Everyone looked at Shangguan Shaochen in unison.

Everyone including the emperor was very surprised. This blunt and pro-princess would bluntly tell the prince she wanted to marry.

"Oh? The princess has a good eye. Chen'er is the second prince who I just lost and got back. Before I can thank him for the time to share the family relationship, I will be picked by you?"

Although these words were made with a smile, the emperor's eyes flashed a trace of undetermined anger, and he believed that Mo Junyao had seen it.

Of course, the Seventh Prince also captured this displeasure, and of course he did not agree to marry Shangguan Shaochen with his own princess!

If Mo Junyao randomly chooses between him and the sixth child, it will only lower their status and ability because of Fanbang's reasons, but Shangguan Shaochen is different, he will instead use Fanbang's influence to strengthen himself status.

He is now a popular man in front of the emperor. If there is a powerful Fanbang as his backing, then he will be a very strong opponent on the road to the fight.

"The princess is really a pearl of insight, but I'm afraid I will disappoint the princess. Our second brother was finally found by the emperor, and now he is a celebrity by the emperor's side. I am afraid that the emperor will be very reluctant." Seven After the prince finished speaking, he deliberately looked at the emperor. After saying this, not only did he stop Mo Junyao from marrying Shangguan Shaochen, but he also obviously stood on the emperor's side, and won a good reputation for sharing the worries of the army.

"The seventh brother is right. The second brother has just returned to the palace, and there are still many things to be done. I am afraid that he is not in the mood to accept the concubine." The sixth prince looked at the seventh prince proudly, his eyes seemed to say: There are things you can think of , How could this prince not think of it.

Ignoring the provocative gaze of the sixth prince, the seventh prince looked at Mo Junyao with gentle gaze, "The princess is new here, and she doesn't know much about the princes of my celestial dynasty, so why rush to make a decision, why don't you think about it for a while, after all, marriage is not a big deal. It's a child's play, only when you understand thoroughly will you know who is more suitable for you."

"Lao Qi is right. All my princes are dragons among men. You stay in the palace and get to know my princes for a while before you make a decision!" The emperor concluded in time, When he glanced at Lao Liu and Lao Qi, appreciation flashed at the end of his eyes.

Seeing that the father and son disagreed with her marrying Shangguan Shaochen, Mo Junyao became unhappy, "Didn't the emperor just promise that I could choose my own son to marry at will? It turns out that the emperor of the Celestial Dynasty is also a person who doesn't talk too much." .”


It was Shangguan Shaochen who shouted so angrily.

After hearing Mo Junyao's words, he, who had a cold face throughout the banquet, became even more chilled all over his body.

He didn't want to have anything to do with this princess, so he didn't look at her from the beginning to the end, and he didn't even bother to say a word to her, but her words not only humiliated the emperor, but also humiliated the Celestial Dynasty. Can indulge her to continue rampant.

"Father attaches great importance to the diplomatic relations between my dynasty and the Western Regions, so I dote on all kinds of unreasonable demands of my princess, but please understand, my emperor's indulgence to you is not a reason to let you do whatever you want!"

After finishing his sentence, Shangguan Shaochen glanced at her coldly, with a deep look of contempt in his eyes, like looking at garbage.

Mo Junyao saw that not only was he not angry, but he was also interested, "So you look so good when you are angry?"

As soon as this remark came out, several people who were eating at the banquet almost sprayed out, and looking at Mo Junyao, they all seemed to be infatuated.

Soon, Mo Junyao stood up and saluted the emperor, "Don't blame my emperor, it was indeed Yao'er who was talking outrageously just now, and my father and king spoiled me on weekdays, so let Yao'er I just forgot the rules of superiority and inferiority for a while. But please rest assured, the emperor will try her best to abide by this rules every day in the Tian Dynasty from now on, and will never do any rude acts again."

The arrogant look just now turned into a well-behaved little girl again. Even if the emperor wanted to get angry at his questioning just now, there is no reason now.

After all, she has such a straightforward personality.

"Princess, don't be overly restrained. After all, you will marry my emperor in the future. We are a family after all. Although there are many rules in our celestial dynasty, I believe you will learn them quickly with your ice and snow intelligence." The emperor nodded, He motioned her kindly to get up.

Unexpectedly, Mo Junyao immediately acted accordingly, "Then has the emperor agreed to my marriage with the second prince?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked again. Everyone stretched their necks and looked at Mo Junyao, wanting to understand what kind of temperament the girl had.

Could it be that she had secretly promised Shangguan Shaochen for a long time, that's why she bluntly said that she wanted to marry him as soon as she entered the palace?

In other words, this is the purpose of the Western Regions at all. They knew that the Celestial Dynasty valued the Second Prince the most, so they did it on purpose?

"This..." The emperor was a little embarrassed.

Shangguan Shaochen, who had never wanted to show too much limelight at this banquet, had no choice but to look at Mo Junyao again, "The princess is new to the capital, and she doesn't know many things, so I don't mind explaining to you more."

