"Father, please forgive me, Father, this woman seduced me, don't care about my business!"

Pushing away the woman on his body suddenly, the prince kowtowed to the emperor continuously, his flustered appearance seemed to know that he had caused a catastrophe.

The woman who was pushed away was lying on the ground and was still moaning. She frowned with a look of dissatisfaction, which really feasted the eyes of the men outside.

Prime Minister Lan in the crowd couldn't hold back his face for a long time. Seeing the scene in front of him, he didn't go forward or leave, and he was so angry that he spurted blood.

"Prime Minister Lan?" Someone immediately supported his body.

But it was also because of this slight action that everyone knew that the person who had a private meeting with the prince in the palace and even did such a dirty thing was Lan Qianying, the daughter of the prime minister's mansion.

Ling Mu'er, who was stunned by the scene in front of her, couldn't believe her eyes for a while. Although she could tell at a glance that Lan Qianying had been drugged, she didn't expect things to turn out like this.

From the corner of her eye, she inadvertently saw Su Ce in the crowd. She blinked to make sure she wasn't dazzled, and looked at the involuntary curve of his mouth. Although she didn't know when he appeared in the crowd, that smile explained everything clearly.

"Come on, take these two dirty things down!"

Seeing that the emperor's fury was about to erupt at any moment, the empress immediately ordered the nanny to take him away, and turned to look behind her, "My lords, everyone saw the flood in the inner courtyard of the palace today, and I really don't have time to go back to the banquet. Let's go then."

The crown prince had an affair with the daughter of the prime minister's mansion. If such a thing spread, the crown prince who had just recovered his status might be deposed again.

The ministers, who were feasting their eyes, were still talking about the scene they saw just now. When they heard the Queen's order to evict the guests, they naturally didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurriedly took the order to retreat one by one.

Ling Mu'er was about to leave, but was stopped by the emperor, "Miss Ling stop, and I'm asking you to show those two restless ones a look."

The good mood of the whole day was destroyed, and the originally high-spirited emperor seemed to have aged ten years in an instant. After all, such a shameful thing happened to the royal dragon son, it was a great humiliation to the royal family.

"It's the emperor."

Although reluctant, Ling Muer still followed.

Prime Minister Lan immediately knelt on the ground, "It's okay for a humble minister to be a goddaughter, and I ask the emperor to punish her!"

"Okay, today's incident must not be a coincidence. Let's wait until Ling Muer finds out the situation. But don't worry, if there is a problem with my royal family, the Prime Minister's Mansion will definitely have a satisfactory explanation!"

Without even looking at Prime Minister Lan, the emperor told others to check on the leaking water, then flicked his sleeves and followed Ling Muer.

Not only the ministers, but all the female relatives were dismissed by the queen.

The prince who was brought back to the Zhongcui Palace learned of Ling Muer's intention to come in, he reached out to grab Ling Muer's arm, and the latter was protected by Shangguan Shaochen while dodging.

"Why, the third brother is a woman who doesn't take care of her enough, do you think we are bothering you?"

Although Shangguan Shaochen's words were very unflattering, the prince knew that now was not the time to argue with him.

Just at this moment, the emperor, queen and prime minister came slowly, the prince said nervously: "There is something strange about this matter, Ling Mu'er is a doctor, she will know when she checks!"

Pointing to Lan Qianying who was under control, the prince finished speaking, and then hurriedly ran to the emperor, "Please trust me, father, this matter is not as simple as it seems, she seduced me, she really seduced me First."

"A woman's chastity has been ruined by you. As a prince and as a man, you dare to do something. How can I have such a cowardly emperor like you, you..."

The emperor was short of breath, he drew out the guard's sword and was about to rush forward, Shangguan Shaochen hurriedly stopped him, "Father, if you want to explain to the prime minister's mansion, it will not be too late to deal with it until everything is clear."

As soon as this remark came out, it perfectly resolved the current embarrassing situation, and gave the prime minister enough face.

Hearing this, and looking at the coquettish appearance of his daughter, Prime Minister Lan felt that there was nowhere to put her old face, "Thank you for your mercy, the old minister has no way to teach the daughter and humiliates the family style. After the matter is clarified, I will take it back for good discipline! "

At this time, Ling Muer had already walked to Lan Qianying's side, and she was knocked out because she was too noisy.

Ling Muer checked her eyes first, and then checked her pulse. She didn't see anything strange at first, but there was a very pungent smell on her body. Soon, she shook her head.

"Please trouble Mammy to fetch a basin of water."

With the consent of the queen, Mammy went to fetch water.

A basin of cold water was poured on her face, and the fainted Lan Qianying coughed a few times and immediately woke up.

She looked around in a daze, and then looked at the people across the way. When she saw the emperor and her father kneeling on the ground, she hurriedly stood up, but Ling Muer hurriedly held her body down, "Miss Lan, think twice."

Lan Qianying was taken aback for a moment, but soon realized that something was wrong. She lowered her head to look at herself in disheveled clothes, and suddenly her head boomed, as if it had been blasted.

Looking at the man who was also kneeling on the ground, it was not the brother Ce in his imagination. She was like a bolt from the blue again.

