Where is the reason for the prince to kneel down to the daughter of the people?

Even if Ling Mu'er knew that Concubine Yi really wanted to vent her anger and wanted to defend her, she would not dare to make the Crown Prince kneel down to her.

"Young lady, you are serious."

"This brat did such a thing to you back then, and I must apologize to you today!" Concubine Yi pressed the prince's body and forced him to bow his head to Ling Mu'er.

Seeing that the prince was really about to kneel down, Ling Muer hurriedly helped him up, "The prince has already paid the price for his mistakes at the beginning. If the empress hadn't restored his identity this time, the prince is still in confinement. The empress is merciful."

Seeing Ling Muer's troubled face, Concubine Yi instantly understood the meaning of her words, and let go of Huang'er's hand, "Thank you, Muer, for pleading for you?"

"I thank her?" The prince only felt that everything he suffered today was a great humiliation, "Ling Muer, don't think that I will thank you for just a few nice words, I am a prince after all, and all of this is yours. What to do."

"You..." Concubine Yi was in a hurry, "I knew I shouldn't let you go easily, you brat, see if I don't teach you a lesson today."

Speaking of which, Concubine Yi picked up the feather duster on the table and greeted the prince.

After being whipped by that thing, the crown prince hastily dodged, "Concubine Mu, am I your child or Ling Muer? Why do you protect her like this?"

"She is my savior, then your savior. Without her to cure my illness, do you think you can easily recover your status?" The more Concubine Yi looked at Huang'er, the more she felt that she was a piece of mud that couldn't be supported, "In short , from now on, I order you not to bully Mu'er again!"

"What kind of ecstasy did this stinky girl give you to make you treat her so well?" The prince was not convinced, looking at Ling Mu as if he was an enemy when he was a child,

"Brat, I warn you, if you dare to bully her after leaving this palace, I will never forgive you!" Like a girl.

"Mother and concubine!" The crown prince was about to go mad with rage.

"The concubine greets the concubine mother."

Everyone was disturbed by a pretty voice, and when they looked back, they saw the Crown Princess standing at the door of the bedroom, and she was holding an infant in her arms.

Seeing this, Concubine Yi hurriedly rushed over, "Get up, get up, didn't I tell you how many times there are no rules in my family, and besides, you are still hugging the little grandson."

Immediately hugging the child into her arms, Concubine Yi was extremely rare.

The Crown Princess saw Ling Muer's existence, and then looked at the Prince. She was taken aback for a moment, but her face was very calm, "Why is Miss Ling here?"

"Miss Ling, I think we will call her aunt soon!" The prince who was still angry could say anything, and sure enough, the result of covering his mouth was being punched by his concubine again.

"The real emperor's son is not as good as a little girl. There is no way to stay in this place. Mother and concubine bid farewell!"

After telling the princess to take good care of his mother, the prince left angrily.

Seeing his furious back, Concubine Yi was still a little worried, "Mu'er, don't be as knowledgeable as the prince, I know he hurt you at the beginning, but he paid the price as you said, but don't worry, I I will find someone to watch him, if he dares to attack you again, he will come to me anytime."

I am really grateful to Concubine Yi for loving her so much.

Ling Mu'er found that she was really lucky, everyone she met was very kind to her.

"Thank you for the concubine's care." Standing up to salute, she accidentally leaked the bracelet on her wrist, which made the princess frowned.

The concubine glanced at Ling Muer, then at the concubine mother who was very fond of the little emperor's grandson, and curled her lips bitterly, "Concubine mother, the prince is so impulsive, I might get into some trouble when I go out. The concubine is worried and wants to go and have a look."

Seeing this, Ling Mu'er hurriedly got up, "The imperial concubine's health has just recovered, and it's not suitable to be too tired. Besides, the daughter of the people will not delay the mother-child time of the empress and the emperor's grandson, so I will leave first."

"Calculating the time, it's time for the empress to go back with everyone to admire the plum blossoms. If you delay for too long, it's not good after all, then let the crown princess see you off, but you often come to the palace if you are free." Concubine Yi said,

Knowing that Concubine Yi really appreciates and likes her, Ling Muer hurriedly responded with a smile, and walked out of the Concubine's Palace with the Crown Princess one after the other.

"The bracelet in your hand was given to you by your concubine, right?" As expected, the concubine saw its existence.

Ling Mu'er knew that if she didn't admit it but hid it this time, she would be too stingy, so she simply handed it to her generously, "I saved the life of the imperial concubine, and the empress gave the most cherished bracelet in the past to me. I, do you think the princess is not worth it?"

'Puchi' The princess laughed, "Well, you Ling Muer, who do you think I am, are you afraid that I will take it away?"

"Isn't it?" Ling Mu'er blinked her big innocent eyes, "Seeing that the Crown Princess looks unhappy, isn't she angry and jealous?"