He still had a cold tone, mixed with a lot of impatience, "I already have my own heart, and I will not marry anyone else in this life except her. The princess should choose someone else."

Such a straightforward refusal made Mo Junyao's exquisite smiling face immediately collapse, but soon she returned to normal, "I was just curious about you, but I didn't expect you to reject me. Do you know how many people in the Western Regions licked my toes?" Don't have this chance?"

Really speechless about the thought process of this loving princess, Shangguan Shaochen curled his lips and sneered, "Then the princess has to keep her eyes open and make a good choice. After all, none of the princes in our celestial dynasty is willing to lick your toes."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience roared with laughter, and even the emperor secretly admired Shangguan Shaochen's prowess.

After all, she is a girl, and if he humiliated her so bluntly, an ordinary girl would have cried long ago.

But Mo Junyao didn't care at all, "That's your idea, I'm a princess, as long as you marry me, everything after marriage will be up to me! Of course, don't think that this princess is interested in you, You can get carried away with your complacency, and I will test you slowly."

Turning her head, Mo Junyao looked at the emperor, "Please don't be in a hurry to marry the two of us. Although I really like the second prince, I still have to test him. I want him to marry me willingly."

Facing Mo Junyao's arrogant and naive words, the emperor was stunned.

What kind of environment did this girl grow up in that made her so arrogant and confident in herself.

The emperor wanted to laugh, but felt that it was impolite, so he held back his smile and nodded, "I really admire your bright temper, dare to speak and act, if all the girls in my dynasty are like you, it will be a special scene .Okay, let’s test it slowly, maybe the result will make you change your mind, and it’s not necessarily true.”

If ordinary people know such an answer, they will naturally understand that the emperor's implication is to let her give up that unrealistic idea.

But instead of giving up, Mo Junyao became more determined to conquer Shangguan Shaochen.

She turned her head and said in a voice that could only be heard by two people, "I'm going to fix you, you'd better behave well, so that I will let you have me."

Shangguan Shaochen who was drinking was almost choked by these words.

He let out a cold snort through his nasal cavity, "This is not a place where you dream. I just said that this prince has his own heart and will not marry unless she is the only one. I'm afraid the princess will be disappointed."

Who would have thought that Mo Junyao, who was soft-spoken just now, afraid that others would hear their conversation, suddenly pressed the wine glass on the table, and cried with an 'ow', "Woooooo, you bullied me, Shangguan Shaochen, you villain, you actually bullied me!" This princess!"

At the banquet, today's protagonist suddenly burst into tears, and everyone's eyes immediately turned to Shangguan Shaochen.

Obviously she had a sweet smile just now, but now she is crying like a tearful person, as if he really bullied her.

Shangguan Shaochen frowned, he had a strong feeling in his heart, he was afraid that this concubine princess was straightforward and happy on the outside, but in fact she was deep and fierce inside, and he was afraid that the visitor was not kind and not easy to provoke.

"Making trouble out of no reason!" Shangguan Shaochen gave Mo Junyao a look full of disgust, and got up to leave, just as Nangong Yizhi had returned from outside the palace, but Mo Junyao was holding onto his arm tightly.

"You are not allowed to leave. Today is a banquet to welcome this princess. You are the only future consort that this princess values. As the protagonist, how can you leave first?"

Shangguan Shaochen threw away her arm unceremoniously, "Princess? You are indeed a princess in the Western Regions, but you are a concubine princess, and you will marry the concubine princess from the Celestial Dynasty in the future. I'm sorry, maybe you will become a certain princess." The concubine of a prince, but the prince of my celestial dynasty is definitely not the son-in-law of the Western Regions."

The implication is to tell Mo Junyao not to be too arrogant, after all, she is the one who wants to marry and come here to be the one who bows her head under the eaves.

"You..." Mo Junyao was in a hurry, she was really angry, her white and slender fingers clenched into fists, her eyes stared at Shangguan Shaochen's back like copper bells, she was so angry that she seemed to be able to release thousands of sword.

Seeing this, the emperor cleared his throat in embarrassment, "Princess, don't want to..."

"Your majesty, you don't need to comfort me. I'm not angry. On the contrary, I like the second prince's personality. He's right. It's true that I'm too self-righteous. After all, this is the Celestial Dynasty, not the Western Regions. Don't worry, your majesty, Jun Yao will definitely be your best friend in the future." Excellent daughter-in-law."

After finishing speaking, Mo Junyao got up and saluted respectfully, even though the emperor wanted to say something, he could only nod with a satisfied smile in the end.

But Shangguan Shaochen went straight to Nangong Yizhi without looking back, "How is it?"

"Look for yourself." Nangong Yizhi took a few deep breaths, pointed to the side with his chin, and saw a man with a somewhat familiar figure coming slowly surrounded by guards.

Soon a eunuch reported, "The envoy from the Western Regions has arrived."

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