her beautiful smile immediately froze on her face. She was about to get angry, but when she thought of her plan, she greeted Ling Muer gently, walked around her body and walked to the door. Su Ce's side.

"Brother Ce, how are you? How did you suffer such a serious injury? Such beautiful eyes must be very painful, right?" As she spoke, tears streamed down the corners of her eyes. Lan Qianying squatted in front of Su Ce and grabbed hold of it nervously. His hand, let him clearly feel the tears dripping on the back of his hand.

Seeing this, Ling Muer couldn't help shaking her head, and was about to go out when the arrogant eldest princess suddenly appeared outside the door.

"Miss Ling, why is she in a hurry to leave? Anyway, you are also the attending doctor of our Ce'er. You saved our Ce'er, and the princess hasn't rewarded you yet."

Just now, he was like an enemy and refused to let her treat him. Why did he suddenly change his temper now?

"The eldest princess is right. After all, the little county king's eyes were injured because of me, and it is my duty to treat him." Ling Muer replied neither humble nor overbearing, staring straight into her eyes.

Doesn't this statement mean that she made things difficult for her outside the door just now?

The eldest princess blew her nose and stared angrily, trying to get angry, but because of Su Ce's presence, she immediately changed her face, "Miss Ling, don't be as knowledgeable as me, I am a woman with long hair and short knowledge, and I don't know your medical skills. It was only after being reprimanded by my mother-in-law that I realized that you are known as a medical fairy girl. Then we will entrust our policy to you from now on, and you must treat his eyes well, and this princess will definitely reward you."

I'm afraid her reward may not be a good thing.

Ling Mu'er was too lazy to argue with such a hypocritical person, and after saying 'sorry', she planned to leave, but the eldest princess forced her to stay at the house for dinner. She had no choice but to treat herself as air, and watched Lan Qianying, a noble girl, almost hanging on Su Ce's body like an octopus.

"Why is Brother Ce ignoring me, but what did Qianying do wrong before to make Brother Ce unhappy? Brother Ce said, can't Qianying change?"

The little woman squatted in front of the big man, her little hands tightly clutching his sleeves, she looked aggrieved, as if she had been bullied a lot.

Su Ce ruthlessly flung off the sleeve that she had grabbed, recalling in his mind the scene of her ruthlessly leaving in the rain on the day her identity was revealed.

Looking at Lan Qianying again, although she is said to be beautiful, she is more vicious than snakes and scorpions in her heart.

"Miss Qianjin of the Prime Minister's Mansion, the king of this county, oh no, I am no longer the king of the county, and I dare not climb high."

Turning around in disgust, "Come here, please ask Miss Lan to go out."

Seeing this, the eldest princess quickly asked the guards who rushed in to retreat. She grabbed Lan Qianying's hand and placed it in Su Ce's forcibly, "I'm afraid you don't know, Ceer, that the county prince's mansion and the prime minister's mansion have become in-laws again. Mother decided to put your marriage on the agenda after your eyesight improves, and it would be best to do it a few years ago."

Su Ce ruthlessly shook off her hand, and took a few steps back to keep a certain distance from her, "Oh? Mother really likes to be married to the prime minister's mansion so much? Since this is the case, it seems that mother and father have to continue to work hard A little county king will be born again, so that someone can marry Miss Lan and successfully marry the prime minister's mansion."

"You child!" The eldest princess who was humiliated was furious, thinking that Ling Mu'er had instigated all this, so she transferred all her anger to her.

"Ce'er is unwell, so he would say disrespectful nonsense. A mother doesn't care about children like children, but Miss Ling..." The eldest princess pointed her eyes at Ling Muer, "I heard that you have an exquisite mind. When we Chaoyang and your elder brother Ling Zixuan got married, it was a novelty designed by you, why don't you design a special marriage for Ce'er and Qianying when you have time, what do you think?"

"I'm sorry, I never plan for two people who are not in love with each other sincerely. I also ask the eldest princess to find another wise man." Knowing that the eldest princess is deliberately targeting her, Ling Muer is not a vegetarian.

I didn't expect this girl to be so arrogant and rude, and the eldest princess was so angry that she was full of murderous aura.

Afraid that she would really hurt Ling Muer, Su Ce pushed Lan Qianying away, "I never said that I would marry a young lady from the prime minister's mansion. Besides, she was right in front of me when I was in trouble, but she turned a blind eye Turning around and leaving, I don't think she has much true affection for me. Therefore, I, Su Ce, will never be with such a calculating woman in this life. "

It's okay to be pushed away by her beloved, but also to be so humiliated in front of everyone, Lan Qianying's tears of grievance immediately fell like broken beads, she kept shaking her head and grabbed Su Ce's clothes pitifully, " Brother Ce, you misunderstood me. I don’t know what you are talking about. If I really saw you in trouble, how could I ignore you? Brother Ce, I..."


Without giving her a chance to finish speaking, Su Ce pointed at the door and yelled angrily.

Even Ling Mu'er has never seen him so angry, it can be seen that this guy is really angry.

Ke Lan Qianying not only didn't leave, but hugged his waist tightly, "I won't leave, I want to stay and take care of Brother Ce, brother Ce and I grew up together, childhood sweethearts, even if we don't have the chance to be husband and wife in the future, But I am still willing to give my all for Brother Ce."

Lan Qianying didn't believe that Su Ce could ruthlessly kick her away this time.

Sure enough, he stood there motionless, and Lan Qianying looked behind her proudly.

The eldest princess thought her son was moved, and said to Ling Mu'er provocatively, "Miss Ling is a smart person, this princess believes that you will accept my proposal just now, why don't we go out and talk?"

After saying to Su Ce, 'I'll come back to change your medicine in two days', Ling Muer and the eldest princess left the room together.

In the room, Lan Qianying cautiously and tentatively moved from behind Su Ce to the front, holding his waist tightly with both hands, her red lips gradually moved up and stopped at the corner of his lips, as long as she opened her mouth, she could kiss those lips, she With a bewitching voice, "Brother Ce..."

Feeling the little woman's closeness, Su Ce did not refuse, but curled his lips viciously, "It seems that you really want to marry me. Let me ask you, are you willing to do anything for me?"

"Yes, I have admired Brother Ce since I was a child. As long as the beautiful image you said can do it, I will..."

"Then dig out your eyes and give me, what do you think?"

Without giving Lan Qianying a chance to finish speaking, Su Ce interrupted in a cold voice. He didn't hear the sound for a long time. He sarcastically said, "Didn't you say you love me, why don't you even give me a pair of eyes? Doctor Ling can say it, I This eye will never get better in this life. If you want to see the light again, someone must change eyes with me, but I think that only a girl who truly loves each other is willing to do such a thing for me. Don't worry, if you are willing to do it for me For all these, I will be your eyes, and I will promise you the position of princess, are you willing?"

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