"You woman..." The Crown Princess stammered, "You are as bold as ever!"

Although the words were reproaches, the Crown Princess smiled and looked at her with no previous hostility in her eyes, Ling Muer bowed to her again, "Minnv has seen the Crown Princess, the Crown Princess, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Yeah, it's been long enough," waving her hand to signal her to get up, the princess took a deep breath, her gaze became distant and long.

"I thought it was the last time we saw each other. I didn't expect such an earth-shaking change to happen after a few months. Speaking of which, we really should thank you." The princess leaned down, showing a sincere smile although envious, "This bracelet is well deserved to be worn on your hand."

"It's Mu'er who thanked the Crown Princess. Back then..."

Ling Mu'er didn't finish her sentence, when she saw a piercing look from the princess, she immediately shut up obediently.

"Congratulations to the crown prince and concubine on the birth of a precious son. Counting the months, the little emperor's grandson should have just reached the full moon," Ling Muer cleverly changed the subject.

Since the princess doesn't want to say it, let him be an eternal secret.

When she was mentioned as a child, the arrogance on the princess's face turned into tenderness, and after becoming a mother, all the hostility in a woman's body disappeared.

"According to my body, I thought that I would not be able to continue the prince's heirs in this life. Is it because you have taken good care of yourself?" I was once abolished because of you, but also restored my status because of you. Ling Muer, Ling Muer, you are truly a legendary woman."

It was the first time to be praised like this by someone, Ling Muer was a little arrogant, "Muer, thank you for your ridiculous praise."

"Oh, you are not welcome. That's right, a weak folk girl can go to the court, which is enough to show your strength. I heard that you rejected the second prince in public today?"

Ling Muer was not surprised that the court affairs would spread so quickly.

But the princess kept silent about what happened at that time, and she couldn't ask how she was doing during this time.

Nodded, "Things are different, many things have changed, and he is no longer the person I wanted to marry, so why not refuse?"

"That's the second prince. You really don't know how much the emperor values ​​him?" The princess was very curious, staring at her with piercing eyes, as if she wanted to see through her.

Ling Mu'er didn't know if she said this out of curiosity, or because she was asking for the prince, she raised her innocent face, "It doesn't matter if you value it, it doesn't matter if you don't, since you want to be my Ling Muer's man, of course you can't have sex with anyone Sharing, I don't care about the side concubine."

"It's not a rare sentence!" The princess admired it very much, "I really envy you for being able to live so chicly. I'm afraid you have seen it today, how many women are vying to marry the second prince, let alone a sideline Even if the concubine is a girl in the house, I believe she will break her head, but you don't care about it?"

The Crown Princess shook her head, sighing secretly that she did not have such courage and courage.

"I'm afraid you won't be so calm after the banquet starts."

The princess said, and the two of them had already walked to the door of the banquet, "Go in quickly, you see that the queen and others have already gone back, and you are today's protagonist, if you don't see me for a long time, I'm afraid it's not appropriate."

"Thank you, Princess, for reminding me." Ling Muer bowed and planned to leave, but after much deliberation, she called her to stop, "Your Majesty, stay here."

She took out a pill from the space, "The little emperor's grandson is still young and weak, but after all, he is the first emperor's grandson in the royal family. How many pairs of eyes are staring behind his back. This pill can keep him safe, and the princess must take it." Down."

Looking at the thing in Ling Mu'er's hand in surprise, she said that she could put the safety in the hands of the security guard, and instantly attracted all the eyes of the princess.

"Is it really that powerful?"

"If you believe me, it's so powerful. Of course, it's important to be on guard against others. Concubine Yi knows the truth. I believe the Crown Princess and Concubine are not ignorant."

Looking at Ling Muer's deep eyes, it seemed that she meant something, the princess was always quick to understand the meaning of her words.

"Now I really sigh that I saved you at the beginning, but didn't let you follow the prince."

Ling Mu'er smiled slightly, "Seeing that the Crown Princess is so happy now, Mu'er is really happy for you. No matter what the future will be, if there is a need for Mu'er, I will definitely define it."

It can be regarded as the love back then.

The princess also returned a gentle smile, "I can't control so much about the prince's affairs, and I don't have the right to control it. What will happen in the future will be determined by my own destiny, and it's not something I can change as a girl. Of course, what I care most about now is Take good care of the little grandson, as long as he is safe and healthy, I don't care about the rest."

Maybe this is the great maternal love.

Ling Mu'er would never understand the emotion in the corners of the princess's eyes and brows when she mentioned the child, but she knew that once the prince did any dirty things again, she would definitely not sit back and watch.

"Mu'er wishes everything that happens to the Crown Princess Concubine to be everything she imagined."

"Thank you very much. However, you should still be worried about the second prince. Don't think that I can't see that although you refused to marry in public, you are actually suffocated. I'm afraid you will really be suffocated if you don't go back."

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