The dignified empress was so afraid of a noble concubine that she even called her elder sister respectfully.

But this noble concubine didn't give the queen any face, she was very arrogant and arrogant.

Anyone can hear that there is something in the conversation between these two people.

Ling Mu'er looked at Concubine Yi who was right in front of her, and respectfully saluted her, "Mu'er greets Concubine Yi."

Unexpectedly, Concubine Yi, who was as arrogant as a peacock to everyone just now, seemed to see her relatives, and helped her up with her own hands, "You girl, why are you so polite, you are my savior."

Who doesn't know that there is suddenly a noble concubine Yi in the harem, and she is deeply loved and trusted by the emperor.

And Ling Mu'er turned out to be this person's savior, everyone quietly spread out after hearing the news, for fear that this imperial concubine would stand up for Ling Muer and punish them for the crime of framing them just now.

"I'm a doctor, and saving people is my job. You don't have to be polite, empress." Ling Muer looked at Concubine Yi with a smile. After dressing up, she is simply beautiful, even if the years have left marks on her face , but it is hard to hide the natural beauty.

Looking at the Queen's fear of her, she probably guessed it in her heart.

"Without you, there would be no Concubine Yi today. Do you think I should be polite to you?" Concubine Yi glanced at her dotingly, then looked back, staring at the aggrieved Lin Yudie, "Miss Lin, don't you know?" Now do you still think that the benefactor of this palace is the villain who murdered you?"

Lin Yudie didn't understand the twists and turns, but felt that Concubine Yi was trying to protect Ling Mu'er, she puffed her cheeks angrily, "Even if she isn't the murderer, she is still suspected, she... bang!"

Before he could finish his sentence, there was a burning pain on his face.

The clear applause resounded through the sky, and even the empress was surprised by Concubine Yi's actions.

Before Lin Yudie was about to get angry, he protected her behind him, "Concubine Yi, what are you doing?"

"Since my younger sister doesn't know how to train my niece, I will have to work hard to train you." Facing the Queen's question, Concubine Yi not only did not feel timid, but stepped forward to look at her forcefully, "Could it be that my younger sister insists on protecting her? "

Who is protecting whom!

Lin Yudie had never been so ashamed.

She has a Queen's aunt who was used to being domineering and domineering in the past, which of these noble ladies didn't look up to her? But today, not only was she pushed down the frozen lake, but she was also slapped. She felt unhappy.

"Auntie, this person is just a little noble concubine, but you are the current empress, why does she ignore you so much?"

Concubine Yi heard it in her ears, and the smile on the corner of her mouth grew stronger, "Because the aunt you were talking about..."

"Enough!" The queen shouted angrily, turned around, and slapped Lin Yudie on the face again.

The pain from one slap did not ease, and another slap made Lin Yudie feel her head buzzing, and tears fell down, "Auntie, what are you doing!"

"Presumptuous! I am the queen in the palace. From now on, you can only talk about the empress, there is no aunt here!" Ignoring Lin Yudie's tears at all, the empress's chest rose and fell, "Yi Guifei is right, this palace has no Tune you up so that you can talk nonsense here so that you will be embarrassing, come here and send her out of the palace to be locked up for a month, and without my palace's approval, she can't go out of the room for half a step."

She was clearly the victim, and it was fine if no one defended her, but she was still locked up.

And still in front of so many noble girls, Lin Yudie felt even more aggrieved seeing the sneer at the corners of these people's mouths, "I don't want it, I didn't do anything wrong, why should I be confined."

She didn't know the grievances between Concubine Yi and her aunt, she only knew that this sudden appearance was protecting Ling Muer, and everything was because of Ling Muer.

Lin Yudie suddenly rushed in front of Ling Mu'er madly, "You lowly woman, it's because of you that I have fallen to this end, Sun Qiqi must have been ordered by you, I will kill you..."

Before her hands touched her neck, Concubine Yi glanced down, and the two thick nuns beside her, one on each side, threw Lin Yudie straight out like trash.

Even the queen was stunned, she never thought that this crazy woman would be so arrogant now that she would do anything.

"Sister, this is the Royal Garden, Your Majesty..."

"What is your majesty?" Concubine Yi interrupted: "If your majesty knows that my savior has been framed, I believe he will understand what I do, but my sister wants to plead for that brainless girl?"

Of course the queen wanted to, but she knew that once she said yes, this crazy woman would say anything.

"It's Die'er who doesn't know how to measure herself. My sister is right to teach me a lesson." Holding back her anger, she has never felt so aggrieved. She is clearly the mother of a country, but she is like the personal servant of Concubine Yi.

"In that case, let me use your occasion to make it clear to everyone that Ling Mu'er is the savior of the palace, and seeing her in the harem in the future is like seeing me. Do you understand?"

Concubine Yi's piercing eyes swept over everyone one by one, and she held Ling Mu'er in her arms extremely protectively.

Not to mention others, even Ling Muer was shocked, "Imperial concubine..."

