The envoy of the Western Regions wore a simple mask and a plain suit, which looked refined and refined. His hands behind his back made his temperament more natural, as if he had a natural aristocratic atmosphere. Every step he took was very light, and he seemed to have extraordinary internal strength.

Shangguan Shaochen looked at the envoy carefully for a long time, and he was sure that he was just like the person in his impression, and he didn't return to the banquet immediately because of his appearance.

"It seems that we were thinking too much. This person's arms are intact, not him." Shangguan Shaochen heaved a sigh of relief, "But it was found out, did he really go to Mu'er's clinic?"

Nangong Yizhi nodded, and was about to truthfully report the information he had received. From the corner of his eye, he inadvertently saw the envoy's mask lifted. He opened his mouth in shock, "No, cousin, we didn't think too much about it."

As soon as Nangong Yizhi's voice fell, there were screams from behind. Shangguan Shaochen immediately looked back, and just saw the picture of the envoy from the Western Regions putting on the mask again, but only for a moment, he still recognized it at a glance. The familiar face under the mask.


Shangguan Shaochen was about to rush up immediately, but Nangong Yizhi hurriedly hugged his arms, "What are you doing, cousin?"

"How could he be an envoy from the Western Regions? What is he doing in our Celestial Dynasty, and he went to Mu'er's clinic just now, so I'm going to question him!"

Shangguan Shaochen was very anxious, as long as he thought that this guy went to see Mu'er before entering the palace, Mu'er was very likely to be in danger, his heart hung in his throat again.

"Don't be impulsive." Nangong Yizhi tried his best to comfort him, "Cousin, do you want to understand? Why didn't Amu De die? Why did he get his broken arm back? Why did he go to see Mu'er before coming? Why? Is this envoy him? Besides, what did you tell the princess about the identity of the envoy just now?"

Many questions were circling in his mind, as if the electric shock had shocked Shangguan Shaochen's outside and inside, he didn't recover for a long time.

But he quickly pulled back his thoughts and returned to the banquet. At this time, everyone hadn't recovered from the ferocious face of the envoy from the Western Regions, even though he had put on his mask again and saluted my emperor respectfully. His eyes still looked like an ugly beast.

"Father, I heard that the envoy has entered the palace, and the emperor came to see it, but why do I feel that this envoy looks familiar?" Shangguan Shaochen walked towards Amu De step by step, and the air-conditioning all over his body was even more overwhelming. Glaciers can freeze people instantly.

Boldly accepting his provocative gaze, the envoy of the Western Regions calmly drank a glass of wine, looked at Shangguan Shaochen with a smile and said, "Second prince is right, I have been fighting with you on the frontier battlefield for several months. Amu De, the second prince of the Western Regions, is also Yaoyao's biological brother."

'Wow', after his words fell, there was an instant uproar in the silent banquet.

Everyone, including the emperor, did not expect that the envoy sent to marry the princess this time turned out to be the prince of the Western Regions, and also the general who fought against our Celestial Dynasty.

Logically speaking, this person is an enemy.

No wonder he, a little general, has such great power to surrender to the Celestial Dynasty on behalf of the entire Western Regions.

"How dare you come to our Heavenly Dynasty?" Shangguan Shaochen fisted his hands, with strong hatred for Amu De in his eyes.

Looking at the eyes of everyone wanting to eat her brother, Mo Junyao hugged Amu De's arm affectionately, "My father said that this can show our sincerity in seeking peace in the Western Regions, so I am the general who specially sent to fight against the Celestial Dynasty. The emperor's brother personally came to serve as the envoy, why, isn't the Celestial Dynasty dissatisfied with our behavior?"

Mo Junyao gave everyone the impression that she dared to speak and act, and she held her head proudly, "When two soldiers fight, there is bound to be an injury. Casualties are inevitable. On the battlefield, everyone is an enemy, but now we have made peace and are friends. I won’t be happy if you are looking at my brother Wang like this.”

After finishing speaking, Mo Junyao crossed his arms and put on a menacing look, which made the embarrassing and nervous anger suddenly relax.

Everyone shook their heads and smiled wryly at her, as if they had nothing to do with her, only Shangguan Shaochen remained hostile.

Amu De pushed Mo Junyao away, and rushed to Shangguan Shaochen friendly, parting the corners of his lips, as if with full sincerity, "I am the second prince of the Western Regions, and you are the second prince of the Celestial Dynasty. Second child, is it really a coincidence?"

Shangguan Shaochen grabbed his collar and asked angrily, "Amu De, what kind of tricks are you playing?"

Amu De looked at the emperor unhurriedly. "Your Majesty, is this the courtesy your Celestial Dynasty should treat its envoys?"

The emperor looked at Shangguan Shaochen, then at Amu De, and quickly understood their enmity. While shouting angrily, he sent someone to pull the second prince away, "Presumptuous, Chen'er, you heard it too, this is The sincerity of the Western Regions is why we sent the commander who fought with you here, since my dynasty has decided to form diplomatic relations with the Western Regions forever, the two of you should also shake hands and make peace."

The other party was willing to send a princess to sue for peace, and the letter of surrender was also submitted on the battlefield. Logically speaking, he should not hold on to it anymore, but he was very sure that this Amu De must have come from bad people.

No wonder he voluntarily surrendered, it turned out that everything was in his plan.

But it doesn't matter, this is the Celestial Dynasty, their territory.

