I saw tears rolling in her beautiful pupils.

"You are the first person who reminded me to be careful after I returned to the palace." Concubine Yi choked with sobs, "Mu'er, God really has mercy on me. I met you when I was about to die. You are such a good girl."

Hearing these words, Ling Muer felt a deep sadness in her heart.

"Your Majesty's kindness for saving me today, Mu'er, has written down. If there is anyone Mu'er can help you with in the future, please don't be polite to me."

Concubine Yi smiled sweetly, "You're welcome, of course I won't be polite to you." But the smile on her face soon disappeared, "I returned to the palace and was favored by the emperor again, and I don't know how many people I offended secretly Well, there must be many people wanting my life right now, and I'm afraid I'll really trouble you, "

"Don't tell me, Mu'er will understand." Ling Muer took out a medicine bottle from her bosom.

That was the last petal of the lark.

"Your Majesty, take this. Although I can't guarantee that it will be safe from all poisons, it will definitely be beneficial to your body. As for the other people in the palace, you have to rely on Your Majesty herself."

Joyfully took the medicine bottle, Concubine Yi put it in her arms like a baby, "The only one I can trust in the entire palace right now is you, this thing must be very precious, right?"

When she was insane, before she met Ling Muer, Mrs. Su had found many doctors for her and given her many medicines. She had already become a medicine jar, and she had never smelled so good. No need to guess. Know that this medicine is not easy to prepare.

As she spoke, she winked at Mammy, and in the blink of an eye, a beautiful brocade box appeared in front of Ling Muer.

"Your Majesty, this is impossible!"

Not allowing Ling Muer to refuse, Concubine Yi personally put the fine bracelet on her hand, "It's not something expensive, you've helped me so much, I don't know how to thank you, but you must accept it, outside People who see this won't hurt you anymore."

It's just a bracelet, but it's so powerful?

Seeing Ling Mu'er frowning, the old mother at the side explained: "This is a token of love that the emperor gave to the empress back then, the girl must take it well."

Originally planning to wear it for fun, Ling Muer immediately took off the bracelet when she heard Mammy say this, "It's too expensive, I can't accept it."

"Although the bracelet is still the old bracelet, it doesn't have the same feelings as before. You know everything about my body, and you should have guessed what happened to it back then. You must have been curious about who made it?"

Hearing Concubine Yi's words, Ling Mu'er couldn't help recalling the information that she had miscarried three times in her mind.

"So it looks like it's the emperor?"

A look of disappointment flashed in Concubine Yi's eyes, "That's right, when I was framed, the emperor didn't trust me at all, and even put me in the cold palace. But after all, it was a friendship, and he would go to the cold palace whenever he was unhappy." Visiting me, over time, unexpectedly..."

She couldn't say the next words, two lines of tears were already falling from the corners of her eyes.

It is said to be a visit, but it is actually torture, right?

The emperor couldn't let go of a woman, but because of being calculated by others, he had to be locked in the cold palace, but how could the emperor hurt the person he cared most like this.

"The one who framed you back then was the current queen?" Ling Mu'er asked tentatively, regretting saving her back then.

"That's right, she has been coveting my seat, and she hated the emperor for doting on me for many years. She tried all means to make me neglected by the emperor, and even... But even so, she still refused to give up. She ordered people to sneak into the cold palace, He even planned to burn me to death!" Thinking of her constant calls for help in the sea of ​​fire. Constant shouting. But no one came to help, and she never forgot the pain and despair.

"Fortunately, I escaped, but I was accidentally poisoned by her, and I became a lunatic after that. If Mrs. Su hadn't saved me in time, I'm afraid..." Concubine Yi's face flashed A touch of bleakness.

I'm afraid there has long been no such person in this world.

"So the emperor is ashamed to make you a noble concubine after you enter the palace this time?" Ling Muer asked, but she hated the emperor even more in her heart.

Such a suspicious and violent person by nature, she really didn't think he would be Domingjun.

"From the beginning to the end is the imperial concubine, what the emperor really promised our master is the queen's position." The nanny held her head very proudly.

In this deep palace, the master is honored, and the slaves are naturally superior.

Hearing this, Ling Muer was very shocked, "Second position? Does the emperor know everything about that year?"

"If you don't know, how can you feel ashamed of me?" Concubine Yi sneered, "However, it has been so many years since I just returned to the palace. If I care about so much, it will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of the emperor, so I did not agree to let him reappear. Return the position to me."

"Although you didn't want to return to the throne, the emperor loves you very much. You are more honorable as a noble concubine than the empress." Ling Muer suddenly felt ridiculous for the empress.

After working hard and planning for so long, I am still no match for a woman, even if this person has been away from the deep palace for many years.

"If the emperor feels guilty, he will be good to me. As for why that person is so afraid of me, of course it is because she has a guilty conscience!"

Knowing all the ins and outs, Ling Mu'er only lamented her ill-fated fate.

"But today you deliberately made an enemy of Mu'er for her, I'm afraid she won't swallow this breath, the empress must take care of herself in the palace."

Concubine Yi likes Ling Muer, seeing her being so sincere, she likes it even more, "With your panacea, I believe she can't hurt me. At least she won't in a short time."