Giving her a look to signal her not to say more, Concubine Yi looked at the struggling Lin Yudie, "Anyone who dares to bully Mu'er in the future will be against me, and she will end up!"

No longer giving everyone a chance to react, Concubine Yi was obviously smiling, but the smile was extremely cold, "I've been out for a long time, and my body is not very comfortable. It just so happens that Mu'er is here, so follow me back and have a look at my body." A framed body, I wonder if my sister will agree to let him go?"

Concubine Yi asked to take Ling Mu'er away by name, could she say no?

Her three sentences are inseparable from the events of the past, which means that she will make them public if she disagrees.

She really regretted not completely solving her back then.

Obviously unwilling, but forced a smile on the corner of her mouth, "Of course, Ling Muer is my sister's attending doctor, so I should go to greet you first if I happen to enter the palace today."

"Ah, so my sister knew about it, so why did she bring someone to this imperial garden?" Concubine Yi asked back, not giving the queen any face.

Seeing the Queen's deflated look, she covered her mouth and snickered. She was obviously an elderly woman, but this smile made the plum blossoms beside her compare to each other.

"It's a good thing that I showed up in time today, otherwise my savior would have made you wronged, but since it's a farce, let's leave here. As for those who still want to take the opportunity to murder Mu'er, I also advise you You are all quiet, after all, it is not so easy to find a scapegoat every time."

After Concubine Yi gave a meaningful look in a certain direction, she dragged Ling Muer away from here.

If she leaves, Sheng'er will not be bullied to death by the queen, Ling Muer greets Sheng'er before leaving.

It was obviously a plum viewing event, but it broke up badly. The queen bit her lower lip tightly as she watched their backs leaving arrogantly.

"Just wait and see, I won't let you go!"

"Sheng'er didn't dare to disturb the imperial concubine and Mu'er to reminisce about the past, so I went back first." Knowing that Guifei Yi and Ling Muer had something to say, Sheng'er took her leave and left.

Seeing that Ling Muer was still standing, Imperial Concubine Yi hurriedly took her hand and sat beside her, "What are you doing standing still, silly child, sit down quickly."

If it hadn't been for treating her for several days, Ling Mu'er couldn't believe that this graceful and luxurious woman in front of her was the crazy woman who was tied up in the barren courtyard by iron chains.

"You, are you really all right?" She couldn't believe it.

Concubine Yi sneered, "Could it be that you were so frightened by those people just now, that you still don't believe in your medical skills?"

After finishing speaking, she asked the nanny to prepare good tea, "The empress knows that you saved me, and she will definitely not let you go. When I learned that you entered the palace today, I rushed over. Fortunately, I showed up in time, otherwise I would not let you go." Really let her be bullied by you."

"Thank you, Imperial Concubine!" Ling Muer was moved in her heart.

"It's me who should thank you. Without you, how could I stand here today and have my status restored?" Concubine Yi said, getting up and saluting her. This move frightened Ling Muer.

"Ma'am, what are you doing!"

"Mu'er, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart." Concubine Yi said sincerely.

"Your Majesty, you are being polite. It was Mrs. Su's idea to treat you, and I also collected her consultation fee. This is what I should do." Ling Mu'er did not dare to claim merit alone.

"If you don't have superb medical skills, how can you cure me? Don't look at me crazy at that time, but many things are clear." Concubine Yi smiled, and poured tea for her herself. I have looked for many doctors, but everyone is helpless, you are the only one who cured me and treated me well, I remember it in my heart."

Listening to her words from the bottom of her heart, a warm current flowed through Ling Muer's heart.

I am afraid that the greatest wish of every doctor in the world is that the people who have been treated can sincerely thank them.

"I didn't expect you to enter the palace so soon. When the incident happened and you left the capital suddenly, I gave you acupuncture for the last time with the attitude of giving it a try. I don't know if your body is uncomfortable now?"

Concubine Yi quickly shook her head, "It's very good, it's very good, all the madnesses are cured, and the imperial doctor also said that most of the intractable diseases in the body for many years are also cured, as long as you take more rest, it will be a matter of time before you recover."

Hearing this, Ling Muer was relieved.

At that time, Shangguan Shaochen was in a critical situation at the border. Before she left, she went to the Su Mansion overnight to give her the last injection. Originally, she didn't have much hope. Mrs. Su also said that she could wait for her to come back, but she didn't expect Su Ce move so fast.

"Your Majesty, do you really remember everything?"

Looking at Ling Muer's curious eyes, Concubine Yi knew that what she was curious about was her attitude towards the queen.

There was always a friendly smile on the corners of her eyes and brows, she seemed to really like Ling Muer.

"Yes, I remember everything. The past, everything in the past is here and never forgotten. Of course, this is why the queen is afraid of me today."

As she spoke, a look of arrogance flashed across her eyes.

"Although I don't know the empress well, she is the one who will take revenge. Your empress must be careful when she returns to the palace."

Concubine Yi was taken aback, and the hand holding the teacup even trembled.

Ling Muer saw that something was wrong with her, "What's wrong, Ma'am?"

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