She didn't expect to have too much contact with Su Ce, but she knew that she was already in the same camp as Su Ce.

If someone wanted to deal with Su Ce, those people would definitely not let her go, so she felt the need to ask him what was going on.

But to her disappointment, when she came to Prince Xian's mansion, Su Ce was not in the mansion. The housekeeper said that he was summoned by the emperor to enter the palace. After all, today is the day to enter the palace with his princess.

Ling Mu'er had no choice but to go back the same way, but she didn't know that there were two eyes watching all this in the dark room of the palace.

"Master, why don't you go see Miss Ling, you obviously..."

Before Zitong finished speaking, he had already received cold threats from his master, so he could only obediently shut up.

"It's nothing more than asking me why I chose to do it at this time. I was too reckless. There is no need to let her see the joke!"

Lowering his eyes listlessly, Su Ce felt an air of cold air all over his body that no one should get close to, as if he was on a thousand-year glacier.

"This subordinate thinks that Miss Ling really cares about you, and she will definitely not laugh at you like everyone else. Lord, if you go after it now, there is still time." Zitong was really anxious for the master.

Unexpectedly, Su Ce suddenly became furious, "When will it be your turn to point fingers in this king's affairs, are you teaching me how to court women now?"

Zitong was ashamed and hurriedly knelt on the ground, "This subordinate dare not."

"Since you don't dare, just shut up obediently, isn't there enough jokes today!"

Su Ce roared angrily, his whole body was filled with murderous aura, as if he was a Shura who had risen from hell.

He was indeed too anxious, because he was provoked by Ling Muer, so he wanted to get rid of that vicious old woman in the palace as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, Princess Heqin came to the capital seven days in advance, which completely disrupted all his plans and made him the laughing stock of civil and military officials!

Everyone knew that he had a reason for this matter first, and also understood that he did it to avenge his life, but because of the reason for marrying the princess, the emperor temporarily let her go, and gave her enough time and the opportunity to turn things around for himself. Chance!

Today in the court, all civil and military officials sympathized with him, but which one didn't laugh at him from the bottom of their hearts.

This time I didn't bring down the empress, it would be difficult for the emperor to execute her in public next time.

Moreover, because of this incident, the queen will definitely deal with him more vigorously. He has always been close to Ling Muer, and according to that person's mind, he will never let Ling Muer go.

If he wanted to keep her safe, the only thing he could do was to stay away from that girl, and then stay away.

"Western Region, Amu Yaoyao has met the Emperor of Heaven, long live the emperor, long live the emperor."

A bright girl knelt on the ground and bowed to the emperor. All the people who came with her performed the same standard movements as her, but none of them had the joy and joy on her face.

This princess is not only beautiful, but also has a very sweet voice. The main reason is that she came to make a kiss with the intention of surrendering, but she looked very excited and happy.

"The princess is free, and you are flat." The emperor Longyan said happily, "You said your name is Amu Yaoyao?"

The girl was wearing the unique clothes of the Western Regions. When she got up, she turned around flamboyantly in accordance with the customs of the Western Regions, making her even more naughty and cute.

Seeing the curious look of the emperor, she nodded her head like a smart child, "It is the emperor, but do as the Romans do, I will soon be a member of the Celestial Dynasty, so I named myself a name from your side."

"Our name?" The emperor was surprised by what she said at first, but soon he laughed heartily, "Ha, hahaha, interesting, the princess speaks freely and cheerfully, it is really interesting, I wonder what name the princess gave herself ?”

"I have loved the culture of the Celestial Dynasty since I was a child. 'Thousands of miles of yellow clouds and white sun, the north wind blows wild geese and snow, Mo Chou has no confidant in the road ahead, everyone in the world does not know the king' My name is Mo Junyao!"

The woman held her head up confidently, as if she was very satisfied with her changed name.

"It's a good sentence that no one in the world knows the king, but I like your temperament." The emperor was even more delighted when he was praised, and he became especially happy when he didn't like this concubine princess at first.

"Come on, prepare a banquet!"

After the emperor's oral order fell, the slaves and maids who were ready immediately got busy.

Mo Junyao's mouth watered when he saw delicious dishes being served one after another.

The emperor personally led the queen and the prince to show the grandeur of our celestial dynasty, while there was no one else in the Western Regions except for the princess.

"Where is the envoy? It is rumored that the king of the Western Regions sent an envoy with extraordinary skills for the safety of the princess. I don't see why he is not there?" Told him to check.

Fanbang's mission came, but they didn't see the leader. If they want to do something to our Celestial Dynasty secretly, it will not be conducive to the friendship between the two countries, and we have to guard against it.

Mo Junyao just stared at the delicacies, and raised her head when she heard this, but her face was indifferent, "Your Majesty, don't bother, you can't find him."

These words obviously have something to say, all the good mood disappeared with these words, the emperor was angry: "What did you say?"

Only then did I hear that the emperor was in a bad mood, and he and his princess hurriedly sat up, "Don't get me wrong, since our Western Regions are sincerely surrendering, we will naturally not use any means in secret. To be honest, the envoy responsible for sending me here is me." Brother Huang, Brother Huang was playful on the way here, and accidentally injured his hand while hunting, didn’t you hear that there is a fairy doctor girl in the capital, and she went to heal her wounds.”

