When Ling Mu'er returned to her seat, all the female relatives who had just left had already returned, and there was a daughter from a certain family playing the piano in the middle of the banquet.

The palace has a dedicated dance team, why would you let a lady do such a thing?

Ling Muer looked at the crowd curiously, and saw that the emperor was asking Shangguan Shaochen for his opinion.

At this time, the lady playing the qin stepped down and was replaced by another young lady who danced swords. When this girl came on stage, a eunuch handed over the file to Shangguan Shaochen. Ling Muer saw that the emperor asked Shangguan Shaochen for his opinion again. .

"I'm afraid you'll really be suffocated if you don't go back." The words the Crown Princess said just now sounded in her ears, Ling Mu'er's nose was sore for no reason, and an unknown fire was spreading in her heart at a low speed.

Even though Shangguan Shaochen kept a cold face the whole time, and didn't even glance at the file, she still felt that the little flame in her heart was about to turn into a fireball and explode.

At this time, Lan Qianying, the daughter of the prime minister's mansion, was on stage.

I saw her playing the piano first and then dancing for everyone. With her soft figure and bright makeup, she is worthy of being the most beautiful woman in the capital. It is her frown and smile that attracts the eyes of all the men present.

"Hmph." Ling Mu'er let out a cold snort from her nasal cavity, and after glancing at Lan Qianying, she didn't even bother to lift her eyelids.

Don't think that she didn't see who was behind the scenes for what happened in the Imperial Garden just now.

Although Sun Qiqi was arrested, but this Lan Qianying left a word to comfort her, and another word for her brother, this woman wanted to deal with her wholeheartedly, and she would look good when she got out of the palace!

"Sure enough, she is a rare and talented woman, Prime Minister Lan, you are good at teaching women!"

Lan Qianying's performance was undoubtedly the best in the audience, and even the emperor praised her repeatedly.

The lost face of the Prime Minister finally regained a little bit of dignity in his daughter's talent, and finally put a smile on his vicissitudes of old face, he shook his head again and again and said humbly, "The emperor praised you absurdly."

"I don't know who can be worthy of such a beautiful woman." The emperor took a deep breath, seeming to be very regretful, but soon his eyes were on Shangguan Shaochen again.

He just used his eyes to ask about all the noble girls before, but he really liked Lan Qianying, and asked loudly: "I don't know, Miss Lan, what do you think?"

Asking such a straightforward question instantly attracted everyone's attention, and even the prime minister looked over in disbelief.

They have already suffered a terrible loss from the virtuous king, and they can no longer be ashamed of the second prince.

Shangguan Shaochen raised his eyes, "Father is asking my son?"

His pitch-black eyes looked at the emperor and then at Lan Qianying who was performing, and curled his lips, "Beauty is beautiful, but there is a fly in the ointment."

An extremely light voice, but that disdainful tone has already made his attitude clear.

The "pata" that the prime minister had expected was shattered again.

And Lan Qianying performing on the stage is like a fatal blow.

Rejected by the virtuous king and rejected by the second prince, her reputation of Lan Qianying was completely ruined today!

Looking at the leisurely and composed Ling Muer opposite, she felt a strong sense of evil in her heart, and looking at Su Ce who was blind but kept looking in Ling Muer's direction, she almost couldn't bear that tone.

Brother Ce, I will definitely get you!

"How can there be a fly in the ointment? From my point of view, this Lan Qianying is excellent in all aspects. The emperor really doesn't think about it? Your second prince's mansion is very empty, and it's time to add some female relatives."

The emperor's problem was obvious. He valued Lan Qianying very much, and hoped that the second prince could accept her as a concubine.

But how can Shangguan Shaochen be someone who is at his mercy? He is still angry about being rejected by Ling Muer, not to mention Lan Qianying, even if he is a fairy, he has no interest.

A look of disgust flashed across his eyes, and he impatiently put down the wine glass in his hand, and was about to refuse more severely, when the old prime minister saw his intention, and rushed ahead.

"Thank you, my minister, for the emperor's favor. It seems that Qianying's marriage has not come yet, and the emperor has his heart."

Even though he said so, the prime minister gritted his teeth and frowned tightly. If the person in front of him hadn't been promoted today, I'm afraid he would have rushed forward with his old face and taught these people who insulted his dignity a good lesson.

Damn it, today the second prince and the virtuous king have lost all the dignity of the prime minister's mansion. His daughter, who he used to be so proud of, is now thrown around like garbage, and no one wants the key.

Although all the courtiers sympathized with him, which one behind the sympathy is not ridicule or insinuation?

He remembered today's humiliation!

"Master, Miss Ling is back."

When Zitong found out that Ling Muer, who hadn't returned home for a long time, came back, she hurriedly told Su Ce.

The heart that had been hanging was finally let go, because he had to pretend to be blind, he couldn't take off the mask, so naturally he couldn't see Ling Muer's state, he asked anxiously, "Is there any injury? Go, send someone to check them out and leave What happened after that."

His public refusal of Lan Qianying would definitely cause that woman's revenge. All the female relatives came back, but Ling Mu'er didn't come back, so he was worried.

"Master Hui, we have already checked."

Zitong told Su Ce everything he had found, who was furious when he heard this.

"What a Lan Qianying, how dare you touch my people!"