"Why, how did this happen?" Lan Qianying was breathing tensely, her face was pale, her hands were tightly grasping the quilt wrapped around her body, and she tried to find a corner where she could hide.

"Naughty woman! You have done such a scandal yourself, how dare you ask others?"

Prime Minister Lan was so angry that he almost fainted, and when he looked at his daughter again, he shook his head in disappointment.

The daughter he had worked so hard to raise was ruined like this. Not only her, but the entire Prime Minister's Mansion is ruined from now on!

"Father, father is not like this, I..." Lan Qianying hurriedly wanted to explain, but she couldn't utter a complete sentence after a while.

She looked at the prince kneeling on the ground in astonishment, and cried even more fiercely.

"You woman, you're the one who seduced me, and you're still crying, why are you crying!" Seeing that she couldn't tell the truth clearly, the crown prince couldn't help scolding her.

"Presumptuous!" The emperor yelled angrily, "As a prince, if you did such a thing, is this what you should say?"

Being reprimanded, the prince immediately lowered his head and blamed himself, but he was still unwilling to reconcile, "Why doesn't father want to trust his son?"

The emperor was very disappointed, no matter what the prince said, he didn't want to pay attention.

Looking straight at Ling Muer, "What's the matter with her? But as the prince said?"

Ling Mu'er knew that if she opened her mouth today, Lan Qianying would be ruined, should she help her? But she really couldn't think of any reason to forget Lan Qianying's harm to her in the past.

"Back to the emperor, Miss Lan has taken an excessive amount of charm-drugs in her body, so..."

"Look, look, I'll just say that this matter is not my responsibility alone, Father really doesn't blame me!" Finally getting the answer, the prince heaved a sigh of relief, "I just went to Zhongcui Palace just to find someone. As soon as she thought of entering the door, she rushed over. Father, I am an iron-blooded man, and I couldn't control such an enchanting girl for a while."


As soon as the prince's words fell, he received a solid slap on the face

The prince looked back in disbelief, "Father!"

Seeing that the emperor was about to slap him a second time, the queen hurriedly stopped her, "Your majesty, this matter has also been investigated. The prince is right. After all, it is not his fault alone. It is not appropriate for you to punish only one person like this."

The prime minister knew that the emperor did all this for him to see, if he didn't do anything else, the prime minister's position would probably come to an end.

The daughter of the prime minister's mansion drugged the prince, if someone gets to the bottom of it...

"You evil girl, is this how your father taught you? How could I have given birth to such a bastard daughter like you, even if the well-behaved young lady didn't do it?"

The prime minister raised his hand to strike, but Lan Qianying dodged it.

"Father, no, I didn't treat the prince, but I, I..." She stammered, her face already terribly ugly.

Because she never thought that things would develop to this point.

Looking at Ling Muer again, why is she here? Yes, this matter must have something to do with her.

"It's her talking nonsense. I didn't drug myself. As the daughter of the prime minister's mansion, how could I do such a dirty and despicable thing. Father, please believe me."

Whether it is true or not, a father can tell at a glance, but if there is a scapegoat at this time, I am afraid that things will ease a lot.

The prime minister looked back and turned to Ling Mu'er, "Miss Ling, please take a closer look, is there really what you said in Qianying's body?"

Obviously she made a mistake, but she still wanted to hurt her, Ling Muer was angry at her sudden impatience just now.

"I just said that she was poisoned by the charm-drug, but I didn't say that she gave it to herself. Does Miss Lan blame me if she doesn't tell herself?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone grasped the point of what Lan Qianying said just now.

The prince immediately jumped up, "Well, you Lan Qianying, you, a girl, used such medicine to me. Did you covet the status of the prince's side concubine? Marriage, it is easy for you to enter my prince's mansion with your beauty, but you framed me even if you don't want your reputation, you woman..."

The prince gritted his teeth in hatred, and didn't feel anything strange about this incident at all.

As soon as the words fell, two women hurried in from outside.

"What's going on here? What's wrong with my emperor?" Concubine Yi let others support her and rushed to the prince's side.

The Crown Princess saw Lan Qianying that something was wrong at a glance. She bit her lower lip tightly with her white teeth. Although she didn't say a word, the disappointment and hatred in her eyes were so obvious.

"Your Majesty, this..."

"Okay, didn't Concubine Yi see everything?"

Interrupting what Concubine Yi was about to say, the emperor rubbed the center of his brows, took a deep breath and said, "This is the end of the matter, and the royal reputation is involved, I don't want to pursue it too much, whether it's being framed by others, or it doesn't matter if it's your own will, say it yourself Tell me how you want to solve it."

The emperor didn't find out that it was the prime minister's mansion who wanted to seduce the crown prince. It was already a great gift to the prime minister's mansion. The prime minister knew that at this time, he could only thank the emperor for his kindness. "I thank the emperor for his kindness. Everything depends on the emperor."

Such a shameful thing to give away a good daughter to someone else for nothing and ask for a seal is worse than killing him.

Prime Minister Lan didn't even look at Lan Qianying, he just wanted to solve this trouble as soon as possible.

"Although I don't know what the situation is, but the matter has come to this, why not let Miss Lan enter the Prince's Mansion, the Prince's Mansion will never treat her badly."

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