When he was mentioned as a "medical fairy girl", Shangguan Shaochen's face changed, and he got up and was about to start, but was hurriedly held down by Nangong Yizhi beside him.

Nangong Yizhi gave him a calm look.

Shangguan Shaochen knew that no matter how impulsive he was, he had to wait. He was the second prince of the Celestial Dynasty. If he suddenly stood up and set up his card at this time, it would be disrespectful to the princess, so he could only wink at Nangong Yizhi and signaled him to go. check,

Nangong Yizhi is only the son of the eldest son, and this time he appeared at the banquet welcoming the princess and his wife on behalf of Marquis Ning, so his presence or absence does not hurt the family.

Giving him a reassuring look, Nangong Yizhi got the order and quietly left the banquet.

"So that's how it is!" Hearing Mo Junyao's straightforward words, the suspicious emperor immediately let go of his guard, "Although the medical fairy girl is indeed skilled in medicine, the imperial doctor in my palace is also not inferior to her, and I ask the princess to send someone Call the envoy back, with me here, he will be cured as soon as possible."

"It's the emperor." Mo Junyao responded quickly, and immediately ordered the maidservant beside her to call her brother back immediately.

After explaining, she hurriedly turned around again, "Go back to the emperor, can we start eating?"

She is obviously a very well-educated princess, but she looks like a young child, with innocent eyes without any thoughts, which immediately made the emperor laugh.

"It's my negligence. I'm afraid the princess has suffered a lot during the journey. Eat, the banquet has officially begun. Princess, don't be restrained."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Before she finished speaking, a chicken leg was stuffed into her mouth. The princess seemed to see something else, so she hurriedly put down the chicken leg and ate other delicacies.

For her, it seems that all the delicacies on this table have never been seen before. They look fresh and delicious, and she doesn't care about her status as a princess. She eats them in large chunks, which makes people defenseless.

Seeing it, the emperor and everyone were immediately stunned by her rude attitude, but it was also because of her simplicity that the emperor was delighted.

"What a pure and active personality, I like it. If the princess is full, then let's talk about marriage."

The emperor pointed to the surroundings, "Let me introduce to you, all of you here are my emperor's sons, and they are all of marriageable age. I wonder if the princess will be happy?"

Treating Princess Heqin so favorably has made all the princes dumbfounded.

It is obvious that it is a marriage, and the marriage should be decided by the emperor, but because of her pleasing temperament, she has been given such great power, making the princes feel like cabbages in the vegetable garden, and let her be independent. pick.

"Father, the princess and the princess are lively and cheerful, and I feel that he is a good match for the sixth brother. I don't know what the sixth brother thinks?" The seventh prince opened his mouth first, and immediately pushed the princess in front of him.

Everyone knows that Princess Heqin represents the Western Regions, and anyone who marries her will definitely have constant entanglements with the Western Regions in the future, but precisely because the Western Regions are enemy troops, even if they come here with the intention of surrendering, they will definitely not be able to in the future. Be used.

The seventh prince pushed the princess to the sixth prince so bluntly, it was obvious that he deliberately belittled his status, and even mistakenly killed his vigor in front of the emperor.

The sixth prince, who originally didn't want to show off at the banquet, frowned, "Seventh brother, what does this mean? According to my opinion, there are only two female relatives in the Seventh prince's house, and their temperaments are quite different. This is so simple as the princess, but it's still up to you." The seventh prince's mansion is good."

Two people come and go, each has its own opinion.

"Are you talking about who I'm going to marry in the future?" Listening to their quarrel for a long time, Mo Junyao swallowed the food in her mouth, blinking her innocent eyes.

The seventh prince hurriedly said: "Yes, princess. The princess doesn't know something. My sixth younger brother is talented and loves women quite a lot. If you enter the door, you will definitely not be wronged."

The sixth prince was not idle either, "How can I compare to the seventh brother in terms of talent, let alone doting on women, the number of female family members in your mansion alone is enough to tell the degree of affection of the seventh brother, the princess still chooses the seventh prince good."

Feeling that she was being kicked around like a football, and the emperor was still watching a show, Mo Junyao was not happy.

She crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks angrily, "Your Majesty, although I am a married princess, I still have human rights. I heard that the Celestial Dynasty values ​​human rights the most, so how can you disrespect me so much and even push me here?" What about pushing it away? And the emperor just said that I can choose freely, right?"

It turns out that this innocent princess is not a persimmon.

The emperor smiled heartily when he heard the words, "Yes, my dynasty does pay attention to human rights. It seems that the princess doesn't like my two excellent sons. Could it be that she has something to do with her?"

Mo Junyao's eyes scanned the princes, and she raised her lips mysteriously, "I had already thought about it before I came here. I will choose my husband carefully. After all, we came here with great sincerity. My father and lord can say that my marriage has determined the friendly exchanges between the two countries. As long as I live happily, our Western Regions will never be enemies with the Celestial Dynasty. Therefore, I must choose a man I like. Jun, I don’t know if the emperor can approve it.”

She was stunned by her remarks, at least the emperor had never seen such an arrogant and intimate princess.

He tentatively asked, "Then tell me, who did you fall in love with?"'

Mo Junyao's eyes were fixed on a certain person, "Although I'm not sure whether he is my final choice, but walking all the way from the city gate, he is the most pleasing to my eyes."

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