Ling Mu'er originally wanted to ask her why she was so confident, but after thinking about it, she understood, "If you get injured again after returning to the palace, the emperor will definitely suspect the queen. You were persecuted by her back then, and the emperor didn't avenge you, and he didn't want to break the law." Everything is peaceful, but if the queen plays tricks again, the emperor will not let it go easily."

Giving her an appreciative look, Concubine Yi seemed to have picked up a treasure, "Why are you so smart, girl, if I didn't know that you have a sweetheart, I would have wanted to fight for my prince."

It's okay not to mention this, but Ling Mu'er's hairs stand on end when it is mentioned, "Your Majesty, stop teasing Mu'er."

"Why am I willing to make fun of you?" Concubine Yi said, taking out something from the bamboo rack on the table and handing it to her, "Take a look at what it is?"

At first, Ling Muer thought it looked familiar, but when she took a closer look, she realized it instantly, "Is this your embroidery when you were in the county prince's mansion?"

"That's right, this thing can prove my disgraceful past, and it can always remind me to stay awake and beware of the people around me! Although I was rescued by Mrs. Su back then, the days when I was neither human nor ghost I will never forget it in my life, I will never forget that everyone looked at me like a monster, but you are different."

Concubine Yi gently touched Ling Mu'er's hand, "Mu'er, I really like you, and I also sincerely thank you. Without you, I would not be where I am today, and it would be impossible for me to meet Huang'er again, and I would never know you again." I will return to this seat. Remember, what I said outside just now was not just talking, and I will definitely protect you in the future!"

Ling Mu'er believed very much that she must be the one who would do what she said, otherwise she would not have preferred to confront the Queen head-on and defend her.

"I'm just doing my duty as a doctor, and the person I really want to thank should be the virtuous king."

Concubine Yi nodded, "I've heard about this matter. Without the secret help of the virtuous king, I would not have entered the palace so smoothly to meet the emperor, and my emperor's son would not have been restored to the position of crown prince. Both of you He is our benefactor."

"Mother Concubine..."

A deep voice came from behind, "I don't know why my concubine hurriedly sent someone to announce my entry into the palace?"

I saw His Royal Highness wearing a shining brocade robe and walked in three steps and two steps, "But what's wrong with your body, son..."

Before he finished speaking, he looked back and saw Ling Muer sitting upright, the prince's eyes widened in surprise, "Ling Muer, why is it you?"

"Minnv has met His Royal Highness the Prince."

Although she hated this naughty villain, she did not forget the rules she should have.

"Oh, you still know that I'm the prince?" The prince sneered, and grabbed Ling Muer by the collar and lifted her up, "Well, you Ling Muer, the prince didn't ask you to settle accounts, but you offered to send her to my door. Come, my prince today..."


Concubine Yi roared angrily, and rushed forward to slap the prince's hand off, "Bastard, what are you doing to the concubine's benefactor?"

After being reprimanded, the prince was taken aback for a moment. He looked at Concubine Mu and then at Ling Muer, feeling unwilling, "Concubine Mu, Ling Muer should have saved you. You really don't have to feel indebted to her. Besides, you I don’t know that it’s all because of her that my minister’s position as prince was abolished!”

When Concubine Yi suddenly appeared and treated her very well, she wondered if she knew that the prince was deposed because of her.

Now that the crown prince is telling the story of the past in public, Ling Muer looks nervously at Concubine Yi.

Originally thought she would get angry, but who knew she slapped the prince on the face.

"Mother Concubine!"

The crown prince was stunned, and Ling Muer was also stunned.

This Concubine Yi seems to like beating people a little bit?

"Bastard! Do you still know that it was because of Mu'er?" Concubine Yi asked back, her furious face was exactly the same as when she confronted the queen just now, "Don't think I don't know the nasty things you did back then! I...I How could you give birth to such a bastard!"

Looking at her own child as if looking at the enemy's child, Concubine Yi sighed and became angry, in short, she did not have the mercy that a mother should have.

"Mother, how can you protect her like this?"

"If I don't defend her, am I defending you? As a prince, you actually listened to other people's rumors and did that kind of unconscionable thing to Mu'er! If the virtuous king hadn't rescued you back then, I would have let the emperor behead you today." No!"

No longer looking at the prince, Concubine Yi hurriedly protected Ling Muer behind her, "Girl, it's all because the prince is naughty, please don't be as knowledgeable as him for my sake."

"Mother concubine!" The prince really did not expect his mother concubine to face an enemy so humbly.

"Shut up!" Concubine Yi yelled angrily, "Do you know what I am announcing you to do today? Apologize to Mu'er!"

"Apologize? Mother and concubine asked me to apologize to her?" The prince thought he had heard the Arabian Nights, "I am also a dignified prince, and all the women in the world belong to me and my father. What is wrong with me wanting her? Why should I?" Apologize to her? Besides, King Xian and the current second elder brother have humiliated me, I have to take revenge for this revenge!"

Concubine Yi was so angry that she even kicked him on the knee, "Nie Zhan, I not only want you to apologize today, you also have to kneel down and apologize to me!"

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