"Prince Amu, as your envoy, my Heavenly Dynasty will treat you with the highest courtesy. We have already arranged the palace, and I hope that the envoy will abide by the rules of my Heavenly Dynasty. You must not walk around in the temporary palace." Shangguan Shaochen loosened his grip on his collar. hand, stepped back a few steps, with a wicked smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, his words were somewhat threatening.

Amu De under the mask is always smiling, as if he is easy to talk, "Second Prince, don't worry, I am Amu De knows the rules best, I will never go where I am not allowed to go, and I will never touch things that I am not allowed to touch. The envoys of the Western Regions will certainly consider my reputation in the Western Regions when they do anything."

But after the words fell, he approached him and said in a voice that only two people could hear, "Don't worry, I won't harass Ling Muer again."

The more he talked about not going, the voice behind the words said: He will definitely go,

"You..." Shangguan Shaochen was impatient, and he waved his fist unceremoniously to rush towards him, but Nangong Yizhi hurriedly grabbed him, "Cousin, pay attention to the identity of the occasion."

"What about me?" Amu De deliberately provoked his majesty, "It seems that the second prince of the Celestial Dynasty is not satisfied with my promise just now, why, do you want to hit me?"

After finishing speaking, Amu De turned to look at the emperor, "Your Majesty, the Western Regions have sent me here to seek peace with full sincerity, and sent the most beloved princess of the Western Regions to make peace, but now it seems that the sincerity of the Celestial Dynasty Not enough."

After Amu De finished speaking, he sat on the chair like an uncle, playing with the teacup, looking at Erlang's legs, he didn't regard this place as a banquet at all, as if it was his own bedroom, and this arrogant attitude did not at all regard the emperor of the celestial dynasty as the emperor , as if he is the master here.

"As an envoy from the Western Regions, the first time you come to my court, you should go to the palace to face the saint, but you went to the medical clinic outside the palace. As we all know, the shopkeeper of the medical clinic is the military doctor who followed me to send troops, and he also helped me. The hero of the army's victory. What did you go to the medical hall to silence? Dare to ask the second prince of the Western Regions if this is the sincerity of your Western Regions?"

Shangguan Shaochen deliberately exposed the fact that he went to find Ling Muer in public. Everyone knows that the emperor has valued Ling Muer very much recently, and it was indeed because of her advice on the battlefield that the army won the victory. Ling Muer contributed a lot without.

However, the envoys from the Western Regions went to visit the hero of our army as soon as they came. It is extremely frightening to think about what the purpose of this move is.

All eyes turned to Amu De immediately.

"The news about the second prince of the Celestial Dynasty is really well-informed." Amu De gave him a thumbs up, without any intention of concealing or defending himself, "I did go to the medical clinic, and the purpose was to see the doctor Ling Mu'er in the medical clinic. To be honest, I was very curious about the military doctor on the battlefield, I heard that she is not only a military doctor but also very good at strategic deployment, such a woman with both ability and political integrity, I am curious, right?"

Amu De looked at the emperor with a smile, "The so-called gentle lady is so good, I admit that I am very interested in that woman, can't I?"

He never expected that Amu De would express his affection for Ling Mu'er so bluntly. Shangguan Shaochen tried his best to restrain the anger in his heart, but he couldn't help but slander him in his heart. Could this be the reason for him to announce his surrender?

But from the look in Amu'er's eyes, it can't be seen that his love for Ling Mu'er is infatuated, no, there must be other secrets in it.

"Of course not!" Shangguan Shaochen resisted more resolutely and straightforwardly than him.

"Why?" Amu De was very puzzled, and immediately turned his attention to the emperor, "Could it be that girls from the Celestial Dynasty can't just like them?"

"Because that's my woman!" Before the emperor could reply, Shangguan Shaochen answered decisively first. After he finished speaking, his eyes flashed with a look of feeling that he must win Ling Muer.

"What? You actually like the same girl as my brother Wang?"

The first one to show surprise and want to object was Mo Junyao.

She stood up angrily, with her hands on her hips, "I don't agree, my brother finally fell in love with a girl, how could you snatch it from him? Besides, where do you put this princess?"

Mo Junyao pointed at Shangguan Shaochen's face with his pale index finger and asked angrily, as if he would never give up until he gave an explanation today.

Shangguan Shaochen sneered from his nasal cavity, but what he wanted to say was interrupted by someone who came suddenly.

"After all, the princess is just a princess. My emperor is kind and close to the people, so I let the princess choose her husband freely according to her temperament. But since the Western Regions also came with great sincerity, then they should respect the rules of my dynasty. Who is the future husband? Not necessarily. Then if a man is unmarried or a woman is not married, it is his freedom for the second prince to like whoever he likes, so what does this have to do with the princess, are you right?"

After saluting to the emperor, Su Ce sat in his own seat. Before taking his seat, he quietly winked at the prince who was directly opposite him.

Mo Junyao was very dissatisfied with the sudden appearance of Su Ce, because she didn't know his identity at all, and seeing that he was dressed differently from the other princes, she guessed that he was not a prince, so she ignored him, "Of course I will She respects the rules of the celestial dynasty, but it is rare for my imperial brother to like a woman, she is just a petty doctor, and it is her blessing to be able to follow my imperial brother."

"Oh? According to the princess, if you like it, you have to own it? So you are so arrogant in the Western Regions?"

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