Su Ce was furious, full of murderous aura, Zi Tong hurriedly bowed her body, "Master, do you have an order?"

"Hmph, she doesn't want status and glory, so give her what she wants." Su Ce curled his lips sideways.

"Master, Miss Lan has made a move." Zi Tong put her lips to Su Ce's ear, and carefully told what she had seen and heard. The smile on the corner of Su Ce's mouth widened when he heard this.

"I was thinking about how to do it, but she took the initiative to deliver it to my door. Since she wants to act, she should act in a bigger one."

Su Ce got up and declared to the emperor that he was unwell and wanted to go to the side hall to rest.

The emperor admired Su Ce very much, and how could he disagree with him even if he was ill?

When Su Ce got up to leave, he hissed and explained something to Zitong beside him. Zitong nodded repeatedly, and quietly looked at Lan Qianying on the opposite side from the corner of her eye, "She really followed, sir, this subordinate will send Someone contact the Seventh Prince?"

Su Ce nodded without saying a word, and Zitong acted immediately.

At the banquet, the noble ladies were still showing off their talents. Although Shangguan Shaochen was not interested in anyone, Ling Muer was very sad that the emperor blatantly chose a concubine for him, and did not notice Su Ce beside him at all. He and Lan Qianying left one after another.

"There's water, there's water in Yutingxuan."

Suddenly, there was a noisy sound outside, and everyone looked out in unison.

Flooding in the palace is no small matter. The emperor rushed out of the palace with the queen and others, only to see green smoke rising from the palace diagonally opposite.

"What's going on over there!" The original good mood was destroyed, and the emperor Longyan was furious.

A soldier hurried over, "Go back to the emperor, Yuting Pavilion is flooded, and the subordinates are doing their best to rescue them."

"How can there be water in the inner courtyard of the palace? Take me to have a look."

The emperor hurried towards the place where the smoke was coming out, and everyone followed behind. Ling Mu'er originally didn't want to join in the excitement, but somehow she got mixed in with the crowd because of being crowded by the large army.

Seeing that she was almost pushed down, a strong arm firmly hooked her slender waist, and a man's pleasant voice came from above her head, "Are you okay?"

Seeing Shangguan Shaochen's concerned face, Ling Muer was moved for a moment, but soon she quickly got up from his arms, "Thank you, Second Prince, for saving me."

"Did you hear anything?"

Shangguan Shaochen frowned, his sharp eyes suddenly looked around.

Ling Muer was asked this question, "What, what?"

Before Ling Mu'er could figure out the situation, Shangguan Shaochen had already stopped the emperor, "Go back to father, there seems to be a strange voice over there, please move to Yuting Pavilion, let my son go and have a look?"

At this time, everyone happened to pass by a palace, and Yuting Pavilion was opposite. When Shangguan Shaochen said this, everyone stopped, and the originally chaotic place suddenly became quiet, making the strange voice It appears to be getting bigger and bigger.

A man's gasp, a woman's...

All of a sudden, everyone present was red-faced.

Shangguan Shaochen was so surprised that he couldn't keep his mouth shut for a while, he never thought that the strange voice was like this.

"Zhongcui Palace?" The emperor pointed to the source of the voice, his face was already very ugly at this moment, "What is this place?"

It is common for maidservants and guards to meet each other privately in the palace, but in this broad daylight, and there is such a big commotion, no matter who it is, this matter cannot be easily avoided.

"Go back to the emperor, this is the side hall, there was no one here in the past, this..." The queen's face was not looking any better, she immediately gave the nanny a wink.

Seeing this, the two nuns first stepped forward and knocked on the door. Sure enough, after hearing the movement, the inside immediately became quiet.

But soon, a woman's voice came from inside.

"Don't stop, Qianying wants to..."

As soon as this remark came out, all the crowd who followed to watch the play exploded after three seconds of astonishment.

Especially Prime Minister Lan, who followed closely behind the emperor, his face turned from white to blue, and then from green to black, and he was so angry that his head almost smoked.

It was only then that Ling Muer noticed that there was no Lan Qianying in the crowd, but it was only after searching that she found that Su Ce was also missing.

"Don't move, I advise you not to show off at this time." Realizing that she wanted to find Su Ce, Shangguan Shaochen grabbed her arm and reminded her with a voice that only two people could hear.

"Shut up and stop talking!"

A low male voice sounded familiar from the room.

The nanny who knocked on the door hurriedly said, "Who is inside, come out! If you don't come out, we will knock on the door!"

Hearing the commotion outside, the inside became quiet again. Everyone didn't know what happened, but a certain enchanting female voice sounded again, "Don't leave Qianying, I still want... um..."

The strange panting and the seductive and seductive hold back were loud, perhaps she didn't notice it herself.

The faces of the emperor and the empress were already very ugly, and others couldn't hear it, but the two of them knew who the person was inside as soon as they heard it.

"Bastard, the people in the palace actually did such a nasty thing, no matter who I find out!"

With the emperor's order, the hesitant mothers ruthlessly kicked open the door one by one.

All the people who watched the show stretched their necks and looked inside, only to see a man come out in a panic while wearing clothes, seeing the crowds of people in front of him, he was frightened immediately, and knelt on the ground with a 'plop', " Father, please forgive me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure suddenly jumped out from behind him. The woman was hanging on the man like an octopus. The key is that she is not naked at the moment.

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